
Chapter 66


I move out of this cellar together with Chiaki and Zika.
Both of them seem for some reason to be quite elated.


"This worked well, right?" (Z)


Zika's polite demeanor is as fake as it could be.
On the other hand, she seems to be truly amused.


"Be honest. Did you just accompany me so you could promote your higher standing as my ally to them?" (I)

"Maybe? The fact that I'm now utterly dependent on you has to come at least with some perks, right? If they had decided to attack me you wouldn't just have stood by and watched how it happens, am I right?" (Z)

"Since we did this pact thing nothing in our relationship changed. I never exerted any kind of control over you." (I)

"It's not about the present, it's about the "if's" and "when's". Eternity is quite long and I'll never be able to one-sidedly cancel our arrangement. To you, on the other side, I'm just a plaything. You could theoretically do whatever you want with me. You could even take my very essence and press myself into a new shape, body, and character as you see fit. Alone that you can do this is enough of a disadvantage even if you don't intend doing so yet." (Z)


I get her.
This kind of power disparity is not a good foundation for a friendship.
While it's maybe a bit farfetched to call her a friend I certainly don't wanna be some kind of asshole boss who abuses his power over his subordinates.

What was interesting was this talk about possible character molding.
Not that I would even consider doing something like this without consent, but it might explain some things.


"Is this the reason why you didn't ask me for power?" (I)


I mean, I made Kuri, so I am quite sure that I can make strong demons.
This kind of change should be possible as well.


"Kinda. One part is your lack of proficiency. If I could be sure that you wouldn't mess up and literally kill my very self in the process there wouldn't speak much against this. There might be the point that I until now abstained from reaching too great heights to avoid unwanted attention but now with our pact that applies no longer. The thing is that it wouldn't be my own power. Naturally cultivated strength is more reliable than artificial empowerment. I might just need more resources, knowledge, and time. It's possible that I ask you about something in this regard." (Z)


One can say many things about Zika, but she knows what she wants.
Now that I'm done on that front, I tend to the other problematic party.


"So, Iori... How does it feel to have a tail? And the horns, or the claws and legs. It must be different to have those, right? Could you describe it in detail?" (C)


And she is a problematic character.


"It mostly feels normal. If I become aware of the changes it's irritating, but everything works as it should. Most of the time I ignore the tail. Only if it gets touched I notice that it's there. So would you please abstain from pulling it?!" (I)


She has no shame!


"Oh, it's just kinda fascinating." (C)

"Yes, I'm very sure you're the first one who ever pulled an outer god by the tail and continued existing to tell the tale. Which is something I would advise you not to do." (Z)

"Yes, yes, I'm a fearsome outer god and no one should learn about this." (I)

"Great that you understand. As you just had this magnificent revelation, why don't you think about changing back before anyone of the leftover school staff might see you?" (Z)

"Oh shit! Goddamnit!" (I)


Hurriedly I put every possible illusion and body shifting up to again look as human as possible.
Zika might pull her tricks and tell them it's just cosplay or whatever, but I want to stay out of trouble as good as possible.


We proceed to go upward, but Chiaki won't stop pestering me.


"And the eyes? Don't you have problems with the light as black as they are? Your pupils must be extended to the max." (C)

"Uh, well, no. I doubt it's the same. Probably some magical shenanigan. I can see just fine with them. Also in the dark. Again, there's barely any difference compared to before." (I)

"That's kinda cool. It's just hard to find make-up that would go well with this shade of black." (C)

"Chiaki, I'm not into make-up." (I)

"And what makes you believe that our outer god couldn't do without it, the direct way?" (Z)

"Why are you still here, Zika?" (I)

"I prefer to stay protected after things were churned up like this. So all of them can have some time to think before trying something stupid." (Z)


Okay, that's a sound argument.


"Also, I believe I'll be needed very soon if my feeling is right. But as soon we're done with it  I'm gone." (Z)

"What do you mean?" (I)

"The thing you're going to do right now." (Z)


Ah, yes, that.


"What is it? I feel excluded." (C)

"If you forgot, your friend just swallowed some very stupid kiddies. And someone has to deal with the agony you just caused for them." (Z)

"Ah, okay!" (C)

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" (I)

"You are!" (C/Z)


Everyone is against me.
I sulk the rest of the way to the rooftop.
At last, I reach my destination.


"Why the roof?" (C)

"The cellar is still occupied so that we would directly be in the same situation again and I was looking for a place that is a bit remote in case it gets loud." (I)

"So you believe that having them screaming their agony from the roof will be any better?" (Z)


Maybe not the perfect solution, but it will give us time before anyone can reach us.
Now I have to free the occultism club from inside me.
I search for their individual presences and soon find them.

Since they are so weak I don't even have to use my whole body, but prepare some kind of swelling postule, filled with all this nasty stuff I control.
Then I place all four of them inside it.
They pass very easily through the small strand-like connection from my foot.
I have them gather themselves inside the structure and as soon I'm sure that they're completely intact I pull everything that's not them back inside me.
Now there are four kiddos who I should give a thorough scolding if it just wouldn't be so troublesome.

I move in front of them.


"Hey, you lot! You..." (I)


Before I'm getting into it I realize... something is wrong.


"I can fight this, I can do something, I can save everyone. I can fight..." (S)

"This is illogical, this isn't right, the pattern is wrong, it doesn't add up, it is wrong, I'm wrong, nothing's right..." (J)

"This... this is too much! I never wanted this! It should've never ended like this!" (N)

"This isn't what I wanted. Make it stop. I don't want to suffer. No one should suffer. They should be happy. Why couldn't I be happy? Why couldn't I change? Did I change? Am I myself? Who am I?" (Y)


They're completely through.

The boy who I'd say is their self-proclaimed leader has an expression like some popular anime hero.
At least the same stupid smile.
However, he's at the same time totally unresponsive.
As if he's right now having an adventure in some kind of matrix-like world.

The other boy with the glasses is just mumbling on and on.
I guess he's repeating some supposedly scientific lines.
But he's not reacting to any outer input.

Then there is the cooky-girl.
I'd say she does considerably well.
She looks confused, but more like after a mental breakdown which she might recover from.

The last one in line is the goth girl.
From the little I know about her I'd dare say that she's the worst case.
Tears stream continuously out of her eyes, while her face repeatedly switches between a grimacing smile and tense trepidation.
Her whole persona seems to be kinda twisted.
While she's as well mostly unresponsive from her mumbling I gather that she would now prefer world peace and personal fulfillment over any kind of dark ritual.
Maybe objectively not the worst change, but thinking about it, her character could maybe lie in shambles.

I really don't know what to do now.
The biggest concern is that my actions might have caused lasting traumas for them.
On the other hand, it might be just the lesson they need to stop involving themselves with powers they don't know and certainly cannot control.


"Iori, what is with them?" (C)

"Great ones, what did you do now?" (Z)

"I, I don't know. I've just stored them as usual. I was careful not to absorb anything or cause harm." (I)

"Did you place them in your dream?" (Z)


If my perception is right... I didn't.
I've just wanted to store them safe and sound.
But my personal dream is... well, personal.
It couldn't get more private than this.


"N-No. I mean, it's my inner mind. That's kinda my most private place. I can't let anyone enter there." (I)


While I'm trying to justify my actions Zika just throws me a judgmental look.


"Where! Did you! Put them!" (Z)


I look into myself to find an answer to that question.
Where did I just take them from?
The answer is simple enough.


"I-I think it was some kind of safe space. Not allocated area." (I)


My best guess is I did this subconsciously.
Somehow I know that at the place where I stored them I could keep them alive indefinitely.
Which might be the reason why I chose it.
However, it seems Zika doesn't agree.


"Great ones!" (Z)

"What is wrong?" (I)

"That were more than five minutes." (Z)

"Ehm, what is this about?" (C)

"Ah, right. You can help me to make that failure of a goddess understand. You know when you were brought into her dream? How not nice that was?" (Z)

"Oh, please don't remind me. I'm trying to forget about it." (C)

"Now take that one moment when it was the worst. That one split-second when you passed over, and stretch it. Stretch it infinitely wide." (Z)


Chiaki becomes pale.
The blood drains from her face and all she does is helplessly stare at me, not able to utter a single word.


"What is the problem? I don't understand!" (I)

"Okay, the absolutely simplest basics. You're not "storing" someone as you call it. You destroy them! You torture them!" (Z)

"What do you mean? There they are! Each of them still in one piece!" (I)


Not a single wound is visible.


"No. Those are not their bodies. Only a flesh sac you reassembled by creating the right atoms and putting them at the right places. What really happens when you devour someone is that you peel their bodies away from them. You take everything until only the bare soul remains. That's something you can transport. A unique consciousness. The thing is, nothing is as vulnerable and easy to influence as a bare soul. Little constructs one can toy with, twist, change, violate in any way one's creativity allows. It's the greatest harm one can cause. And it's a lasting one." (Z)


I don't know what to say.


"But, but... I didn't do anything to them. And Chiaki and mum are still... not like this." (I)


I point at the group of which each of them experiences their very own particular case of madness.
Chiaki meanwhile looks at least uncomfortable.


"You don't get it, huh? Souls are so weak on their own that any kind of influence can cause harm. Your friend is fine because she has a body in your dream. The only moment when she's bare is when she passes to the realms. A single moment that is already difficult to endure. This is clearly not the case this time. Also, one has to consider that your critters make up everything in there, which as well counts as an influence. Regarding your mother, you should remind yourself that I took her suffering last time. Back then it was only a short time. When I mentioned the five minutes I was referring to the average time someone's mind can survive direct contact with the other side. You messed up pretty badly here." (Z)


I cannot retort.
I don't know how.

If what she says is true I did something terrible.


"W-what now? Please, help!" (I)

"I don't know if I can do something about this. If the suffering settled into their very essence I can't simply rip it out. Cutting parts of their souls away wouldn't be good, right?" (Z)

"But we cannot leave it at this!" (I)

"Fine, let me see. Maybe there's still something left to safe. Or salvage." (Z)


She moves to the four who won't even recognize her existence.
Maybe the cooky girl does a little bit.
She passes each one of them after a scrutinizing inspection, starting at the supposed leader, named Sora if I'm right.
Then the glasses boy, whose name was Junichiro, after that the cooky-girl, and at last the goth girl, I think her name's Yona.


"Pass, don't know, pass, nope." (Z)

"Sorry?" (I)

"As I said. The boy can be helped. He was lucky in so far that his mind shut down and he somewhat successfully managed to escape into his own fantasies, no longer consciously experiencing everything. The other one is a bit worse off. At the border to snap I'd say, but not completely out of reach. Then the girl. Shaken, but an impressive mental resilience. She might even recover on her own. Maybe slightly traumatized and will scream every night from her nightmares. But that last one... A complete mess. Her mind is in shambles. Wouldn't even know where to start. It really did a number on her." (Z)




"No! No, no, no, no, no! NO!! There must be a way! You can't tell me that with all those powers there's nothing I can do!" (I)

"Tsk, you're always asking for the impossible. By the way, would you please dissipate the red clouds above us? Guess they're about to rain blood. At least I hope it will be blood." (Z)


Think I have to, but it's so hard to concentrate right now.
Zika sits casually down and ponders, but without any apparent results.


"Ehm, I might have an idea." (C)

"You? Seriously?" (Z)

"What do you mean? How would you know anything?" (I)


Not like I think Chiaki is a liar, but she has certainly no expertise for situations like this.


"Ehm, not really I by myself. I mean, I could ask someone." (C)

"You're seriously telling me that you know someone who knows how to treat a critical soul trauma?" (Z)

"I'm not sure if she can. But I might call her." (C)

"Who do you me-... Oh!" (I)


Chiaki is talking about her stalker goddess!


"Yes. She could have some experience." (C)


That's not too farfetched.
We're talking about someone who influenced her reincarnation over and over again.


"And you know how to get in touch with her?" (I)

"I've got this prayer. No real idea what language this even is, but when I go over the contents it feels strangely familiar. Like, I know that I'm asking someone to come over. Well, it's a bit more formal. Just strange to know something you don't know." (C)

"Chiaki, I truly know exactly how you feel!" (I)

"Could anyone please consider telling me what this is about?" (Z)

"We think about summoning Chiaki's patron goddess." (I)

"A goddess? Here? Are you making fun of me?" (Z)

"Ehm no. We met her this weekend." (C)

"I... I don't even know what to say. I know you're entropy itself, but sometimes your antics just exceed any possible expectations on common sense I could have in you! Great ones, how can such a thing happen?! To even consider calling such beings. And this in your position!" (Z)

"I think Chiaki's idea is a good one. A bit more expertise can't be bad and we were able to find some kind of common ground last time." (I)

"Let me guess, it was something along the line of "don't devour me and rip reality apart", am I right?" (Z)


Sadly, close enough.


"Then go for it. Things can't get worse." (Z)

"Ehm, you should stay in the background. She has some aversions against demons." (I)

"A purifier? How absolutely, fantastic, fucking, cursed, great!" (Z)


We see this as her approval and Chiaki starts the chant.
It sounds like some Sutra.
But not Buddhism.
Maybe Tao- or Shintoism?
I'm honestly not too familiar with complex prayers.
And as fast Chiaki rolls them down they're anything but simple.
It truly gives the impression as if she did this already hundreds of times.

While she continues to chant her bright aura is set into motion.
It gathers in front of her.
There it starts to swirl in ever greater circles and some kind of portal made of pure light forms.
Next, a golden emittance escapes from inside this thing.
Chiaki looks awed at her own creation while Zika increases her distance.
Promptly the portal extends to the center a surface like liquid gold.


"Ah, my intimate!" (So)


And then a well-known golden figure emerges and promptly embraces Chiaki.
Wait! What kind of relationship had those two?
Soraja revels for a short moment in that hug and Chiaki lets it happen, unable to deny friendly physical contact.
Something I should really talk with her about better sooner than later.
But then it seems our goddess comes to her senses and her expression darkens.


"Bah, what is this pollution? The air itself tastes dirty. Sickening vile!" (So)


Sorry for my presence.


"Soraja, we need your help!" (C)

"We?" (So)


Shily I wink at her.


"Oh no! At least this explains the pollution." (So)

"Iori has a problem and we can't solve this alone. Would you do me this one favor? Please?" (C)


She totally melts away at Chiaki's puppy eyes.


"Sigh, what is it?" (So)

"We... I, I panicked and swallowed those four there. Now Zika says I kinda broke them. And, and I don't know what to do." (I)


I feel terrible about this.
I try to push the implications away and hope I can revert whatever I caused, but it won't change that I messed up badly.


"Zika?" (So)


Her gaze drifts to the facepalming demon behind me.


"A demon!?" (So)


Her hand starts to glow, but Chiaki is quickly in front of her.


"Please, don't attack her. Yes, Zika is a demon, but she's been nothing but helpful. And she's with Iori." (C)

"Who did you now bring close to my precious intimate?" (So)

"Uh, well. Zika is a school demon and my... Are we friends?" (I)


I never thought it's possible at the same time to twitch and roll with one's eyes.


"She's at least aligned to me and wants me to stay stable. So you could say that there's a shared interest? And she only drains people a bit, no killing." (I)

"Tsk, a leech." (So)

"Hey, I'm a respectable connoisseur of dark emotions!" (Z)

"She said I accidentally tortured those kids and this might have effects on their souls. Please, don't you know a way to help them?" (I)

"You're calling me to help you with four insignificant souls?" (So)

"Please! I, I didn't want to do this! I need help!" (I)


Simply the thought of what I did to them brings tears to my eyes.
I am not bad! I am not evil!
I just wanted to bring them away so they won't get involved too deeply.


"Okay, okay! Stop threatening to annihilate absolutely everything with your emotions! I'll take a look at them." (So)


She moves to the members of the club, who still didn't move a bit.
Her hand starts to glow and she moves it slowly over each of their heads.
Maybe this can really help them?


"Two mild cases of mind torture, one in a dangerous condition, the last one's soul got a severe trauma. That you have this leech here might be beneficial. It's enough to cure the light cases. The other one would need special stabilization. Regarding the girl... Theoretically, there's no way to help her." (So)


Does this mean... Did I irreparable harm her?
If she never recovers from this she could as well be dead.
What about her family?
Her friends?
How could I live with this?!


"Stop this, before you lose control! I said theoretically. It's not possible to heal her without tampering with her soul. This is actually an absolute taboo as it breaks fundamental laws. However, I'm pretty sure you don't care in the slightest about this. (So)

"I can't send her back to her parents like this! I'm fine with everything as long it works." (I)

"If you insist. All we can do is reconstruct her "self". Your influence simply seeped too deep inside. All that's possible now is bringing a bit of order into this chaos. I won't lie, that's nothing one should mess with. To be precise, this kind of animancy is considered one of the greatest atrocities one can commit. However, aside from killing her now and hoping that the passing to the next cycle will help I'd know no solution." (So)

"So, I need to do something very bad?" (I)


Should I really do this?
I know that messing with someone's personality and soul has to be considered evil but on the other hand I don't know what else I could do.
The problem is, I don't know how bad it truly is.
Can I cross this line just because I have good intentions?
And is the fact that I have no concrete idea of the severity something I can ignore?
But I just want that she becomes normal again.
Those kids can't pay the price for my negligence.


"Exactly. You'll intrude into her soul and make the parts that threw her into disarray align. That's not healing, but rearranging. However, it will enable her to live with the experience." (So)

"And how do I do this?" (I)

"I only know what your kind is capable of. My best guess is, to connect with her body and figure it out per instinct. Should work out. I've noticed you do most of your stuff without knowing the proper theory. Meanwhile, I'll make sure that the other three are stable enough not to die while being drained." (So)

"So I have to do the brunt work with the nutcases?" (Z)

"Don't act as if you wouldn't anticipate this, leech." (So)

"And I?" (C)

"I don't like to suggest this, but you might help her. This girl needs light after all this darkness. And your's shines still the brightest." (So)

"Awh!" (C)


Seriously, what kind of relation did those two share?

Zika goes over and naturally starts with Junichiro, who's the worst case.
Seems like I have to do this now.
I'm going to her and am a little at a loss what exactly I should do now.


"What now?" (C)


Exactly my thoughts!


"They said I have to form a connection. I just don't know how and in which way." (I)

"Can't really help you with this." (C)


Maybe I should just get started.
Just a little soul surgery.

What could possibly go wrong?


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