Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 23: The Threesome Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Lucien continues his romp with the alien sisters~


… No. Not yet.

It’s a split second decision, because mere moments before he’d definitely been leaning towards returning Blackfire’s memories to her now. After all, she was his partner in crime in all of this. But that would have been… premature, he realizes. As Starfire dutifully sucks his cock, Lucien only has eyes for Blackfire in this moment. What he sees makes it clear that he needs to hold off a little longer.

Gazing down at her younger sister, Blackfire looks like her dream has come true. But… like all abuse victims, there’s a fair note of disbelief in her gaze as well. She’s having a hard time accepting it even with the evidence right in front of her. Everything Starfire has said… Lucien can tell that this amnesiac version of Blackfire wants to believe her sister. But even though Kori is willing to prove it through action, she’s still struggling.

Now… add a whole lot of hatred and bad blood on top of that and you had a recipe for disaster. Blackfire with all of her memories would be all too likely to revert to form, to convince herself that Starfire is lying and that it’s all a trick. In a way, Starfire IS lying after all… she’s keeping the truth of Blackfire’s actions from her amnesiac self.

Lucien can easily see a world where Blackfire twists this around in her mind. That Starfire is lying to try and protect Blackfire and salvage their relationship is obvious to Lucien and would probably be obvious to anyone else, but not Blackfire herself. She was too close to the situation, in the end.

What Lucien wanted remained the same. He wanted to show Blackfire that her sister wasn’t the threat and that she didn’t need to destroy Starfire in order to live a good life. But while they’d taken the first step down that path, they hadn’t reached the end. Not yet.

And so Lucien stays quiet and waits, watching as Starfire gazes up at him with gorgeous green eyes and Blackfire stares down at her sister in quiet contemplation. All the while, his cock disappears between Kori’s orange lips again and again, her warm wet mouth encircling his dick over and over. She’s fortunate that he’s in complete control of his biology, because Blackfire just lets her do her thing for quite a long time, seemingly deep in thought. But even with Lucien holding back his orgasm, Starfire is clearly starting to lag a bit, her jaw no doubt getting sore from all the cock sucking.

Finally though…

“Enough. My turn.”

Finally, Amnesiac Blackfire seems to get over her insecurities. At least partially. It’s clear she’s still looking for a trap as she gazes around the rooftop they’re on and sniffs indignantly.

“This place is filthy. We shall relocate.”

Lucien raises an eyebrow at that, noting how Starfire has been on her knees on the rooftop Blackfire deemed ‘too filthy to fuck on’ for quite some time now. However, Kori herself merely wipes her mouth with the back of her hand before giving Blackfire a hesitant smile.

“Of course, Mistress. Where do you want to go?”

He sees how Blackfire’s face scrunches up in irritation as she realizes that she doesn’t have anywhere to go. Amnesiac that she is, she didn’t even know what planet she first woke up on, after all. Lucien also sees the moment Starfire realizes this as well, her face scrunching up in consternation. But just as the younger sister is opening her mouth to offer apologies, Lucien cuts her off and points his finger upwards.

“Perhaps we don’t need to go anywhere, necessarily. Perhaps all we need to do… is go up. We can all fly, after all.”

Both of the Tamaraneans go a little wide eyed when they realize what Lucien is suggesting. Meanwhile, he just grins and shrugs. He might have agreed to let Amnesiac Blackfire be nominally in control here, but he did not agree to be nothing but a flesh dildo for her and her sister to play with. He can still have ideas, and he figures some mile high club sex might be just what the doctor ordered.

From the considering look on Blackfire’s face, she doesn’t disagree. Finally, she nods.

“That’s… not a bad idea. Starfire, follow.”

“Y-Yes Mistress.”

Slowly, they all rise into the air, Lucien and Blackfire side by side with Starfire just beneath them. The city quickly vanishes beneath him, with the rooftop soon growing tinier and tinier as well. Until finally, they enter the cloud layer. It takes them a few moments of flying to get through those as well, but finally they arrive just above the clouds, the sun beating down overhead.

“This will do nicely.”

As Blackfire brings them to a stop, Lucien simply nods his head, his cock still rock hard and twitching with need despite the impromptu flight and relocation. Seeing this, the older of the two alien princesses bites her lower lip for a moment.

“Tch… place yourself… horizontal.”

“Very well.”

They have no surfaces to lay down on, so she can’t just tell him to get on his back. But Blackfire clearly has no desire to do something so intimate as cling to him like a spider monkey. Nor does she seem particularly interested in having her back against his chest as he carries her. It would give him too much power for her tastes, he suspects.

Instead, she treats him like… like a surf board, after a fashion. Her legs even dangle off of either side of his body as she straddles him, her feet disappearing into the top of the fluffy clouds they’re hovering just above. Starfire, meanwhile, floats off to the side, biting her lower lip as she watches him and Blackfire together.

Grasping his cock with one hand and planting the other upon his chiseled chest for support, Blackfire ‘lifts’ herself up into the air a few inches and proceeds to plant the throbbing head of his member against her slit. Then, breath hitching, she slowly sinks down his length. It’s funny because as far as she’s concerned, this is their first time together. But for Lucien, this isn’t exactly new ground.

Still, he’s not about to say that to either her or her sister. Instead he stays quiet, even as Blackfire slowly impales herself upon his cock, descending down his shaft until her pussy lips touch the base of his dick. Nice and snug upon his member, the Tamaranean Princess lets out a shuddering breath, even as her insides flex around his dick and she lets out a small, involuntary moan that clearly surprises her.

She jerks in surprise at her own lewd noise, only to flush and scowl at him and then her sister.

“… You heard nothing.”

Starfire immediately bows her head in supplication, but Lucien just raises an eyebrow at Blackfire, smirking slightly as he places his hands on her hips. The alien princess goes still at that, her eyes narrowing as she gazes down at him.

“I do not recall giving you permission to touch me.”

Lucien’s smirk grows a little bit.

“No. And I didn’t ask.”

Blackfire glares, but before she can respond, he thrusts up into her from below, bouncing her upon his dick. Her eyes widen at that and she gurgles as she tries in vain to withhold the moan that threatens to bubble out of her throat. In the end, it comes out half-strangled… but it still comes out.


“I told you I would follow your lead. Not submit. Remember that. If Starfire wants to call you Mistress then that’s fine… but I’m not the kind of man who submits to anyone.”

The amnesiac alien glowers at him at that and for a moment Lucien worries he might have overstepped. But then…


Starfire to the rescue. Her voice is just the right shade of submissive as she calls out to Blackfire, forcing her to look in her direction.

“It might not mean much to you… but he IS the son of one of the most powerful humans on this planet. A man who has conquered much in the humans’ own way.”

Heh. Interesting way of describing Lex Luthor, Lucien supposed. Still, to his mild surprise, Starfire’s words seem to get through to her older sister. Blackfire tilts her head in consideration for a moment, gazing down at him.

“… I see. I suppose you wish to prove your sexual prowess, don’t you? No doubt you find your pride as a man challenged by this position, prompting you to act up in this way.”

Amnesiac Blackfire grins a savage grin, all but baring her teeth at him in the process as she leans forward.

“Do your worst.”

A moment later and she’s riding him. Lucien just laughs and returns the favor. Of course, they’re both still flying. There is no ground here, no surfaces for either of them to rest on. Instead, they’re slamming against one another with what would definitely be bruising force if he were still baseline human. As it is, Lucien gives Blackfire as good as he gets, driving his cock deep inside of her… and happily bringing into play everything he’s ever learned about her with his power.

Just like before the amnesia, he begins to overwhelm her with pleasure rather quickly. However, unlike back then… this Blackfire isn’t alone. Lucien has to admit, he’s surprised by what she does next… but also pleased. It’s a good sign that she’s coming along well.



“D-Distract him! Split his f-focus!”

“Ah! Right away, Mistress!”

All but lunging forward, Starfire grabs Lucien by his face with both hands and pulls him into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. She moans as she does so, clearly all too happy to be included in the fun that he and her sister are having. And for a moment, it even works. Starfire’s sudden assault on his lips is almost enough for Blackfire to take control down below as his attention is split between the two sisters.

Ah, but at the end of the day… Starfire is a submissive little bitch through and through. It doesn’t take long for Lucien to take over the kiss and he doesn’t even have to pull a hand away from Blackfire’s hips to do so. He dominates Starfire’s mouth with his tongue, wrestling her own into submission as she whimpers and all but melts against his lips.

Realizing this, Blackfire hisses.

“That’s not g-good enough, sister! Damn it all, he’s overwhelming you!”

To her credit, Starfire immediately pulls back from Lucien’s mouth.

“A-Apologies, Mistress!”

Then, she grabs him by his hair and yanks him into her naked orange chest, all but smothering him in her tits. Lucien has to admit… as far as distractions go, this one IS better than the kissing. He finds himself focusing on suckling, slurping, and nibbling at Starfire’s teats, causing her to moan as he tugs at her nipples with his teeth, swirling his tongue across her breasts wildly.

“B-Better… much b-better!”

Blackfire definitely thinks she has the upper hand now. Well, they can’t have that. Grinning around one of Starfire’s nipples, Lucien kicks things back into high gear and proves he can properly multitask by fucking Blackfire even harder from below while still going to town all over Starfire’s tits. The ensuing squeal from Blackfire as she involuntarily squirts all over his cock is like music to his ears… but it seems to send Starfire into a panic and before her older sister can even give her another order, the younger alien is leaping into action.

Namely, she ‘leaps’ forward and proceeds to wrap her legs and thighs around his head as she sits on his face and forces his mouth against her cunt. Eyes twinkling with mischief, Lucien… slows down fucking Blackfire just a little bit after this and sure enough, once she gets herself back under control…

“W-Well done, Starfire. Now… now we’ve got him right where we want him.”

Starfire’s thighs clench around his head at that and her pussy juices gush out into his mouth. Just hearing Blackfire praising her is enough to send the Tamaranean over the edge, Lucien can’t help but note.

“Y-Yes mistress!”

His derisive snort is muffled by Starfire’s pussy, thankfully. Right where they want him? He could most definitely turn the tables here and give both Blackfire the dicking of her amnesiac life and Starfire the tonguing of HER life if he wanted to.

… But that would go against his goals at this point. So instead Lucien slows down a bit more, still giving them both a lot to think about, but no longer proving to be quite so overwhelming to either of them. Holding back like this feels weird, especially since he’s holding back in order to trick his amnesiac ally into thinking she’s got him right where she wants him. But at the same time… this is what needs to happen. Blackfire needs to learn to value Starfire in every way she possibly can before Lucien returns her memories to her.

After all, if he returns Blackfire’s memories too early, all that hatred and internalized anger comes rushing back. Not only will it undue the small amount of work they’ve done so far today, but it’ll also be incredibly obvious to Raven that something has changed. No, in the end… this is better. For just a little while longer, Blackfire is going to learn what it is to have a sister she didn’t try to kill. She’s going to learn what it’s like to have a submissive sex pet who just wants them both to be happy.

Lucien can help facilitate that. He very much can.


Hours later, after night falls and they’ve snuck back into Titan Tower and made their way to Starfire’s room, Lucien finds himself awake long after both Blackfire and Starfire have passed out from exhaustion. He supposes he should be pretty tired too right now, but honestly… he’s a little wired.

Unfortunately, a certain Tamaranean Princess has passed out on top of him. Even with amnesia, Blackfire is a clingy menace. Of course, Starfire isn’t much better. The younger of the two sisters is snuggled into his side while her ‘Mistress’ drools on his chest. For a moment, Lucien considers just bearing with it and going to sleep. But in the end… he decides to slowly extricate himself from beneath the two aliens.

It’s not easy and he does have to abuse his powers a little bit to KEEP them both asleep as he moves, but eventually he manages it with neither of them any worse for wear. In fact, as he climbs out of Starfire’s bed and glances back, it’s to see the sisters cuddling with each other now in his absence. Cute, truth be told.

Rolling his shoulders, Lucien stretches to get the kink out of his neck and then floats off the ground and heads for the door. Perhaps that’s why, when he pushes it open… he surprises the one who was spying on them from the other side.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Its Terra and she's horny - 23%

[X] Its Raven and she's suspicious - 77%


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