
Chapter 163


The rider’s battle.
One of the most ridiculous and needlessly showy sports events anyone ever came up with.

Who the hell thinks that placing an underweight student on top of three carriers, so they will grab for the headbands on each rider's head was an even remotely good idea?
If the riders don't injure each other while forcefully grappling at each other’s faces, then sure as hell they will when eventually the formation crumbles, either because someone loses their balance during the aforementioned struggle or they weren't willing to admit that their stamina is leaving them and their legs give in, so the one on top mercilessly crashes to the ground.
It might not affect me as much anymore, but for a school that puts organization rules into place to avoid bloodshed, this seems very counterproductive.
However, it might be a cultural thing with the representation of the fighting spirit of the samurais of old put on display.
Even so, the simple idea of humans posing as horses leaves a weird impression with me.


"I'm so excited! This is going to be our grand moment!" (C)

"Aren't you making this a tad bit bigger than it is?" (I)

"But it's the finale! Also, according to the unofficial point system, the winner is going to be decided here!" (C)


Of course, it is.
How else could it be?
Is there some kind of probability manipulation going on?
Do I need to blame some kind of over-dimensional being?
Do I have to blame myself because of a subconscious power I'm not aware of?

Heck, no!
This is certainly leading too far!

The only positive would be that our team got somewhat stable at keeping me up.
It might be partly existential dread of failure and subtle manipulation of their bodies, but we also practiced really hard.


"Okay! Is everybody ready?!" (C)


Chiaki is seriously charged.


"Uh, I think it went rather well. I didn't mess up my secret identity." (S)


Secret identity?!
Boy, you are not supposed to fight crime!


"Ehm, what's with the eyes?" (S)

"It means our dark lady is displeased! So apologize!" (N)


You didn't have to elbow-ram him so forcefully.
I might've made his body tougher, but that kind of thing still hurts.


"What was that for?!" (S)

"That goes beyond your muscle brain! Just do what I'm telling you!" (N)

"I-I'm sorry!" (S)




"Just don't go around doing anything that would require you to have a secret identity." (I)

"Ah, so that's what this was about!" (S)


Yeah, it was.

Anyway, it doesn't take long and everybody gathered for the event.
From our position, I have a good sight of my family.
It seems for this even mum started to cheer earnestly.
Though, probably mostly because I am starting here with a group of something akin to friends.
Though, if I remember it right, I'm pretty sure I informed Mum that they're just my cultists.
Yet I'll admit that the distinction is a bit muddy on this one.
For now, we only have to smile, wave our hands, and hope that this all will go by.
Did I mention how much Chiaki is enjoying that part where she gets all the attention?


"You don't stand a chance!" (K)


Now even Konoe comes by.
Apparently, she is partaking as well, with a team of her own, that also just had to consist of all the most popular kids.
I mean, what is that?
A promo event?
And what the heck do you want from me?!


"I'm gonna crush you, Nomia!" (K)


Seriously, I wasn't even trying to compete with you!


As the rider's battle has understandably quite some necessary logistics behind it, so all groups have the same chances, we even get an announcer in the form of our sports teacher.


"Alright, we'll now begin with the rider's battle! All teams, please get ready! Everybody else, stay seated for the event!" (Ms. Otsuki)


No idea how everything could blow up like this.


"Okay! Team assemble! We'll carry Iori to victory!" (C)


Is it just me or does Chiaki's sun-like aura shine especially bright today?


"Yeah!!!" (S/N)


Why are they so enthusiastic about Chiaki's antics?!


"Then team! Get into formation! We won't let her down before all the headbands are in our possession!" (C)


Could you please put your arms down?
People are already looking what you're so damn excited about!

Before I know what is happening, I feel heaved up by Chiaki alone, before the others join her from my right and behind me.
So I promptly find myself in that elevated position and become all the more aware of all the eyes fixated on me.
I want to remind everyone here how not good I am with attention to my person!

Those below me are still super excited.
By now, I suspect that it might have something to do with that golden glimmer that lays itself around their auras.

Did Chiaki mind magic them?!
Can her enthusiasm literally infect others?
I should talk to her about this later, but right now might be a bad moment.

So I instead concentrate on holding my balance up here.
Which isn't even all the difficult, as my supernatural sense aids me and those below me do a fantastic job, as I'm rather light to begin with.


"Go!" (Ms. Otsuki)


So it begins.
All the teams, eight in total, are heading out.
With practiced synchronicity, the three carry me towards the center.
It might also have a little bit to do with the fact that my powers guide their movements to a degree.
Now before anyone accuses me of cheating, I can't really control it.
It's more of an unconscious reaction that makes me put the tiniest invisible tendrils around their bodies, manipulating them to not let me fall.
So it's basically only a falling-prevention measure.

The first team is approaching us.
At the first glance, they don't appear to be hard after a win.
Doesn't even look like they practiced much, as barely they're keeping themselves upright.
This puts all the more pressure on me to perform, as I'd really have no excuse for letting everyone look bad if I fail here.

Once we're closing in, the general picture only worsens.


"Hey, keep me steady!"

"I can barely hold ya! You're too heavy!"

"Just for a moment! It's only the sleeper! That won't take long!"

"Why don't you come down here and lift your heavy ass!"

"Because I'm the leader!"

"You only decided that by yourself!"


Without hesitation, we approach this squirming bundle.
Their "leader" is too busy balancing himself with his peers to even realize my approach.
Once I'm in distance it's already decided.
Even if he would have a hand free, the fact that he can barely control his positioning means he has no chance to avoid my hand.
I only have to reach out, pick up his headband, and off we are.
While we leave them behind their formation crumbles down.


"Can't you do anything right?!"

"I told you that was a bad idea!"


Of course, I'm not looking back at the implosion.
Does it count if I have my other eyes open?


"Yeah, that's one easy win! Go for the others!" (C)


Apparently urged by Chiaki, we turn to our next victim.
Or rather two.
It's simply too tempting to see those two struggle with each other, as it leaves them wide open.

With relatively astonishing speed our formation rushes to them.
I have an idea how I want to go about this, but before I can voice it they seem to already move according to my intentions.
Damn, I really need to watch out not to meddle too much with their minds.
Don't want to merge us into some kind of sectruple creature.
And this is not only because it would be awfully gross.

However, as we apparently are quite close to acting as one, it works really well for us to run by really close on the right, so I can snatch that headband from behind.
Maybe not an honorable face-to-face fight, but the result speaks for itself.

Yet now we're facing off his former opponent.
A fierce battle starts.
Well, as fierce as it can be if you're explicitly forbidden to be too forceful with each other.
My small stature might mean that I have a lower range than most, but on the other hand, my little weight means that I'm sitting here all the more stable, as those below me lift me almost effortlessly.
Thus I feint a missgrab and expose my headband.




Just before he can reach me, I dodge.
The reason was, that he leaned too far forward.
He has no choice but to steady himself with his arms if he wants to avoid falling.
But I am already good again.
So our group engages and I rip the headband away from him.


"Yayyy!" (C)


I get that Chiaki is happy.
I kinda as well can't help a slight smirk from forming.


"Nomia!!!" (K)



There's Konoe and her team!
Did they seriously already deal with all the other teams?


"Hi, Chiaki! Cool that you did so well!" (T)


Tsk, even now that boy has to be needlessly generous.
How can he be so haughty while carrying Konoe?
Okay, her weight is probably perfectly measured, but she's still taller than me.
Which doesn't mean much, okay.


"Just you wait! We'll destroy you!" (C)

"Hah, would like to see that happen!" (T)


Thanks to Chiaki the talk stopped and we engage.
I only need a good grab and this will be our win.
Although possessing well-trained bodies, the other two carriers look already short of breath.
Especially Shiromi.
Which means I don't have to hear her squawking when I win.
Good for me!

My team on the other hand is still well off.
Maybe Nanako is a bit tired, but the others are covering for her.
With this, victory is just within our reach.

Wait a moment!
Do I even want to win?
Usually, I can hope that Chiaki takes the brunt of confrontations and will shrug off any social implications coming her way.
However, as I'm literally sitting on the top of our team I'll be at the center of attention.
That means if I'm now going to rip that headband away from Konoe's head I would dupe all the popular kids.
It would seriously put me at odds with them.

Not to forget how long this kind of win would be the talk of the campus.
Just imagining the headlines: "Eternal sleeper wakes up and crushes all the competition in battle!"
I certainly don't need this kind of attention.
Not only because it would be inconveniencing me, but because I have rather big secrets I really don't want to get into focus.

Heck, what am I doing now?
Could I maybe stagger and accidentally expose my forehead to Konoe?
Losing at this point would be perfectly fine.
Maybe not quite the win Chiaki expects, but I already over fulfilled all possible expectations with the three bands I obtained till this point.

So I try to give the impression of a fierce fight.
I dodge two grabs and make some weak grasps for Konoe's headband.
Of course, she can avoid this much.
After a sufficiently long period, I deem the moment right to end this.
I "trip", expose my headband, and let her grab for it.
Just so it looks like I put up a fight, I reach as well for Konoe's headband.

And then something happens that surprises me so much that time slows down.
Suddenly, there's the running boy next to us.


"The whole day I was prevented from doing my thing! Now I will!" (running boy)


Does he want to injure them?
But for once, I'm not ready.
I can't tentacle him away before he acts.
I thought he would shove the whole formation, but he jumps, narrowly dodging my erupting tentacles.
Then he hangs his ghostly mass at Konoe's arm and shifts her position and just turns her ever so softly.

He never intended to bring them to fall.
No, he... He made her traverse into my grab!!!
And so it happens.
As I can't call my arm back in time, the hand I sent out before strives along Konoe's head and interlocks with the headband.
Surprised by this situation, I pull away and promptly have the headband in my grasp.

I won.


I still stare in disbelief at this tiny strip of fabric in my hand.
Not like I'd have much else to do while the others are carrying me back and slowly lower me to the ground.

The audience is a mix of cheering and silent disbelief.
Though, my family is distinctly among the cheering faction.
Apparently, the only reason Kuri didn't already encompass the whole yard with her emotional outburst is that she's sitting so close to Dad.
Seems like I at least don't have to focus my mind on this situation I find myself in.

I'm so overwhelmed that I barely notice how foremost Chiaki, with the help of the others, pushes me towards the award ceremony.
Do I even deserve this?
I mean, the last part was the running boy that kinda manipulated my win.
Feels a bit undeserved.


"How could we lose?" (K)

"Sorry, I stumbled." (T)

"That's not an excuse! We lost against the sleeper!" (K)


I get you.
Yet it's not like I can tell everyone what happened to dodge out of this.

Uh, damn.
I also need to refocus a bit of my attention to suppress my emotions.
I got quite good at it to instinctively avoid my powers from acting out in public.
One could call it mental conditioning training since I always have to pay attention to this matter.
Yet this makes my mind only waver a bit more, pulling me deeper into my daze.
Though, the others don't have this kind of issue and are already celebrating.


"We did it! We did it" (C)

"You know, I could blame it on that stumble, but that's just part of the game. Also, it would be below me. So, as much as it pains me to say this, you won... fair and square." (Konoe)

"I know! We just were better this time!" (C)

"Urgh! Why do I even bother?" (K)


Then even Ms. Otsuki comes running, shouting into an electric megaphone so loud that I'd have really big issues with my rupturing ears wouldn't I have disabled my sense for this kind of pain.


"Wow, that's great! Iori's team won! Who would've thought this?! To think that someone who always had to struggle so hard in sports put in the effort and training to get this good and manages to win against all odds! Isn't this great?! I want to hear a round of applause!" (Ms. O)


At least, I'm distinctly aware of the kind of damage they're sustaining.


"So here are your winners!" (Ms. O)


Cheers erupt from all sides.

While Nanako, this kindred soul, looks slightly uncomfortable with all the garnered attention, Sora is just right in his element, similar to when he had his great victory parade in Soralia, right after he beat the demon king...
I really need to stop with that.

Then Ms. Otsuki pulls out one medal for each of us.
After this, she turns to me and speaks in a slightly softer, but nonetheless excited voice, while laying the band around my neck.


"I'm proud of you, Iori. You did a really good job. You all did! " (Ms. O)


Next, are the others.
Once she's done, she forces mine and Chiaki's arms up and beckons the other two to do the same.

And at this, the cheers intensify.
Even those unsure whether it's okay to applaud someone as low on the class ranking as me understood by now that it's the socially accepted action in these circumstances.

I still am a little intentionally numb to all that happens around me, trying to maintain my composure, even though I'm thoroughly overwhelmed.
Everyone is basically partying right now, most of them probably because this event marks the end of the festivities and they know they can soon go home.
Especially Chiaki who can barely hold onto herself once she has her arm back.

Oh, and she wraps her arms around me.
Something I could've expected.


"YAY!!! We won! Thank you, Iori! Thank you that you did this with me! This is all thanks to you! Chu!" (C)



Did... Did she just kiss me?


  /     /     /     /     /     /     /- - /     /     /     /     /     /     /--   /   


This is too much!
Far too much!
No, I need to rationalize this.
Chiaki was always a bit overbearing!
Also, this was only a peck on the cheek.
Mum gave me those pretty frequently when I was younger.
Was it the cheek?
I think it was pretty close to my lips.

No, no, no!
I'm overinterpretating!
Knowing Chiaki she didn't even aim and would've been fine to place it anywhere.
But does that mean she would've been fine with my lips as well?


  /    /    /    /    /    /    /-- /    /    /    /    /    /    /--  /     /     /    /    / 


What do the others think?
Nanako tries to innocently look away, almost succeeding.
Sora on the other side, is not as innocent, quickly turning as if there's a reason to look away.
Does that mean there was a reason to make a thing out of it?

Ms. Otsuki meanwhile tries apparently to play it off as victory elation.
Yet to my sight, the harm is already done.

At least the cheering got a bit quiet and some in the audience started whispering to each other, as if there would be something to whisper about!!

Dad looks awkwardly at us, while Kuri apparently doesn't understand the implications and what happened, simply continuing cheering as she did before.
And mum...Do you have to place your hand in front of your mouth?!

Oh my god, oh my god!


 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / 


"Did you know the two were like that?" (A)


  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 


"Well, they always come in a pair. Thinking about it, they really are close." (T)


  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 


"Actually, not that surprising." (K)


  / / / / ////////-̸̬̟̼̥̳̖͍͉̾͂͜-̸̮̗̬̠̀̽͐ͅ-̴̛̠̺̗͉͉͉͙̭̩̉͗̓̎͒̽̅͝ͅ-̷̩̫̜͛͒̈̇̾̉͂͠-̸̡̛̞͋̾̀͊̆̏͝-̶̧̣̤̦̣̬̳̟͔͂-̸̻̆̆̽̅̇̏̏͆̿͝-̸̤̙̪̝͚͓̲̳̉̾

̾M̾̾y̾ ̾e̾̾y̾̾e̾̾s̾ ̾t̾̾w̾̾i̾̾t̾̾c̾̾h̾. 
A̾̾l̾̾l̾ ̾e̾̾y̾̾e̾̾s̾ ̾t̾̾w̾̾i̾̾t̾̾c̾̾h̾.
A̾̾l̾̾l̾ ̾t̾̾h̾̾e̾ ̾f̾̾u̾̾c̾̾k̾̾i̾̾n̾̾g̾ ̾e̾̾y̾̾e̾̾s̾ ̾i̾̾n̾ ̾t̾̾h̾̾e̾ ̾w̾̾o̾̾r̾̾l̾̾d̾̾s̾ ̾t̾̾w̾̾i̾̾t̾̾c̾̾h̾!
T̾̾h̾̾e̾ ̾w̾̾o̾̾r̾̾l̾̾d̾'̾s̾ a̾̾n̾ ̾e̾̾y̾̾e̾!
M̾̾y̾ ̾e̾̾y̾̾e̾!
I̾ ̾s̾̾e̾̾e̾ ̾e̾̾v̾̾e̾̾r̾̾y̾̾t̾̾h̾̾i̾̾n̾̾g̾!
E̾̾v̾̾e̾̾r̾̾y̾̾t̾̾h̾̾i̾̾n̾̾g̾ ̾I̾ ̾d̾̾o̾̾n̾'̾t̾ ̾w̾a̾̾n̾̾t̾ ̾t̾̾o̾ ̾s̾̾e̾̾e̾!
T̾̾h̾̾e̾ ̾l̾̾i̾̾d̾ ̾c̾̾l̾̾o̾̾s̾̾e̾̾s̾!!
H̾̾i̾̾d̾̾i̾̾n̾̾g̾ a̾̾w̾a̾̾y̾ ̾f̾̾r̾̾o̾̾m̾ ̾t̾̾h̾̾e̾ ̾w̾̾o̾̾r̾̾l̾̾d̾!

E̶̫̰͖͋v̴̼̖̂͐e̵͔͉̼͉͋r̸̟̩͌̈́͝y̴͙̦̰͊̎̐t̴̞̉h̵̡̬̟̗͗̎͝i̸̛̗̩̿͛n̵̛͕̼͚̩g̸͇̰͎̫̋̅ ̴̦̯̤͌̇g̷̥͔̰̑͝ͅö̶̘͍͖́͋͝e̸̺̘͗̕͝s̵̲̼̩̟͛͝ ̴̞̞̄d̷̪͇̺͕̔͗̅̕ḁ̸̟͠r̷̞͖͈͎̔͂͊͝k̸̳̥̮̾̅̇͗.̵̮̿̿ 


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