Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Fast Knife And Thin Line Dance

chapter 22

Lu Fei accepted the wild fox badge with a smile. There are many friends and many paths. No one thinks that there are too many friends. He waved his hand and said, “Everyone has a good rest, I accept it. You all know that I am from the town and a neighbor of your captain, so I have nothing to thank for helping him. At the same time, I am also a doctor, receiving and treating You, it is my duty, if I don’t treat you, your captain will arrive at Carson 30 minutes later, and your body will be cold. I can’t do anything that can’t be saved. ”

The two were talking when the roar of the helicopter’s blades came from outside. After a while, a middle-aged man walked in quickly with two people in white coats, heading straight for Lu Fei.

“I’m Harvey, the vice president of PRIS. You can call me a lion. Rafael has called me to tell me the situation. I’m very grateful that you saved our Captain Wild Fox. I flew in from Los Angeles in an emergency without any gifts. Please accept these little things with a smile.” The visitor said to Lu Fei very politely, and then handed over a paper bag.

Lu Fei took it over and opened it to see that it was a dozen stacks of money. Just about to say no. The man who called himself a lion hurriedly said: “This is the company’s intention. This time we have kept tens of millions of old banknotes from the banknote printing factory. The banknote printing factory has given us a lot of additional commissions. So don’t refuse, this is our A crude attempt by the company to gain your friendship.”

“Successful people speak nicely. I can’t refuse you. This is all for me. How much does it cost?”

“Small idea, $120,000, I’m in a hurry, I only have so much cash around, I’ll compensate you if I’m not satisfied.” Lion said apologetically.

“It’s already a lot. We are all from the countryside and haven’t seen much of the world.” Lu Fei replied jokingly.

“Mandy, Old Bell come here”, Lu Fei pulled the two of them aside, gave $20,000 to Mandy, and another 20,000 to Old Bell.

“For me? It’s too surprising, Dr. Jack, I love you, alright.” Mandy kissed Lu Fei excitedly, picked up the money and left. No one has any grudge against money. Mandy doesn’t even have any humility. When her son is growing up, spending money is like running water.

“I refuse. Sincerely, there is no reason to ask for a reward for saving my son.” Old Bell waved his hand and refused, with a determined expression. Lu Fei didn’t care either, and put the paper bag with the money into his first aid kit.

The lion greeted the team members one by one, and then went over to take a look at Little Bell. Seeing that he was sleeping soundly and his face was good, he was relieved. The Wild Fox Squad is his ace squad, and many troublesome tasks are done by them. If the captain dies, the squad can be disbanded. The medical staff brought by the lion took over Little Bell’s care, and Lu Fei and Mandy were also very happy. Little Bell had to stay here overnight at least before moving, and it would be best to have someone to take care of him.

At this time, Kelly walked in again, and said to Lu Fei embarrassedly: “Jack, I’m so sorry, I know you’re tired just now, but I’m going to trouble you again. Colleagues from the Carson Police Department are also chasing the robbers. He was shot, and the bullet hit the wounded in the left abdomen. Because he was wearing a body armor, he said that he was fine and continued to participate in the operation. After an hour, the wounded suddenly turned pale and reported severe abdominal pain. Colleagues in the police station were Bring him here. It takes 40 minutes to get to Carson, and it only takes 5 minutes to get here. They knew before that you helped solve a major case, and they heard that you rescued Captain PMC, and they trusted you a lot, you see?”

Lu Fei laughed and scolded: “I heard people say that the captain of PMC was rescued, who else will listen to it, it’s not you. Let them send it quickly. You go to find out the blood type, and then find someone for blood transfusion, I don’t have anything ready-made here. plasma.”

“Mandy, the patient is here again. Prepare for first aid. It is estimated that the first aid will be opened. You guys, yes, the big guys from your PMC. The wounded will come again soon.” Raphael and the others agreed repeatedly, and hurriedly sat on the chair or lay on his stomach.

“I have already learned about the blood type, and it is also O blood. Of the few miners I invited, there are still 3 who have not received blood transfusions.”

“That’s not bad, old Bell, get ready for a blood transfusion.”

After waiting for two minutes, the car arrived. Several policemen took the wounded on the stretcher into the clinic together. Lu Fei pointed to the last hospital bed, and the police put the wounded on it.

“Mandy, old Bell, hurry up on the ECG monitor and measure your blood pressure.” Lu Fei instructed Mandy as he went for endotracheal intubation. The policeman lying on the bed was in a coma and his face was pale.

“The wounded is in shock, Dr. Jack,” Mandy shouted.

“1 ml of 0.1% epinephrine, inject lidocaine. Open the intravenous channel again, and infuse 1000 ml of balance solution intravenously.”

The knife light flashed in Lu Fei’s hand, and he had already cut open the wounded’s clothes. After two or three strokes, Bai Huahua’s stomach was exposed to the air.

“The ECG monitoring has been completed, is the blood transfusion started now?” Old Bell asked loudly.

“Let’s start, I’m going to open my abdomen now, do you see the patient’s heartbeat? What’s the blood pressure?”

“The heart rate is very slow, about 50 per minute, and the blood pressure is not fast enough.” Mandy was busy, and unconsciously increased the volume and replied.

Lu Fei scanned the left abdomen of the wounded and found that there was blood everywhere in the abdominal cavity, and the bleeding point was in the spleen.

“I initially suspected that it was delayed spleen rupture, and now I will open the abdomen for diagnostic treatment. I can’t wait for the abdominal CT.” After speaking, Lu Fei cut open his stomach with a knife, quickly cut open layers of tissue, and blood flowed. The child came out.

“Mandy, suction”, Lu Fei has found that the spleen is actively bleeding through the three-dimensional image in his eyes. Not to be considered, he directly put his hand into the abdominal cavity of the wounded, and he wanted to stop the bleeding with his bare hands. After 3 seconds, Lu Fei had found the splenic artery above the spleen, and squeezed it gently, the bleeding stopped. Mandy began to draw blood from the abdominal cavity, and it took a while for the blood to be basically clear.

“Old Bell, are your hands shaking now? Can you hold on for 5 minutes?” Lu Fei said loudly to Old Bell.

“It’s alright, but it won’t last longer.” Old Bell replied ashamed.

“Okay, Mandy, go and deal with the patient’s blood transfusion. When it reaches 400 ml, change someone. Old Bell, come and pinch the top of the blood vessel I’m pinching now. I want to do spleen surgery now, and I need to observe the injury of the spleen.”

The two slowly changed hands. After Lu Fei waited for Old Bell to take over, he carefully observed the spleen damage and reported it loudly to Old Bell and Mandy.

“At present, about 500ml of hemoperitoneum and blood clots were aspirated during the operation. The spleen fissure is located in the front of the organ, which is arc-shaped, about 3cm long and 1cm deep. Active bleeding was seen. The liver was uniform in texture and no ulceration was seen. The diagnosis was clear: traumatic splenic rupture.”

“Kelly, how old is the wounded, and who is at home?”

“The wounded man is 25 years old, and he just joined the job not long ago. Jack, can’t the patient be rescued?” Kelly asked in shock.

“No, there is no problem in saving it. For the sake of saving life, it is best to remove the spleen. However, after removal, the body’s immune system will be greatly damaged, and in 10 years, he will have a high probability of developing cancer. When he is older, I will directly remove it. Except, but this unlucky **** is too young, I can also risk stitching up his spleen, can anyone choose for him?”

“Sut up his spleen. He is Smith’s nephew. We try to give him hope for a normal life in the future.”

“Okay, the spleen is too fragile, so I have to slowly and densely suture it. If the spleen oozes blood after surgery, I will remove it. However, the blood vessels must be loosened after 15 minutes. Finish.”

Old Bell said: “Jack, didn’t you say 5 minutes? You slowly and densely seam, I’m afraid there is not enough time.”

“Give me 5 minutes is enough, young man, your hands are fast, don’t you know?” Lu Fei replied without looking up, staring at the spleen in his stomach. Lu Fei quickly ran to the medical cabinet to find a suitable thin thread and began to sew it. Because the spleen is particularly fragile, Lu Fei’s movements seem to be fast, but in fact, they are very gentle. The 3-centimeter incision and the needle and thread are extremely finely sewn. After 3 minutes and 30 seconds, the last stitch is passed through, and the knot is firmly tied.

Lu Fei looked at the spleen and motioned Old Bell to slowly relax the splenic artery. The two looked at the place where the stitches were being repaired, and the blood flowed slowly through without bleeding. The two breathed a sigh of relief.

“Mandy, given anti-inflammatory symptomatic and supportive treatment, how many people have the blood transfused? Measure the blood pressure. If the blood pressure returns to normal, stop the blood transfusion.”

“The blood pressure is already normal, 100/60. It’s already the third person, so I stopped the blood transfusion.”

Lu Fei checked the abdominal cavity again at this time, and found that there was no problem. He started to clean the abdominal cavity with normal saline. After the suction was completed, he left the drainage tube and began to close the abdomen. This time, his hands were at full speed, and he began to sew the layers of the stomach at the speed of the crazy aunt’s soles.

“Kelly, the wounded is already fine. You have made a correct decision. The wounded suffered from delayed spleen rupture. If it is sent to me 5 minutes later, the person will die. Professional care, mainly to prevent the formation of inflammation and blood clots, I have saved my life now, but you better send someone to take over the follow-up care. Tonight, the wounded policeman, like the Captain Bell who was shot four times, cannot move. If tomorrow When the situation is stable, the medical helicopter will be used to evacuate smoothly.”

“Smith is already on the road with medical personnel, equipment and medicines in a medical helicopter, and will take over the follow-up care of the patient in a while.” Kelly watched the whole process of the rescue, and was full of admiration.

Lu Fei asked Old Bell and Mandy to follow up the follow-up care of the operation. I was too tired, so I sat next to the four PMC big men, found a bottle of glucose to open, and drank it directly.

The female man Ada was lying on her back and raised her head and asked curiously, “I heard they call you Jack, and I call you Jack too. You are so good at first aid at such a young age, why are you still working here? Go ahead.”

“I don’t want to work in the emergency department of a big hospital, it’s too tiring and boring. Although it’s boring here, but people are relaxed, emergencies like yours are not often encountered. By the way, your PMCs are so dangerous, today You are only a thin line away from being wiped out of the entire army.”

“Actually, it’s usually quite safe. Protecting dignitaries, celebrities, and wealthy people is a simple foreign mission at most. Who would have thought that if I took on such a simple **** mission, I would be attacked by more than 30 robbers. I heard that the banknote printing factory has Inner ghost, so the robbers know about our routes, firearms, guards.

In addition to this mission, the inner ghost deliberately arranged for us to sit in the cash truck. When we were attacked, the robbers blocked the door with intensive shooting, and no one could get out. Our combat power has been curbed. It was our captain who resolutely rushed out and killed several robbers who were shooting at the door with precise and fast shooting. We were able to rush out, and then chop melons and vegetables to break up the robbers. The captain rushed out first, then the big man, so the two got the most shots. I was the last to go out, they all protected me, and our team were all good brothers who gave up their lives! ”

“Niu, in such a situation, you’ve all turned the tables, you’re old.”

“Our team just doesn’t have a military doctor. If we have a first aid expert like you, we will make up for the shortcomings, and we will no longer be afraid of being injured. By the way, handsome guy, do you want to consider becoming a PMC? Partying, meeting big-name stars, and occasionally customers also send us high fashion and watches, it’s interesting. We need people like you so much.” Ada sincerely invited him.

“I also think your work is interesting, but I’ve only been in town for a few days, and I’m not familiar with PMC. It doesn’t seem like it’s suitable for me. I’ll talk about it later when I have a chance, but if you have anything that’s not dangerous, If you need a temporary task from a doctor, you can try it with me. After all, it’s fun and makes money quickly.” Lu Fei said with a smile.

Ada smiled and said: “Then it’s settled, I will definitely contact you if I need it. I want to ask you a medical question, how to get rid of freckles on your face, sometimes I have a task, and I have been basking in the sun for a long time, and my face has freckles. Woolen cloth.”

“You ask the right person, doctor, I have a lot of experience in facial maintenance, you use honey, cucumbers…” The two were chatting happily when the sound of a helicopter came from outside the clinic. Lu Fei was too lazy to go out. He knew that Smith must have brought someone for medical support. After a minute, Smith rushed in with someone. Fortunately, he was wearing a police uniform, otherwise the big guys from PMC would have to get up and put them on correct.

Smith went to see the wounded, listened to Kelly’s introduction, walked quickly to Lu Fei, held his hand tightly and said gratefully: “Doctor Jack, we meet again, every time we meet, you always bring me Good news, thank you for saving my nephew’s life. He is a good person, and you are even more good. Without your team’s treatment, he would have to be covered with a national flag.”

At this time, the mayor also appeared. Lu Fei felt that he always appeared last. Could it be that he learned the habit of late police officers in movies?

(end of this chapter)

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