Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Three Sister Two

The mountains of garbage heaps stink, rotting animal carcasses, moldy vegetables and fruits, all kinds of plastic bags wrapped with used toilet paper… Each kind of garbage is exuding its own Unique smell.

Mercury has never been to such a place before. When she got rid of her original family and began to arrange her own life, she has never treated herself materially, and lived a delicate and comfortable life. But now, in just a few days, she has become accustomed to the stench here.

When there is a goal in front of her, in order to achieve it, she can insist on doing it no matter what, as Mercury always does.

When a woman comes to pick up trash, she follows behind, looking for what she needs by herself, no matter what she picks up, she is numb most of the time.

After searching for a few days, Mercury finally found what she was looking for – an unused roll of kitchen food plastic wrap.

In addition, she also found some small bits and pieces. Although it may not be useful, she took it back and hid it.

With a knife, she couldn’t kill the man. As the weaker party, if she can’t make the man lose his ability to resist at once, she will be restrained by the other party in turn.

So, she still needs to wait for a foolproof opportunity.

The man still goes out every day to hang out, and he doesn’t know what he is doing outside. Mercury only knows that he wears the thickest clothes, holds all the money in the house, and occasionally comes back with a mouthful of meat, oil and alcohol , in stark contrast to the thin black and yellow of the women and children at home.

If I remember that he will bring some leftovers back, if I don’t remember, there will be nothing, and a few children can only drink a belly of water to sleep. The man doesn’t care about these children. Since the last time he tried to attack the eldest sister and was stopped by the woman, he has not done it again, as if this had never happened.

Only, Mercury occasionally saw the man look at their three daughters huddled in the corner with a very disgusting look. The eldest sister is even more afraid of this kind of eyes, while the seven-year-old second sister is a little more ignorant. She still doesn’t understand this kind of thing.

The opportunity that Mercury waited for came a month later.

On this day, the man came back early and seemed to be in a good mood. Mercury smelled alcohol on him. As usual, after pressing the woman to do that kind of thing, he lay down and fell into a deep sleep. He slept soundly.

The woman went out to pick up garbage after he fell asleep, leaving the eldest daughter at home to take care of the baby boy. She also seemed to have forgotten that the eldest daughter was almost forced by the man before.

Or, she remembered, but there was no way to deal with it, and it took all her strength and brains to survive. Some things she doesn’t see can be regarded as non-existent.

Mercury didn’t go this time. She lay on the bed and pretended to be unwell. Only the second sister went out with the woman.

The eldest sister was afraid of the man, put the baby boy next to the third sister, and went to the back of the house to boil water.

In the quiet shack, Mercury quietly got up, she came to the man, tried a few times, and found that he was really sleeping, so she took the thing hidden in the corner of the bed come out.

She wrapped the man’s hand lightly with the fishing line, and the tangled line was tangled on the bed frame and the legs of the stool below. Because I didn’t have the strength, I made a series of summaries. She wasn’t tied to death, but she circled around so many times that the man couldn’t get rid of his hands for a while.

After finishing this, she brought the roll of plastic wrap.

Her movements were meticulous and gentle, carefully and properly sticking the plastic wrap on the man’s head and face.

Wrapped layer after layer, airtight.

The highly-adherent film isolates all the air, the man can’t even open his eyes, he suddenly wakes up in the thick sleepiness and suffocation, and begins to struggle violently.

Mercury’s small hands that were still dirty pressed tightly on his face, pressing the man’s head wrapped in plastic wrap into his arms. Then his futile struggle was like a powerless puppy, and after a while in the arms of a man, he finally calmed down.


Mercury turned her head and saw the big sister standing at the door with wide eyes. Her eyes were so wide, she looked so frightened, she was frozen in place, unable to say a word. Even when the hot water was sprinkled on her feet, she didn’t respond, she just stared at the mercury and the head she was holding.

Mercury straightened her small body and looked down at the motionless man.

She did not immediately undo the several layers of film that were tightly attached to the man’s head, but carefully observed him for a while, and then touched his neck to confirm that he was really dead, This is letting go.

The fishing line was tangled too many times, and she couldn’t untie it. She took the knife that was prepared just in case, cut the rope, and put away the fishing line. Finally, she took off the plastic wrap, smashed it into a ball, and sat back on the bed where she slept as if nothing had happened.

The woman came back with lifeless numbness and tiredness, and the eldest sister who was sitting there in a daze jumped up like a frightened bird, shaking her hands and telling her mother the man’s death.

She looked at Mercury several times when she spoke, and stammered: “I don’t know… I don’t know how he died, when I came in, he was just like that. …”

The woman burst into a cry of despair. She wasn’t happy for the man’s death, only worried that she had no support.

Mercury had expected her to react this way. In her opinion, this man has always treated these people badly, and is the main culprit in oppressing them, but in this woman’s opinion, the man is her only support, she has no idea that a woman can live alone, she has no such awareness , and will not take the initiative to get out of this vicious circle. In her cramped world, everything in front of her eyes is shattering.

But Mercury also knew that when she went through this period and learned to live by herself, her life would be completely different. She gave her the change she didn’t dare to imagine or imagine, and it’s up to her what she wants to do in the future.

But in any case, it will not be worse than it is now.

Two nights later, the woman quietly walked away with her eldest teenage daughter and youngest baby boy, leaving behind her second daughter, seven, and third daughter, five.

Second sister is really asleep, but mercury is not. She is especially easy to wake up in an unsafe place, so when the elder sister next to her gets up, she wakes up. She listened to the movement behind her and pretended not to wake up.

Second sister woke up in the morning, she wondered why her mother and sister were not there, but didn’t think much, ran to the table to drink water, and saw her sister sitting there watching herself, holding water Go over and give her a drink.

Mercury took two sips from the little girl’s hand.

Then she said, “Mom and sister took my brother away.”

It took a while for the second sister to realize that she and her sister were abandoned. She suddenly burst into tears, ran outside the door, looked around, and cried and called her sister and mother.

The woman took the eldest sister because the eldest sister was in her teens and could help with the work, and the baby boy was taken away because the boy was her future support, and she did not take away the two younger daughters, It’s because she can’t survive. A mother will also leave other “useless” children for the sake of another more valuable child.

Leaving silently may be her last love for them.

Second sister was tired from crying, she came back and sat next to her sister, not knowing what to do.

Mercury is also thinking about her next life. She may have to stay in this world for many years. She doesn’t care which world she is in, but she doesn’t like this body. If she wants to leave this world, according to her previous experience of leaving those worlds, at least two main characters must die, and it is basically impossible for the plot to go back.

Speaking of which, Mercury is increasingly confused about what the system is trying to do. What it does is not a simple correction system as it first said.

In the eyes of Mercury, its role has changed after the first world, and it is more like monitoring and punishment, in which monitoring means more.

If she wants to try more things, she can kill herself, but it doesn’t make sense, leaving this world, there will be the next world, and she doesn’t want to escape all this by suicide. As long as she can live, she will find a way to survive, and suicide is probably the most useless means of resistance.

She did it once and she didn’t want to do it a second time.


Mercury glanced at the little girl who held her tightly. This second sister is holding her like a drowning person holding a driftwood. If she dies, this little girl will starve to death if she is here alone.

“Get up.”

Mercury pushed the second sister, and then walked out, she went to the back of the shack to boil water, boiled a large pot of water, asked the second sister to help, and the two moved the water to the shack together They washed each other’s heads and faces. Used an expired shampoo that Mercury found in the junkyard.

Second sister is a little girl, she rubbed her head full of foam and laughed, temporarily forgetting about being abandoned.

Reluctantly cleaned up, Mercury didn’t look at the shack again, and led the second sister out.

“Where are we going, are we looking for mother and sister?” the second sister asked her.

“No, let’s go to the police.” Quicksilver replied simply.

Although she got the worst body this time, the world is much better than before. Although this country has not been established for a long time, it is undoubtedly the fastest growing, and there may be many shortcomings, but this is the result of the efforts of countless people, and it is the happiest and most peaceful era in which people have lived for thousands of years. After ordinary children are abandoned by their parents, there are still social welfare organizations that can give them a chance to survive.

Although it may not be a good life, it is good to have a chance to live.

“Police?” The second sister didn’t know what the term meant. She looked at the intersection in front of her and her pace became slower and slower. She was only seven years old, and she was born in this place. She had never been outside. To her, the world was a shack and a nearby garbage dump, and everything outside terrified her.

But Mercury kept walking forward, she could only follow her.

They are like two little beggars, walking on the street looking at tall buildings and beautifully dressed pedestrians. Mercury estimated that the timeline of this world was almost equivalent to the year 0809.

, There are a lot of vehicles of various colors on the street, and the intersection is blocked badly.

Second sister had long been frightened by this completely different world, stared at the round eyes like small animals, grabbed her sister’s clothes, walked close to her, and kept amazed.

“What’s that?”

“Is that edible? It’s delicious.”

“Sanmei, are you hungry? I’m hungry.”

“Are we going over there? There are so many cars, I’m afraid.”

Mercury looked at the green light ahead and led her across the road, thinking to herself, why is she such a noisy child again.

She calmly led the little girl who was scared and excited for a while into the police station.

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