Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

46: Tracked

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The Tracker observed the rabble as they wandered along Traders-end Highway, careful not to give away his position high up amongst the rocks. It seemed the sorcerer's forces were multiplying, from two companions to over a dozen. Did he fancy himself a king, or liberator? Surely the man was looking to cause trouble for the Empire. The Tracker had long since learnt that any opposition to the Empire was doomed to fail, even the powerful Dread Sorcerer Fade had resorted to hiding in his tower when faced with the full might of Emperor Tarthis. A mere petty upstart would have no chance against him. The Tracker did have to give his quarry credit though, he had managed to out manoeuvre him, something no one else had managed in a very long time and something he would not allow to happen again.

He held himself back. For all of the Tracker's abilities, he knew that taking on a group that size by himself would unlikely end well. The soldiers looked well trained, and the tamed stone beast would likely be a match for him. No matter, if there was one thing the Tracker didn't lack, it was patience. He just needed to wait until the sorcerer was alone. Sooner or later he would slip up and be isolated from his entourage. Then he would strike.

The Tracker allowed his mind to wander as his eyes stayed vigilant. He thought back to Zigarete, remembering the joys of her body. He regretted not taking her with him, if he had, he would at least have something to do to pass the time. Conversely, he had no issues with leaving Captain Garth and his useless men. They were simply dead weight. The Tracker was convinced that if ill-trained guards had not been at Sidim, this chase would be over already. If they were even a little bit more competent, he wouldn't have had to rush to save Zigarete from the drakken. However, the Tracker's desire to help Zigarete was one of the reasons he left her behind. The Tracker shuddered at the thought of his own weakness.

After a day of following the group, there had never been a moment where the sorcerer had been alone. Anytime it looked like he was going somewhere by himself, one of his female companions would follow him and proceed to have an some intimate time. It was interesting to note that the sorcerer's faen companion didn't seem interested in such activities. Not with him at least, the stone beast was getting a lot of care and attention. It was also quite apparent to the Tracker that the soldiers were also rather interested in the sorcerer's companions. However, beyond gawking, they had not acted on their desires. 

It took another day of stalking the sorcerer's group before the opportunity to strike presented itself. Just after they had finished lunch, the sorcerer had artfully snuck away from the main group, managing to do so without the notice of his female companions. Behind a boulder he sat, he pulled out a book to read. He wasn't as isolated as the Tracker desired. It was risky. But such an opportunity was unlikely to present itself again for sometime and each day he could feel the favour of the Emperor slipping from him. He grasped his maces, and started creeping down from his perch.

The Tracker approached the sorcerer, inching closer to his quarry, he was almost within reach. This was it. He raised his mace, high into the air. 

"Shit! Jonn, behind you!" A little blue voice yelled.

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