
Chapter 79


This is my castle.
And the rest of this place also looks quite familiar, with the same eerie atmosphere as usual.
However, right now I doubt I am at the right place.
The reason?
There is stuff that simply shouldn't be here.
Or more I didn't make it appear here.

How can something I didn't create appear in my very own dream?!
That's crazy!

Regarding what it is that's making me doubt my sanity?
You see, I made that village for appearance's sake in front of the castle.
But when I did so it was for sure only a third of its current size we have here.
Also, while I had established some kinds of fields, as I said they were only for the looks.
Too small and I am not sure if anything grew in them.
But these spread so far.
I guess they, along with the river water and nightmare forest building materials, could easily support this whole village.

Yet while this is fairly confusing on my side I don't know what mesmerizes all the others about it, who have no comparative picture of what it should look like.
Well, Chiaki could maybe have had a glance, but surely not mum.


"Just to say so, the castle was more of an accident, which I just didn't change. I'm certainly not a Chunibyo. Really!" (I)

"Iori, did you do something since the last time we were here?" (C)

"Ehm no? I wasn't here even once. Which is kinda ridiculous, since this place is inside me." (I)

"Then what about this village? I thought there would be no people here?" (C)

"The village? That was only for touching up the environment. It just looked a bit too dreary here for my taste." (I)

"Sure, we wouldn't want that the abyss of existence looks off-putting." (H)

"I, I think I saw something moving down there." (M)

"Down there? That can't be. This is my private space. It's completely cut off. Nothing I didn't personally create or bring here myself could exist or come into existence." (I)


On the other side, the expanded village is contradicting this statement.


"But there was something! I saw it too! I'm sure of it!" (C)

"The very idea of foreign entities in this realm has to be explored." (H)


We are pretty far away, but if they think that there was something I shouldn't doubt them in the village.


"Maybe I should bring you back out and investigate? It might be dangerous." (I)

"Don't you have absolute power here?" (C)

"Kinda." (I)


I point to an empty part of the ground and activate a thought.
The merest idea is enough and a pit opens.
Enormous pillars rush out of the ground with extremely sharp spikes, resembling teeth, on the inside.
It was intended as a cage, but I'm sure if anything goes in there this thing will be more of a deathtrap.
The way it is shaped into something like a maw creates the unsettling idea that this entire world is in fact flesh and only looks like a normal environment.
At least I am in control, so I probably don't have to find out as long I don't give any wrong orders.


"Okay, impressive. But Iori why didn't you create something less disturbing?" (M)

"Well, that's the point. I am kinda in charge, but because of all the nightmare demons or whatever vile stuff turned me into this, everything I create turns out messed up like this. General ideas get through. Something like I want to protect you or basic shapes, but there is a chance that the idea of shielding you against the bad stuff and annihilating every potential threat might become confused. You understand the issue?" (I)

"I understand that I shouldn't mess with you!" (C)

"This wasn't exactly what I was trying to say." (I)

"You're overthinking! As I see it, nowhere are we safer than around you." (C)

"Muuum!" (I)


Chiaki is irritating!


"I wouldn't really want to have to repeat this trip just after we got here. Maybe we should just look around? If there is something it should be connected to you, right?" (S)

"If you say so." (I)


This is honestly the sole reason why I believe that we are at the right place.
Different from other dimensions when I am here there is some kind of link.
I block it out as good as I can, but if I concentrate even a little bit, I know I can take control of absolutely everything here.
Not just this, I can literally feel this world.
As if it's my skin we're trampling on, my self that's pulsing through the world, the very essence ready to move at my command, and so on and so on.
Yet I make a clear distinction between material stuff and this tourist group I'm guiding here.
No mind control!


"Fine but we should be extremely careful." (I)

"First come first served!" (C)


And she runs there.
God, Chiaki!
I focus on the village, which is still really far away.
I could only see the difference because it grew a lot.

While crossing the uniform planes, we close in on rather vast fields.
In them, I see some kind of crops and vegetables.
At least I hope that's what they are, yet what I see looks anything but edible.
They have thorns, are often black or in other unusual colors, and look somewhat twisted.
All in all, they're in a common-sense-defying, worrisome condition.
So I am starting to worry about my world's state.
And the reasons to worry only increase in number.

Because I am pretty sure I just saw something move between the buildings.
It's hard to say since the ground is an ebon surface and like this already those "creep crops" are obstructing the view, but I am sure I saw something.
However, as the group slowly draws closer I notice that someone's missing.


"By the way, where is Kuri?" (I)

"I'm here, mum!" (K)


Out of the very ground, a little child form emerges.
Right, darkness demon.
And also somehow connected to this world.


"Okay, Chiaki is already running off, so could you please make sure that nobody gets harmed, Kuri? I trust in your strength and know you can protect them." (I)


If there really is something I should at least make some precautions.


"Rely on me, mum!" (K)


And with this, she again merges with the ground.
First, I see her emerging directly in front of Chiaki, gesturing wildly in our direction, before again sinking back down.
This should help quite a bit.
At least, I feel a bit more assured now that Chiaki stopped running but now waves at us to come over.
While walking, I repeat in my inner mind over and over.


  • Protect everyone!
  • Protect everyone!
  • Protect everyone!


I don't know what good it will do, but if I can be sure of one thing, it is that it should have some kind of effect according to my will.
And if I have to bend reality to make it happen!

We proceed and after a while, we reach the outskirts of the village.
I had to use some tentacles on the ground to keep Chiaki from leaving us all behind.
We're looking for anything suspicious, or weird, or...
Damn, that describes absolutely everything here!

Yet, we haven't even passed the first building when suddenly something comes running from behind the next corner and is then directly in front of us.

I-Is this a child?
No two!
There is a girl next to the boy!

A-And they're looking normal.
Well, the boy has greyish skin, and the girl is rather blueish but not demonic.

The boy is eight, the girl six to seven years old.
Also, they wear rather rough and basic clothes looking like fitting inhabitants of this medieval village I built.
Wide-eyed they're staring at me, almost in shock.
I'm as well.
And completely at a loss.
Not only that, but I am most distressed because I believe this whole world is absolutely no place for children.
Insecurely, I raise my arm and wave them.


"Uh, hello?" (I)


Their eyes grow even wider, contradicting my idea that they should already be at their physical limits and their mouths stand agape.
I mean compared to them I might look weird in my casual dress, which due to the transport should've been completely exchanged with my flesh.
However, the simple fact that for some reason children got into a place which is essentially my mind, is worrying me deeply.
Before I can say anything else, Chiaki is squeezing past me and starts a talk with those two.
Well, she always was fairly outgoing, so this might be just her job.


"Hey you two. We got a little lost. You wouldn't know where we are?" (C)


This is the second time in my life I have heard Chiaki speak calmly to someone.
And the other time she was just in mortal fear, so that's the first time I see her doing so voluntarily.
From the side, Makoto approaches me.


"Iori, what is going on here?" (M)

"I, I haven't the slightest idea." (I)


And as much as I would like to sort out my feelings, right now I have to give it my all to keep this world from tremoring, as it would be detrimental to the ongoing conversation.


"W-wh-who are you?" (boy)

"I am Chiaki, this is Iori, this is her mother, this is Makoto, and his mother. And you are?" (C)


While gesturing at each one of us, she smiles the friendliest smile one could imagine, and I have to blink several times because her aura is totally illuminating everything so hard that I can no longer look there.
A full-scale charm attack.
She might even actually charm them with magic.


"I-I'm Tomin and this is Maja. You, you aren't evil, right?" (T)


I ask myself if he really thinks he would get a negative answer if this would be the case.
Yet it might be more for self-assurance as intimidated as he appears to be.


"No, no. We aren't evil. Why would you think so?" (C)

"We... We don't know you!" (Maja)

"Is this something bad?" (H)


It seems Makoto's mum would like to take the initiative and partake in this exchange.
I, on the other hand, need a little longer.
There is this little question which I would like to get answered.




  • Damn! No quakes, please!


There's still a slight quiver, but the kids don't seem to mind.
Now that I got that out of my head I should try to focus here, so I can understand the situation.
The boy checks the environment for a moment and then focuses back on the discussion.


"I, I don't know... How can you be here?!" (T)


Excuse me?
That's my line.
Chiaki again engages in that conversation.


"We came from that direction and saw this place. Could you tell us more about this village?" (C)


Well, technically it's true that we came from there.
After a hop through the dimensions.
Yet these kiddos don't seem to buy it.


"That can't be true! Nothing exists there! There can't be other people!" (T)


Yep, I know.
Because I haven't created anything there yet.
As far as I know, it should just go on forever with the same even, colored surface.
What reminds me of my question: Why the heck are you two here?!
For example, it's weird that they speak perfect Japanese when this western setting here totally indicates something completely different.


"Are you two alone? Is anyone else living here? Where are your parents?" (S)


And here is mum's motherly instincts sparking through.
She's genuinely concerned about them.
Yet I think we'd be challenged to take any more children in.


"Everyone's preparing the tribute for the palace." (T)

"They said we are too young and couldn't help. So we are playing out here." (Maja)


The palace?
Are they talking about my castle?!

Okay, I might be a little incongruent with my thinking here.
I never really considered myself as someone overly important, and even with the recent changes, I still believe that I would rather live a normal life than rule over someone and impose my will on others.
However, this is my dream.
It's practically the place I imagine or think of as my private space where I can recuperate, and do as I like.
So I don't think I am in the wrong when I think about the castle I created in my mind as my property.
But now there are people living in there.

Oh my god!
My room!
Did anyone take my room?
I left some of my personal stuff in there!
I really need to go look!
Yet, as I don't want to scare children and require insight about what is going on here, I tag along with the other's plan.
They're clearly trying to coax information from these children.


"Would it be okay if we meet them?" (H)

"I, I don't know. There were never other people before!" (Maja)


I don't think whoever lives here could pose a threat to our group of powerhouses, but it's not like I want to force my luck.


"Please take us." (C)


Well, I doubt they planned to keep it a secret in the first place.
They lead us deeper inside the village in the direction where I still know the central square lies.
Naturally, some unpleasant questions in my direction come up.


"Iori, what is going on here? I thought it should be empty?" (S)

"Seriously! What is this? Who are they? And why do you keep them here?" (M)

"I honestly have no idea. It should be empty. Please, believe me, I didn't kidnap them." (I)

"Yes, sure. I believe you. But that's really strange. We should at least find out what goes on here." (S)

"Actually, their appearance, while oddly similar to humans, indicates that they're not linked to our world." (H)

"Do you mean they're aliens! That explains the grey color!" (C)

"Chiaki! Don't be stupid." (M)

"Hm, if we define aliens as "not from earth" this would include other dimensions and thus might be fitting as a term. For their color, I lack information. It could be a lack of sun, different biology, or even a different matter of reality that makes up their base, among many other possible explanations. Still, this is incredibly fascinating." (H)

"I'm absolutely into this! This sounds like even more fun than a beach! Or we make one and then throw a party!!" (C)


Seems like Chiaki can't go quiet any longer.
Fortunately, the kids don't seem to have any second thoughts about her words, aside from the idea that she might be crazy.
Which isn't too farfetched.
I am as well a little worried about her sanity.
And this comes from a being that is rumored to spread madness.

Yes, I've done some internet research in my free time, as Zika asked me to.


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