
Chapter 45


Now I am stuck with the problem regarding how to spend two days.
Or rather forty-eight hours since nights count as well without sleeping.
After some pondering, I decide to use my new phone and call Chiaki.
If anyone is in for making plans it would be her.


"Beep, beep, beep"

"Hello?" (C)

"Hi, Chiaki. I've just learned that today is free and for maybe the first time in my life I don't feel like sleeping it away in my bed. So, I just wanted to ask if you would like to do... something." (I)

"REALLY!!! Are you serious?! Oh my god! Iori is free for fun! The possibilities!" (C)

"I would like to add at this point that my budget is non-existent since this incident with those pants. Please keep this in mind." (I)

"Don't fret about this! I can pay for everything!" (C)

"Tsk. Chiaki, I don't want this kind of friendship. I am not going to leach from you." (I)

"Duh! But can't you just... make money?" (C)

"First, that would be a crime. Second, I maybe could create something similar, but am not sure if it's the same. It could jump in one's face and eat it or when analyzed proof that it's made of flesh or whatever I consist of." (I)

"So this means no money! But no need to worry, I will find something!" (C)

"Ehm, are you at the moment alone in your room?" (I)

"Yes, why do you ask?" (C)

"Can I come over now?" (I)

"Sure! That's what we're talking about, right?" (C)

"Thanks." (I)


I put the phone to the side and address mum.


"Mum? Can I go over to Chiaki? And would you take care of Kuri in the meantime?" (I)

"Sure. It's great to see that you can finally spend your weekends like children your age should. But... being together with Kuri. Will this somehow aggravate my... condition?" (S)

"Ehm, sorry again for that. What I heard and can see, there is no human life force left around you anymore. Zika said that she is something like a battery to you. It shouldn't worsen anything anymore for you, but you might... absorb more. It shouldn't be dangerous for Kuri." (I)

"Great, sigh. You know how hard this will be to tell your dad?" (S)

"I have an idea. Are you fine? I'm rather worried it might affect your personality or something like this." (I)

"Oh, I still feel like grounding you two wasn't enough. Aside from that. I feel oddly calm. I know how much I freaked out before, but now I think I can cope. It's not like I'm totally fine. I kinda still do freak out, but not too much. Also, I feel satisfied when I remember how Asano got tripped by Kuri. Which Kuri certainly shouldn't do again." (S)

"I am sure Kuri won't dare to go against your word. Also, you still have morals and ethics. This calmness... Maybe we are just getting accustomed to all of this?" (I)

"Maybe. The last days were crazy." (S)

"I am on my way then." (I)

"Yes. But don't do anything... unordinary on your own. Call me first." (S)

"Right. I should do this from now on, should I?" (I)

"At least you're reflecting. You should now go or you will make Chiaki wait." (S)

"This shouldn't be a problem." (I)

I picture Chiaki's room, which I have already visited several times ago.
I confirmed before that no one else is there and like this start to think of showing up there.
With a shift, I do so.


"Sigh! What did we just talk about?" (S)




I need a moment to take in my surroundings and spot a very confused Chiaki.


"Wha-, wha-... Heck, where were you... Ah, right. But still!!" (C)

"You said I could come over. And I specially asked if your room is free." (I)

"We really need to set up rules for this! You were far too vague! I had no idea you would suddenly show up!" (C)


I myself have mixed feelings about using my powers.
On the other side, at least teleportation was always good to me.
It helped me to literally escape out of more than one hell.

So teleportation has some credit with me.
The various growths from my body not.


"Sorry, weren't clear enough. Just thought that this would be faster." (I)

"You have no idea how shocking that was! I mean that's my room! I don't burst into yours!" (C)

"Chiaki, you did exactly that last year. I had a bad day and you came and, with mum's consent, pulled me out of my bed and dragged me to the cinema, because of that new film I don't even remember now." (I)

"That might be because I had to constantly poke you to keep you from dozing off!" (C)

"Oh yes, that part I do remember." (I)




"But it was fun, right?" (C)


Sadly I need to admit that it was special to me to have someone who cares that much.


"Alright, I am here now, so for the first time ever we can venture out, with my consent. Any ideas?" (I)

"You said you have no money. That means we can't go anywhere like cafes, shopping, or amusement parks." (C)

"That pair of pants really tore a hole in my budget." (I)

"Well, for now, how about just walking through the city and get used to all this freaky paranormal stuff?" (C)

"You sound a little bit too elated about this. We're talking about ghosts and demons. You know? The stuff that wanted to kill you." (I)

"But now I can do something against this. And with you by my side I doubt there would be anything left to fear." (C)

"You see, I would rather get a little bit of normalcy into my life." (I)

"Bah, what even is normal?" (C)

"How about not fighting horror monsters as a hobby?" (I)

"No fun. Then just a little bit of strolling. There are many places I've always wanted to visit at least once with you. But you were always too exhausted." (C)

"Fine, what do you have in mind?" (I)

"For now we could head to the tourist area. There was that tower I always wanted to climb up with you." (C)


Well, that would certainly have been out of question before.


"And..." (I)


"Before you ask, yes it's free. Just many many stairs to climb." (C)

"Alright, you got me. It's not like I have any different plans for today." (I)

"If you say it like this one could get the impression that your life is rather empty." (C)

"Hey! I have quite some interests! Before I simply had to spend half of the day in bed, trying to get over my dizzyness. Now I can't even sleep at night. This is quite much at once." (I)

"I guess. Must be hard." (C)


"Chiaki? Is there someone? I heard voices from your room!"


That's Chiaki's mother, Emiko Sato.
We were apparently too loud.


"Iori came over! We want to go out!" (C)

"Oh! When did she come? I didn't hear her. Well, have fun. Iori, are you well?" (E)


Chiaki's mother was one of those people who always were worried about me because of my complexion.
On the other side, she might have appreciated it in a way, as someone who just wants to sleep is no bad influence for Chiaki, but rather counters her liveliness back to normal spheres.
I wonder how her evaluation of mine would now turn out.


"Iori is for a while now much better and we kinda wanted to celebrate this." (C)

"Oh, really? That's great news! You had some kind of insomnia, right? If you could really overcome this then this is truly great. But don't overdo it! You never know. You might suddenly have a seizure. Be careful." (E)


Well, for a seizure I would first need a heart.
Or any organs of relevance at all.
However, she means well, even if her comments are rather disturbing.


"Don't worry. We will have fun, mum." (C)

"Okay, then bye." (E)


Chiaki quickly grabs a backpack and shoves me out of the apartment.
My body quivers a little at that rude treatment, but I can quell it.


We drive via the public transportation service to our destination.
The tower Chiaki has in mind is an old war structure built to survey the whole city and warn in case of an attack.
Now it's a frequented tourist spot since you... well, can see the whole town from up there.
Yet the city grew so it probably exceeds now the range.
However, while we come closer a problem shows up.

The number of people does increase.
This means also the number of surrounding auras rises and it starts to feel a little oppressing.
And my body has slight problems with being oppressed.
I really have to struggle to keep myself together, literally.


"Iori, is something up?" (C)


Doesn't really matter to deny this.


"You know how to see auras?" (I)

"Yes, since I had this training the images are even stronger. I still need to focus but I can." (C)

"Then do so and tell me what you see." (I)


She puts some pressure on her so that her head gets slightly red.
Then she seems to achieve some kind of result.


"Wow, so many colors." (C)

"Don't speak so loud, they will believe we're weird. You see the issue? Here are just too many of them. It's a little bit much to bear that's all." (I)


At the tower, to my dismay, we have to line up with far too many others.
Being this close to this aura mix feels weird.


  • "Do we have time for this?"
  • "When is my turn?"
  • "I have a meeting after this! Can it please proceed?!"


Are these... the people?
I wouldn't really question if mindreading is possible at this point.
I try to ignore it to the best of my abilities, but apparently standing directly inside the smoke is making it worse.
It feels as if everyone is shouting their thoughts at me.
And god, I have to tell my body over and over that it can't eat the people around to make some space.

Finally, it's our turn.
Yet our turn means that one batch of people left the tower and now we are supposed to walk all the steep stairs up.
Chiaki runs first, to avoid getting caught up with the other people.
I meanwhile trot behind.
This isn't an experience I long for.
I start climbing the stairs.

Then I notice,
It's easy!

I should have known that my body wouldn't tire out from just this much.
Or rather from anything ever again.


  • "What's with these girls?"
  • "Don't they ever tire out?"


I glance back and find some of the people I brushed past looking at me with bewildered expressions.
Well, this much shouldn't threaten to expose me.
But I honestly hope that I can cut that off this mindreading as it sounds like something that might become terribly bothersome.

Soon after that, I find Chiaki.
Next to a ghost.
Naturally, I rush directly to her side.


"Chiaki!" (I)

"Hey, you see my new friend here?" (C)


Her "friend" is something like a lighthouse keeper turned zombie.


"Chiaki, it might be better to get some distance from that thing." (I)

"No, no. You've got it wrong. This one is friendly." (C)

"Friendly? Damnit, I've been just two minutes away from you. How could you possibly in this time build a relationship?" (I)

"Well, at least he tried nothing bad." (C)

"And if he had?" (I)

"Then I would have laser beamed him." (C)


She states this with a juvenile smile.
It's fortunate that people yet have to catch up to be close enough to hear us.


"We are in a public area. You can't just shoot beams!" (I)

"But it was fine, so no biggie." (C)


I really start to empathize with her mum.


"So what's the deal with your friend?" (I)

"According to the uniform I would say he was a soldier here. Maybe from the war? And he died in an aircraft attack." (C)


Now that she says it these rags could be a military uniform.


"So why does he behave differently from all the other ghosts?" (I)

"Uaaagh." (ghost)


Well, that didn't convey much.


"Isn't it pretty racist to assume that all ghosts are trying to kill people?" (C)

"I think you're too lax but I can see your point." (I)

"Maybe his job was to watch stuff from up here and he still does?" (C)


If I remember right, ghosts are commonly not actual souls, but lingering attachments or thoughts.
So Chiaki may be right with her idea.
However, while the ghost doesn't seem to be aggressive I would wish that he wouldn't come so close.


"Iori, come look at this!" (C)


She invites me to the ledge and I have to say that the view is fairly impressive.
Yet the terrace on my castle could easily beat the height.


"Yep, great sight." (I)

"Ah, no. I meant look between the houses. There are so many ghosts around if you're searching for them." (C)


Now that she says it, there are quite many to see.
Especially at the not-so-frequented areas.


"It's still like back then." (C)

"You were here before?" (I)

"Yes. At that time I wasn't afraid of ghosts That was also when I made acquaintance with Goto here. He's still here after all this time. Very diligent." (C)


She points at the ghosts.
I am not as stupid to ask her what the traumatic incident was that made her fearful.
For quite a while we enjoy the view.
But eventually, we have to get back down.
Especially since others are waiting for us.


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