Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 45

Martin and Bruce Willis had a great relationship on set.

Part of this is because the two of them are deliberately close because of their role relationship.

Part of it is because Martin is mature and stable without any childishness, and Bruce Willis is also a gentle person. One is sophisticated and the other has a good temper, so he is naturally easy to get along with.

You may not imagine that Bruce, the tough guy on the screen, has a very good temper in private, and is even too gentle. This may be related to his childhood experience.

Bruce was born in West Germany in 1955. His mother is German and his father is an American soldier stationed in Germany.

At that time, the aftermath of World War II was still lingering and the Cold War had begun.

Amid the turmoil, Bruce's father retired from the military and the family moved back to New Jersey, United States.

Many people cannot imagine that Bruce, who has dominated the big screen with his tough guy image, spent his childhood being bullied by his classmates.

Bruce Willis has suffered from a stutter since he was 6 years old.

This flaw made Bruce feel inferior, and the disappointment shown by his parents put a huge burden on his young mind.

He didn't get enough care at home, and when he went to school, he had to endure even more insults - he was given the extremely insulting nickname"Aba Aba (buck-buck)" by his classmates.

Later, he once said this classic statement in public:"Children can also be very bad."

He expressed his past pain.

From this sentence, you can imagine how badly Bruce was bullied in his childhood.

This experience also led to his later character being somewhat cowardly, which was in huge contrast to his image as an action movie star.

(PS: Bruce Willis had a nickname before he became famous, called"The Gentle Big Man".)

However, Bruce was not defeated by the external environment. He began to work hard to change the way he spoke, and tried his best to Fight his stutter.

Later, he accidentally discovered that his stuttering would be relieved as long as he performed in front of an audience on stage.

So he simply joined the drama club and fell in love with acting out of hand.

This persistence made his charm initially emerge."Abba Abba", who was bullied all day long, counterattacked and became the president of the student union in high school.

Finally, after Bruce graduated from high school, Bruce, who was the president of the student union + president of the drama club, smoothly became a security guard.

This is real life, not mindless fiction.

The gift of fate to Bruce has not arrived so soon.

After working as a security guard for a year, Bruce finally got bored and felt that the job had no future.

So he became a full-time salesman.

But after working as a salesman for a while, he found that he still liked acting, so he made up his mind to turn his career to drama.

He enriched himself by studying drama at Montclair State University in New Jersey.

During this period, he starred in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

In 1977, he graduated from college and moved to Manhattan, New York. He finally transformed from an amateur performer into a professional bartender, serving tea and water to people.

After a period of hard work, I successfully upgraded myself to a bartender behind the bar.

How can I put it, the goddess of fate just likes to play tricks on people.

Fortunately, Bruce Willis still didn't give up. In addition to his job as a bartender, he auditioned for various major drama groups and got some small roles.

Of course, during this period, he must have paid a lot, sleeping with others or being slept with, this is normal.

In 1985, his chance finally came.

After securing the casting of a female director, Bruce Venezia fought his way through a competition of 3,000 people and won the lead role in the TV series"Blue Moonlight Detective Agency".

Bruce Willis also won an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award for this TV series.

Relying on the huge fame this TV series brought him, Bruce Willis finally successfully knocked on the door of movies.

In 1987, he starred in his first romantic comedy film——《Blind Appointment".

Well, the box office was mediocre.

Immediately afterwards, he starred in a Western movie——《Sunset".

Well, it was still mediocre at the box office.

Neither film brought any good changes to Bruce's career.

Until the action movie"Die Hard" came knocking.

Bruce Willis finally found his niche - tough guy, action star.

Since then, he has been out of control and has established himself as an A-level superstar.

Bruce's catchphrase in"Die Hard" is"YippeeKiYaymotherf"***er" has become one of the most famous lines in film history.

In a poll launched by Premiere magazine in 2007, he was selected as one of the"100 Greatest Movie Lines".

Regarding Bruce Venezia's experience, Martin admires him.

In his opinion, everyone who is not willing to succumb to fate is worthy of respect.

But this person's future in the original timeline is also disappointing.

Maybe he really answered that sentence, Every gift from fate has a price secretly marked on it. In

March 2022, aphasia came to Bruce Willis, forcing this aging film industry tough guy to tearfully announce his retirement from the film industry.……

"Martin, Martin, are you ready?"M·Nate Shyamalan shouted.

Martin made an OK gesture

"OK, let’s get started!"

Two cameras were running at the same time, one filming the scene of Martin in the house, and the other waiting outside the house to film the scene after Martin opened the door. In the house, M. Night Shyamalan's eyes were fixed on the camera.

Although this shot Very short, but very important, Martin needs to show Cole's fear and grievance, which is not simple.

Because Martin's temperament is too sunny, Shyamalan is not sure whether he can express Cole's little boy's gloom and grievance. Cowardly.

But soon, he found that his worries were unnecessary.

Just after he shouted"start", Martin's temperament suddenly changed, and the sunshine and confidence that permeated his body disappeared, and a timid little boy appeared. in front of everyone

"my Lord!"

Shyamalan was deeply shocked. Martin in the camera looked like a different person.

He trotted to the door, opened the door, stuck his head out, and began to look out. He was filled with fear. , hesitation and caution come to your face through the lens

"This is a God-given talent."

Shyamalan's eyes widened.

Bruce Willis, who was watching, also had the same expression.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)

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