Entertainment: Write songs with your life, the whole network begs me not to die

Chapter 22 Donations to support more than 1 poor college student

Chapter 22 Donations to support more than 100 poor college student
And the sailors are dispatched.

Some fans who originally liked Lin Fan were also shaken.

"It feels like what they said makes sense."

"I think Mr. Lin Fan's price is so low. It seems a bit out of line with the industry rules."

"Yeah, there's no one who doesn't even make money, right? Teacher Lin Fan is such a person?"

"I can understand it, capitalists, I just listen to music, and I don't pursue anything else. Isn't it normal to want to make money?"

"In the final analysis, those who came out to blame Lin Fan for not selling well are no one left. They are not good at themselves, and no one downloads their songs. Do you blame Mr. Lin Fan for breaking the industry rules?"

"Yeah, Mr. Lin Fan is reasonable within the rules, and I did enjoy the discount. A song costs one yuan, and it's cheaper for me to listen to the song. What's wrong? Those who have rhythm, go to the police. !"

Someone questioned Lin Fan.

Some fans stood up to defend Lin Fan.

After all, they did successfully download a song for one yuan.

They are the beneficiaries.

It can't be that other singers don't sell, it's all because of Mr. Lin Fan, right?
If you don't have the ability, you just moan without illness and go crazy with the rhythm?

Many fans remained silent.

Many fans, what they like are songs, so they don't care so much.

However, there are also some fans who like Lin Fan, who are relatively young.

After reading many posts and conspiracy theories, I was also a little disappointed with Lin Fan.

A girl, 13 years old, named Zhang Qi, is very beautiful.

Zhang Qi is a loyal fan of Lin Fan, she likes every song written by Lin Fan very much.

In order to support Lin Fan, she found eight accounts to download three of Lin Fan's songs.

I just feel that Lin Fan's price is too cheap, so I want to download it a few more times to support Lin Fan.

She felt that Lin Fan could write such a nice song, so she should spend more money to support Lin Fan.

Teacher Lin Fan, it's for the sake of fans like them.

But she read a post.

The name of the post is [It’s really not a conspiracy theory, why capitalists like Lin Fan priced songs at one dollar]

The words of Li Zhongke were used in the post.

The post was edited by a man named Shen Gongbao.

[First of all, we are fair and just, and we will never mix any personal feelings. Lin Fan priced the song at one yuan, the pros and cons of it!We only analyze from the actual results, if the analysis is wrong, you can just hit me! 】

[[-]. Increase sales, the more sales, the greater the popularity!The lower the song price, the more people can support downloading! 】

[[-]. Increase popularity and gather fans!It made the fans think that Lin Fan's low price was for the sake of the fans, but it was not the case. Judging from the results, Lin Fan's popularity has increased a lot! 】

[Three, strong core competitiveness!Compete with songs of the same type, and get a huge advantage of low price!Let more people download his songs! 】

[[-]. Although the unit price is lower, has Lin Fan made less money?No, Lin Fan earned more!Because sales have gone up! 】

[[-]. Lin Fan is not a mere composer, he is a businessman!He is a capitalist!No one really thinks that businessmen and capitalists come out to do charity, right?No, no, no, no?Do you believe it?Lin Fan wrote songs just to make money!So those who think that Lin Fan came out to do charity, you can stop for a while, don't wash your masters, and see how many composers' songs can't sell, it is because of the impact brought by Lin Fan, this is the truth!Lin Xiaozi really has so many? 】

Zhang Qi finished reading this post.

She thinks this post makes sense.

She wanted to refute, but couldn't.

This post is right in one sentence.

Lin Fan is a composer and a businessman
How could a businessman not make money?

As long as you make money, there is always a reason why the song is priced at one dollar.

As for the reason. To take care of their fans?

Does anyone believe it?

In Zhang Qi's heart, he was instantly disappointed with Lin Fan.

"I didn't expect that Teacher Lin Fan, whom I have always admired, turned out to be such a person!"

"Just a businessman!"

Zhang Qi also left a comment below the post.

Start today, turn your fans!
She still listens to Lin Fan's songs.

But deep down, she didn't like Lin Fan at all.

Lin Fan disappointed her too much.

If you write songs normally, that's okay.

Engage in so many conspiracies and tricks?Are you crazy about money?
For a while, there were more attacks on Lin Fan on the Internet.

Of course, there are quite a lot of fans who support Lin Fan.

The whole network started a scolding war.

The rhythm of the navy took off.

at the same time.

Su Xiaoyu also knew about these things.

After Su Xiaoyu saw these remarks on the Internet, she was also very angry in her heart.

She wanted to find out who played the rhythm.

If she finds out, the other party must pay the price!

It's just that she doesn't have time.

Van Gogh doesn't have much time left.
She wants to use this time to sing well the songs written by Brother Fan.

She takes care of Lin Fan every day.

But she didn't care about what the comments on the Internet said, what the Shuijun said.

She just wanted to be with Lin Fan and Brother Fan every day.

Everything else is not important anymore.

"Brother Fan, are you awake?"

"I'm going to sing the song "Love You" tonight, you must watch it, it's live on TV." Su Xiaoyu smiled sweetly, right next to Lin Fan.

"Well, I will." Lin Fan said.

"Xiaoyu, how much did I earn from those songs these days?" Lin Fan asked.

"More than 1000 million, Brother Fan is super powerful." Su Xiaoyu said.

"Well, donate it all for me." Lin Fan smiled. It's meaningless for him to keep the money. Donate it all. On the one hand, it can help those in need, and on the other hand, it can also get some health points.

"it is good."

Su Xiaoyu's eyes were red, she walked out of the ward, and immediately arranged for someone to do something.

People on the Internet are all talking about Lin Fan as a capitalist.

But Brother Fan wanted to donate all the money!

Soon, the money was donated.

For the more than 1000 million yuan, Su Xiaoyu chose to donate more than 100 impoverished college students.

Including tuition fees, living expenses, and many other expenses during their college years.

There are many poor college students from poor families who cannot afford to go to school.

The more than 1000 million earned by Lin Fan was donated through channels.

When the donation center saw that Mr. Lin donated more than 1000 million, it was a little shocked.

A few days ago, Mr. Lin just donated 800 million.

Now Mr. Lin is here to donate again!

Donate more than 1000 million this time!

Donate to needy college students!
Immediately, the donation center announced the matter!

"Mr. Lin donated more than 1000 million to more than 100 impoverished college students!"

when announced.

The whole network exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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