Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 55

In the car.

The girls all looked at Martin, waiting for him to make a decision.

But when the girls' eyes met, there seemed to be a deep meaning. Martin, who was immersed in his thoughts, did not notice this.

"Martin, what do you say?"

"Well, let's go to Lindsay's house"

"Wow, that's great, you're all staying at my house tonight, sleeping in my room.

Jessica hurriedly said:"I have no problem.""

Dorothy:"That's okay with me. Martin felt something was wrong, but he was still immersed in Lindsay's sad future and didn't think much about it. He also said:"Okay, I'll sleep on the floor.""


Lindsay was extremely happy.

Although it was Jessica's idea to invite Martin this time, Lindsay did feel lonely in this home.

If it weren't for friends like Jessica, Dorothy, and Martin, She really wanted to run away from home.

Martin's car stopped in front of Lindsay's small villa

"Do you need me to stay here? I can sleep in the car. Gordon asked.

Martin waved his hand and said:"No, the security here is pretty good. Come pick me up tomorrow morning.""

"Okay, my phone will stay open."In order to facilitate contact, Gordon was also equipped with a mobile phone.

In the 1990s, even in the United States, mobile phones were valuable items.

Watching Gordon leave.

Martin turned back and laughed loudly:"Girls, let's go visit Lindsay. Home!"

Lindsay's home is a small villa, rented, with a good environment. The neighbors are all wealthy middle-class families. The rent money was earned by Lindsay from advertising, including her school fees.

"Come on, please come and visit my home."

Lindsay opened the door excitedly.

Then she saw the wine bottles piled up in the living room.

Going to the kitchen, there were still wine bottles everywhere, some of them still had liquor left in them, and the room was filled with a strong smell of wine..

Living in such an environment, it is no wonder that Lindsay will become addicted to alcohol in the future.

Lindsay was not surprised. After leading everyone to visit the first floor, she smiled and said:"Please ignore the first floor, this is not mine." turf."

Coming to the second floor, there are three rooms on the second floor, including Lindsay's younger brother and sister's room and her own room. His parents live in the downstairs bedroom.

"Dang dang dang, this is my room, please come in."

Lindsay's bedroom is not big, about fifteen square meters, but the decoration inside is very warm.

A small desk, a small bed, a small cabinet, a small chair, and many, many dolls.

On Lindsay's small bed, Martin also I saw a Kung Fu Panda puppet.

Since the book became popular, Kung Fu Panda peripherals have sold very well. Just licensing the peripherals has made Martin a lot of money.

"I now sleep with Bao in my arms every day."

Lindsay threw herself on the bed, picked up Fat Bao, who was almost as tall as her, and then rolled on the bed.


Dorothy coughed a few times, trying to remind Lindsay that she was gone, but out of the corner of her eye, But when he saw Martin turning his attention to the desk on the other side, he didn't say anything.

Martin was curiously looking at the open book on the desk, which was full of text and also had some childish illustrations. At first glance, it was Lindsay's. handwriting

"Lindsay, are you writing a novel as well? Martin pointed to the desk and asked,"Can I have a look?""

Due to the arrival of her friend, Lindsay, who was rolling excitedly on the bed, suddenly screamed, jumped up, rushed to the desk, closed the notebook, and hid it behind her.

"No, you can’t read it. This is not a novel. It is something I wrote randomly."

Lindsay's movements are not bad, her reactions are not bad, but she has a spy!

Jessica quietly walked around behind Lindsay and snatched the notebook away.

"ah——!"Lindsay screamed and tried to grab it.

"Dorothy, come and help."Jessica yelled

"I'm coming."

The girls started to fight... that scene made Martin watch it with relish, it was so beautiful!

A few minutes later, Lindsay was pressed under the body by the tall and long-legged Dorothy, her face was flushed, and she was panting violently.

And Jessica Shiran walked to the bedside, opened the book in her hand, and said with a smile:"Let's read the novel written by Lindsay."

Then she began to read

"In 1992, the Navy's sonar system detected a whale with a strange sound in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean."

"Some people poetically call the sounds made by whales"whale songs", which is how whales communicate and communicate with each other. The vocal frequency of ordinary whales is generally between 15 Hz and 40 Hz, but the vocal frequency of this whale is 52 Hz, so people named it 52-hertz whale (52-hertz whale).)"

"The 52 Hertz whale is over twenty years old. For more than twenty years, the 52 Hertz whale has never been with other whales, swimming alone in the endless ocean."

"Because it is the only whale in the world that sings at this frequency, other whales cannot understand or even hear the sound it makes."

"It's the loneliest whale in the world"

"My name is Catherine, I am 11 years old"

"Sometimes, I feel like my life is like that 52 Hertz whale - swimming alone in the sea, no one wants to listen to what I am saying, no one wants to know what I need.……"

"Until one day I met a boy named Matt……"

"He is very good at telling stories, and they are original stories. They are very exciting, even more exciting than those best-selling books sold in bookstores.……"

"He is willing to listen to me, even if what I say are things that only naive little kids like to hear, he is still willing to listen.……"

"The day he admitted that we were good friends, I was really happy……"

The room became quiet, Dorothy and Lindsay hugged each other quietly and lay on the bed.

Jessica leaned on the head of the bed and read slowly, her eyes wandering over Lindsay and Martin from time to time.

Martin sat down on the floor, held his chin in one hand, and listened quietly.

"In the past, I walked alone, took a car alone, went shopping alone, cooked alone, read alone, went to class alone, studied alone, and dazed alone... I was very lonely!"

"Now, I still walk alone, ride alone, go shopping alone, cook alone, and read alone. But I can see Martin (blackout) Matt in class, and I can also see Matt in self-study. , when I am alone in a daze, all I think about is Matt... I no longer feel lonely."

"If life is a boat, then I don’t need anyone else on my boat. Matt is enough to accompany me.……"

When Jessica read the last word, the room was quiet for a moment.


Dorothy:"Okay Lindsay, tell me, is this a love letter you wrote to Martin!!!"

Jessica:"Lindsay, you are going too far. You don't even have Tao and I in your book." Lexi!!!"

The two girls pounced on Lindsay again

"ah——!"Lindsay screamed and said harshly:"No, no, the characters are all made up by me. It's Matt, not Martin, it's Katherine, not Lindsay, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no, I'm itching, Martin, help me Ah!"

The story is just a story, but Martin can hear the loneliness of a little girl in it, and the pity in his eyes is even stronger.

At this time, hearing Lindsay's cry for help, Martin naturally couldn't just sit back and ignore it, of course he wanted to join in.

"Haha, Rogue Martin is here!"

Martin threw himself among the girls.

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