Ends of Magic

Chapter 12: Boon Reunions

For the first time, Nathan strode the streets of Halsmet without a disguise.

He’d burst into the plaza at the head of twenty recently freed slave-elites. Men who’d been trained as deadly fighters their entire lives. They’d been dedicated to killing the enemies of Giantsrest and protecting the graduates of the Ascendent Academy with their very lives.

Some of them had chosen to hold firm to that mission, but they’d been cut down by their fellows after the mind magic that compelled obedience was purged. All of those who accompanied Nathan had chosen to fight their previous masters, and they ran through the city without much regard for stealth.

Stella was in the center, and the elites had fallen into a protective formation around her automatically. Faline faded from notice as they left the building, and Nathan was pretty sure she was tailing them.

I don’t think I need her from this point onwards - having an ace up our sleeves is probably more valuable than a single extra combatant right now. I also can’t tell her what to do - [Leadership] be damned she’s above me in the Adventurer hierarchy.

They were running through the streets for the main gate into the inner city when Nathan heard regimented feet marching around the next corner. More telling was the traces of a detection spell radiating out from the oncoming patrol.

He slowed down and called out to the elites, keeping his voice low but clear. “Patrol around the next corner. I’ll go for the mages. Stella’s on magical defense. Don’t die - the adventurers we’re linking up with will have healing.”

The elites had already begun reacting to the presence of the patrol, and they responded to Nathan’s instructions with alacrity, stacking up at the corner. Olad gestured Nathan to the front, where he waited for the radius of the detection spell to approach. Right before it swept over the group, Nathan kindled his Rage and knifed his hand forward to signal the attack.

The group burst out from the corner, feet hammering on the cobbled streets. Nathan was used to being superhumanly fast over short distances - he’d picked up so many boosts to his speed that he was pretty sure he could beat a cheetah from a standing start. To his surprise, several of the freed elites kept up with him, and they plowed into the block of soldiers only seconds after rounding the corner.

Well, the elites plowed into the soldiers. Nathan jumped over the line of shields and flew towards the mages. There were three of them, clustered within the formation of fifty enslaved fighters.

Nathan realized his jump had been overly enthusiastic, and he was set to fly entirely over the mages and collide with the far side of the formation. But he had a solution to that - [Strenuous Agility] and [Slow Fall] let him adjust his path towards the leftmost mage.

The man wore the robes of an enslavement mage, and his eyes widened comically. He didn’t manage to get a spell off before Nathan’s feet impacted his chest, blowing through [Mage Armor] as if it wasn’t even there.

Ribs shattered, and Nathan rolled away from the uneven footing. As soon as his feet were underneath him again, he sprang into the air and kicked off a slave-soldier to fly towards the second mage like a murderous bouncy ball. The robed figures had enough time to bring their hands up, and both fired off spells.

[Rock Orb]


The rock ball was targeted at Nathan, and the mage probably expected it to send him spinning away. But Nathan reached out with his aura and the ball of conjured stone dissolved like a snowball thrown into a blast furnace.

His magical senses tracked the fireball as it flew towards the freed elites, and Nathan winced. The spell was out of the range of his aura - he just had to hope it wouldn’t kill any of his allies.

But Stella had been watching, and the offensive spell ran into a plane of force and detonated overhead. The noise and pressure waves caused some of the elites to stagger but none were seriously hurt.

Maybe beyond some hearing damage.

Nathan ensured there wouldn’t be a follow-up by caving in the second mage’s skull with a punch before turning on the last one. The man danced away, putting more soldiers in between him and Nathan. Then an arrow with the force of a bullet bounced off his [Mage Armor] and the mage staggered. The slave-soldiers tried to close ranks, but Nathan ignored their spears and slipped past their shields to run after the fleeing mage.

More slave soldiers tried to block his path, but the elites had penetrated the formation and Olad slammed two of them aside to clear the path.

The mage looked around frantically, then rapidly summoned the mana to cast one last spell.


Nathan had felt the magic coming together and lashed out with his antimagic to break [Mage Armor] and sever much of the spellwork. The spell still triggered, but only the top half of the man teleported down the street. Two legs and some viscera slumped to the cobblestones where he’d been standing.

Assassin of Gemore has leveled to 38. You have slain the Giantsrest mages Rebre dho Yivit, Tala dha Vonemon and Bref dho Varmar.

After that was the cleanup of a perfect fight - Nathan and Stella had taken care of the mages, and the elites so thoroughly outclassed the regular slave-soldiers that they’d taken very few injuries and captured most of their enemies.

Nathan immediately set about scrubbing mental magic and tearing collars off the fallen, wary of the lethal manner in which the enchantments would react to capture. It only took a minute to get them all, and he surveyed the field of dazed soldiers. Some of them bore injuries, but others had just been hurled to the ground.

“We’re going to kick Giantsrest out of Halsmet. You can join us, hide or cause trouble. But abandon any loyalty to Giantsrest, because they treated you as a tool to be cast aside. Join us, and make yourself a space to be your own people.”

After all, the normal slave soldiers are artisans who don’t pick up skills quickly enough or make too many mistakes. Or just piss off their masters.

Implacable Antimage has leveled to 164. You have defeated a Giantsrest patrol and freed many of their slave-soldiers.

As Nathan turned to go, the pulse of the detection enchantment washed over them. It adhered to everybody around him, sensing their lack of mental magic or a mage mark and marking them. Nathan watched with curiosity and faint horror as the spell sunk into Olad’s skin. It didn’t do anything except emit a faint magical ping, signaling the city-wide enchantment with an intangible beacon.

The control of which is in Exea’s mansion. Well, that also probably marked the Adventurers and all of the slaves I freed earlier. I hope we can keep Giantsrest busy enough that they don’t get hunted down.

Frowning, Nathan reached out with his aura and absorbed the magic on Olad. It had no failsafes, no layers - just the simple tracking spell. He spread his aura wide and strode through the crowd, deactivating the tracker on everybody he passed.

Just as Nathan finished clearing the spell from everybody affected, Faline stepped into visibility. She looked peeved, and held up the dead mages mark.

Nathan gave her a smirk and stripped the enchantment that had tagged her.

It probably still told them there are a bunch of us here, but won’t give them live updates anymore. Regardless, we might have lost the advantage of surprise - a single ping doesn’t tell them our direction, and they only have a few minutes to figure it out and warn our target.

“Elites, with me! Everybody else, hide or join up!” Nathan cried out, and took off. He set a fast pace, wanting to get to the gate before the Gemore Adventurers did.

Several of the soldiers staggered after him, but they couldn’t keep pace - two managed it by tossing aside their shields and sprinting along clutching just a spear, but they weren’t going to be in shape to fight at the end of the run.

Speed is more important than a couple of weaker fighters. If they scatter a bit, it’s really going to confuse the people controlling the detection enchantment when the next ping goes out.

Stella was able to keep up with Nathan and the elites just fine - after all, she’d been doing the Heirs’ daily run for years. Her class didn’t give her any physical enhancements like Nathan or the elites, but she’d figured out force spells that let her keep up regardless.

She wasn’t even out of breath a few minutes later. “The Adventurers are almost at the inner gate.”

Nathan snarled, and ran faster. “So are we. There’s only one mage on this side of the wall. Take them, I’m going up the wall after the one on top. I don’t want the Adventurers to have to charge the other side without support.”

They burst around the corner in a gaggle, and the same gate Nathan and Stella had used to enter the inner city was before them once again. The guards were as they’d seen them, with one mage on this side of the wall, but Nathan knew there was at least an enforcement mage at the top, with two more on the other side.

The artisan mage shouted in alarm as Nathan and the elites charged. She cast a spell that caused a long horn-blast and the soldiers on either side of her leveled their spears.

Then Stella hit the yellow-robed mage with a bolt of lightning. It didn't break her [Mage Armor], but it also didn’t stop. The woman cowered and threw her arms out, frantically trying to defend herself from the writhing beam of electricity by recasting [Mage Armor] over and over.

That’s a fight Stella will win easily. And quickly.

Atop the gatehouse, bow-wielding soldiers fired down, but they were more of an annoyance than a true threat to Nathan and the elites. Of greater note was the graying enforcement mage standing directly above the gate.

He looked down on the charging elites with displeasure, but without a trace of concern. An arrow struck his [Mage Armor] with the force of a ballista bolt and bounced off without even rocking him back. The Giantsrest mage gave one sharp nod, as if he’d decided the most economical solution to a minor issue he faced.

[Maximized Blast Fireball]

The ball of flame that flew from his hand radiated danger. If Stella’s fireballs were grenades, this thing was an artillery shell. Nathan leapt for it, jumping up and reaching his hand toward the fireball as it arced towards the crowd of elites behind him. He caught it like an outfielder catching a baseball right before it soared over the fence. The magic fizzed angrily against Nathan’s palm as it dissipated away.

It’s a good thing I have a lot of experience with fireballs, or else that thing would have blown a crater in the street If I’d just disrupted it.

The enforcement mage’s bushy eyebrows shot up, and his jaw dropped. His expression grew even more confused as Nathan jumped over the line of soldiers defending the gate and started climbing the wall, slamming handholds into the mortar between the stones.

Nathan could understand why the man was confused - this wall was enchanted. It had powerful magic that made it impossible to climb, and very difficult to damage. He couldn’t destroy the enchantment as a whole - it was too large, and cemented deeply within the thick stone. But he could prevent it from having any effect in the area around him, and the mortar was surprisingly fragile without magic holding it together.


The spell splashed over Nathan without effect, and finally the old enforcement mage’s confusion transformed into horror. He remained at the edge of the parapet, looking down at Nathan like somebody in a horror movie - frozen and unable to run as the monster bore down on them.

Nathan reached up through the [Mage Armor] like it was plastic wrap and grabbed the old man around the throat. He squeezed his fist and yanked the mage over the parapet, casting him towards the fight below, where the elites were handily winning against the badly-trained soldiers. The man might have temporarily survived the crushed throat and forty-foot fall, but he definitely didn’t survive being struck by three different elites over the next few seconds.

The archers to either side pulled shortswords and moved to attack Nathan, but he lashed out with his aura, sloppily crushing the mental magic on most of them before leaping off the other side of the wall.

The Giantsrest forces on this side had their own problems - they’d been trading ranged attacks with Adventurers taking cover further down the street. Nathan spotted the glowing gold of Khachi’s divine mana, and heard the sharp crack of Sarah’s rifle, which was answered by a fireball that detonated on the golden shield.

The stalemate ended when Nathan landed on top of one of the two mages, and dispatched the other with a quick series of punches.

Assassin of Gemore has leveled to 40! You have slain the Giantsrest mages Lave dha Humal, Bran dho Yivit, and Odra dho Halded.

The slave soldiers around Nathan slowly turned their spears towards him, but he was already among them, ripping off collars and dispelling the magic as he tore through their ranks.

But there were a hundred of them, and only one of him. The crush of bodies hemmed Nathan in, and even though most of the soldiers around Nathan weren’t even trying to capture him anymore, he was trapped.

At least until a voice Nathan hadn’t heard in some time gave a wordless bellow of rage. Hooves clattered across stone, and an entire rank of soldiers went flying as Artha laid into them with his enormous staff, bones knocking soldiers to the ground and stunning them for a moment, without slaying them outright.

More Adventurers followed, and the slave-soldiers were soon dead or shaking their heads in confusion at the absence of spells demanding their loyalty.

Implacable Antimage has leveled to 168. You have captured a gate guarded by many foes, and relieved your allies as they attacked the far side.

More levels for [Implacable Antimage] than [Assassin of Gemore] there. Those weren’t really assassinations.

The Rage melted off Artha’s armored elk-centaur body and he gave a deep laugh as he surveyed Nathan and the two dead mages in front of the gate. “A dragon indeed! We scarce believed the message, but we knew you would make no game of this.”

Nathan clasped hands with Artha and traded a grin with Aarl, noting that Egall, Sarah and Aarl all stood close behind. Egall had changed into clothing more reminiscent of an Adventurer of Gemore. She looked like she belonged. Then he turned to the other Adventurers who’d first come to rescue Nathan and the Heirs - and were now joining them to try to free the city.

Vhala was the first to approach, and she clasped forearms with Nathan. “I am free of regret to find you here, in this fight. When we first found you, I would not have believed a prophecy that said we would meet here.”

Nathan returned Emerald’s silent nod, knowing that they could see him even through their face-covering helmet.

Man, it’s good to see these folks. Even among Gemore Adventurers, the Giantraiders are a bunch of characters.

Wiam hustled down the road, his beak clacking excitedly. “I’da bet dragon bones ta stalker teeth we’d be alone comin’ in here. But everybody came!” He gestured to the other two teams who had hung back.

The leader of the first team reached out his hand with a wide smile, and Nathan eagerly shook it. “Delric! Last saw you a week ago and a hundred miles south of here.”

Delric Enesto was the leader of the Old Hands, and Nathan was thrilled to see him. He’d backed Nathan against Kozar when the traditionalist adventurer had thought Nathan had left his nephew Simla to die. Beyond that, the Old Hands were a respectable team with good close-combat abilities, and their mage Neta was an accomplished illusionist.

I’m also like 70% sure that she has a crush on Stella. Or maybe she's just really envious of Stella's magic. It can be a little hard to tell.

The black-skinned man smiled widely. “I would give a grand Insight to hear this tale, but the fire burns onwards.” He relinquished Nathan’s hand and stepped back to make room.

The leader of the third adventuring team stopped in front of Nathan and bowed at the waist with military precision. Nathan looked up at the green-skinned orc that towered over him, dressed in dark plate that was clearly related to the armor worn by the legionaries of Agmon. He was carrying a crossbow that almost looked more like a small ballista.

Damn, he’s like seven feet tall. I’ve seen Emerald talking to this guy back at the Guild but we’ve never been introduced. I wonder if he’s exiled from Agmon like Poppy hints he is.

“Lycaste Jreth, in your presence. Your name is spoken among the noble, Nathan Lark.” The orc’s handshake was crushing, and when Nathan returned the grip strength for strength the orc’s face lit up and his smile widened to something predatory.

“Glad you could make it. Anybody who helps me overthrow a city is a friend of mine.” Nathan surveyed the fifteen or so Adventurers. “And that’s what we’re here for. This isn’t a rescue.” Nathan spread his arms to indicate the slain mages and downed soldiers. “We can take this city - now. Before any reinforcements show up.”

The Giantraiders cheered, but Lycaste and Delric looked at each other doubtfully.

Nathan caught the look, and addressed them. “I’ve killed one archmage already, and the other is running scared. The mages are confused and panicked because they can’t hurt me. Now I’ve freed all the slave-elites in the city, and they’re right on the other side of that gate, waiting for us.”

Delric considered for a moment, then shrugged. “True aim. How do we get the gate open? Seems like the first target.”

Nathan pressed his hands to the enchanted wood. “Well, Giantsrest depends on magic for everything. And that’s a problem I can always solve.” With a thought his aura reached into the gate and shattered the magic holding the portal together. It only took one firm shove to open up the passage.

Olad and Stella were on the other side, and broke into grins as they saw Nathan and the Adventurers with him. They’d been rooting through a pile of charcoal on the ground that appeared to be all that was left of the Giantsrest mage who’d engaged Stella in a magical duel.

Looks like she’s got that covered.

He stepped through the gates, and the Adventurers followed, trading wary looks and hasty greetings with the elites. Neta gasped and ran over to talk to Stella, but Sarah beat her to it, clasping arms with Stella as she rejoined the Heirs.

“Let’s go! We got a city to claim!” Nathan started running, and soon enough heard the sounds of four adventuring teams and twenty freed elites of Giantsrest following him.

Leadership 2 achieved!

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Aura of Antimagic 4

Permanent Talent 2: Perfected Body 7

Talent 3: High-tier Slow Fall 9

Class: Implacable Antimage level 168

Deepened Stamina: 5128/5340

Antimage’s Impassivity

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Implacable Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Improved Antimagic

Strenuous Agility

Hand-to-hand Expertise

Class: Assassin of Gemore level 40

Regenerative Focus: 225/500

Catastrophic Blows

Stealthy Movement



Unsuspecting Strike

Utility skills:

Battle Meditation 8

Leadership 2

High-tier Sprinting 4

Magical Perception 5

High-tier Notice 8

High-tier Identify 9

High-tier Dodging Footwork 8

High-tier Enhanced Memory 9

Mid-tier Lecturing 9

High-tier Tumbling 4

Mid-tier Noticeability 4

Low-tier Quiet Movement 3

Low-tier Disguise 2

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