Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

5: Tea

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"Welcome to the Resistance Jonn." the Tracker officially welcomed Jonathan as they both sat down in a surprisingly lovely living room filled with various trinkets, tea brewing on the table. "I'm glad you decided to join us."

'Not that I had much of a choice.' Jonathan thought as he took a sip of tea, it was floral. Jonathan felt like he landed in the uncanny valley of plot twists. Here he was sipping tea with the guy that just few hours ago was slapping him about. "I don't get it."

"What don't you get?" the Tracker asked.

"Why do you want to topple the Empire, I thought you were some kind of fan boy." Jonathan took a big healthy swig of tea after saying that.

"Fan boy? I'm not sure that is how I would put it. But yes, it must seem strange especially if you have heard the tales about me. I have killed many people for the Empire. Enemy soldiers, sorcerers, even faen. But only when I absolutely had to. It was all to get close to Tarthis."

"So you could kill him?" Jonathan thought that there was probably easier ways to achieve that goal that involved a lot less murdering innocents.

"No. Nothing so mundane as that. If I wanted to merely kill Tarthis, I would have done so years ago. Tarthis is merely as symptom of the problem we face. If we kill Tarthis, another upstart will take his place and we will be right where we are now with a new demon at the head of the Empire. Better the demon we know. Beside, Tarthis isn't even the largest threat to my people. Do you know what is?"

"Gentrification?" Jonathan leaned back in his chair and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I never heard of him, is this Gentrification another sorcerer we should be worried about?"

"No, it's a joke- don't worry..."

"The biggest threat that we face are the Shapers. There are mystical forces at play that are changing our world for the worse. We don't know where or how but these forces have been at the root of so many changes in Adearath. The introduction of strange new species into our world, like goblins, the terraforming of large swaths of land that has displaced entire civilizations, even the introduction of sorcerers and sorcery was the Shapers doing."

'Shit, he is definitely talking about the coders at Isekguy.' Jonathan thought, trying to maintain his best poker face. He didn't know how, but sounded like they were changing this world into their playground. Lily had some 'splainin to do. "That sound's terrible."

"It is. Stopping the Shapers is the Resistance's ultimate goal." the Tracker voice sounded crestfallen. "But that goal is a long way off. For now, we'd settle with dismantling the Empire. It was set up by the Shapers and taking it down will be a small move in the right direction."

"I have to admit, you are different to what I expected." Jonathan said as he shifted in his seat. "I expected someone with the moniker of 'The Tracker' to be a strong silent type.

"Only to my enemies." the Tracker smirked. "My real name is Tellik if you must know."

"I will stick with the Tracker if it is all the same to you, sounds cooler."

"I agree." the Tracker laughed. "Tellik doesn't quite strike fear into the hearts of my enemies."

"There is something I still don't understand though." Jonathan downed the last drop of his tea. "How is my power going to help the Resistance? It seems like more of a hinderance than a help."

"That will be revealed all in good time. We are not even sure if our plan is going to work so there is no point explaining it until we are certain. But I am sure my fiancé will inform you of the details when the time comes."

"That's Kianna right?"

"Yes, she is my betrothed. Her and Vianna are the daughters of King Hokk, their mother Queen Yianna is King Hokk's second wife." Jonathan was going to need a diagram to keep track of all these relationships.

"So why will Kianna tell me and not you? Are you going somewhere?"

"Actually yes. I am going to return to Zigarete with your head."

"Uh..." Jonathan got ready to run.

"Not actually your head, don't worry. There is a sorcerer in the Resistance that has the ability to transmute stone into other materials, even flesh. I am sure you will meet him at some point. He is the main reason I have been able to maintain my cover for so long. Let's just say that many of the kills that have been attributed to me have been overexaggerated."

"That is... actually quite genius." Jonathan admitted. I was certain I was dead when you captured me.

"You might have been." the Tracker admitted. "If you were not useful to Resistance, I would have taken you to Zigarete."

"Well that's ruined my day."

"You must understand. My position is one of the most critical in the Resistance. If I mess up even once, I'm dead and with me goes decades of progress. It is nothing personal, I have had to do some truly evil things to maintain my cover."

"For the greater good and all that?" Jonathan didn't like that mindset, it was almost like replacing evil with evil.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." the Tracker placed his teacup down and stood up ready to leave. "It is about time for me to go. I have already spent more time than I should have in Rainfell. Before I go, is there anything I should know about you and your companions?"

"Just one thing." Jonathan continued, "If you hurt one hair on any of their heads, no force in this world or my last will stop me from finding you and ending you."

"Ha." the Tracker smirked. "I like you Jonn. I will keep look out for your friends and protect them as best I can."

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