Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Qiu Wanqi

Everyone present was stunned by this change. The old lady stared blankly at the bloodstains under Mercury’s body. She didn’t react until she heard the housekeeper screaming and running over to help people, shaking her hands. Said: “Hurry, hurry, hurry up and invite Doctor Fu!”

“Come here, help her back!” The old lady was really panicked. At this moment, she couldn’t think of Zhang Lin anymore, and she focused on her unborn grandson. But his Zhang family’s only bloodline, if this child is gone…

will be fine!

The old lady was in a hurry and panic, the back of her heart was cold, and her head was dizzy.

Although Mercury was painful, she felt relieved. Can abortion be more painful than giving birth? And seeing the way the old lady collapsed that day, she felt that the pain on her body was greatly reduced.

Afraid that the stimulation was not enough, she shouted with a pale face, “My child! Is the young master’s child gone!”

The housekeeper went to find Doctor Fu.

Mercury was on the bed, smelling blood, watching the old lady clutching her chest and muttering something, begging God to worship Buddha, she couldn’t help but walk to the door and look: “Why hasn’t the housekeeper come yet!”

Mercury knows this.

There is a reason why she chose today, because Doctor Fu was not in the pharmacy today. He came to check her pulse a few days ago. The doctor’s little grandson in Linxian is one-year-old, and he is going to stay for a day and have a drink.

As expected, the housekeeper did not invite Doctor Fu. After a long time, he came back sweating profusely, and brought back a doctor. Looking at this doctor, he was not as kind as Doctor Fu, and he had a long, serious face.

Mercury watched him take his pulse, and when he was about to speak, he pretended to interrupt him anxiously, and asked: “Doctor, is this child of mine dead? Can it be saved? ?”

She anxiously kept asking if the child was still there.

The old lady was equally impatient, and asked repeatedly: “How is the child, can you keep it?”

The doctor had to answer them: “The child can’t be saved…”

Before she could finish speaking, Mercury cried out loudly, “Child! My child! I’m sorry, Young Master, Qiu Wan didn’t save the last trace of our Zhang family’s blood!”

She was crying here, and Ah Fu also cried, helping her to comfort, the housekeeper even sighed, the old lady’s eyes were dazed at this moment, staring at the blood on Mercury’s body, mumbling Said: “Child, it’s gone.”

Mercury looked at her and accused her in pain: “Old Madam, Qiu Wan knows that you have never liked Qiu Wan, but this is the child of the eldest young master, your own grandson, how can you So cruel, it didn’t even have a chance to be born!”

“If you didn’t push me, the child would be fine! Why did you push me, my poor child!”

Although “Shen Qiuwan” wouldn’t say such things under normal circumstances, Mercury doesn’t care, everything she wants to do is finished, and her words are not quite in line with the mood of a desperate woman, It’s normal to feel a little resentful all of a sudden when your child is gone.

The old lady suddenly rolled her eyes and fell back.

She suddenly lost consciousness, which caused a panic and chaos everywhere. The doctor happened to be at the scene, so she had to check the old lady’s pulse again.

The doctor walked at the end, he hesitantly glanced at the distressed eldest young lady of the Zhang family. Mercury had been paying attention to him, and when he saw this, he cried out to him with tears in his eyes, “Doctor, is my child really helpless?”

The doctor was stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head and looked at her with pity.

Mercury’s face was pale, shaky, took two breaths in pain, and said to the doctor with difficulty: “Doctor, please don’t tell the old lady about it, she just fainted , it’s all my words that irritated her, and if something happens to her, I can’t escape the blame.”

What a wonderful daughter-in-law!

The doctor sighed slightly, and said solemnly: “The eldest young lady also needs to rest and recuperate and take care of her body.”

Mercury said gratefully: “Thank you, doctor, go and see the old lady.”

The noisy people were gone, Ah Fu came back with hot water, helped to clean up her blood, and let her lie down and rest. Without the help of modern medicine in such a broken place, it will definitely hurt for a while to have an abortion, but Mercury thinks, the old lady must be a hundred times more painful than her.

The old lady fainted for a day before she woke up. After waking up, she looked more than ten years older. She is actually about fifty years old. In modern terms, she is a middle-aged person. Many women at this age don’t even have gray hair. , she can be considered an old man.

Most of her hair is white, her eyes are cloudy due to illness, and she has signs of apoplexy due to excessive blowing. She is numb and slurred in speech.

In the original plot, the old lady was also stimulated to have a stroke, which happened after Zhang Lin took the Zhang family and drove her and Zhang Jiawang out. At that time, Shen Qiuwan was disliked by this old man and young man. She had moved out of Zhang’s house. She had a very bad life, but she still returned the homeless two people to take good care of them and brought tea and water to the old lady who had a stroke. Clean up her body, take good care of her, and even listen to her scolding for no reason.

The two of them don’t know who is more pitiful. There are too many poor people created by this era. Maybe some people will feel that for the sake of everyone, they will no longer care about the past grievances, but Mercury is different, looking at the old lady who can no longer be arrogant, She just felt very cool.

Should you sympathize when others are pitiful? No, no, her sympathy could be given to a puppy whose leg was crushed by a car, and never to such a person. You are poor, can you do evil when you are poor? After you do evil, you can forget about being pitiful? Pooh.

When Mercury went to “visit” the old lady, the old lady was excited when she saw her, and shouted vaguely: “Get out, get out for me.”

Mercury not only did not roll, but also sat on the edge of the bed with a worried look, clutching her stomach and whispering: “Old lady, are you feeling better?”

The housekeeper is beside me to help: “Old lady, the eldest young lady is not well-trained herself, so she will come to see you because she is worried about your situation.”

Seeing her covering her stomach, the old lady waved her arms excitedly and said vaguely, “Who wants her to visit, get out!”

Mercury lowered her head, looking like she was sad, “Old lady, now that the child is gone, I am more sad than you, but life still has to live, I will be filial to you in the future, isn’t it good for us to depend on each other for life? ”

The old lady gave her a lot of disgust, she stared at her panting, and suddenly said, “That child, that child must not be from Huaiyuan, right? That’s Zhang Lin’s!”

Mercury: “How come, Zhang Lin didn’t explain it clearly, I explained it too.”

The old lady still can’t accept that she lost her own grandson, and now her mind is a bit abnormal, she wants to prove that the child is not her own grandson, but someone else’s, so that she doesn’t have to bear the burden Such unacceptable bitter fruit.

“You must have an affair with Zhang Lin, otherwise, how would you know about the mole!”

Mercury wiped the corners of his eyes, “The eldest young master said it casually to me when he was alive. He said that their brothers secretly played and swim by the pond when they were children. He saw it at that time. .”

Anyway, both parties were already dead, she said nonsense, they could still open the coffin and start to refute her.

Obviously, the old lady was confused, she even said, “The child is someone else’s, even if it’s not Zhang Lin’s. Yes, it must be safe, right? It’s not my Huaiyuan!”

Mercury looked at the ugly butler: “Housekeeper, is something wrong with the old lady? She is a little confused and starts to talk nonsense.”

The housekeeper sighed, “The old lady is too stimulated.”

Mercury turned her head and held the old lady’s hand, “Old lady, Qiu Wan will definitely take good care of you.”

Under her care, the old lady was completely paralyzed by a stroke, and she couldn’t even speak clearly.

Not long after that, one night, when Mercury was half asleep, she heard the sound of the stupid system in her head, and she woke up with a jolt.

Because the system said [Alarm! alarm! The old lady’s life is in danger, go to the rescue in time! 】

Mercury opened her eyes and looked at the dark night outside. The entire Zhang family was silent, only a dim lantern under the corridor swayed slightly in the wind, and she lay back again.

When it was dawn, there was some movement outside, and the door was knocked hurriedly.

The maid who was serving the old lady hurriedly came to invite her over. The old lady who had a stroke died last night when her breathing was blocked by a mouthful of phlegm. The maid who took care of the old lady at night was lazy and fell asleep without realizing it. She didn’t notice until the morning that everyone had been cold for a long time.

Mercury came to the room with the smell of medicine and strange smell. When she saw the old lady’s body, the system that had been ringing for a long time last night popped up in her mind [Main characters Zhang Lin, Zhang Jiawang , Mrs. Zhang all died, the current mission world failed]

[Initial world forced restart]

Mercury just felt dizzy for a while, and the whole person was stunned, and the scene in front of him changed.

Mercury glanced at the man while pressing his forehead. The eldest young master Zhang Huaiyuan.

She returned to the time when the eldest young master Zhang Huaiyuan was still alive, and the system wanted her to do it again. Mercury laughed, how could this system not learn well.

She didn’t speak, Zhang Huaiyuan sighed and looked at her apologetically: “It’s your mother who embarrassed you again?”

Mercury entered the play for a second, and lowered her head like a angry daughter-in-law.

Zhang Huaiyuan coughed, reached out and pressed her hand, “Mother, she is also worried about my body, she has no bad intentions. I know. However, I still wronged you.”

Mercury smiled, “Qiuwan is not wronged.” The people who made me wronged last time are all dead, and this time the same.

She deliberately looked like she had something to say, and said hesitantly, “Master…”

Zhang Huaiyuan: “What’s wrong?”

Mercury: “I’ve been married to the Zhang family for so long, and I haven’t gone back to see my father. I don’t know how he is now. I want to go back and see him.”

Zhang Huaiyuan frowned when he heard her talk about Master Shen, but still said, “It’s okay, because of my body, you didn’t go back three times after going back to the door, so I just brought some some this time. Let’s go back and have a look with the gift.”

Mercury lowered her head and said embarrassedly, “Can I take some copper money and take the car back, I want to go back early.”

Zhang Huaiyuan was surprised, and then realized that his Chongxi wife had no money, and asked her to take a money box, “There is some scattered silver in it, although it is not much, it is enough for you Now, you can pick it up here for daily use.”

Mercury left Zhang’s house and went to the hospital where she bought abortion pills.

She confirmed that she was now pregnant, and then bought the abortion pill.

Abortion is something that happens twice.

As usual, she ignored the crazy warnings of the system in her head. She walked around the Shen house and didn’t see Shen Ruide. He didn’t know whether to gamble or drink.

Mercury: Tsk, you’re lucky to escape.

Then she returned to Zhang’s house and found Zhang Lin after dealing with the eldest young master.

“Master Lin, I know you want the Zhang family, why don’t we cooperate?” To Zhang Lin, who had been killed by himself once, Mercury showed a kind and sincere smile.

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