Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1063

The time came to six o’clock.

The sky became slightly darker.

The sun is still high in the sky, but the temperature on the earth has dropped slightly.

Makarila Doe took his bodyguard to a pool and prepared to swim in the water to cool off.

If it were a few hours ago, they would not have dared to do this. At that time, the temperature in this very shallow pool was over 40 degrees, and jumping into it would definitely not be a pleasant thing.

But it’s much better now. The water temperature in the pool has dropped to less than 20 degrees, which is at least lower than the temperature outside the pool.

“Your Mightiness! Look, what is that?”

Makarila Doe, who was enjoying the water in the pool, suddenly heard the exclamations of the soldiers on the shore.

He looked in the direction of the soldiers’ fingers.

The next second, a huge roar roared.

In the sky, a”steel monster” roared ferociously, descending rapidly from a high altitude and swooping towards his military camp.

Macarilla Doe could clearly see two people below the”steel monster”. A small black dot fell accurately on his own military camp.

Then, a huge explosion sounded.


“Damn it, it’s an airstrike!”

Makarila Doe is still a bit knowledgeable. At this moment, she jumped out of the pool in fear. She didn’t even bother to put on her clothes and ran in the opposite direction of the military camp.

The boss ran away, and a dozen of his relatives The soldiers also started running.

After Karrag Ritz completed the bombing, he was about to climb up and send two more missiles to the military camp when the voice of the deputy in the rear cabin came from his helmet.

“Carragher, there’s someone on the left at 12 o’clock.”

Karag Riz turned his head and looked around.

Just a few of Macarilla Doe’s soldiers were shooting at the sky with their AKs in fear.

“It’s militants.”

Karrag Ritz pulled the control stick, and the Phantom turned around nimbly, and the Vulcan cannon under the cabin began to spit out tongues of fire.

M61″Vulcan” multi-barreled cannon, this 20 mm large-caliber multi-barreled cannon , the maximum rate of fire reached 7,000 rounds per second, and the kinetic energy of the bullets could easily tear apart the armor of tanks, let alone people.

As the bullets poured down like a waterfall, the running soldiers on the ground turned into one. Exploding blood flowers.

Macarilla Doe just looked back and screamed in fright at the sight of his own soldiers exploding in front of his eyes.

He had never seen such a terrifying sight in his life.

“demon! It’s a devil!!!”

The next second!


Macarilla Doe turned into a ball of blood mist.

The plane circled several times at low altitude.

After confirming that there were no survivors, Karag Ritz pulled the control stick, and the Phantom climbed. Then two missiles were launched.

After emptying the”magazine”, Karag Ritz drove the”relaxed” Phantom back to Guinea.

“What, this solves it? We just provide a location!”

George Weah looked surprised

“Your Excellency, Guinea dispatched its air force, and Macarilla Doe and his bodyguards were all killed. said a middle-aged black man in a suit.

“Are you sure Macarilla Doe is dead?”George Weah asked nervously

“Well, the body had been blown into pieces, but our people found half of his face at the scene and confirmed his identity from the ‘gold teeth’ in his mouth.”

“died? That’s good.”George Weah breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he pondered.

Air Force?!

Is Guinea already so strong?

It seems that it is best to agree to those conditions.


Domestic United States

《Aquaman” is roaring at the box office.

Trump was troubled.

No, it should be said that he has been troubled since he came to power, but the trouble has only increased over the years.

The first is that economic development has not met expectations.

At the beginning of this year, Trump vowed to list the five major policy priorities for 2018, namely economy and employment, infrastructure construction, immigration reform, foreign trade and national security.

In 2018, the U.S. economic growth rate was between 2.4% and 2.7%, which was better than the 1.5% in 2016 and the 2.3% in 2017, but it did not reach the 4% promised by Trump.

But this didn’t bother Trump too much.

In terms of infrastructure construction, at the beginning of the year, Trump called on Congress to provide at least US$1.5 trillion in funding for government infrastructure projects. He also asked states, local governments and private enterprises to work together to”make up for America’s infrastructure deficiencies” once and for all.

However, after one year, this goal has only been achieved a small step.

We know that in March 2018, the two parties only agreed on a US$200 billion infrastructure plan, and there is still a long way to go.

The immigration issue was in fact one of the focal points of American politics in 2018. The Democratic and Republican parties clashed on this issue many times, leading to two short-term shutdowns of non-core departments of the federal government.

In his State of the Union address, Trump reiterated the Democratic Party’s plan to”legalize” illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as children in exchange for funding for the U.S.-Mexico border wall.

·· ·······Asking for flowers···· ······

The fact is that as of today, the above problems remain unsolved, and Trump is willing to threaten another government shutdown in order to force the Democratic Party to allocate $5 billion for the US-Mexico border wall.

In addition, the”travel ban” that caused huge controversy during the year was upheld by the Federal Supreme Court.

However, the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration has led to the phenomenon of”family separation” and the deployment of troops to the southern border to block the”caravan” of immigrants, which has raised questions in the United States about whether this country is still an”immigration country”. discuss.

Some people feel that Trump has begun to close the United States.

Some people also feel that the white population ratio in the United States is gradually decreasing, and there is no need to accept new immigrants.

There is also foreign trade.

This is Trump’s biggest bet this year and the policy that has caused the most controversy.

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Throughout 2018, the United States can be said to have ignited”tariff wars” everywhere, which essentially reflects the extremely paranoid and”win-or-lose” trade views of Trump and a few people around him.

Although this idea is opposed by most mainstream economists, Trump stubbornly favors it, and with the vigorous promotion of Lighthizer and Navarro, it has become a tool for the United States to try to safeguard its own economic interests.

However, the result of the”tariff war” is that the United States not only failed to reduce its”trade deficit”, but also caused large-scale turmoil in the financial market. The negative impact of this trade protectionist policy is gradually emerging.

As for diplomacy, the American government under Trump continues to”withdraw” from the group, highlighting its nationalistic”America First” principle.

Since the beginning of the year, the United States has withdrawn from international mechanisms and institutions, including: the Iran Nuclear Agreement, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Paris Climate Agreement, announced the launch of the process of withdrawing from the Universal Postal Union, and is considering formally withdrawing from the”Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces” signed with the former Soviet Union. treaty”.

At the same time, Trump is still clamoring that if the United States does not receive benefits, it will withdraw from the”International Monetary Fund” next year.”、””World Trade Organization”.

However, Trump’s withdrawal from the group did not allow the United States to gain more benefits. On the contrary, it greatly damaged its international prestige.

Ross quickly stepped in, and China also took the opportunity to attack on all sides internationally and gained A lot of goodwill. And this also makes the voice of expanding the scope of the”Tongge Gate” investigation become louder.

This is what troubles Trump the most.

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