
Chapter 29


"AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" (C)

"Can you please get it together now?" (Z)


I've got there!
In my dreamland!
I'm on some plane some distance away from the castle.

And there are both of them.
Chiaki, kneeling on the ground, holding her head, and still screaming.
And Zika, looking annoyed at her with a mix of disregard and contempt.


"Quit the wailing! It's annoying and I want to get started. And look, our host is there." (Z)

"Waaahh, waahh." (C)

"Is everything alright? I was worried! I, I lost contact with you two when you went in. Are you fine?" (I)

"We are good. And it would have been much easier if "someone" wouldn't have ended up screaming the whole time." (Z)

"I-Is Chiaki alright?" (I)


Did she throw up?


"Just suffering from travel-sickness. She's fine. If she would just get a hold of herself." (Z)


Chiaki definitely doesn't look fine.


"Chiaki? Are you okay?" (I)


Her look startled focuses on me, eyes full of panic.


"Where is this? Where are we? How? Why does everything feel so... wrong?!" (C)

"I thought we had settled this? Welcome to hell. Or nightmare world. Hers that is." (Z)

"Th-this is all too much! I cannot endure this! Let me leave!" (C)

"Chiaki, you just made it here. Do you really want to stop now?" (I)

"Doesn't matter! Get me out here! I want to get away!" (C)

"Oh, you want directly another round?" (Z)

"Another, what?" (C)

"Another travel. We just got through. It's not this hard to understand. The way out is the way in. So if you ask her to send you out..." (Z)


Zika can really be a sadist.
Well, it's her occupation.
In any case, Chiaki's face badly distorts.


"No... No, no, no. No! Not again!" (C)


This traveling must be for others much worse than I thought.
Oh god, mum!
I'm so sorry!


"So you'd prefer to stay here?" (Z)

"N-no way out?" (C)

"Everything goes over her. And I need to say that she was already much more gentle than last time." (Z)

"G-gentle? That?!" (C)


Now I feel offended.
But Chiaki really needs to calm down.


"Maybe we should go to the castle?" (I)

"Oh yeah, this one. My comments before were intended to be a joke, but you really embraced the stereotype here." (Z)

"I had no say in this! One thought and it just jumped up! There was no real possibility to work at the details here!" (I)


  • Here!
  • Here!
  • Here!


"God; shut up! I'm not in working-mode now!" (I)

"Why are you shouting at me?" (Z)

"No. Not at you. My mind is alert to catch up on any of my thoughts to make them reality." (I)

"Oh, then we shouldn't talk about dangerous things like dragons or demons or simply monsters!" (Z)

"Stop!! Are you crazy?! What if I do?!" (I)


Calm mind, calm!
Don't think about stuff.
Also not about different things to replace them.
They might be as bad as the first.


"Calm down. Nothing can happen." (Z)

"How would you know?" (I)

"Because even if you create life, it will just consist of your horrors. Might sound bad, yet even if they are what they are, they exclusively belong to you. You are in control. If you consider us as someone to protect, they won't do anything to us." (Z)

"And would they be... really alive? Like people?" (I)

"It's likely that they would be more static. There isn't much development behind such beings. Experience contributes to an elaborate existence. There is much subtle stuff that just manifests over many incarnations to show itself. It might depend on the individual, but would you for example consider the monsters you've seen before as complex beings? I guess not. There wasn't much input yet." (Z)

"If you say so." (I)

"However, now let's go in there. I want to get started." (Z)


She rather forcefully takes with her claw Chiaki's hand and drags her along.
However, she's careful not to hurt her.


"Now walk yourself! If I already have to waste my time like this you can at least try to contribute a little!" (Z)

"Why are you so harsh? Didn't you look forward to seeing her in this state?" (I)

"Sorry, a misjudgment on my side. If I could drain her it would be great, but just having to deal with a noisy, wailing girl without gaining the benefits is torture. If she at least would show some commitment in her misery." (Z)

"Chiaki? Are you alright?" (I)

"I-I-I think it gets better. Here is nothing, right?" (C)

"You could go forever in one direction and never see anything different than what you already do. As long our outer god here isn't adding something new that is." (Z)

"So it is really safe here?" (C)

"As long as you don't get on her bad side, this is probably the safest place in existence for you." (Z)

"Huff." (C)


Was Chiaki actually relieved there?
I don't think that the idea that you might get lost in this eternal expanse is a soothing thought.
We get going, but I start to notice that Chiaki is avoiding to look at me.


"Chiaki, is something wrong?" (I)

"Ieeehp!" (C)

"What was that?" (I)

"N-nothing! Absolutely nothing!" (C)

"She is so scared of you that it's a wonder her pants are still dry." (Z)


Both of us look quite dumbfounded at Zika.


"What? Do you really think I wouldn't notice something like this? Seriously, to believe I wouldn't be able to catch up to your emotions. It's actually a bit offending. And on the other side, we have here our little goddess who actually believes that after such a trip sane humans would be fine." (Z)


I look at the still trembling Chiaki.


"What is Chiaki?" (I)

"I, I saw... When you did... this." (C)


Oh no. Chiaki!


"I said you shouldn't look!" (I)

"But the sounds! And then I felt touch! I panicked! And then... it was just, just..." (C)

"A nightmare?" (Z)

"Yes." (C)

"I am really sorry, but this is somehow my body. I couldn't change this." (I)

"Fear is not about logic. She has this image in her mind how your tentacles and tendrils take her apart. And believe me, it's not too pleasant of a thought." (Z)

"Taking her apart!? But... but..." (I)

"How did you think this works? The things you absorb get smaller for a reason. They are dis- and reassembled in the other realm. Your friend just experienced how she disintegrated." (Z)

"Chiaki!" (I)


Her look conveys something that tells me that the demon is right.


"I'm sorry." (I)

"It was... I don't know what it was. Whatever I tried, nothing helped! And it did something. And I couldn't keep it from happening. Until I was simply no longer able to resist. Or to do anything at all. I felt so defenseless, so... bare." (C)

"Uh, I'm sorry. I felt something like this, but couldn't really do anything to influence what happened." (I)

"Better not or you mess it up. Traversing into other realms is no simple matter." (Z)
"So, we are... inside you?" (C)

"That's the most fitting description. If she, for example, would now listen a little bit closer into herself she might be able to find us." (Z)

"You mean even now? But I am here." (I)

"Do you really want to apply human logic on this matter? My advise would be to stop trying entirely." (Z)


And eventually, we reach the castle.
The gate is still open.
Yet I don't care too much about lacking security since honestly, I doubt anyone would trespass.


"Huh, the style is nice. At least infinitely much better than the fleshy mass from last time." (Z)

"Fleshy mass? But when I went here there was nothing at all." (I)

"Naturally, you won't feel anything. Because you are the presence itself. Others don't have such luck!" (Z)


And Chiaki nods in affirmative.


"Uh, do you think you can bear being in this place, Chiaki? The kitchen is there if you need anything." (I)

"You wouldn't know where the torture chamber is?" (Z)

"Torture chamber!? No! Why you're asking?" (I)

"Curiosity. Don't think too deep about this." (Z)


As if I could stop now!


"How is it Chiaki?" (I)

"I guess it's fine. It feels now less oppressing to be here. I think I'm getting accustomed. But it is so quiet. A little eerie." (C)

"Then we should get started! It is fine if we break something, right?" (Z)


Even if I would care for this place, I guess I could just repair it with a thought.


"Sure, as much you want." (I)

"Great, then we begin!" (Z)

"B-begin? How? What?" (C)

"Just stay still for a moment!" (Z)

"Still? Why?" (C)

"There are two ways to activate lifeforce. Or rather gaining control over it, since it's already there as you are already obviously alive." (Z)

"And these are?" (I)

"The first one is rigorous training. Showing greatest efforts to gain insight and learn what one is capable of, ultimately controlling one's own flow of life. The second way is to simply violently make one aware that there is power. When someone else influences this part of your very being, you are bound to find out. It's like seeing the strings you are manipulated with like a puppet. Since we want fast results I'll go with option two." (Z)

"Wait, this doesn't sound healthy." (I)

"It's not dangerous if a professional does it and not messes up the individual's system. But it certainly will be unpleasant. After all, no one likes being controlled. Especially not on such an intimate level." (Z)


Chiaki visibly panics.


"You can't do this to her!" (I)

"Why are we even here then? If the training shall have any impact we can't spend years having her climbing on mountains and meditating under waterfalls!" (Z)

"This works?" (I)

"No it doesn't! This is no manga! There's just this sole way if I shall help." (Z)

"Chiaki?" (I)

"And after that... After that, I will be safe?" (C)

"No you won't. But at least you will stop being easy prey." (Z)


"Are you sure about this?" (I)

"I just don't want to feel being at other's mercy anymore." (C)


Oh, her aura flared up just now.


"As I said, just stand still then. You might feel something like an unpleasant wave spreading around and inside you." (Z)


Chiaki still trembles while Zika comes closer.
She slowly extends her claw and lays it on her stomach, causing Chiaki to flinch.
The next moment she snaps with her finger against Chiaki's forehead.



"Huh, what? Is it over? I didn't feel anything." (C)


Zika grows a friendly smile.


"No, it just works better when you lower your guard." (Z)


At that moment she somehow pushes with the claw on the chest and instantly something rushes through Chiaki's smoke.


"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" (C)


Sorry, it seems like I confused "friendly" and "sadistic".
In my defense, these two are hard to distinguish with Zika.
The smoke around Chiaki seems to burn but in all directions.
It's expanding, whirling wildly and all the time Chiaki continues screaming.
Zika wouldn't do anything in this situation, right?
She was this reluctant and I can't believe that everything was a trap.
I want to help Chiaki, but if I mess up now whatever happens this could make it worse.

Then Chiaki's smoke vanishes.
No. That isn't it.
It drifts inside Chiaki.
The whole smoke looks like it gets sucked inside.
Zika lets go and the moment the contact stops Chiaki falls onto her knees, her eyes somewhat hollow, but at the same time it feels like there is something behind them.
Something pressuring.


"What did you do to her!" (I)


Immediately I run to Chiaki.


"Just what you wanted. This was necessary." (Z)

"Necessary?! Chiaki! Chiaki! Please answer." (I)


The next moment Chiaki grabs both her shoulders with her arms and trembles.


"Chiaki! Please say something! What is wrong?" (I)

"I-I-I..." (C)

"Chiaki?" (I)

"I feel strange." (C)

"Strange? In which way?" (I)

"I don't know... Vibrating?" (C)

"That's just your own energy. Inside your body it's more useful than dissipating outside." (Z)

"Do I now always feel like this?" (C)

"No, as long you don't channel it inside everything will be as usual. And you should by time stop doing so before you explode." (Z)

"What? Explode? How? How do I do this? No! No, no, no, no!" (C)

"Great ones! Calm down! We have more than enough time. This training shall essentially teach you the necessary control." (Z)

"But I don't know anything!" (C)

"Are you stupid? That's what you're learning right now. So if nothing else, get your act together and listen." (Z)


Zika's eyes flicker threateningly, while Chiaki is thrown between panic and intimidation.


"Now concentrate on the flow inside you. If you can feel the vibration you should be able to guide it." (Z)

"I-I'll try." (C)


Chiaki seems to concentrate and puts herself under pressure until her head turns red.


"Sigh. No, not like this. Here, this way." (Z)


She steps behind her and takes Chiaki's arm.


"Endure it. Point your arm at the wall. And now don't concentrate on the vibration but the feeling behind which causes it." (Z)


Zika with her other claw pokes at Chiaki's spine startling her, yet nothing more severe happens.


"Try to find the current that causes the feeling. I'll help moving it and you pay attention to what actually moves there." (Z)


Simply the fact that a demon touches her seems to be too much to bear for Chiaki.
Nonetheless, she manages to close her eyes and concentrates.


"Feel the movement inside your arm. It flows, gathers, shifts ever so slightly. The feeling accumulates at the end, the pressure increases, grows stronger and stronger, accumulates until it becomes unbearable. Do you feel it?" (Z)


There is a visible strain on Chiaki.


"Nngh! I-I do. It gets too much!" (C)

"Great! There is nothing better than dread if you want to be aware of something. Now get a feeling for it." (Z)

"Please! This, this is really too much. It hurts!" (C)


Chiaki really looks uneasy and like before I would want to help her.
On the other side, I doubt that Zika would now try anything, regarding the fact that she's afraid of me.


"Oh, you are trying to pull it back. Good first attempt. Already quite some progress. But still not good enough. You don't have control over your body. I do." (Z)


Again this sadistic smile.


"Zika!" (I)

"It's just as it shall be, no need to worry." (Z)

"It hurts! I can't bear it! This gets too much I can't... I can't..." (C)

"You can't contain it!" (Z)

"Aaaahhhh!" (C)


With a push from Zika, Chiaki's arm spasms, and the next moment I see how white light emerges there.
It is released directly from her palm and like a wave crashes in the next wall.



"W-wh-what?" (C)

"Well, that was something." (Z)

"What was this?" (I)


The most troublesome is that it felt as if something in my stomach just sparked up.
Are they really inside me?
But I stand here directly next to them?


"I channeled her lifeforce into her hand. The outburst triggered a small explosion, but as mentioned I was in control. This output was more than expected, so the damage should be limited." (Z)

"Damage? You said you wouldn't hurt her!" (I)

"When did I say this? At her quantity there is not very much one can do without taking any risks. Now we are rather well off. The next attempts should run without complications." (Z)

"Chiaki, are you alright?" (I)

"M-my hand. I think it got burned a little." (C)


Her hand is really a little red, but it doesn't look dangerous.


"I-is everything okay?" (I)

"Think so. I feel a little weird. But now more relaxed." (C)


I see that her smoke again spreads around her.


"Oh no! You better pull that back into you! We aren't done yet." (Z)

"You aren't intending to repeat this, are you?" (I)

"Now that her channels got opened it should be easier. But the other arm still needs to get floated." (Z)

"Are you crazy?! You hurt her!" (I)

"We already made progress. In the first place, a physical manifestation is perfect to realize the nature of the energy. Or do you think that beam won't be of use to her?" (Z)


Truth be told, there is a hole in the wall.
I wouldn't want to stand in the way.


"Chiaki?" (I)

"I, I think I can proceed." (C)

"Are you really sure about this?" (I)

"It felt weird but not as bad as I thought it would be. I was sure my arm would explode." (C)

"Might happen if someone with less than a century of experience would be guiding you. There are reasons why this method isn't common practice." (Z)

"And you have?" (I)


She really loves this "seriously"-look.
But I should be more aware that she's older than she looks.


"I won't practice body strengthening with you, but we can repeat the steps for channeling and emission until you get them done by yourself. For the rest, check the internet. Quite some stuff in there. Now again! Try to pull it back inside, if you can't, I'll do it for you and we repeat until you can!" (Z)

"I-I am not sure about this. Is that really me? This feeling. It's scary!" (C)


"No doubts now! You are doing this! I won't permit that this was just a big waste of my time!" (Z)


Aside from her personality, Zika is very diligent as a teacher.
When Chiaki again fails, Zika forces once again that the smoke drifts inside her.
Eventually, Chiaki grows more relaxed and after the third time of pushing it in and out she seems to be able to shift her aura herself a bit, yet still ultimately can't do it.
Nonetheless, it looked as if she'd be able to do something there.
However, I don't know how many more attempts she will need and also what is necessary to acquire control.


"Ehm, how much longer will this take?" (I)

"Some hours. We are just getting started." (Z)

"You, you know, I kinda promised that I would visit Makoto at his home. And now it starts to get late." (I)

"Duh, fine. Just leave. But bring us back out when you're done." (Z)

"What? You are leaving me here?!" (C)

"What are you afraid of? We already confirmed that this plane is completely empty. Aside from us that is." (Z)


I believe exactly that might be the problem.
Leaving her alone with the demon in this horror world.


"Would it help to know that she isn't really leaving us? We are inside her, remember? She has complete surveillance." (Z)

"I am not omnipotent." (I)

"You are! At least at this place. No discussion here! We are inside you. You are this world. Everything is under your control. And while I have no actual experience, I fear even we are." (Z)


It really is disturbing to be referred to as some kind of almighty entity.


"Uhh, that means I can go? It's rather important." (I)

"So you really want to go to the exorcists base?" (Z)

"What? Exorcists? Why has Makoto's home anything to do with exorcists?" (C)

"Because he is one and I assume his whole family as well. Now go, or you will come late for your little annihilation event." (Z)

"I am not going to kill anyone." (I)

"Whatever you're saying. It's not like these fanatics are actually open for negotiations. I have no problem if you jump into a conflict with them. Intentionally or not." (Z)


So Zika is supporting my decision to meet up with Makoto because she thinks I would end up destroying demonkind's opposition.


"So can I really leave you alone here?" (I)

"I already said. Leave!" (Z)


Fine, okay, I'm going.
Or rather teleporting through dimensions.



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