
Chapter 166


Dad is not a liar, so it's hard not to believe him, even though the contradicting evidence is right in front of me.
Could it have started by itself?
I think I've heard before that some gaming consoles, especially if they're getting old, can occasionally misfire their buttons.
Especially, those with these fancy touchscreen buttons.
Does that mean my console is broken?
But how would a missstart in addition launch a game that I didn’t even know I had before?

Well, whatever it is, I should now shut it down if I want to have the slightest chance at getting to enjoy lazing around.
So I take the controller and hit the abort button.
Yet it doesn't work.
No other input seems to help as well.

Thus, in my frustration, I hover my finger over the On/Off button of my console.
But for some reason, it doesn't receive the input.
Is my console actually broken?!
Oh please, no!
That's gonna be so expensive, and I'm not sure if I'd get the money for a new one.
Even though gaming is one of the only things keeping me sane during the long hours when I can't sleep.

Yet for now, more imminent, I want to get the graphic off here.
Maybe I'll just shut the TV off.
Right, doesn't work.

I'm sure it's just because the batteries in the remote are empty.
It's always a pain if that happens while some show is still running and you have no way of shutting it off.
Well, if nothing else helps, I'll just pull the cable.

It doesn't work!
Right, of course it's still on!

Okay, I get it!
Something is entirely off here!


"Something wrong, Iori? We can kinda hear you from the living room." (Chr)


Something wrong?!
Of course, something is wrong!
As if ever in my life things could just work out properly!
I mean, what is it now?
Did my powers somehow affect my electronic devices?
I don't want this!
By now Dad arrived in my room.


"What is the problem, Iori?" (Chr)


Uh, I still have no idea how to address my all-too-real supernatural issues with Dad, as I can't even know what is filtered out.
On the other side, would it even matter just to do so?
I don't really feel like having to always weigh my words with him.


"Ehm, my gaming console is stuck." (I)

"Really? Did you already try turning it off and on?" (Chr)


As if I wouldn't get myself to this point!


Aaand he just did it.
Just how?
Probably this normality field.
This thing must be really powerful if it can just like this render a supernatural effect obsolete.
However, I didn't really start trying to push my powers against whatever cyberghost haunted my console.


"Uh, thanks Dad." (I)

"Sure. Even though I'm not really sure what I did. It's a secret, but your dad isn't all that great with technical devices." (Chr)

"Pfft. Well, let's say you have your own 'field of expertise'." (I)


In particular, focused on getting rid of problematic paranormal influences.



"Well, seems like the food is here. Stay ready to come eat." (Chr)


Yeah, that's gonna be nice.
I might not need to fill my belly, but just coming together with my family is nice by itself.
Especially, to calm down after a stressful day like this.
I guess I can just ignore this situation here.
Who knows, it could've even been me.
The miasma I'm spreading causes all kinds of weird things.
Just today it ripped a campus into another dimension.

So we eat together.
It's nice.
Well, aside from a somewhat difficult atmosphere, because of a certain incident today.
One that involves my best friend.


"So, Iori, are you and Chiaki going to chat or phone each other later today?" (S)

"Pfffffcht" (I)


I instantly choke on my food.




Yeah, okay, and I quake the world.
Mum acts as if she wouldn't notice, and Dad doesn't even seem to perceive it inside his normality bubble.


"Wh-wh-what? What are you implying there?" (I)


That there is a reason to talk with each other?!


"Well, we all saw you... enjoying your youth. Ugh!" (Chr)


Thank you for that kick, Mum!


"Ahem, what your dad was trying to say was that today was quite eventful. Especially, your rather unique way to celebrate your victory." (S)

"Mum!" (I)


A ripple goes through the room.
Billions of tiniest veins in the very walls and floor shiver in embarrassment.
Of course, not around Dad, who just ignores it.


"Is there a problem, Mum?" (K)

"No, Kuri. Iori is only a tiny bit awkward about what happened." (Chr)

"Mum?" (K)

"I wouldn't be if you wouldn't constantly remind me of what happened!" (I)

"Iori, I only meant to say that you two made quite the scene." (Chr)

"Chiaki and I are only friends! There's nothing to read into this! She always does such random stuff without thinking!" (I)

"This may be, but she still chose to do so in front of the whole school. It could mean something. Or not, which still would be something to sort out." (Chr)

"What do you mean?" (I)

"You see, it could be nothing, just as you say. Or it is. Whatever may be the case, confirming what is the truth can't hurt. So you should at least speak with her about it." (S)


Why does she have to make so much sense?!
Can't I just ignore any confusing feelings?


"Not to forget, your reaction wasn't exactly mild either. Or would you prefer to talk about what happened afterward. We all had first-row seats after all." (Chr)


Oh, by every dimension's hell, no!


"Why are you turning this into such a big thing?!" (I)

"It wasn't planned to be. I only wanted to remind you to give her a call. You were the one going ballistic at the mere mention of what happened. Which in turn shows that you could possibly as well profit from a talk." (S)


Just that I'm freaking out... probably means I should really talk to her, as in my case, the world isn't going to stay unaffected.


“Mum?” (K)


Including the worried demon child who is currently emitting miasma everywhere.


"Sigh. I’m okay, Kuri. Just…I don’t know. What should I even say to her, Dad?" (I)

"I'd stay jovial. Approach the subject with care, without being overwhelming." (Chr)


That probably kinda makes sense.


"Why don't you just call her after dinner?" (S)


Sounds probably about right.
So dinner proceeds and eventually, I'm left to my own devices.
Yet then it rings at the door.


"Oh, it's you. Well, please enter." (Chr)

"Who is it?" (I)

"Uh, ehm, hi, Iori. You see, I was just in the area and thought I might come over. You know, to chat a bit." (C)


Chiaki, you're living in a whole other city district.
Who do you think you're convincing with this?
Yet the alternative means she came extra all the way here just to talk with me.

Just then, I feel my mother's presence behind me.
Might have something to do with the fact that the whole complex basically became my domain.
Not like my mum wouldn't have a very recognizable presence.


"I think you should talk for a bit, Iori." (S)


Mother knows best, it seems.
While I'm pretty sure that Chiaki can feel the overall unnatural atmosphere in my home, she doesn't seem to be bothered as much by it as she's having trouble facing me.

I guide her to my room.
Mostly so we can talk in private, as by all love I seriously don't need my family to listen in on this.
Once I locked the door, I face her.
I probably should give her credit for being possibly the only being in this universe not concerned with being stuck in a room with me.
Well, aside from the big thing between us that now lingers in the room.


"Hey! Uh. Nice of you to let me in!" (C)


Not like I had much of a choice.
Albeit she sounds cheerful, she's somewhat tense.


"Yeah... Uh, I too wanted to talk about what happened today." (I)

"Awh, don't fret it! No need to read too much into this. It, it was just the momentary elation. You know, that we won and such." (C)

"Well, but you see..." (I)


Suddenly, my TV turns on and some kind of rocky music starts playing.


"Oh shit, please no!" (I)

"Something wrong?" (C)


The screen flashes on and the same read as before plays.
Though, maybe a bit more intensely in color and style than before.




Now that I think about it, the music too might as well play a bit louder.


"I think I got hacked by a demon!" (I)

"Pfft! Whenever I get to be with you something new and exciting is going on!" (C)

"This is no joke! My TV and gaming console are getting on by themselves and some game I don't know apparently invites me to play!" (I)


I like my shit!
Furthermore, it's expensive as fuck.
Hell, will I allow some demon to hijack it!


"How about you..." (C)

"Just to remind yourself of the situation: No, I don't think pressing the okay button is going to help!" (I)


Seriously, I guess this girl would farm all the viruses on the internet if she could.


"Well, I more thought you might use your powers to drive it out of the console. You can connect to it, right?" (C)

"Do you really think this is a good idea? What if that's gonna infect me with something?" (I)


A PC virus becoming the actual thing sounds terrifying.


"If this could infect even you, wouldn't we have completely different problems? At worst, it's probably one of those horror-story ghosts. You know, like those where you die after watching a video or so. Might see a well any moment. Can't see how that would work on you." (C)


Not sure if this is a sound argument.
However, she's probably right that the personification of corrupting flesh growth shouldn't be so whimsy.
I mean, before, even Dad's presence alone was enough to push it back.
How bad can it be?
I'll just push my instincts to the limits and listen very carefully to any danger sense that might spark up with me.

So I reach very cautiously out, with a tentacle, for the screen, ready to link to it.
The moment I connect to it, the screen suddenly erupts and a grand veil lays over my form, reality itself seeming to dissolve.
Once I find my bearings and everything kinda settles down again, I realize I no longer stand in my room.
Instead, I'm looking at... a planetary necklace.

I think I just got napped through dimensions.


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