Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: The Sick Lamb Is Finally Saved

Chapter 10 The Sick Lamb Is Finally Saved

At this moment, a police car and an ambulance came over and stopped at the door of the clinic. Seeing the lights on the top of the police car and the ambulance flashing in front of the clinic, Lu Fei told Chris to lie down and hurried out.

Sheriff Kelly walked down and said to Lu Fei wearing a mask: “Hi, Dr. Jack, I have something to trouble you.”

“Aunt Kelly, have you recovered from your cold? Is there anything I can help you with.”

“It’s basically healed. It’s up to you that I’m basically healed so quickly.” Kelly smiled. Immediately, a sad expression appeared on her face, and she said, “I need some medical support from you. My cousin Suzanne is seriously ill. She used to be a teacher in an elementary school in Reno, and she suddenly fainted when she taught her children two months ago. She collapsed and was rushed to the local hospital in Reynolds. The condition developed rapidly, the doctor has not found out the cause, and all treatments have not worked. She insisted that she would no longer diagnose and treat, and would go back to her hometown and wait for her death in the town.

The ambulance came from Reno City, and there was only one driver in the car. The ambulance drove here. Susanna’s condition is not very good. I need your medical support. ”

“No problem, I’ll take a look at Suzanne’s condition first. I vaguely remember that I saw her at your house a few years ago.” Lu Fei said, walked over, opened the car door, and got into the ambulance.

“Hi, Susannah, I’m Sally’s son, Jack, who lives next door to Kelly’s house, do you remember me?”

Suzanne is about 30 years old, with black hair, a high nose bridge, blue eyes, and a very tough face. She is very haggard.

“Hi, Jack, hello, I remember you, the handsome boy, you are getting more and more stylish.” Susannah was a little out of breath.

Lu Fei stepped forward and listened to Susannah’s heartbeat with a stethoscope, and touched his forehead. Immediately put the oxygen mask in the car on her. “Suzanne, take a rest first, I’ll go down and make arrangements.” Suzanne nodded weakly. Lu Fei immediately jumped out of the car and walked to Kelly’s side.

“Aunt Kelly, where is Susanna’s medical record? I want to take a look. It’s a pity that Susanna is only 30 years old. She shouldn’t wait like a lamb to be slaughtered by the disease. I’ll try to see if I can help her.”

“Thank you Jack, although I don’t hold out much hope. She has done countless tests, and several medical experts have seen it, but she still can’t find the cause. But it doesn’t matter if you look at it, it won’t get worse anyway.” Kelly turned around and got into the police car, and gave Lu Fei a thick cowhide bag.

Lu Fei took the medical record, looked down and said, “We have an idiom in China, a ruler is short, an inch is long, maybe I will make new discoveries. Besides, Susanna is beautiful and has a good voice, I will try it. It’s okay to try.”

Lu Fei carefully checked the medical records. Main medical records: female teacher, 30 years old, suddenly fainted in class, had epileptic seizures, aphasia, staged mental deterioration, and the possibility of brain tumor was ruled out after testing; after multiple examinations, the possibility of various rare brain and neurological diseases was ruled out sex. During the MRI examination, he suddenly fainted and had difficulty breathing. He was able to save his life after incision of the trachea. Afterwards, he underwent diagnostic treatment, using the disease as a drug for cerebral vasculitis and giving steroid drug treatment. After a short period of improvement, the patient’s condition suddenly deteriorated, regaining his sight after a brief period of blindness, and his brainstem was damaged. After a comprehensive medical evaluation, one week later, the patient will suffer from confusion and dyspnea until clinical death.

Lu Fei was in a heavy mood after reading the medical records. The hospital has tried its best to check the diagnosis, but still can’t find the cause. Lu Fei always felt that this case seemed familiar. As a human being in two lives, especially in his previous life after years of study and clinical practice, Lu Fei’s case accumulation was very rich, and countless cases were constantly circling in his mind. Where is the problem? He was thinking hard when Mandy came.

“Dr. Jack, I have put Washington on an IV as ordered by your doctor. The other patients are waiting for you.”

“Oh, say hello to the patients, wait for me for a while, you can make an appointment if you don’t want to wait.” Lu Fei said absently.

“There are a lot of patients today. I’m afraid I don’t have time to go out for lunch. I want to order Chinese takeaway: Kung Pao Chicken, Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs and Rice. Do you need one?”

“Yes, I like chicken and pork.” Lu Fei said casually.

“Pork! That’s right, pork! No wonder it seems familiar. I have seen similar cases in the system data and in previous life cases. I remember that this disease is very common in central and western China, but it is extremely rare.”

“Kelly, Kelly, come here, I thought of a possibility.” Lu Fei excitedly summoned Sheriff Kelly.

Kelly walked over quickly and said doubtfully, “Really, it’s only been a few minutes, it’s unbelievable.”

Lu Fei said excitedly: “This is an extremely rare disease in the United States. You and I have a chat with Susannah.”

The two got into the ambulance, and Lu Fei asked Susanna softly: “Suzanne, before you got sick, where did you usually eat? What meat? Where did you eat? If you cook at home, how do you do it?”

“Mostly I cook by myself. I go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and cook. I usually eat more pork, because pork is cheaper, and I’m not very good at cooking. Most of the pork and broccoli are fried in a frying pan.” Susannah replied suspiciously.

“Oye, it’s close to ten. I have to do a test to confirm my guess.” Lu Fei said to himself.

Susanna shook her head and said dejectedly: “I’ve had enough, I don’t want any more treatment, it’s too hard, and my insurance has expired, so I don’t have any money for treatment. Thank you for your kindness, just let me go peacefully. Bar.”

Kelly shook her head painfully, and looked at Lu Fei baba.

Lu Fei smiled and said: “You can rest assured that there is no need for invasive examinations, and if you want, I will arrange the full cost of your treatment.” Susanna looked at Lu Fei in confusion, Lu Fei said to Kelly, “Help, Move Susanna into the clinic together, and I’ll do a simple X-ray.”

The two removed the stretcher cart and pushed it into the clinic. Lu Fei instructed Mandy to push the portable X-ray machine over. Lu Fei operated the machine to scan Susannah’s thigh.

After a while, Lu Fei took the X-ray film, pointed to a small spot on the edge of the thigh bone, and said with a smile, “As I expected, it is really this kind of disease.”

Kelly looked at the film and asked suspiciously: “What is the situation, tell us.”

Lu Fei said: “Susannah got swine cysticercosis. Simply put, it was because she didn’t completely kill the pork tapeworms in the pork when she cooked and eaten pork, and the pork tapeworms entered Susannah’s intestines, because the tapeworms all have Hooked, so the worms can stay on the intestinal wall and start laying eggs in large numbers. Pork tapeworms can lay 20,000 to 30,000 eggs a day. Most of these extremely tiny eggs are excreted, and very few are absorbed through the intestinal wall. The blood, through the blood flow, entered the human brain and lurked, because the eggs are relatively clean and alive, they were not attacked by the immune system at first, and finally these eggs hatched and died in the brain, which stimulated the immune system. An indiscriminate attack on the system.”

“I don’t understand medicine, but why did you know by X-ray scanning her thigh?” Kelly asked in confusion, Susanna also looked at Lu Fei with the same eyes.

“Pork tapeworms like thigh muscles the most. If a person has pork tapeworms, there must be parasites on the thigh muscles.”

“If it is pork tapeworm, how to treat it? Will it be expensive? Will it be painful?” Suzanne asked.

“Mandy, go to the pharmacy to buy a bottle of albendazole.” Lu Fei didn’t answer Susannah, he took out $100 and handed it to Mandy, and Mandy went like a fly. Lu Fei and Kelly helped Susannah to the hospital bed and gave oxygen again. After a while, Mandy came back from buying medicine and handed it to Lu Fei. After Lu Fei took the medicine bottle, he took the medicine cup, poured out two medicines, and handed it to Susannah.

“Eat it.”

Suzanne took the medicine cup and looked at Lu Fei in surprise. Lu Fei smiled and said, “This is the most common deworming medicine. Take 2 pills a day for a month and you will be fine.”

Kelly said in surprise: “Is this all right?”

“That’s it.” Lu Fei said confidently.

Kelly hugged Lu Fei and said excitedly, “Great, you are our angel.”

Although Suzanne was excited, her expression was still a little skeptical. The happiness came too suddenly and was too unreal. Looking at Susannah’s expression, Lu Fei smiled and said, “I don’t believe it, I’ll find someone to confirm it for you.” Lu Fei took the medical record, and after reading it, he found the phone number of Billy, the attending doctor of Reno Hospital, and opened the speakerphone. , dialed.

“Hello, Dr. Billy, I’m Dr. Jack from the Ogurytown Clinic.”

“Hello Doctor Jack, what’s the matter?”

“Today, I sent the patient Susanna here. I sent it from you. Oguli Town is Susanna’s hometown.”

“I got the impression you said that. She gave up treatment. My team didn’t find out the cause. I’m sorry.”

“I think you’ll be surprised that I figured out the cause.”

“No way! Can you talk to me?” came Billy’s suspicious voice.

Lu Fei recounted the discovery process of the pork tapeworm. Dr. Billy was shocked and asked for details. In the end, he also leaned towards Lu Fei’s judgment.

Billy asked suspiciously: “Dr. Jack, you are very good, this case is too rare, how did you judge it?”

Lu Fei said with a smile: “No, this disease is not uncommon at all, but it is very rare in the United States. I am of Chinese descent, and I have had the opportunity to see a large number of cases in China. In China, this disease is not even a rare disease.”

“Your experience has played a decisive role. Do you agree with me to publish this case, at least within the hospital system. It is necessary for us to share this disease and its diagnosis and treatment methods with the medical community. Of course, you will sign as the first author. ‘ Billy asked humbly.

“I don’t care. In fact, I want to ask for your help. Susanna needs rehabilitation and nutritional treatment in the later stage. Are you willing to accept her for free?”

“Of course, our team didn’t find out the cause, and we felt guilty. We owe her.”

“Very good, thank you for your generosity, I will communicate with you if there is any situation. Susannah is temporarily recovering in the town. Thank you.”

hung up the phone, Lu Fei said happily to Susannah: “Beauty, you heard it all, believe it this time.”

Suzanne’s eyes flashed with the light of escape, and she swallowed the deworming medicine without hesitation. He sat up on the edge of the bed, leaned over, hugged Lu Fei hard, and cried out excitedly. Lu Fei patted Susannah on the back and said, “It’s alright, beautiful girls are always rescued by a prince charming. As a prince, I just lost a horse and changed my black hair.”

Everyone laughed, and Lu Fei asked Mandy to give Susanna an intravenous drip and medical nutrient solution. In the afternoon, I will send Kelly to rest at home.

After Kelly sent the ambulance away, she called Lu Fei aside and carefully consulted about how to rest in the next step. Lu Fei suggested that Lilith take care of Susannah. She must take medicine on time every day, give more high-protein food nutritionally, and observe whether there are tapeworms and eggs in the feces. Come directly to the clinic in case of trouble during the day, and go to Lu Fei’s house to find him on rest days or at night.

Kelly hugged Lu Fei excitedly and said, “Although our family is all women, I dare not forget the life-saving feeling.”

Lu Fei said with a smile: “You and Susanna both watched me grow up, don’t be hypocritical. At most, I will come to your house for meals in the future.”

Kelly smiled heartily: “That’s so welcome.”

(end of this chapter)

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