
Chapter 31


We settle in what I suppose is Makoto's room.
There are fewer mangas and games than I would have thought.


"Okay, what the heck happened out there?" (M)

"I want you to tell me! I am climbing on this far too high mountain and when I finally make it your sisters throw at me some kind of firework paper and needles, before repeatedly hitting my head with a staff! Is this your idea of hospitality here? Are there actually any people coming to give their offerings?" (I)

"It's not exactly that... Never mind. Firework papers?" (M)

"That was the worst! Well, getting hit wasn't nice either, but you can't throw something at people that bursts into a flame!" (I)


I totally feel like I'm here the victim here.


"They shouldn't do this." (M)

"I am absolutely with you! They shouldn't throw this stuff at others! That's stupidly dangerous." (I)

"Ehm, no. Those papers don't burn. I have my own here, see?" (M)


He pulls one of them out.
It looks like those classic patterns I know from manga and anime.
Yet nothing happens when he sticks it to his chest.


"See? They have no effect on humans." (M)


So it's my fault that I'm a demon?
I still feel like I would win this case at court!
He extends it to me so that I can see up close.


"And how is this a proof? That this is a normal piece of paper different from those your terror sisters threw at me?" (I)




I casually tried to take it, but the moment my fingers touched the pattern it burst into flames.


"Why!?" (M)


That's my text!

Seems like my position worsened.
For now, I'll try denial.


"Look, I don't know what kind of trick everyone is playing here, but it starts to tick me off. You wanted that I come here and now I don't really feel that welcome! I have more than enough problems right now!" (I)

"I don't understand! This shouldn't happen! Those are demon repelling talismans." (M)

"So they are against demons? Do you want to tell me something along the lines of why you're trying to burn me alive?" (I)

"Burning alive? N-no, these are seals! They should suppress any activity, paralyzing the entity, and not burst into... Wait! Why you're not confused? And... and what do you mean with this?" (M)

"Fine, I guess it's no use. I'm a demon. Satisfied?" (I)

"No, you're not. Stop those jokes." (M)

"Do you really want to debate this? I am rather sure that I have a better insight about my condition!" (I)

"No demon would ever come here! Or could! The barrier protected this place for thousands of years!" (M)


Uhh, should I feel guilty now?
You could at least put a shield down there.
Like: "Caution, active barrier!"


"And well, you were acting strange, but I know you since elementary. Your personality is still the same and you are normal enough. This isn't so easy to replicate. It makes no sense." (M)

"I never said I am not myself or possessed. And just because someone came up with that assumption. No, I didn't skin myself. I am I and no one else!" (I)


Apart from the billion critters squirming inside me without real consciousness.


"See? So what's this demon nonsense?" (M)

"You started with that? I don't even know if it's the right term! But I am!" (I)

"The friend I grew up with is certainly no demon!" (M)

"Now I am! Kinda transformed." (I)

"Transformed? That's nonsense! Humans can't become demons! Possession yes, or when a dead soul lingers too long after death in the living world. But there's no way from a living being directly into something else." (M)

"Look, do I really have to show you now the demon features? Like the eyes or such and then you freak out and try to kill me or can we somehow solve this with you simply acknowledging that I while being a demon am myself and rather clear in mind, if not for being totally on edge, because "someone" tried to burn me alive?" (I)

"You, you really mean this." (M)

"Yes, I do! And the last three days were total terror! I exploded, things tried to eat me, and some did, I was slashed in two, got my arm chopped off, an old lady was suddenly a creepy killer ghost, another one harassed me in the changing cabin, the swimming pool demon tried to kill Chiaki, and another one probably has now stocks on my soul, if it even still exists, Chiaki had a breakdown, I tend to lose control over my own body, get frequently thrown into other worlds, and have to relay every little detail about this to mum, who also got dragged into this mess and now might die any moment because some cosmic entity decides to mess with me! So sorry, but I don't feel right now like discussing my very private circumstances!" (I)


Well, dumbfounded might be an understatement for this look I receive.


"Fine, here, demon features!" (I)


I concentrate on the eyes and release whatever blends I put up on them.


"Ackh!" (M)


Slightly panicked expression and he fell backward.
Nonetheless, he still does much better than Chiaki.
Might be his training.
Don't know if the illusions on the eyes are back again without a mirror, but I try to stop anything that might worsen the situation.


"So as I said, I am basically myself. If you now decide to antagonize me as you do with Zika we have a problem!" (I)

"Z-Zika?" (M)


She said she is safe now that we have this pact, right?
It should be fine.


"The demon you didn't want me to hang out with. That was the reason you called me right?" (I)

"I, I wanted to tell you about them, to explain to you why you have to distance yourself. I first had to get permission and... B-but it seems you're well informed." (M)

"No, I'm not! Like I said, I only had three days crash course and am still utterly confused!" (I)

"Crash course?" (M)

"Yes! Rather forced praxis due to my bodily circumstances and some compressed theory from Zika." (I)

"Wait, is Zika her real name, then we could..." (M)

"Absolutely not! Did you listen to me? I owe her for her help! Aside from that it isn't possible. She is already bound by pact!" (I)

"Pact? W-with you? No sorry, I have to stop this. Just a stronger ritual or..." (M)

"Won't work! I have superior status!" (I)

"Superior status? What? No matter what kind of demon you are, there are rules one can't overcome." (M)

"So you do believe me?" (I)

"Hard not to. Your story... well, it doesn't make sense but you being possessed even less. And... those eyes. How?" (M)

"My advice, stay alert when you go to sleep." (I)

"Sleep?" (M)

"Don't you even know the theory? Do I seriously have to repeat everything I was told? Other worlds and dreams are the same. I got into a mess in one and it carried over to the real world." (I)

"I don't know what to say here." (M)


He really looks like he's at a loss.


"But you really can't be together with that demon! You have no idea what she has done! I need to stop this!" (M)

"You can't. I don't know what she has done, but I'm already closer with her than I am comfortable with. Too late to go back from this." (I)

"What are you saying? There is no bond you can't destroy with the right ritual." (M)

"Ehm, there might be a little detail I didn't mention yet." (I)

"Detail? What detail?" (M)


He seems eager to hear, even though he should be as stressed as I am here.


"Well, as I said, the term demon might not fit me too well. Zika used something else to refer to me." (I)

"The demon? Something else? What?" (M)

"Ehm, outer... god?" (I)


I hush the word, being a little conscious about the meaning, and for sure I have problems to refer like this to me.


"This is no time to joke!" (M)

"Oh yes! The demon part was serious, but here I start to become a prankster!" (I)

"Outer gods are a myth! I mean if they would exist the world had already ended long ago when one grew bored!" (M)

"Why would they? I just know from Zika that they are terrifying and whimsical, but destroying the world? As far I know they are bored and an existing earth is in my opinion less boring than no earth at all." (I)

"Nonetheless, the idea you could be one is simply ridiculous!" (M)

"What do I know? It's not like I have a book classifying each and everyone. I just know what the school demons are calling me." (I)


At this moment, an elderly man bursts through the door into Makoto's room.
He mumbles some kind of sutra, has a rather big dark green aura, and a piece of paper in his hand which starts to glow when it fills with a considerable part of the man's smoke and of course he throws it at me.




The next thing I know is that I am at a dark place, where I can just see due to some weird adjustments the plopping up eyes around me make.
A strangely pulling wind blows and I think I see shapes at the misty borders.
It almost looks like hands reach in my direction but are already stopped far away from me.
However, I have no capacity to contemplate this now.


"Goddamnit!!! What is just wrong with this family?!" (I)


I again erupt in anger and promptly all the shapes I thought to see are gone, along with the mist.
It's still dark, but I can now see farther than before.
There might be a gigantic bridge in the distance which some figures cross.
However, that doesn't interest me in the slightest!
I have to settle some unfinished business!


"Honosuki shrine! Honosuki shrine! Honosuki shrine!" (I)

"No backtalk Makoto! It is our duty to cleanse this world from their influence! You have no idea what that was! If I hadn't used my strongest talisman to transfer the very space around this monster, it would have just repelled the attack and killed all of us! This thing broke through the holy barrier as if it was nothing!" (elder)

"Excuse me?! Teleporting others without permission?! Got some screws loose?!" (I)


Everyone looks at me.
The elderly man, Makoto, and the two mikos who stayed at the door but are now watched by a new eye.


"H-how? That one lead directly to the underworld, how could you return?" (elder)

"I can teleport! Don't know why or how, but don't pull this shit on me! Even more, if it would have worked, Chiaki would be in trouble as well." (I)

"Chiaki?! Why?" (M)

"Please, don't get this wrong, but she is right now kinda inside me." (I)

"This monster devoured a human!" (Mizuki)

"Damnit, I said don't get this wrong! At least come in here if you want to partake! Chiaki is absolutely fine! The supplies in the kitchen last for years!" (I)

"Why is Chiaki inside you?!" (M)

"Don't scream! It was absolutely voluntary. I have something like a private world inside me and she is on a visit." (I)


Maybe it's a bit more complicated than this, but I don't intend to worsen this discussion.


"Grandfather! We need to call the others to help!" (K)

"Not possible, they try to erect the barrier again." (elder)


What makes them believe this is a problem of numbers?


"Does this mean I'll be still affected? You know, it will cause problems if I have to leave again." (I)


The look I get here is rather put off.
He might know by now that his tricks are not really effective.


"Please, I don't intend to harm anyone. As rude as you were, you are Makoto's family. So can we please drop the hostility?" (I)


The glare tells me the answer is no and his facial features don't look like they will change anytime soon.


"What do you want here?" (elder)

"Makoto invited me and I naively thought the welcoming would be more friendly." (I)

"You invited a demon?" (elder)

"I didn't know and... how did you come back?" (M)

"I already said, teleporting. Might be linked to this outer god stuff." (I)

"Outer... god?" (K)

"I have no intention to elaborate this any further! I am seriously agitated right now and my body starts to stir in an unpleasant way, so please make this easier for me!" (I)


At this moment, I perceive running steps on the floor.


"Elder!" (?)


Inside comes a young monk running.
Severely distressed.


"Elder, the barrier!" (man)


"Yes, I know it's broken! Did you manage to re-establish it? With fifteen people it should at least provisional work." (elder)


It seems I'm ignored now.
Probably because if I would be hostile it wouldn't really matter to retaliate as the outcome is clear.


"No, we could establish it, but, but..." (man)

"Now talk!" (elder)

"Something is crushing against it! There is a huge strain on what's left! The presence will break through!" (man)


He glares at me.
Yeah, attention, woohoo!


"What did you bring with you?!" (elder)

"Wait, now it's my fault?" (I)

"You destroyed the barrier!" (elder)

"As if it's my fault that when I come on invitation, I'm confronted with a barrier! I don't even know what that exactly is and how it works!" (I)


Calm down body, calm down.


"Grandfather, we should move out and prepare for the attack!" (M)


And I just wanted to talk to a friend.


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