Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 1. The gift wrap is complimentary

It was Halloween of a certain year, and Liu Xuelan was preparing to fly to Chicago where she had an interview scheduled at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. She had a flight scheduled at seven o'clock AM the next day, which meant that she had to be out the door at five o'clock in order to get to the airport in time for her flight.

Unfortunately, her apartment roommates were hosting a Halloween party, and there was a steady thumping din of music in the background. Xuelan had excused herself and gone to her room early, but there were plenty of guests still wandering around and retching in the bathroom, which was constantly flushing just outside of her door.

In order to help herself fall sleep, Xuelan had taken a tablet of melatonin, hoping that she'd float off to dreamland sooner rather than later.

Liu Xuelan went to bed.

+ + +

The next thing she knew, she woke up to find herself in a bit of a bind.

A literal bind, that is.

Her first reaction was naturally: Fuck!

There was a large phallic-shaped device that was shoved down her throat, and her vision was completely dark, presumably covered with a cloth blindfold that was wound around her head.

Xuelan could tell that she was laying on her back on some kind of fluffy surface. The air felt breezy, so she was probably close to naked, although she could faintly perceive some cloth ribbons and other dangling scraps of paper-thin cloth that snaked across her body. Her wrists were bound to her ankles, and her knees were lecherously splayed open for display, exposing the most intimate parts of her body.

A steady buzz from a vibrating shaft inserted in her rear entrance rounded off her predicament.

"Is this the one you want?" An unfamiliar voice came from a short distance away.

Xuelan was preoccupied with a panic when she realized that she couldn't breath. The long deepthroat gag blocked her trachea, and she was unable to suck in any air. The terrible discomfort aside, the premedical student struggled against her bonds, desperate to indicate to someone that she needed help.

They couldn't be intending to kill her, right?

Her mind spun in a frantic mess. She tried to remember how she had gotten here. All she remembered was that there had been a Halloween party and that she retired to her room early. Xuelan had taken some sleep medications, so did that mean that one of the guys had broken into her bedroom? But what about her roommates? There was no way they would allow this, so were they in a similar situation? Had someone called the police??

No one moved to Xuelan's assistance.

There was a soft hand that gently patted her head affectionately, which was horribly ironic given her dreadful plight.

"Yes, this is the one." The voice closest to her said. "Nice packaging, by the way."

"Yes, we take pride in our Underworld reincarnation service. As a gold tier rewards member, the gift wrap, of course, is complimentary."

"Any terms and conditions?"

The man's hand continued to comb through Xuelan's hair as he spoke.

Somehow, Xuelan had a sinking feeling that voice seemed vaguely familiar... where had she heard it before?

"Of course, once the contract ritual is sealed, it is unconditional. You will own her absolutely and comprehensively, down to every detail of her customization. In a sense, you are her god, and you are free to modify and control her however you desire. There is a factory reset button for her current consciousness, in case you happen to break her mind too hard by accident and need to revert it. Of course, the only caveat is that you may not make her more powerful than yourself."

"And just to confirm, my power as a demon is directly proportional to the amount of sex I have?"

"Correct. You are currently a level one incubus. You thrive on sexual energy."

"Fair enough. And does she get anything out of the contract?"

"The girl does not lose anything. The current ego before you is a replica of the girl's soul. The original whom you are so fond of is untouched back on Earth, and she will continue to live her ordinary life. Since it is a copy, you do not have to concern yourself with her wellbeing. You can think of this as a fictitious dream body for your repressed desires, and rest assured that anything you do in the Underworld will have no bearing on the mortal world."

Xuelan's lungs were burning and her throat muscles were twitching around the foreign shaft. A hundred different deeply alarming things were flying by her ears, but the lack of air was screaming at her. She had no time to process exactly what they were saying, or wonder why one of the man's voices sounded so familiar. 

"She seems uncomfortable. Can I do something about that?" The nostalgic voice said.

Uncomfortable, my ass! You try taking this monster down your throat!

If Xuelan could remove this blindfold, her eyes would have been furious. 

"Oh, the gag? You needn't worry. She won't actually die from asphyxiation. There are only a small number of things that are actually capable of killing her... since well... you are in Hell after all. But if you insist, Mr. Incubus, you do already have a limited amount of control over your future slave. Why don't you try ordering her to breath?"

The abducted girl suddenly felt her upper torso lighten, and her bound body was lifted into a man's lap.

Soft hands caressed the side of her cheeks, brushing aside the hair that had already started to unwind into a wild mess. His fingers stroked the side of her face, hesitantly and tenderly as if he wasn't quite entirely sure that the girl in front of him was real.

"Breath for me, dear Glaciele." He whispered into her ears.

Suddenly, Xuelan's lungs filled with air, except also not really. The relief was immediate, but she still couldn't breath. The phallus was still stretching her throat, except somehow she magically no longer needed oxygen through her mouth. Her brain was flooded with stars concurrently with the burst of relief, and she jerked within the man's arms.

She... suddenly knew who this was.

There was only one person who would use that name.

Glaciele was the online username that she used back in high school, back in the days when she explored BDSM roleplaying sites as a teenager. It was based on her Chinese name (刘雪兰), which literally meant "Snow Orchid". 

But that was six years ago. She had intentionally gone to an overseas university in order to avoid the stalker, and she hadn't heard a single peep from him over all of these years. Xuelan had only assumed that she had successfully shaken him off of her tail, and she had been satisfied to bury that entire regrettable experience off as a stupid teenage mistake from her youth.

Kestrel... or Kien...?

The man slowly untied the blindfold around Xuelan's eyes.

The girl was immediately exposed to the upside down visage of his face. It was clearly demonic in quality, and the angles on his cheek bones were sharper than before. His hair was as black as night and his eyes had a heavy shadow that seemed ominous and oppressive. A pair of magnificent golden horns peaked over the crown of his head, and sharp fangs were visible in the corners of his mouth.

It... was him... different... but definitely him.

Xuelan's eyes were damp and teary, a natural product of having her gag reflex constantly stimulated by such a cruel invader.

He reached around her neck and undid the buckle that held the phallus inside her mouth. 

He withdrew the vile thing in one continuous motion, and Xuelan was almost stunned to see the whole girth of the entire length as it came out right in front of her eyes, slathered in a thick layer of dripping mucus while she coughed violently. It was at least ten inches long, and far larger than anything she had ever tried to take inside in her body.

Even if Xuelan had been a bit of a curious teenager, she was still a relatively normal girl. Her healthy interest in BDSM was entirely fictional and even ordinary. She did not have any crazy kinks, and she knew perfectly well that BDSM was supposed to be safe, sane, and consensual.

All of this was way too intense... it was completely insane...

Xuelan's ex-boyfriend had a frightening smile on his face.

"Any last words before I make you into my sex slave for the rest of eternity?"


Happy Halloween! ...I'll go hide in shame now... @.@

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