
Chapter 98


"Ehm, sorry, I'm confused." (I)


Why in every dimension's hell is Chiaki going to lead an expedition?
Why is she even allowed to lead an expedition?
And just why am I being pulled into this mess by her?


"The great magician works tirelessly to show our people the ways of magic. She won the trust of her disciples. Also, she is a newcomer just like you are. Our lord approves of her request if it may bring answers for our people to understand why our world is changing." (butler)


And why don't they suspect her to be the one responsible?
Never mind the rest of us, but the one I would first relate to an unexplainable phenomenon would be the one who evidently can wield magic.
But maybe the fact that she helps them grants her some credit.
Or they do suspect her and want to observe what she'll do when she arrives at the water.
Maybe they even prepared an assassin to take care of her in case she's planning something villainous.
Not like she is, but suddenly I'm far more inclined to join her to make sure nothing happens.


"I am not sure if I can help but if you want." (I)

"It's an order." (butler)


Now I'm ordered around in my own world.
Should I maybe show slightly greater self-esteem?
However, it's aligning with my interests.

I follow the man to a hall where already quite the troop got assembled.
Several scholars, some servants like me, and a whole lot of knights.
They truly seem to be apprehensive of my new beach.
Will that place ever become a tourist hot spot?

In this assembly of people I spot Makoto but none of the others I know.
Well, naturally also Chiaki, who's engaged with a bunch of scholars.
Maybe they want to separate us?

Some of the other people look with distrust in our direction.
Given the situation, this was to be expected.

As soon as Chiaki notices me she just stops talking to whoever she was discussing important things with and rushes over.


"Iori!" (Chiaki)


And I'm getting hugged.
Seriously, Chiaki should be a bit more aware of personal space.


"Chiaki, if we wouldn't be so conspicuous, I'd have a long talk to you about what crazy stuff you're planning now." (I)

"Naturally we're going to the beach!" (C)


Yes... Yes, I feared it was something like this.
Seriously, if I wouldn't be the one who has people in her mind and got turned into something that induces madness, I'd call her crazy.
And I'm surely not responsible for that.
At least, I don’t think I am.

Then an elderly man steps on some kind of small podium and raises his voice.


"Ahem, dear people. We are going to approach the new area which as it presents itself entirely consists of water. The purpose is to determine if it poses a threat to our community, or contains any dangers, and if possible, gather hints about its origin. For now, no incidents related to it have been reported to us, but it's far too soon to assume that it's safe." (R)


And after him, the lord commander takes his place and speaks up.


"We have to remain extremely alert. As with the forest, it might be that the monsters lurk directly below the surface, waiting for their chance. So it's necessary that every single one of you shows utmost vigilance. Prepare yourself. We'll now depart." (Antaras)


That's a command.
A short moment later the great portcullis of the castle raises and people start moving out of the castle down the hilly path leading to the village.
While we're walking I find Makoto suddenly next to me.


"Iori, I need to tell you that some 'people' are pretty... let's say nervous. They link our arrival to what happens here and are coming to dangerous conclusions. I've got quite some hostile glares from some of the knights. I know you don't need to be so careful, but I'm telling you this so you are aware and can prevent the worst if something happens." (M)


I already figured it would be like this.


"Ehm, I have Kuri with me. She's quite the strong guardian. Do you want her to remain in your shadow so she can protect you?" (I)

"You mean your demon daughter who invaded our temple and wrecked the balance of energy in the surrounding area after you already pushed it for the worse? No, I'm good." (M)


Tsk, a "no" would've sufficed.
I speak quietly to my shadow.


"Don't mind him, you're great. Just don't spread smoke around now." (I)


Our procession, which looks as if we set out to slay some evil overlord, eventually arrives at the village.
The villagers noticed our large group already from afar and many await us when we reach the borders.
They look worried and nervous.
I can't exactly tell if it's because of us, in particular all the knights, or because of the new beach so close to their village.

I even see some known faces.


"Iori! I haven't seen you in a while. You were truly invited into the palace? What an honor!" (Ariana)

"Ariana, right? Well, we were warmly welcomed." (I)

"You need to tell me everything later. But... do you know anything? You were in the palace and it's said the scholars know everything." (A)


Damn, I start to worry that this one little slip-up of mine is going to haunt me.


"Uh, sorry. We were as surprised as you probably were. It apparently came out of nowhere. Completely arbitrary it seemed." (I)

"Oh. It's just, Noah has been occupied the whole day, trying to soothe the others. The event was just too distressing." (A)

"I, I think the knights and scholars are here to investigate just that. Maybe they'll be able to figure something out. On the other hand, maybe it would be better if nothing happens at all." (I)

"Maybe you're right. It's just so distressing." (A)


At this moment, the lord commander again raises his voice for a speech.


"Fear not, people! For I, Lord Antaras, care for those I have sworn to protect and am here so we may discover the origin of this change!" (Antaras)


Nice that he does the talking.
At least most people buy it to a degree.
Naturally, it's not possible to convince everyone during a large-scale hysteria.


"Sorry, I think I need to go with them." (I)


I catch up with the rest of our expedition.
Moving through the village from what I believe is the north we soon reach the western end.

It's not very far from here to the water.
Some of the more brave or curious villagers even follow us.
Well, I'd probably want to see what the government is doing in my backyard if it came with a large number of people after holding a great speech.
I mean it's really close, almost reaching the fields, which don't cover too much space in this direction since the majority of those are on the east- and south-side.

When we arrive at the water, I notice that the ground turned into fine sand.
It's still more pressed than it would be on a normal beach, but apparently, my image of a beach I set into reality included not only the water.
Speaking of it, from up close it looks quite ominous.
The absence of a sun makes it appear quite dark, even if there's a slight tint of blue.
However, one has to worry about what dwells beneath the surface.
And I know for a fact that something is there.

When I stop looking at this new ocean I notice that the elderly scholar is looking at Chiaki.
Which should be a given because this whole discussion was her idea, to begin with.
Other people caught on to his expectant gaze and are similarly interested in what she's up to.
But I worry about what will happen if they realize that she has no plan at all.
Maybe I have to be prepared to emergency evacuate us at any moment.

But to my surprise, Chiaki starts to move to the water.
Naturally, I spread my senses to make sure that no sudden tentacle from some unknown creature will emerge and snatch her away.
But it seems the whole coast is clear.
Yes, I'm aware of that wording.

Chiaki extends her hands and scoops a bit of the water.
And then she drinks it!!
Which is the opposite of what any survival book would ever recommend!
I already look into myself to see if I'm capable of any emergency treatments when she speaks up.


"Hey, Iori! It's not salty! That's sweetwater! Not saltwater! Weird to see so much in one place!" (C)



I’m feeling a very complicated blend of emotions right now.
A mix of realizing that I'll probably never be able to truly understand what happens in her head, absolute puzzlement, and wishing to shake her so she might stop shouting not only nonsense but suspicious stuff as well.
As I said, a complicated mix.
Which like this only amounts to a nervous twitching of my eyes.
And another billion which promptly spread on the surface of the water.



"What is this?!"

"It's watching us! It's here!"

"Prepare yourself!"

"Oh my, that looks quite foreign. Maybe a bit gross." (C)


The moment I become aware of the situation I cut whatever happens here and the eyes vanish.


"Oh, already over." (C)




"Wh-what just happened? Great magician?" (R)

"Looked like eye-soup." (C)


I doubt this will satisfy as an answer.


"Well, then there's only one thing left to do." (C)


Calling it a day and returning to the castle?
Yes, I know that this is only wishful thinking.
And utterly doomed in front of Chiaki.
But never would I have anticipated what happens next.

She strips.
Yes, I said strip.

First, the robe comes off, then her boots, her socks, and, opposing my internal screams, her pants.
I put my hands in front of my eyes at this and many embarrassed male knights and servants do the same.
But probably because I was still slightly curious an eye opens on my hands so I still look at her.
Fortunately, no one even thinks about staring at me in this situation.

To my surprised relief she has bikini panties underneath.
And the same goes for her chest when she ultimately also abandons her shirt.
While it helps me that she's not stark naked now, which I would absolutely believe her to do, it's actually still not fine.
The point is that aside from those terrible maid outfits there's not too much in terms of fashion here.
And this means that the maid uniforms already expose more skin than what the People are used to seeing.
And those still count as traditional outfits in their worldview.
So Chiaki is still extremely underdressed and just can't get my head behind why she'd do this.

Then she sprints forward directly into the water.

Oh right, I forgot.
She's crazy, that's reason enough.


"You have to try this! The water is great! Just the temperature! Or no temperature? Somehow it's always the same here." (C)

"Are you crazy? And why do you have a swimming suit under your clothes?" (I)

"Now come, Iori! Naturally I brought it with me and had it the whole time below my clothes. You're wearing one too, right?" (C)


Why the heck is she winking at me like this?
Could she... Is she truly suggesting that I should make a flesh swimsuit below my clothes?
That's crazy!
Ah right, it slipped my mind.

The other people are still embarrassed at the overly revealing display of her body.
Especially since no matter how healthy she is she's still only fourteen.
Though, I don't know this world's age of consent.


"Chiaki! Get out of there!" (I)

"Not happening!" (C)


And she continues to splash around in the water.
This cannot continue!


"Makoto, we have to do something!" (I)

"Do what? I've known Chiaki long enough to know when it's futile to try stopping her." (M)


What are those who're responsible to watch her even doing right now?
God, they're gawking as all the others are and this stupid girl just won't stop.
Or are they waiting to apprehend her when she gets out?
I need to put an end to this situation.


"Damnit, Chiaki! You'll come out of there this instant, and get dressed!" (I)

"Make me!" (C)


Oh, girl!
Now you've done it.

I go to the water, throw my dress behind me, slipping out of it with the help of some conveniently supporting tentacles, and reveal a freshly shaped swimsuit onesie.
This isn't as bad, as it's sufficiently covering me.
I'm just going to catch her while avoiding getting swept away by her pace.


"Just wait for it! You'll leave this water even if I have to drag you out!" (I)

"To do so, you have to catch me first!" (C)

"And I will! Or did you forget that I have the advantage here?!" (I)


I form some tentacles below her to fix her position, but she releases magic at her feet and dissipates them.
But I won't give up here and rush further behind Chiaki at the physical limits which I can maintain without standing out.
However, as an answer, she releases her beam magic to propel herself forward in the water.


"Stay still! You have no chance!" (I)

"Ahahaha!" (C)


This all happens while the other people in our group continue watching us from the sidelines.


"What are we looking at here?"

"I feel like we're watching something we shouldn't."

"I-I don't know, but the order was to observe."

"I think I'm losing my sanity. Is this how it happens?" (M)


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