Elegy for a Star

Chapter 80 – Postage ❤️

Tess knocked on Scirocca’s door. Now that she’d been living in the Corps dormitories for some time, the stark difference between it and Scirocca’s living quarters was obvious now. If Gwendolyn wasn’t going to be her roommate anymore, maybe she could set something up to room with Scirocca instead? She doubted that it would be allowed. The College and Corps were separated for a reason. Though, Tess didn’t exactly know what that reason was.

The door popped open and Scirocca stood on the other side, undressed from the waist up. Tess’ eyes flicked down to the tanned woman’s breasts before returning to her face, “Uh.. I can come back?”

Scirocca shook her head, “Not necessary, I was just masturbating. What can I do for you, Tess?”

Tess’ eyes were wide open, but she tried to shove down the awkwardness and ask, “I was wondering-...” Her eyes flicked back down to Scirocca’s tits, “Could I come inside? Maybe put on a shirt?”

“Sure,” Scirocca replied, inviting Tess inside. She walked to a dresser and pulled out a tight, linen wrap that she used to tightly embrace her chest. Their definition was still clear, as were the woman’s nipples, but Tess could concentrate enough to get her words out.

“I came about the letter? I know you’ve been working hard on the ledger, but I gave you that letter from my mom a few weeks ago and I wanted to know if you’ve had a chance to invert it yet,” Tess felt terrible asking so much from Scirocca, but wasn’t sure what else to do. She appended her statement, “And… Thank you. I can’t imagine what I would have done without your help. Your… constant help.”

“Of course. I inverted it the day after you gave it to me,” Scirocca replied.

What?! Tess was aghast. Why hadn’t she said something? She was just in her room two days ago!

“Oh,” Tess tried to not sound angry. Scirocca had done her a favor and even though Tess was assuming she’d be told then the letter was figured out, she also didn’t ask Scirocca about it until now.

There was a pause until Tess asked, “What’d you find out?”

“The raven came from Elinmylly,” Scirocca replied simply, “From your mother, I presume.”

“Did you see her?”

Scirocca nodded.

“Did she look like me?”

“Not particularly,” Scirocca shrugged.

Tess couldn’t keep from beaming in happiness. Trying to contain her smile, she asked, “Where is Elinmylly? How can I get there?”

“Not easily. Head to Oar’s Rest, take a ship through the Waterway and into the Greater Sea, head around the Aelin peninsula, dock at Tillydrone and then take a month and a half’s walk to Elinmylly. If you’re quick. And if you find a ship doing that right away,” Scirocca rambled the words off from memory as though it was her name, age and favorite color. Tess could hardly keep up, but she understood enough to see that it wasn’t a trip she could make without preparation.

Tess bit her lip in thought, “So what could you tell about my mom?”

“Half-Fey,” Scirocca said, leaning to the side to get a good look at Tess’ ears, “Which makes me think she isn’t your mom. Either that or you’ve got your father’s ears.”

Tess’ lips parted. She sank a little. It didn’t matter. Maybe she was adopted. It was still her mom either way!

“She’s in Amaranthe’s camp,” Scirocca said. She must’ve assumed that Tess had no idea what she was talking about, because she immediately explained, “Amaranthe is… well, officially a vigilante. She and her company of warriors move through the worl-...”

“She’s a criminal?” Tess hadn’t gotten that sense from the letter.

“No, listen,” Scirocca explained, “They move through the world doing the good and righteous acts. Most often killing monsters, hunting down evil, so on and so forth. They killed the demon prince a long time ago. Amaranthe herself uses the divine wyrd, but prays to no divine, so the rumor goes. People think she must have some relation to the gods. They don’t abide by the law, so their assistance is welcomed in some places more than others, but the commonfolk typically idolize them.”

“So, my mom is following her?”

Scirocca replied thoughtfully, “She is one of many in the camp, it seems.”

“Should I send a letter back to Elinmylly?” Tess asked.

Scirocca shook her head, “Write one and I’ll send it off with a spell to track her down. Amaranthe’s camp doesn’t tend to stay in one place for long, so the spell will be necessary.”

Tess smiled and moved to embrace Scirocca, squeezing her around the midsection. “Thank you,” she said, holding back from breaking down into tears, “Thank you so much. She’ll be able to tell me who I am.”

“Think we can trust her?” Miri asked, “We’re just going off of her word, you know. And she told you to try on those dangerous gloves. She’s been acting weird.”

Tess shook the thought from her mind and stepped back from Scirocca, “How can I repay you?”

“Well, I wasn’t able to finish what I started before you arrived. Do you have a moment to help?” Scirocca asked, adding, “I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” It was hard to tell if she was joking or not.

“It’s the least that I could do. What should I-... do you just…” Tess was at a loss. What should she do? Should she kiss Scirocca? Should she start touching her? Should she take her to the bed? Why was she so bad at this?!

Scirocca removed her wrap and began to remove each little piece of jewelry that she had on. Her skimpy pants came next, the sphinx-daughter wiggling her hips to squeeze out of them. Once undressed, she made her way toward the bed.

Her ass was nice and plump, well rounded at the hips and firm. Tess wanted to be giving—she wanted to be sexy-so she reached out and clapped Scirocca on the ass. Her rear bounced a moment, the woman going to her tiptoes and bringing her hands up to her shoulders in surprise. She turned to look at Tess with an emotionless expression, asking dryly, “Why did you do that?” Despite the seriousness, there was a pinkish hue across the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

Tess felt like she was going to melt from embarrassment and sink through the floorboards, “I, you-... I thought you might… like that?” Scirocca just continued to stare, so Tess added, “You have a really nice butt, so.. I wanted to touch it.”

That response seemed better and Scirocca gave the faintest upturn of a smile at the very edges of her mouth, “Thank you.”

“Should I be on top? Like we did last time?” Tess asked.

She then turned around and went to the bed, lying down on her stomach. She laid her head upon a pillow and crossed her arms underneath, rotating her hips to angle her ass, but not lift it from the bed. “I’m ready,” she replied.

Tess could feel herself hardening and began to work her way out of her clothes. She might’ve appeared to be in quite the hurry, which looked to amuse Scirocca. Once freed from her confines she made her way to the bed. With Scirocca prone upon the sheets, Tess wasn’t certain exactly how she wanted to do this. “Do you want to bring your butt up?” Tess asked as she climbed onto the bed.

“No,” Scirocca replied, reaching back with both arms to spread herself, angling her hips to expose her pink slit, “Here you go.”

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