Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 64

Chapter 65: Deaf Eight

In this story, there are only four protagonists, Suo Er, Zhao Duanze, Wei Zimu, and Lin Lang.

From the very beginning, I understood that I would probably have to spend a longer time in this world.

Mercury used to be a law-abiding citizen who abides by social rules. If she hadn’t traveled to these worlds, she might never kill anyone in her life. After all, she is not a vicious murderer.

If in a chaotic world, someone hurts her or threatens her personal safety, she will take measures in advance, and if necessary, she will do something to survive.

Besides, what about going to the next world? For her, this world and the next world, any world is no different.

This is her bottom line, no matter what world you are in, you should abide by your own principles, so as not to lose yourself in the long “journey”.

Life is far more prone to giving in than fierce conflict and giving up on one’s own perseverance.

Especially in this world, her soul is trapped in a weak body, unable to have the freedom of the previous world, every day is dull and silent, such a sense of loneliness can almost force Crazy alone. Quicksilver had to immerse herself in something—she spent years reading and practicing calligraphy.

Continuous contact with new things, learning new knowledge, even if her fragile body allows her to stay in this house, her heart is free.

From the age of eight to fifteen, Mercury rummaged through all the books in the Zhao family, and expanded a study, such as the classics of the classics and the history of Chinese studies, and the popular Ming and Qing dialects today. Well, she will look through it.

Some books can help her learn new knowledge, some can broaden her horizons, some have no practical use, but can give her a relaxing reading time and a pleasant reading experience, and some Although being bored is useless, it can be regarded as deepening her understanding of the world.

Watching the ink-colored words dripping and flowing on the white paper, the feeling of fun is no less than the dancing and jumping of the dancers, and the joyful singing of the singers.

At this time, the defect of deafness has become a help for her to focus on one thing, so that she can not be disturbed by foreign objects.

Every time Mr. Zhao saw her words, he was full of praise and took it out to show off to his old friends. One of the two best characters she wrote was taken by Mr. Zhao and framed and hung. In the hall, together with the works of famous calligraphy masters, one was taken by Zhao Duanze, framed and hung in his room, and you can see it as soon as you enter the door.

Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao are the most common couples and parents in this era. Although they are not as enlightened as Tang’s father and mother in the previous world, they undoubtedly love her.

But many times, bad people can’t hurt you, and people who love you are more likely to hurt you. Although this couple loves her, their concepts are too different to understand each other, and Mercury will not follow the path they have prepared for her because of their kindness.

She has her own plans for what to do and what to do.

When Mercury was twelve years old, she took the initiative to ask Master Zhao to learn how to manage accounts, understand all kinds of things in the store, how to operate and manage.

Master Zhao, who loves her, doesn’t want to teach her, after all, in his opinion, what is the use of girls learning this, in the future, the Zhao family is her brother’s, and it is not under her control, women should marry People, it’s useless to learn these things.

But he couldn’t resist the persistence of his children.

Mercury wants to learn, but Master Zhao doesn’t teach it, so good brother Zhao Duanze pats his chest and promises to teach himself. He never wanted to learn these things. Master Zhao caught him and wanted to teach him. He could escape as soon as he could, and he could spend a day in the martial arts hall, which made Master Zhao extremely regret sending him to the martial arts hall.

Zhao Duanze also doesn’t understand why her sister should learn these things as a girl, but as a good brother, as long as her sister wants to learn, no matter what her reasons are, just find a way to satisfy her.

Master Zhao saw that his son was finally willing to follow his own students’ will, and he could only turn a blind eye to their second teaching and leave them alone.

After a few years of learning, it is no surprise that Mercury is better at learning. She is better than her brother, which makes Master Zhao sigh and sigh how many times his daughter is not a son. , If it was a son, he would definitely give the younger son the promise of his big business. Who told the eldest son that he was almost twenty and still playing very seriously.

Mercury doesn’t really have to learn to do business, it’s just her way of letting Zhao Duanze learn to be a business steward. It was useless for this brother to force him to do anything, he had to be willing to take the initiative to learn.

Finding Zhao Duanze’s character, she used the old routine. The routine is not new, it just works. Zhao Duanze has been studying business for three years obediently, and he can also get started with family affairs. It is not because he is not smart that he did not study mercury, but because he is not interested and is unwilling to study seriously.

In this era, the role of the family is very important, everyone is attached to the family life, not as “independent” as modern people. Mercury knows very well that in this world, if he wants to continue to live freely, the Zhao family must continue to prosper.

The death of Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao in the original story has always been something she wanted to change. However, she did not know why and when they died, so she could only remind her repeatedly They have to be careful every time they go out, while trying to find a way for Zhao Duanze to learn more from Master Zhao.

In case she fails to prevent Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao from dying, Zhao Duanze should also take over the family business and handle the business of the Zhao family, so that the Zhao family will not fall as quickly as in the plot.

But her preparations were useless in the face of accidents.

Not long before Mercury’s fifteenth birthday, something happened to Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao.

Master Zhao went to a neighboring city to discuss next year’s silk and satin business, while Mrs. Zhao and him went to the neighboring city to visit a seriously ill auntie, but on their way back, they passed a mountain road , When the mountain collapsed, even the goods and people were buried by the rocks.

Zhao Duanze took people and dug for several days before he dug up the bodies of his parents and brought them back.

This is a pure accident. There are reasons for man-made disasters, but natural disasters are unreasonable.

Zhao Duanze seems to have grown up overnight. He no longer plays around like he used to, but only does what he wants to do and doesn’t care about anything. He brought back the corpses of his parents, invited people to do things for them, invited relatives and friends to attend the funeral, and arranged business in various shops.

In front of his sister, the young man who lost his shelter overnight did not dare to show his depression and pain, but Mercury saw him kneeling in front of his parents’ coffin in the middle of the night and crying in grief, Seeing that he was facing the Zhao family’s many businesses in turmoil.

The strong and capable head of the Zhao family and his wife died, leaving behind a young boy and a young daughter.

“The young master Zhao has never liked to take care of these businesses. The Zhao family is handed over to him. I don’t know what to do in the future.”

“The young man can’t do anything, so I’m afraid he will blindly command, and then we will take responsibility for the loss in the store.”

“And those businesses we cooperate with, they all look at Mr. Zhao’s credit and face to confirm the deal with us, and if we change Mr. Zhao, I don’t know if they can keep it or not. Business.”

The shopkeepers from the stores of the Zhao family came to attend the funeral of Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao, and they got together in private to discuss, but they were not optimistic about the young master Zhao.

At times like this, it is unbelievable that Zhao Duanze can’t hold down these slick old shopkeepers. Mr. Zhao went too suddenly and failed to pave the way for his son, leaving him with a bad situation.

Although there are loyal shopkeepers willing to support this young master, more people are ready to find another way out. After being attached to the big tree of the Zhao family for so many years, of course, they also want to have the opportunity to go higher and have a better place, and even feel that they can be independent from the Zhao family and become the chief shopkeeper.

Zhao Duanze has not yet come out of the pain of the death of his parents, and has ushered in another wave of blows. There are problems in the business of the Zhao family. Although it is not a big deal, it makes him every time Busy day and tired. Furthermore, because of the death of Mr. Zhao, some shops were reluctant to continue to cooperate with them, and this year’s silk and satin orders could not be negotiated.

The shopkeepers who used to be so kind when facing him have become yin and yang, and the people who used to support him and call him Uncle Zhao are gone.

Zhao Duanze was extremely tired, and his temper became worse and worse. When the shopkeepers of the Zhao family, large and small, came to pay the bills, some people deliberately made false accounts to get through the customs. The master “instructed and disciplined” him, making him feel as if he was isolated.

When the abacus fell, Zhao Duanze scolded people on the spot, and provoked a group of people to persuade him.

When everyone left, Zhao Duanze sat in a messy study, looking at a pile of ledgers in front of him, thinking of those people’s contemptuous and distrustful eyes, he suddenly raised his hand and tore the ledgers to shreds. He fell to the ground.

Mercury sickness, maybe it was because it was cold during the wake-up call for Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, and she was too tired to help usher and transport her. for a few days.

When she was a little better, she asked about her brother’s condition, and the maids who took care of her looked embarrassed.

“Eldest young master, he has been very busy recently and has a very bad temper. There are often rumors about him scolding people. I heard that even the old shopkeeper of our Zhao family scolded him, which made the shopkeepers very angry. unhappy.”

The maid next to her was specially taught to write by her. After telling her the news, Mercury asked them to invite Zhao Duanze over.

In the past, she was sick, Zhao Duanze loved to see her, but not this time. I’m afraid it’s not only because I’m too busy, but I’m afraid to see her.

Zhao Duanze really didn’t dare to see his sister. He was very frustrated during this time. He even felt that he was useless at all. Look.

Mercury failed to invite Zhao Duanze, I heard that he went out. This happened once, and it was the same twice. She was suspicious and sent someone to check Zhao Duanze’s whereabouts. After checking, she found that he had been in Shunlong Casino for the past few days.

That is the casino opened by Uncle Sheng.

In the past few years, Zhao Duanze basically did not communicate with Uncle Sheng anymore.

Mercury was leaning on the bed with loose hair, dabbing the beads on her wrist one by one, with a childish face with a calm expression, for a long time, she beckoned people Get pen and ink.

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