Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 70

Chapter 71: True And False One

Thinking of finally seeing Zhao Duanze’s appearance, Mercury sighed, but didn’t care much. He is an adult, and now the Zhao family is on the right track. With his skill, he can naturally live well. He has suffered such a big loss in the hands of Uncle Sheng, and her death will teach him to always be cautious.

As for the death of a sister, no matter how sad you are, when things change, the feelings will gradually fade. After all, he was not the kind of man who was so fragile that he would commit suicide after losing his sister. Of course, the older brother that Mercury had taught himself would not underestimate him.

Mercury thought clearly, calm and even cold. For her, in these worlds where the false and the true are intertwined, it is undoubtedly pitiful to not be able to stay awake, and she does not want to be reduced to that situation.

Be it Yao Xin in the past, and Zhao Duanze now, both have their own world and their own life, but they will walk with her on her journey by fate. After all, they have to separate. Continue to move forward on her own life path, and she will continue to walk to see what is waiting for her at the end of these false worlds.

In view of the unfriendly system, Mercury tacitly agreed that a world would be treated worse than another world, and she had been waiting for pain to come since she entered this new world, but this time, she opened her eyes, But only felt comfortable.

The warm and bright sunlight shines on her through the clean glass window, the fan is humming softly, and the slight sound is mixed with the jingle of a wind chime by the window.

From far away, there was the laughter of children on the street, the shouting of neighbors, and the sound of bicycle bells and car horns. When she regained consciousness, the lively human fireworks poured into her ears, and the long-lost various voices suddenly dragged her out of the last silent world.

I haven’t heard a sound for a long time, Mercury sat up and closed his eyes and listened for a while, then slowly opened his eyes.

This is a blue and white girl’s room, although the room is not big and looks a bit old, but clean and tidy. On the table were neatly arranged textbooks for junior high school and first year of high school, and on the corner of the table was a green glass bottle with a bunch of wild chrysanthemums growing by the roadside.

It looks so beautiful.

——Unfortunately, the plot is not very good.

Sitting in the sun, listening to the various sounds around her, she read the script of the world in her mind.

In simple terms, this is a story of a civet cat changing a prince, a true and false lady.

Ten years ago, the wife of the Luo family was pregnant, and at the same time their nanny Yunping was also pregnant, but the father of Yunping’s child was unknown, and everyone said she was spoiled. pregnant, Yunping insisted on giving birth to the child. The Luo family’s wife is kind-hearted and takes good care of Yun Ping. Even because the two were pregnant at about the same time, after knowing that she had no other relatives, she even let her stay at the Luo family’s house to give birth.

Coincidentally, the two gave birth to their children on the same day, and they were both baby girls. If the story only ends here, then there is nothing to say, but Yun Ping was obsessed for a while and wanted her daughter to live a better life, so she secretly exchanged the two baby girls, and the daughter she gave birth became Luo Jiabei The pampered lady, the real Miss Luo family, is regarded by her as her daughter.

In order to prevent things from being exposed, Yun Ping left Luo’s house with her child and found another job. After that, she and her daughter Yun Qingkong lived with each other for more than ten years, until Yun Qingkong was admitted to Nanshi No. 1 Middle School with excellent grades and met Luo Nian, the little princess of the Luo family.

Luo Nian has a arrogant and domineering personality, but he likes He Chuping, an old friend of the Luo family, and has a crush on him for many years. And He Chuping is the youngest and handsome teacher of Nanshi No. 1 Middle School, who happens to be teaching Yun Qingsky. Because of her excellent grades, she pays special attention to her, so Luo Nian is not happy, and he has been targeting Yun Qingsky.

He Chuping helped Yun Qingkong many times, and the two gradually fell in love with each other. However, their identities prevented them from expressing their feelings for each other. The two agreed to wait until graduation to officially be together. Luo Nian accidentally bumped into their conversation and was unwilling to hand over his sweetheart, so he tried to get He Chuping drunk, seduced him, and had a relationship with him, so that He Chuping had to marry her.

Yun Qingkong was betrayed by her lover. She was in great pain. She suffered from mental illness and wanted to commit suicide. Yunping and her had a deep relationship with her for many years. At Pinghe Luo Nian’s wedding, he told what happened back then, revealed the identities of the two children, and prevented the wedding.

But at this time, Luo Nian was pregnant. In the end, Luo Nian gave birth to He Chuping’s child and committed suicide. The Luo family recognized Yun Qingkong and let her and He Chuping marry again and jointly raise the children left by Luo Nian.

–a “happy” ending to universal values. Good people endure hardships and find happiness, while bad people are slaughtered.

But when the skin of the whole story is lifted, Mercury only sees countless unpleasant compromises.

I can’t tell if the clear sky is more pitiful or Luo Nian is more pitiful.

Yun Qingkong was supposed to live a prosperous life, but was secretly replaced by a poor life, she did not blame Yunping at all because of her years of upbringing, and quickly forgave her, still treat her as a mother. Her lover, He Chuping, was indecisive, and after having a relationship with Luo Nian, she was still in contact with her, which made her depressed, but in the end, she forgave He Chuping and married him after Luo Nian died. Her whole person is a capital forgiveness.

And Luo Nian, she lived as she wished for the past ten years, and was spoiled by the Luo family as a “bad girl”. The person she likes doesn’t love her. Her parents and brother who once loved her abandoned her without hesitation after discovering her true identity. Her biological mother also loves Yun Qingkong even more. Her relatives, husband and daughter eventually became Yun Qingkong. And everyone thinks she deserves more than she deserves. So she committed suicide in despair.

The two heroines in this story are paying the price for Yun Ping’s fault.

Mercury stood up, walked to the table and flipped through the high school textbook. In the previous world, I was used to traditional calligraphy in vertical layout, but I was a little unaccustomed to seeing this familiar printed calligraphy.

According to the plot, she will soon enter Nanshi No. 1 Middle School and meet He Chuping and Luo Nian. However, there was no fluctuation in Mercury’s heart. It didn’t matter to her what happened to the plot. She could live it as she wanted.

The so-called sadistic and romantic plot, as long as there is no love, it will not be able to be abused. It just so happens that she has no love for the few in this story.

She is concerned about how she wants to live in this world and her current body.

Going out and walking twice on the street full of the atmosphere of the 1900s, Mercury only confirmed that the frail and sick setting that he had lasted in two worlds seemed to have disappeared. This made her puzzled. Shouldn’t the system be so understanding and let her rest for a world?

Yunping came back in the evening. She worked as a cleaner in a hotel. After she came back, she cooked a meal. At the dinner table, she found that her daughter was very quiet tonight.

“What’s the matter, clear sky, are you nervous about going to high school tomorrow?” Yun Ping is a very gentle and hard-working woman, the kind of person who looks simple and kind and will never do bad things. She nagged like all mothers, and said to her daughter, “Don’t worry, your grades are so good, you have also previewed the first year of high school in the summer vacation, and you will definitely be able to take the first place in the first middle school.”

Yun Qingkong’s grades have been very good since she was a child, which is what makes Yun Ping most proud. Although their family was poor, the daughter she taught was no worse than anyone else.

Mercury replied briefly, not feeling much about this world without difficulty. I haven’t met Luo Nian and He Chuping’s Yun Qingsky yet. The most nervous thing is to study. With her, this problem is not a problem. Her grades in the original world were very good. In the last world, she was also a top student from childhood to adulthood. As an adult, she has the self-control and learning ability, and it is easy to cope with this stage of learning.

In her eyes, this world is not even half as troublesome as the last one. At least the previous world had an era that limited her, and there were physical defects. What was there in this world? A group of strangers who can’t influence her?

This idea collapsed for a moment when she went to Nanshi No.

The name He Chuping meant nothing to her, but his face was familiar to her, and the moment she saw him, many bad memories suddenly appeared in her mind.

He Chuping looked exactly the same as Qin Chu, and even the tone of voice was the same, as if it was copied from Qin Chu. After substituting his identity, even the teacher’s identity is full of familiar irony.

Qin Chu, she hadn’t thought of this person for a long time.

This man was Mercury’s first lover and the one who hurt her the most.

She was born in such a family and environment, no one loves her, and she has not learned to love others, when she is a teenager, the classmates around her don’t understand anything, but she has Tired of living. Desperately studying, earning tuition and living expenses by herself, and coping with her greedy father, she was exhausted and kept running.

Qin Chu was the one who held her up when she fell. He was her teacher, and he was only nine years younger than her. He was already a successful adult that she yearned for. He told her that girls don’t have to work so hard, and assured her that he would help her take care of her and love her. He was so gentle And calmly, brushed away the pain from her body.

Qin Chu was the first person to love her, and it was he who taught her how to love someone, so she believed him at the age of sixteen, and once imagined the scene of her marrying this man. , rely on each other.

Like every first love, she also had a wonderful time. He took extra care of her during class, and in his private space after class, he gently called her little girlfriend, bought her candy, and gave her a bouquet of flowers as a birthday present.

However, this relationship did not end well. Qin Chu not only failed to do what he said, but also killed her mercilessly, crushing her young, newly learned lover’s heart to shreds.

They were very careful together at that time, but they were still discovered. The teacher-student relationship was a scandal, not to mention that she was still in high school at that time. They were attacked like never before. Mercury had the bravery of all young people. She was not afraid of these scoldings, but Qin Chu was. He quickly admitted his mistake and distanced himself from her, claiming that he was seduced by her and went the wrong way for a while.

And when his fiancée came, he hid and did not show up, and let his fiancée humiliate her in various ways – only then did Mercury know that he also had a fiancée.

It turned out that he was just lonely for a while, hooking her up to play, never serious, anyway, teenage girls are so easy to deceive, people who are struggling in the mud, treat her a little bit better Made her fall in love.

She has become the “little three” that all the classmates and teachers spurned, shamelessly seduce the teacher. It was rumored everywhere that she prostituted herself to earn tuition, and the rumors and abuses made her almost die in pain.

But she still wants to live, to go to school, to get a chance to get rid of all this, and to never be deceived and humiliated by anyone in the future.

Many years later, she still remembers the day when she knelt in the principal’s office, begging them not to let her drop out, and Qin Chu carefully coaxed his fiancée outside and confessed to her. Their voices were like slap after slap, slapped in the face, and the long isolation that followed.

She continued to go to school and was admitted to the best university, without the contempt and abuse around her. After that, she never saw Qin Chu again. After that incident, he left. The world is so big, she never met this nightmare again.

Now, the shadow of a nightmare appeared in front of her.

Mercury looked at He Chuping, suddenly smiled, and walked towards him, “Teacher.”

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