Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Stepmother Seven

Handed the lily in her hand to He Xiaoyan, who was approaching, Mercury lifted her feet and put on light slippers, and sat on the sofa with a sigh of relief.

He Xiaoyan skillfully put the lily in the vase beside the piano, and ran over to pour water for the mercury, and when she drank it, she said, “Mom, you taught me what you taught me last time. I can play the tune.”

Mercury nodded, “Well, play me.”

He Xiaoyan was ready, and immediately sat down at the piano when she heard the words. She likes her mother very much, so the postures are all mercury, and she has learned the same way. Although she seemed a little nervous at first, she quickly focused on the keys and didn’t remember the nervousness before.

Mercury listened quietly, and when she finished playing, she turned her head to look at her, and smiled at her, “It’s very good, and there is progress.”

Chinese people pay attention to subtlety, and their first reaction when encountering something is to look for the wrong place and find the wrong one. There are few people who can tolerate, generous, sincere and praise a few words, and they are especially harsh towards those close to them.

Mercury used to be like this. She was praised a lot since she was a child, but she heard a lot of scolding, and she never had the habit of complimenting others. Now she often praises He Xiaoyan, which she learned from Grandma Yang. The old man told her that praising others a lot will not only make others feel happy, but also that such happiness can be transmitted to oneself, which is a very good habit.

She also told her some tips for raising children, often praising children is one of them. Although Mercury didn’t want to have children and wasn’t going to be a mother, she didn’t refuse to listen to the kind words of others.

In this world, some people repay grievances with virtue, and some people repay virtue with grievances, which is not desirable here in Mercury. She would rather be a “mirror”, returning kindness with kindness and maliciousness with malice.

Compared with the first world, this second world is much more soothing for Mercury, the system does not know why, and it is not as intense as the last time. She always felt that the system was not very perfect, and there must be a living person behind it, and there was more than one person, so that could explain why the tone of the system was sometimes subtly different.

The only certainty is that this group of people must be mentally ill. It is normal for people to have different ideas. If you insist on instilling what you think is correct according to other people’s heads, and want to use means to reform others, this must be a problem with your brain.

No one came to the door to find her unhappy, and Mercury’s anger subsided, and everyone who knew her praised her for her good character and gentleness.

Mercury is doing well, Song Ting is just the opposite of her.

Since the conversation with Mercury, Song Ting found herself more entangled.

What she was struggling with, she couldn’t tell, she only knew that she was really upset recently.

“Tingting, how about the wedding dress in this booklet, didn’t you say you wanted this kind of thing last time?” Song Xingfu found out that her daughter was unhappy recently, and thought she hated getting married, so she went to I took the wedding booklet I ordered earlier and came back to show her the wedding dress.

He thought that his daughter would come over happily to choose a wedding dress style, but who knew that she didn’t seem to be enthusiastic before, but she was a little restless, and took it over to look at it, and she seemed to be lacking in interest.

What’s wrong?

“Dad, if Brother Dongpeng really had a wife and son before, what should I do?”

Hearing his daughter say such a word hesitantly, Song Xingfu shook his head and smiled: “Didn’t I tell you, what’s there to be afraid of, as long as I get married to you, He Dongpeng will not be able to leave you. , even if there is a son first, what will happen to our Song family in the future will always belong to your son and my grandson.”

Song Ting still frowned, “Then I will be someone else’s stepmother?”

Song Xingfu was even more disapproving, “What’s the matter, let alone if I can find it, it’s really here, and there’s no shortage of food. If you have a relationship with you, you just let your stepson act like you and don’t let others gossip.”

Song Ting felt even more uncomfortable when she heard this. She thought that even Mu Xiang didn’t want to be that stepmother. .

She was hesitant these days, and the words of Muxiang were over and over in her mind. If she hadn’t let go of He Dongpeng, she would have told her father not to marry.

He Dongpeng just entered the door at this time. Seeing the father and daughter sitting there, he smiled and said, “What are you talking about.”

Song Ting glanced at him and said nothing. Song Xingfu smiled and said, “I’m looking at the wedding dress. You just happened to come and take a look for Tingting.”

He Dongpeng: “Tingting looks good in any outfit.” He sat beside Song Ting and shook her hand.

Song Ting used to like to be so close to him. She saw many rich young masters who were frail and weak. When I saw He Dongpeng for the first time, I was attracted by his tall and strong figure. When the boatman rescued him, he was naked, his tight muscles and… In short, she immediately looked at her small face. Hong, when I saw him later, I couldn’t help but feel shy.

She was so looking forward to marrying Brother Dongpeng earlier, hoping to become his woman and get close to him as soon as possible, but… Now, she feels uncomfortable. The man she liked so much used to be that Muxiang’s husband, and Muxiang said she didn’t want it, as if she was picking up things that others didn’t want. Her previous vigilance and nervousness had become extremely ridiculous. Is she better than that? Is the wood fragrance bad?

The more she thought about it, the more bored she felt. Looking at He Dongpeng’s palm, she used to think it was masculine, but now looking at the rough skin and the back of the hand with old scars, she couldn’t help but think of what Mu Xiang said. , guess what he used to do in the country. Eh, shouldn’t it be farming, picking dung to farm?

How can someone like Miss Song bear this, and the love that is full of heads seems to be taken away.

“I’m not feeling well today, I’ll go to rest first.” She got up and passed over He Dongpeng and went upstairs.

Mercury found that Miss Song came to the western restaurant again. She didn’t seem to be here to eat, let alone to listen to the piano. She was staring at her with a hesitant look, as if Want to chat with her.

As expected, this time she came to Song Ting directly after finishing work and before leaving, “I want to tell you something.”

The two sat in the corner and served dessert, Mercury glanced at the expensive dessert, “What’s the matter?”

She thought Song Ting wanted to ask her about He Dongpeng’s past, but Miss Song opened her mouth and asked, “Do you think I should marry He Dongpeng?”

Mercury really doesn’t understand why she came to ask her this question.

Song Ting didn’t look like a joke, she really wanted to get advice from her. Seeing that she contributed so many bouquets and tips during this time, Mercury still said, “It’s actually very simple.”

“Just do what you want to do. If you want to marry him more strongly, then marry him. If you don’t have feelings for him, don’t marry. In my opinion, your The question is not whether to marry this man, but how to stay active in this relationship. Your current relationship is inherently unequal, which is caused by the wealth gap.”

“Now He Dongpeng depends on your Song family to live a good life, which is good for you. If he can bring you happiness, of course you can marry him, if you don’t like it in the future He’s gone, just leave him and find someone you like, as long as the Song family’s property and real power are still in your hands, not He Dongpeng’s, you can never want him, and marriage can’t trap you at all.”

Who can live by. Later, as there were more and more people, it became difficult to get enough food. Men’s natural strength became an advantage. In addition, women had to bear children. When they were weak and could not guarantee their own life, they began to rely on them. Men, gradually evolved into a relationship of marriage.

With the advent of advanced inventions that make life more convenient, this difference in physical strength will be further filled, and at that time, the era of so-called equality will truly come.

It’s just that tools that can make up for the difference in natural strength are easy to produce, but the habits and people’s hearts over thousands of years are difficult to change, just like domestication and release, neither of which is simple. The wild animals of the world cannot easily escape the state of artificial feeding, so what about people?

Song Ting had never heard such a statement, she looked at Mu Xiang opposite, feeling dizzy in her head.

Even the father who loves her just told her that he would marry He Dongpeng in the future, how to win his heart, give him a son, let him always like him, how did he get to Muxiang mouth, their positions are reversed?

“But…this, we can’t just leave when we’re married.” She murmured slightly confused.

Quan, women can only depend on them to live. Since your situation is reversed, there is nothing wrong with doing it. ”

Song Ting was still a little hesitant, “Then if I have a son in the future…”

Mercury: “You lived your life for yourself, not for your father, your husband, or your son. Of course, it’s how you are happy, as long as you have the ability to decide.”

Song Ting thought for a long time, and finally left in a trance.

Mercury didn’t care what she thought, anyway, Song Ting came here from time to time to dine, and she still often ordered flowers and tips for her, and Mercury was happy to accept it.

Song Ting is still married to He Dongpeng, she still likes this man, likes his mature face and body, and likes the kind of sturdiness that is different from the thin young masters. However, she also had some different ideas.

“You said that our winery can’t be handed over to him, and the property is not recorded in his name. What kind of manager should we ask for management?” Song Xingfu simply didn’t understand what his daughter thought. .

Song Ting pestered her father to make a fuss: “I’m just in case, a man becomes bad when he has money, you are satisfied with him now, who knows if he will change when he is rich, If he gets the money from our family in the future and doesn’t want me anymore, then you won’t be able to control him anymore, what should I do?

Seeing that her father was still frowning, Song Ting simply hugged his arm and said, “I checked his previous situation, he used to have a fourteen-year-old son in his hometown, and my current There is no news about my son. His son can start to inherit the family business. What if he wants to give his son the things of our family! You are my father, you are my daughter, you can’t let me Don’t worry! It’s always right for us to prepare more!”

Song Xingfu hesitated for a while, but was still shaken, “Okay, I’ll think about how to do these things.”

A passenger boat docked at the Shanghai dock, and He Xiaolian and He Chengzu got off the boat with the people.

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