Entertaining Children

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 About the future About the present

Chapter 6 About the Future About the Present

Does Xiao Chengru really not want Xiao Yao to learn boxing with that old Liu Tou? of course not.

The old Liu’s name is Liu Zhongwen, and he comes from a family of martial arts. An authentic Bajiquan inheritance belonging to Liu Yunqiao, a disciple of Li Shuwen, the master of martial arts. And he himself retired from the position of coach of the national martial arts team. Although with the development of thermal weapons, martial arts has long been absent, and even gradually turned into a performance project, Liu Zhongwen’s body is undoubtedly quite predictable. Xiao Chengru would be very happy to let his grandson learn something from him.

But it is not so easy to want this old man to teach some real skills.

A few years ago, there was an internationally renowned director who was born in Xiangjiang. He wanted to make a movie about martial arts. He specially found Liu Zhongwen to collect information. Liu Zhongwen and the great director were quite speculative, but when the great director recommended a new-generation actor from the treasure island who will play the main role in the film to learn Bajiquan from Liu Zhongwen for a period of time Time. However, Liu Zhongwen didn’t give the big director any face, and he didn’t agree to teach casually. After investigating the man for a month, the actor had to bow his head to apprentice according to the traditional ritual and accepted him as an apprentice before he was willing to teach him. Xiao Chengru, who is in the show business circle and is also an old man of Liu Zhongwen, knows very well about this matter.

As the saying goes, people are old and spirited. Xiao Chengru deliberately taught Xiao Yao to do Tai Chi in front of the old guys. In addition to showing off his grandson’s cleverness, he also wanted Liu Zhongwen to see if his grandson had the talent to learn martial arts. Afterwards, the performance of deliberately finding faults and seemingly preventing them was also a kind of aggressive method aimed at Liu Zhongwen’s character. And the effect seems to be good. Although Liu Zhongwen did not accept Xiao Yao as his disciple on the spot, nor did he draw out his most powerful Bajiquan, his set of Shaolin Changquan was not taught to others casually, and the child was still young, etc. As the child grows up, it is not impossible for Liu Zhongwen to contact him for a longer time.

Shaolin Changquan has a lot more moves and movements than Taijiquan. Regardless of past life or current life, Tai Chi is too popular. Although Xiao Yao did not learn Taijiquan before, there are several well-known moves such as “cloud hand”, “holding the bird’s tail”, “closed like a seal”, “moving up and down” and so on. Xiao Yao I have seen it many times on TV or in real situations. Xiao Yao’s current memory is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary adults, but after all, he hasn’t reached the point of being memorable, so it is impossible to memorize all the Shaolin Changquan moves at once. However, Xiao Yao’s performance seemed to Liu Zhongwen to be very good, and he was not anxious to ask Xiao Yao to remember all his moves once. Seeing that the time is not too early, I agreed with the grandparents of the Xiao family to come here to teach Xiao Yao every morning, and Liu Zhongwen went home happily.

Xiao Chengru and Xiao Yao’s ancestors and grandsons went home for lunch, and after a short rest, Xiao Yao entangled Xiao Chengru again.

“Grandpa, didn’t you promise to teach me calligraphy? Are you free in the afternoon? Or let’s start now.” Xiao Yao pulled Xiao Cheng into Confucianism.

“Oh, you still remember it.” Xiao Chengru said with a smile, “I thought you had old Liu Tau to teach you kung fu, so I forgot about my grandpa.”

“Why does this sound like jealous?” Xiao Yao rolled his eyes. “Could it be that the innocence in the hearts of outstanding actors is preserved more? No wonder the media will say he is childish when commenting on his father. It was also influenced by this grandfather.”

“How can I?” Xiao Yao shakes the goose bumps in his heart, and coquettishly pulls Xiao Chengru’s sleeves and sways it from side to side: “You are my grandfather, how can I forget you. You teach me.”

About the present and the future, Xiao Yao has always considered. Reborn in such a family, it seems that his luck in reincarnation is so good that he is overwhelming. Both grandpa and father accomplished something in their respective industries. In terms of Xiao Chengru’s age, qualifications, and professional skills, he still has a certain amount of weight in the performing arts world. Xiao Siqi as a singer, although album sales have been declining, but as a producer is still doing very well. Although Chen Zilin passed away, her shares in the model agency are still there.

In terms of economy, although this family is not rich, it can be said to be quite rich. In other respects, the whole family does not seem to have any difficulties or crises to face. So for the reborn Xiao Yao, it seems that he only needs to enjoy life. And the essence of enjoying life seems to be just one word: play! But the question is, what can a three-year-old body and a thirty-year-old soul play with? Playing in the mud with children of the same age on the ground? Thought can’t stand it. And those things for adults, the body now doesn’t allow it.

Since you can’t play now, you can only have fun when you grow up. In order to have better fun when the body grows up, it seems that there is only one thing left to do now. That is: learn! Of course not academically. At the age of 30, Xiao Yao (Li Hao), who graduated from a prestigious university with a bachelor’s degree, basically didn’t need to learn the cultural knowledge taught by the school at least before going to university. This time, more than ten years were spared. Xiao Yao couldn’t spend these hours in vain. Xiao Yao decided to use his childhood and youth to fully discover and develop his hobbies.

Li Hao, who had died studying in his previous life, couldn’t say that he could not know anything, but there weren’t any people who were able to grasp it and made it to the stage. Xiao Yao, in this life, naturally wanted to make up for this regret. So when I met Liu Zhongwen, who taught boxing, Xiao Yao was so enthusiastic. How could he miss this grandpa who has a solid foundation in calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting? Of course, there is also Dad Xiao Siqi’s musical skills, Xiao Yao will not let it go, but he has to wait for him to heal his injury first. These are the three things that Xiao Yao plans to learn at present, but they are not limited to these three things. If he encounters something fun in the future, he will also try it.

For ordinary children, this may feel extremely hard, but for a 30-year-old soul, this is the only way he can think of solving the boring and empty time in the next ten years. What’s more, Xiao Yao still finds that his memory is far beyond ordinary people, and it seems that he will not be as hard as he originally imagined.

“Well, teach and teach.” Seeing that the rare grandson turned out to be so cute and cute, Xiao Chengru stopped teasing him, and took him to his study in the East Wing.

Pushing aside the study in the East Chamber, Xiao Yao only felt a rush of books. Except for the wall near the door and window, calligraphy or ink painting with scrolls hung on two of the other three walls. On the other side stood a bogu shelf and a bookshelf against the wall. The bookshelves were full of books, and on the Bogu shelf, except for a pile of pots and jars that Xiao Yao couldn’t tell whether they were old or not, the remaining grids contained complete sets of thread-bound books bound by ancient methods. A dark red mahogany bookcase has all four treasures in the upper room, and a dark red mahogany chair of the same color is behind the bookcase. On the east wall, there are two mahogany official hat chairs with a small square mahogany table in between, and a set of purple sand tea set on the table.

Bringing his grandson into the study, Xiao Chengru said to Xiao Yao: “Aye, I don’t know how many Chinese characters your mother taught you to write your own name, other than Xiao Bayi. But you are at such a young age and want to come. The number of Chinese characters you know is also limited, so grandpa can’t teach you calligraphy at the beginning. Calligraphy is blunt but it is also writing, but you have to know it before you can write. You have to follow your grandpa to learn literacy first, and then learn to write.”

“Okay!” Xiao Yao nodded, feeling a little helpless. Although he is an undergraduate, his body is only three years old.

Xiao Chengru asked Xiao Yao to sit down in a chair, turned to the bookshelf and pulled out a “San Zi Jing”, opened the first page and handed it to Xiao Yao’s hand, saying: “Come, read with me: at the beginning of man, nature is good. Similar in sex, Xi is far away…”

Looking at the “Three Character Classic” in his hand, Xiao Yao felt in a daze that he seemed to have traveled to the ancient private school lecture hall. I had to smile bitterly in my heart, and then read it after shaking my head.

After reciting the first eight sentences, Xiao Chengru stopped and asked Xiao Yao to recite the eight sentences by himself. Xiao Yao naturally pronounced the twenty-four words verbatim. With the Taijiquan in the morning, Xiao Chengru was not surprised by Xiao Yao’s good memory. Take two brushes, one thick and one thin, from the pen holder, spread out two pieces of white paper, and pour water to study the ink while saying: “Grandpa teaches you to write these eight sentences first. If I write a stroke, you will follow with a stroke.”

Xiao Yao nodded, picked up the thinner brush, squeezed it according to the pen holding posture in his memory, and waited with his wrist hanging.

“Oh, it seems that you still know how to hold a brush.” ​​Xiao Chengru, who has studied ink, wanted to teach Xiao Yao how to hold a pen first, but he saw that Xiao Yao’s pen holding posture was quite standard and said with a smile.

The ancestors and grandsons then began to write strokes on the white paper. Xiao Yao had never touched a brush in his previous life, and the only thing he could write was horizontal and vertical. Although it is very difficult for children over three years old to write horizontally and vertically, they are quite accomplished in calligraphy, and those who have seen Xiao Yao’s performance by many children of the same age will certainly not think that this is okay. How to go horizontally, how to stand upright, start writing, trend, closing, a little detailed explanation and demonstration, meticulous.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao’s learning ability is pretty good. After writing ten times, he also wrote the twenty-four characters a little bit. I just thought that if he practiced calligraphy in this way in the future, one copy of the “San Zi Jing” seemed to be enough for him to write for many days.

The word Xiaoyao is written for about two hours. After seeing the writing, Xiao Yao started to rub his right wrist with his left hand unconsciously. Xiao Chengru also secretly accused himself of being careless. He even taught him too hard. He didn’t notice that his grandson’s body is also a three-year-old child. Write it down in two hours without getting tired. Quickly let Xiao Yao stop to rest and relax his wrists.

Xiao Yao stopped writing obediently and moved his right wrist. However, Xiao Yao couldn’t help but walked towards Xiao Chengru’s large bookshelf while holding his right wrist while moving. I scanned the collection of books on the bookshelf, thinking that I was still a three-year-old child, and should not recognize all the characters. I resisted the urge to pull out a book from the top and turned to Xiao Chengru and said: “Grandpa, Tell me a story.”

Xiao Chengru, who was also resting, was sitting at the small square table making tea at this time. He was taken aback after hearing Xiao Yao’s request. He turned around and waved at Xiao Yao, asking him to come and sit down for a cup of tea.

Waiting for Xiao Yao to sit on the official hat chair on the other side of the small square table, Xiao Chengru handed Xiao Yao a cup of warm tea, and smiled and said, “Telling a story? Is the kind of fairy tale your parents told you before you go to bed? I don’t know how to do this grandpa.”

“Who wants to listen to fairy tales,” Xiao Yao curled his lips in disdain, took a sip of warm tea, and said: “I want to listen to historical stories, which my parents don’t know.”

“History, this grandfather knows a lot and can tell you. But there are too many historical stories. Grandpa doesn’t know where to start. What kind of historical stories do you want to hear?” Xiao Chengru’s interest also came, rare. Grandson will be interested in historical stories.

“Let’s start from our ancient dynasties in China.” Xiao Yao tilted his head for a while, and said, “Or don’t tell me a history story, just treat me as a history lesson.”

“Okay.” Xiao Chengru said with a smile: “If you want to talk about our history in China, you have to start with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors…”

(End of this chapter)

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