Entertainment: No Money to Surf the Internet, Forced to be a Top Dtreamer!

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: I Have Crossed Mountains, Rivers, Seas, And People~ [Kneeling And Begging For Flowers To

Chapter 26: I have crossed mountains, rivers, seas, and people~ [Kneeling and begging for flowers to reward evaluation tickets! 】

“I have crossed mountains and seas

Also through the crowd

everything i ever had

Disappearing like smoke

I have been disappointed

Lost all directions…”

The song reached its climax and everyone resonated!


They have also crossed mountains and seas, and crossed crowds of people.

But in the end, he still became a member of the crowd.

became a sea of people.

In the past, there were also many things.

Friendship, opportunity, love…

It has everything, but in the end it will continue to pass over time until it is scattered like smoke…

Gradually everything was lost.

In the face of various setbacks and difficulties, I have also been disappointed and disappointed.

I don’t know when, all directions have been lost.

Finally fell into endless confusion.

become a common man.

Yet at this moment.

They heard the next lyric, and all thoughts were relieved.

“Until you see the ordinary

That’s the only answer…”

Ordinary is the only answer!


Everyone is ordinary, and only ordinary life is their only answer.


When they looked at Qin Feng, as if through the singing, they felt Qin Feng’s depression.

It seems that he has finished watching Qin Feng’s ordinary life.

I have always been a salted fish mentality, thinking that I am no different, just like everyone else, just an ordinary person.

“Actually, you are not ordinary at all!” Everyone shouted loudly.

Perfect tacit understanding!

This is what is in their hearts.

Shout out in unison!

This sound is not only for Qin Feng.

What they said about themselves, about their past, and about their future!

Everyone is ordinary, but everyone is not ordinary at all!

The singing continues.

“When you’re still fantasizing

your tomorrow viavia

Will she be better or worse

Another day for me…”

Everyone’s heart can’t help but be touched, will ‘she’ be okay? Or worse?

Tomorrow is always unknown.

Later also…

Even if it is ordinary, everyone will fantasize about the days to come, and they also fantasize about the future.

It turns out that the longing that I once had when I was young still exists to this day!

Just buried in my heart.

until now.

Because of this song, it finally came out.

Everyone can’t help but recall their own life, as if at this moment, everyone accepts their ordinary.

Even ordinary…

That is also a wonderful life!

At this time, the tune suddenly became excited, like a spark of fire ignited in an instant!

“I’ve ruined everything

just want to leave forever

I once fell into the boundless darkness

want to struggle can not extricate themselves

i used to be like you

like the weeds and wildflowers

desperate and longing

I cry and laugh as well…”

The climax of the whole song ignited again, and everyone trembled, which resonated deeply!

Who has never given up?

Who has never regretted it?

Who hasn’t longed for it?

Various emotions burst out, turning into tears that flowed out of the eye sockets, smeared across the cheeks, and finally dripped on the ground.

Even though he was born ordinary, he was once extraordinary!

“The Ordinary Road…”

Du Ping stood behind the scenes, his face was already wet with tears, and his nose felt sour.

In everyone’s impression, he is the founder of Meige Air Conditioning, a CEO worth over 100 million, and a successful entrepreneur…

But no one knew the setbacks and sufferings he went through.

No one knew his bitterness.

No one knows that he used to be an ordinary teenager who could only stare blankly at the sky and look forward to the future…

Although he has worked so hard to get to where he is today, he has reached a point that many people can only look at, and has become a super rich that many people can’t imagine.


He used to be a boy too!

Also an ordinary ordinary person!

An ordinary person who was born in a rural family and only played with mud when he was a child!

So is he not an ordinary person now?

No, he is just luckier, harder, and more ambitious than others, just an ordinary person!

“Just go forward

even if given

just go forward

even if something is taken away

just go forward

Even if I miss something…”

The tone calmed down, as if he had just finished a dream.

Waking up now.

And they will continue to move forward.

Even if he is an ordinary person!

Even if what was given, what was taken away, what was missed…

But they also have to move forward.


This is their life!

This is the way they are going!

Ordinary way!

“It’s me

The only way to go

time is like smoke

Tomorrow is viavia…”

The piano sound slowly stopped, and Qin Feng’s voice became lower and lower.

It is like a person who struggles desperately and resists constantly when faced with difficulties.

until the facts are recognized.

at last……

chose to give up.

Because this is the only way they have to go, the ordinary way!

There is still a long way to go, and tomorrow still exists.

All have to accept this reality.

“The way the wind blows is still far

Where is your story…”

Qin Feng walked away and sang softly.

No one felt any awkwardness, everyone’s eyes were already wet, and they couldn’t cry!

The road is still far.

This ordinary road is still very long, and the story of life is not over yet.

Nor will it end!

Everyone has to keep going!

The story continues!

Song, finished.

But life goes on…

When they first started singing, everyone recalled the past, and their faces showed tenderness and longing.

So now,

There is only maturity left on their faces!

As the voice fell, this also announced the official end of the concert, but no one left, and no one got up.

Even, no one stood up.

They all kept silent, still reminiscing about the song “Ordinary Road” just now.

It’s like tasting a delicious meal.

Now aftertaste, it is another kind of taste, and another kind of feeling!

Stimulate their taste buds again!

It turns out that each of us is destined to be “ordinary”!


That’s what life is all about!

It is precisely because all kinds of ‘ordinary’ people gather and intersect with each other that such ‘uncommon’ things can happen!

It turns out that ordinary is the only answer!

The audience remained silent, no one spoke, Qin Feng also held the microphone tightly in his hand, and his mood was constantly fluctuating.

Everyone maintained a special tacit understanding.

The lights are on.

The concert is still coming to an end.

It’s like ‘Go forward, just go, even if you miss something…’ in the lyrics

They have to keep going! .

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