Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 17. She’s weak to ear nibbles

The train lurched, and Xuelan found herself thrown into Kien's arms.

There was the ear-splitting screech of wheels grinding against steel, flying sparks as electrical components tore apart, and the railcar flipped before Xuelan could process what was happening. If it hadn't been for Kien's lightning fast reactions, Xuelan would have slammed face first into wall, but her ex-boyfriend somehow managed to shelter her while avoiding the flying crates of debris.

("Hold on.") He said quietly.

One of the other incubi had blasted a hole on the side of the train and jumped out of the tumbling boxcar.

The entire train had derailed, and the long string of metal cars were rolling down the side of a steep rocky slope. The angular momentum of each section was not even, and some parts rotated faster than the others. The overwhelming torque caused several of the linking connectors to snap, and the train broke apart into several smaller sections, while little bits of metal, debris, and smoke spilled out of the fissures of torn plate metal.

The world was spinning too fast.

Kien lept, and suddenly the box of hell was crashing away from them down the slope.

He hit the ground harshly and immediately broke into a violent roll on cragged sharp rock while shielding Xuelan inside his arms. The impact hurt worse than being hit by a car, but Kien didn't show any sign of a reaction despite the fact that several long bloody gashes from blunt trauma streaked across his back like claw marks. Several of his ribs and limbs were shattered, but he still kicked his broken legs against the gravel to break their violent roll down the steep incline.

The two bodies flipped like rag dolls in the air a few times, but finally Kien managed to apply enough friction to bring their precarious tumble down the rubble to a skidding stop.

The incubus was breathing heavily.

("See? Piece of cake.") He said.

"Kien... you're crazy." 

There was a distant boom of a powerful collision at the bottom of the ravine, accompanied by a thick plume of black smoke.

The train was totally destroyed.

Xuelan was lying on top of her ex-boyfriend.

"Kien... are you okay?" She asked with an extremely anxious voice.

("I'm totally fine.")

She pressed down on on Kien's thighs, doubtful of his response.

("Ow! Ouch! Okay! Fine! I have a bunch of broken bones!)

Xuelan released her hands and gingerly tried to get off of him without disturbing the incubus too much.

"Can you walk?"

("I'll make myself walk.")

The pre-medical student frowned.

Even though she only had a limited knowledge of human physiology, bones were necessary to provide the structural support for muscles and tendons. If they were broken, it was virtually impossible to move through brute-strength or pure willpower, simply because there was nothing for even the bulkiest muscles to exert their force on.

Furthermore, Xuelan knew from her lifeguard training certification during high school that neck braces were extremely important if any form of spinal injury was suspected. It was bad to move an injured patient frivolously, since overextension or flexion of the neck could cause irreversible damage to the spinal cord.

But this was a magical world, so... maybe things were different with a demon's body.

Also, incubi possessed this suspicious healing method...

"Do I really need to sit on your dick every time you get yourself beaten up like this?" Xuelan sounded exasperated. "Because this really isn't sexy."

Kien had a smile plastered on his face.

("I would greatly appreciate it if you could fix the superficial injuries.")

"You don't care about the internal ones?"

("Well, a level 43 demon shouldn't be injured this badly from jumping out of a train, so it would be a good idea to hide the obvious wounds before the rest of the passengers stumble upon us. You probably don't have much time to work your magic, so it's better to prioritize those surface injuries first.")

"Huh... and how would I do that?"

("Your saliva should work well enough as a quick band-aid.")

Xuelan suddenly gave Kien a long unpleasant stare.

In other words, he basically wanted her to lick his wounds! But she wasn't a cat! 

This universe was too perverted...

+ + +

Xuelan spent the next five minutes scrambling over Kien and trying to kiss anything that looked injured, which was frankly almost everything. It wasn't very erotic because she was trying to rush as fast as possible, and she quickly became tangled up in his limbs. In fact, it looked more like she was playing Twister with her ex-boyfriend.

Fortunately, her saliva truly seemed to be extremely effective, and any cut or gash that Xuelan licked immediately disappeared. It was almost like her mouth was an eraser, and she only needed to touch it for the damage to fade away. Of course, Xuelan knew that the healing was only superficial, and there were likely many deeper injuries underneath Kien's skin.

The black-haired girl was in the process of hurriedly licking Kien's thighs when a pair of other incubi showed up.

"Oh, there you are Kien," the incubus named Arteise said. "We couldn't find you when the train derailed."

They glanced at the kneeling slave, who frankly looked a lot like she was giving him blow-job.

"Um... it looks like you're busy..." Neiel said. "...But it's not like I'm judging or anything..."

The red-haired incubus had a bit of a conflicted expression on his face.

"Hey, Neiel. That man is successful because he has lots of sex. We should all take a page from his book and train as much as possible."

"I mean... yeah, grinding for EXP is good... but our train literally just exploded. My guess is that it was the terrorist they were looking for. They said they were looking for a black tiger... and maybe they found the suspect in one of the cars further up."

"Have you seen the three guardsmen?" Kien asked casually.

"Uh, yeah. They were chasing somebody into the nearby village. It's called the town of Bostow or something."

"I saw flashing sirens in the distance. They're probably on high alert."

"Any wounded on our side?"

"Not really. There's a few of us who are a bit banged up, but nothing serious."

"Mostly property damage, to be honest. Like, Earl's slave is in really bad shape. It's going to cost a fortune to get her fixed up."

"Yeah, I feel bad for that guy, and a little guilty too. I wonder if I should help pitch in with the healer costs," Neiel said.

Kien was expressionless. He placed a hand on his knee, as if he was about to stand up.

Xuelan immediately whined from her misleading position in between his legs, as if she clearly did not want him to leave.

("I'm almost done! Ten more seconds! Hold on!")

Arteise had a surprised look on his face.

"Kien, you really have such a greedy bitch. I've never seen anything like it. How do you train your slave to be so eager?"

Kien's face was completely earnest as he answered the incubi with all seriousness.

"Plenty of love and kisses. And a warm bed at night."

Arteise rolled his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what Kien was saying. In his eyes, Kien was definitely keeping his true methods a secret, and he was obviously bull-shitting them with butterflies and unicorns.

Neiel looked intrigued. "Really?"

"My slave likes to be cuddled while reading in bed. She's also weak to ear nibbles and has a sensitive clavicle."

("Kien! Stop screwing around. You are forbidden from sharing any more!")

The incubus spanked Xuelan lightly on the butt, and then slowly pulled himself to his feet.

Kien smiled cheerfully.

There was no sign that he was in pain, even though many bones inside his body were unquestionably fractured and broken.

("Kien... are you really okay like this? You're really able to walk??")

The incubus ignored the voice in his head.

"So. Where to next?"


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