Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 776 The real legacy

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The rotating rocket whizzed and hit the elemental evil object.

The rapid impact destroyed its charging action.

After staying in the thunder demiplane long enough, the combat troops of the Gulf Territory would observe the battle between the elemental evil objects and the Naga army whenever they had free time.

They already know enough about the characteristics of elemental creatures.

Elemental creatures come in different sizes, and their life energy is very large, but their weight is not stable.

Most of the distorted fire elements are fused with earth elements, turning into behemoths similar to lava giants, with full weight and tonnage.

The distorted air element is usually relatively independent, has the lightest weight, but has an extremely weird shape.

The distorted water element is different. Its shape is usually combined with water flow and ice cubes, and there are also some different animal forms hidden.

This is the case with this elemental evil creature in front of me. It looks like a long-legged and strong crocodile, but also like a more flexible earth-moving dragon.

Even if his body was blown open by rockets, he still continued to activate the water element and quickly healed the wounds.

In the test of Leon's battle helmet, the energy response of the elemental evil was not weakened in any way.

On the contrary, as it enters combat status, it is constantly improving.

Without any hesitation, the Gulf Territory warriors headed by Thunder Warrior decisively activated the energy accumulated in the Thunder Magic Armor, turning it into flashes of thunder and flying towards the elemental evil object.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pieces of turbulent water mist and hoarfrost are flying endlessly.

The gap created by the thunder was healed by the gathered water elements.

Their attacks seemed to have no effect.

Leon was well prepared for all this. Facing the elemental evil object rushing in front of him, the black-gold sword of destruction in his hand burst out with powerful sword energy that seemed to be real.


The elemental evil creature's chest was torn open with a large gap.

The huge claws with sharp ice struck Leon fiercely.

Those blood-red eyes contained incomprehensible madness and evil thoughts.


The claws instantly hit Leon, smashing his body into pieces.

The huge claws hit the ground hard, causing a violent impact.

The cold breath spread to all directions. A piece of cold ice was left behind.

Laura's pupils shrank as she was accumulating power, almost disrupting the accumulated power.

Then suddenly I saw Leon's figure, suddenly appearing on the elemental evil thing's chest, following the gap that was constantly healing, and got directly in.


Realizing that something was wrong, the elemental evil creature let out an earth-shattering roar.

A bright light emitted from the inside of his chest, and dense white cold air spread, seeming to freeze Lyon completely.

At this moment, Laura heard the "attack" command and decisively released the bow string.

The rapidly rotating penetrating arrow, carrying a green spiritual wind, instantly pierced into the chest of the elemental evil creature.


The shock wave of the explosion opened a gap the size of a washbasin in the elemental evil creature's chest.

Waves of surging thunder enveloped the burly bodies and jumped into the torso of the evil elemental creature.

The strengthened thunder power penetrated deeply into the body of the elemental evil creature, destroying its process of accumulating water elements.

call! call! call!

Sharp sword energy pierced the chest of the elemental evil thing one after another.

Each cut made the previous gap bigger and deeper.

Realizing the dangerous elemental evil, he raised his claws and swatted at the Thunder Warriors.

The surrounding water elements condense into substance and are about to transform into thick ice crystal armor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The thunder warrior who attracted the firepower did not dodge or evade. He raised his shield high and received the swing of his sharp claws.

They flew out heavily, and the jumping lightning flashed continuously, tearing the spreading frost into pieces.

Just after such a delay, a dazzling light burst out from within the elemental evil object.

The holy light wrapped in the sword energy tore through the deadly light from the body of the elemental evil object.

One by one, swift figures ran up to the body of the evil elemental creature with flexible steps.

The power of frost condensed around it entangled them like living creatures, trying to trap and freeze them.

The pale golden spells and patterns are constantly surging and twisting around the monk's body, isolating the deadly frost power from the outside.

Taking advantage of Leon's opportunity to cause trouble inside the elemental evil object, causing it to fall into a stalemate.

They stretched out shining chains one after another, followed the gaps torn by the sword light, sword energy and holy light, and quickly penetrated into the body of the elemental evil object.

Like a living creature, the demon-sealing chain quickly travels through the elemental evil object and connects with the surrounding elemental chains.

The magic-sealing chains connected into pieces emit flickering light, imprisoning nearby elemental forces and cutting off the contact between elemental evil objects and surrounding elements.

The remaining Thunder Warrior who had not been knocked away waved the chain-toothed giant sword with the cutting force field activated, easily cutting through the body of the elemental evil object.

They dropped bottles after bottles of highly concentrated holy water, as well as elemental bombs specially made by the Gulf Territory for elemental evils, into the gap that was constantly healing.

Then, the Thunder Warriors raised their shields and activated the elemental bombs without hesitation.

Colorful lights flashed one after another in the elemental evil object's body.

They moved around in a disorderly manner and expanded rapidly, exploding into gaps one after another that emitted light.

With the impact of the explosion, the high-concentration holy water spread out and penetrated deep into the body of the elemental evil object.

The holy water and the elemental evil object came into contact everywhere, making a "sizzling" collision sound.

The entire body of the elemental evil object was constantly flashing with a strange light.

Seeing that the plan was going smoothly, Alice shouted loudly without hesitation:

"Dragon hunting crossbow, shoot!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The huge and heavy crossbow arrow flew out in a spin.

The armor-piercing crossbow can break through the strong scales of dragon blood creatures and shoot into the bodies of elemental evil creatures.

The injury, which could be considered fatal to flesh and blood life, did not cause much harm to the elemental evil.

However, the weapons specially prepared by the Gulf Territory for elemental evils are naturally not that simple.

The armor-piercing crossbow arrows that penetrated his body were quickly surrounded by the elemental power of the elemental evil object.

The squeezed crossbow arrow was activated with an explosion program, and immediately exploded in the elemental evil object's body.

The armor-piercing crossbow arrows are quite large, and naturally there are a lot of elemental bombs hidden in them.

The terrifying explosion power immediately opened larger gaps around the elemental evil object.

The elemental evil's control over the body immediately weakened a lot.

At this moment, Leon, who got into its body, used the shock wave of the explosion to break away from the ice power that imprisoned him, and turned his body without hesitation.

Sharp sword energy pierced in all directions as his body turned.

Click! Click!


The fine ice was punctured with gaps.

The completely shattered ice crystal fragments flew out along the gap of the explosion.

Elemental evil objects have no real vitals. Even if they are attacked deep inside the body, they can still move freely.

But the shattering of the body will definitely consume the power contained in it, and the power that the elemental evil thing can control will continue to be reduced.

The monks who jumped onto it were still strengthening the size of the magic-sealing array.

On the one hand, the power in the body is constantly decreasing, and on the other hand, the power available for absorption is cut off.

The elemental evil creature was aware of the fatal danger, and was ready to raise its claws to swat the obstructive monk off its body.

In its limited knowledge, as long as it can escape back to the depths of the valley and be in the rich water element area.

No matter how severe the injury is, it will heal quickly.

However, it suddenly found that it could not move.

The originally light and agile limbs were not only taken care of by the monk's magic sealing array, but were also attacked by several thunder warriors.

The most important point is that the more than ten heavy-duty armor-piercing crossbow arrows inserted into its limbs did not explode like before.

Instead, they are connected to steel chains as thick as wrists, and are connected to the golem armed truck behind them.

The large-tonnage golem armed truck had stretched its chain straight at some point and was charging outward with all its strength.

Every time the elemental evil object moves, it receives more pulling power and more restraining power.

And the longer it delays, the strength of struggle and resistance continues to shrink.

It won't be long before the elemental evil objects can no longer move.

However, Leon, who was inside the elemental evil object, did not hesitate to tear open a super-level holy light scroll again.

The erupting spikes of holy light forced themselves into the elemental evil creature's body, burning out a larger hole.

The originally accumulated water elemental power was immediately violently impacted and affected.

Before the remaining power could burst out, the swordsmen who had already adjusted their positions completed the accumulation of power.

They pulled out their sharp swords one after another and brought out a six to seven meter long sword energy, which directly penetrated into the body of the elemental evil creature with an unstoppable force.


The elemental power that had not yet been concentrated collided with more than a dozen sword energies.

The huge explosion caused by the collision between the two sides tore apart hideous cracks one after another.

The last remaining elemental power was completely unable to shake the condensed magic-sealing array.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Alice pulled the trigger without hesitation and shouted loudly:

"Attack it on the head!"

Various long-range attacks hit the head of the elemental evil creature in one after another explosions.

Large pieces of ice crystal fragments fell from the head of the elemental evil creature.

This ferocious behemoth twisted its body vigorously, trying to escape from various restraints.

However, various pressures unknowingly exerted by the Gulf Territory have firmly restrained it. The inside has been basically hollowed out, and the outside has been completely sealed off.

In this situation, the elemental evil creature was helpless, although it didn't know how it failed.

Out of its instinct to survive, it gathered all the power of the water element and formed a huge ice crystal in its body.

The imprisoned bodies around him quickly fell apart and spread out because they lost the support of their core strength.

Leon, who broke out of the ice, looked at the huge ice crystals in front of him with a complex expression, shook his head with some regret and said:

"Unfortunately, our attack is not strong enough to completely collapse it before it shrinks its power."

The monks who had played a huge role gathered in front of this ice crystal and tied it up densely with demon-sealing chains that exuded dazzling light.

Then, they slowly disappeared around the ice crystals, gradually turning into charming and translucent beautiful lines.

The ice crystals that were still absorbing the surrounding free water elements immediately became dim.

The chain will continuously absorb the power within the ice crystal, perfecting and further strengthening it to ensure that it never regains any power.

It will only become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

Regarding Leon's slight regret, other people involved in the battle smiled.

They saw clearly that the battle was won and no one was sacrificed. There was no better outcome than this.

Moreover, they won the first battle, so they will be better prepared next time and have a better grasp.

Alice called on everyone to quickly check their injuries, and at the same time presided over the arrangement of the purification ceremony to ensure that no one would lose their lives due to a moment of negligence.

The various kinds of frostbite caused by elemental evil things are indeed unique in their own way.

Even the Dragon Warrior's powerful recovery ability cannot quickly remove and repair it.

Fortunately, the Gulf Territory was well prepared, and swordsmen and monks took action to decisively extract the original power that caused continuous damage to these injuries.

After a while, everyone quickly recovered and summarized and discussed the battle.

The adventurers who took action from afar continued to control the long-range weapons on the golem armed trucks to bombard the elemental creatures in the valley.

After discussing and summarizing it with everyone, the distorted elemental life inside has almost been cleared up.

After solving the threats here, their next step is to build a corresponding development base.

In the past they had to do it themselves, but that is no longer the case.

The Golem construction machinery loaded with a new work production program quickly began to operate.

Leon, who led the team, soon discovered a core area where elements gathered inside the valley.

The surging water elemental power has undergone a special transformation here, turning into a bone-chilling ice energy field.

Various elemental energy crystals are scattered in various gaps deep in the valley. Their beautiful and charming luster deeply attracts everyone's attention.

"Haha, now we are making a lot of money."

"Hehehe, check the quality quickly. If the quality is good enough, we will take our time and develop it."

"Yes, if the quality is up to standard and we can produce higher quality materials based on the new technology in our territory, then the thing will be more valuable than this."

"There should be no problem. This is the home of legendary monsters, and it's in the thunder demiplane. The quality is absolutely guaranteed."

"Super-medium grade, top quality!"

"Super medium? My dear, we've made a lot of money now."

"Hurry up and notify the base and ask them to send more people over quickly."

"We must strengthen the gathering and guidance of elements here. After accepting the baptism of the elemental tide, we may be able to break through to legendary quality."

"Zi Liu... stop talking. Now I don't even dare to put my foot down."



While investigating various possible hidden dangers, I listened to the enthusiastic discussions among the guys.

Leon and Alice looked at each other, quickly understood each other's thoughts, and agreed at the same time.

After such a fruitful battle, it is natural to intensify efforts and continue to advance.

This is not only the rapid development of the Thunder Demiplane, but also the training of the Gulf Territory's combat strength.

Half a day later.

Another group of Gulf Territory staff arrived with supplies.

They will replace the combat team led by Leon and turn this place into an important resource location and development city in the Gulf Territory.

At the same time, a huge network surrounded the entire valley and the surrounding area, and then sealed it tightly.

This is about the practical application of Mystery Lock, ensuring that after the Gulf Territory masters this technology, it can play a practical role and continue to innovate in this technology.

The Gulf Territory implemented the basics before.

After the foundation is solid enough, the construction personnel will make relevant improvements according to their own ideas and the needs of the Gulf Territory.

As for the high-level myth locks and other technologies provided by the Cole elves, after Matthew mastered the basic principles, he only took away the basic parts and used them as teaching materials for guidance.

As for the subsequent functions and development, it requires the joint efforts of everyone in the Gulf Territory.

Matthew has always had this attitude when it comes to mastering technology.

Understand other people's technology thoroughly, choose its advantages and foundations, and integrate them into your own technical foundation.

In this regard, the Gulf Territory construction personnel, who are more active in thinking and quite open-minded, will have all kinds of fantastic ideas.

The vast majority of them fail to succeed, either because the technology is not up to par, or because of fundamental errors.

However, there are always some that succeed and show pretty good results.

The Gulf Territory has fully affirmed and supported everyone’s ideas and enthusiasm.

In the Thunder Demiplane, a world where there is no shortage of energy and elements, everyone is free to express themselves and create.

If it succeeds, Bayland will not hesitate to reward it.

If it fails, Gulf Territory will also help it find the reason.

We call on everyone to discuss, learn and make progress together.

Matthew gave a considerable degree of recognition to Lyon and their success.

He hosted a battle discussion meeting and allowed them to give a variety of ideas and opinions.

Conduct a comprehensive discussion on battle plans, combat weapons, combat consumables, and combat personnel configuration.

The reinforcement of the reinforcement.

If it's time to tear down and start over, replace it with a new one.

What should be improved should be advanced quickly.

The Gulf Territory concentrates the power and resources of relevant parties to quickly strengthen and supplement them.

About three days later.

Leon led the team to kill the next elemental evil object.

They did not choose a new elemental evil object, but specially found another ice elemental evil object.

In terms of combat, it was originally a matter of first experience and second experience.

Since we want to preserve our strength and ensure the success of the battle, we naturally have to find a familiar opponent to attack.

First came a round of more rapid and precise bombing.

Prioritize clearing out the distorted elemental life forms around elemental evil objects.

There are two major benefits to doing this.

The first is to clean up the bad guys who are evil elements, so as to avoid accidents and troubles during battle.

The second is to reduce evil elements as much as possible and restore strength by devouring distorted elemental creatures.

Compared to absorbing the recovery power of various elements from the air, the speed of recovery from directly devouring elemental life forms will make combat troops give up the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

The dog legs have been cleaned up.

Most of the elemental evil things will rush out and tear into pieces any creature that tries to disturb their "lucid dream".

Another round of rocket attack.

First, blast the elemental evil objects until they are dizzy.

Then there was a Ryuga No. 1 magic missile.

Basically, after such a round, the waking energy of the elemental evil objects has been completely eliminated.

Before the elemental evil thing could react, the melee team led by Leon quickly approached it.

Seize the many advantages of elemental evil objects such as "not familiar with worldly affairs", "never suffered a loss", "not aware of the dangers of the world", etc.

Let's take a heavy iron fist from the Bay Territory and let Leon lead a few people into it.

It will be easier next time.

They only need to take turns tearing up a few super holy light scrolls, protect themselves, and then destroy them to their heart's content.

After the internal chaos of the elemental evil objects turned into a pot of porridge.

Naturally, there was no chance for him to breathe outside.

The Thunder Warriors took turns to attack with various attacks, and the adventurers took turns to attack.

The swordsman and the monk quietly approached.

Every time the Holy Light Scroll erupts inside the elemental evil object, it quietly imposes a seal on the outside of the elemental evil object.

By the time the elemental evil object reacts, there are basically only one or two chances to struggle.

Faced with the explosion of divine power, Leon and others were fully prepared.

Prioritize destroying the energy in its body and consume its total energy as much as possible.

Ensure that its blessed divine power explodes and it can still persist.

After passing the stage of divine power explosion, its power has been basically exhausted.

When the time comes, before its strength is restored, a full-scale ban will be imposed decisively.

As a result, elemental evil objects are basically doomed.

Follow this not particularly standard process.

Leon and his men successfully captured the second elemental evil object.

Bay City.

Underground experimental base.

Matthew, who was humming a little tune softly, arranged the magic sealing array step by step.

Two huge ice crystals were tightly bound by hundreds of demon-sealing chains.

As Matthew activated the magic-sealing array, the surging arcane fire quickly seeped into it along with the dazzling light of the magic-sealing array.

The blazing arcane fire did not melt the ice, but instead quickly "cleaned" the "impurities" within it.

Alice and Leon, who were behind him, looked at the various distorted images that appeared on the flames, with traces of excitement flashing in their eyes.

Of course they knew that this was the Lord purifying their divine power for them.

Only the purified divine power will not bring a fatal burden to them.

Only a body that has been transformed by divine power can withstand the improvement in personality brought about by divinity.

No matter what their talents are, for the digestion and absorption of divine power, the most important attribute is consciousness.

Even with the assistance of the Demon Sealing Ceremony, there is also the continuous supply of energy from a large elemental energy pool.

It still took Matthew 10 days to extract the "core" of the two elemental evil objects.

2 points of divinity, 4 points of divine power.

Matthew, who felt quite tired, couldn't help but rub his brows.

There were traces of emotion flashing in his eyes, and he felt plenty of motivation when he thought that the goddess of magic just relaxed a little and successfully completed the purification.

"This is the real wealth of the thunder demiplane..."

"The last legacy belonging to the Storm God..."

"The Cole elves and Naga are very powerful, so let's get rid of the Japanese pirates first."

"Clean up these disgusting things first, lest they take advantage of you..."

Matthew waved his hand, and a little bit of golden divine power was absorbed into the chests of Leon and Alice.


A sharp scream immediately rang out. (End of chapter)

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