
Chapter 143


I spend some time getting my inner picture right.
Once I think I got something acceptable, I begin.

With an activating thought and heavy input of vivid imagination, I start the terraforming project.
I let the river reach to the side, flow beyond its borders, and submerge a particularly big area to its right side, coming from the flowing direction.
This way, I have some kind of super large lake.
However, it could also simply be seen as a submerged area.
Like those mangrove forests.
Minus the trees.
However, a lake isn't nearly what I had in mind.
No, this is merely the base of the playing field.

Because now I'm getting started.
For better visualization, I raise my arm and with it, the ground below the center of the lake raises as well.
In moments a huge, steep mountain erects out of the water.
Maybe not the world's biggest, but enough to make buying daily groceries a nightmare.
I'm sure I got at least a thousand meters, maybe more.

However, the mountain alone isn't what I'm looking for.
Some more additions are in order.
So I shift my concentration and more land rises above the water level around the mountain.
This land area expands until it covers four to five times the width of the mountain.
Now I have an enormous mountain, surrounded by enormous plains, inside an even vaster water area.

With a snap of my finger, the plains rip open and turn into a field.
Then I draw a line from the base of the mountain to its top and a stairway comes into existence.
And this is what I call the perfect base for a temple complex.

Rather content with my work, I turn to the others, wiping non-existent sweat from my forehead.


"And? What do you think?" (I)

"So you wonder why your presence on earth is an issue? I never saw such a lascivious display of power! This goes beyond mere miracles, acts of cosmic scale, or the moves of the grand beings. This was turning the divine act of creation into the childsplay of lavishly building sandcastles. This is an uncanny magnitude of absent-mindedness." (So)


Are you done with criticizing my efforts?


"Now that you could talk that from your soul, what do you think?" (I)

"It looks great, Iori! Totally like a top-notch temple site!" (C)

"Okay, okay. I concur that the result is impressive. Maybe the mountain isn't exactly what I would've been going for, but giving that there's nothing remotely close to this it inspires the necessary awe. Even if I don't particularly like the color scheme of your realm." (So)

"Oh, I think I can do something about this!" (I)

"You..." (So)


I dismiss Soraja for a moment and concentrate on my connection to this area I just created, which involves the whole island plus the mountain, as well as a good part of the surrounding waters.


And then I simply decide to go for another color.
At first, I want just green, but quickly discover that green stone looks creepy.
Growing things can be green, but not the ground itself.
Instead, I opt for shades somewhere between grey and white.
If games use those for higher realms it can't be wrong.
Regarding the sky, I won't go for experiments and just make it a bright, friendly blue.
However, naturally not all of the sky.
That would probably cause a mass panic I don't want to submit the people to.
Yet the same would probably go for a local event, where a patch of the sky suddenly has a different color.
Which in addition would also just look weird.

Rather, I let myself get inspired by Soraja's cut-off realm, yet only for the sky.
Basically it's a sky barrier.
When you're on the temple grounds everything looks this nice blue, when outside you will just see a weird discoloration in the sky directly above.
I probably could also implement a golden sunrise feature, yet this is more for Soraja to decide.


"Well? How is this?" (I)

"Which part about not casually twisting the order of perceived reality was too difficult to understand for you?" (So)

"Awh, don't be like this. I think it looks super fancy! Just the place for you!" (C)

"You are far too carefree about this! Your 'friend' just demonstrated how non-existent the stability of this whole realm is. It's entirely a thought construct, and a bad one at that, which couldn't possibly sustain itself on its own! We are just her getting second thoughts for this world away from being cast into the eternal void. This place is like a shallow pool of water without walls that would have us fall into eternal oblivion if we'd ever leave its non-existent borders." (So)


That sounds overly dramatic.


"But couldn't I just create another portal if that would happen? Also, I don't think Iori would let it come that far. She already feels guilty if she steps on bugs." (C)


Promptly, I recall a past event where I accidentally walked on my way to school onto a stag beetle.
The way it still twitched was so bad that I couldn't help but puke.
Chiaki then quickly stepped another time on it to kill it for good, saying that it's better than leaving it like this.
Though, for a week, the picture haunted me in my mind.
It was a weak moment, and I don't appreciate it the slightest bit that Chiaki had to bring it up.


"I didn't see it, okay? It might've been gross, but at a certain size it feels wrong to kill things." (I)


That's true in some way if you think about it.
Killing an ant is something only psychopaths and children would do for fun, which comes down to the same.
However, it's not like the act would weigh hard on your mind.
The same goes for hunting mosquitos.
I mean, one could consider this an act of self-defense, right?
If it's something like a bee, then I start feeling bad, for example, about seeing them drowning in my glass.
This goes further and further over fish, birds, till dogs or cats.
As we all know the latter is what lunatic killers get started with.
In my case, the limit is just reached a bit sooner.
For this reason, it shouldn't be considered a miracle that I deeply care about the survival of the people I created by myself.
They all vastly exceed a stag beetle in life value.


"See? There's no way she'd abandon this world!" (C)

"If she's truly like that, this might be a blessing for those below her, which basically applies to everyone. Maybe you're right. I just think we should stay alert with that person around." (So)


I'm still here, you know?


"Anyway, why don't we check out how it looks from the inside?" (I)

"Oh, totally! I can't wait to see everything! Come, Soraja!" (C)


Though, just before we enter, I become aware that I forgot to include a bridge over the waters.
A shortcoming I quickly remedy by establishing said connection to the other side.
Yet for some troublesome reason, it has to consist of a huge tentacle that grows over the river, shapes flatly on the upper side to accommodate our steps, and then turns grey.
Obviously, nobody present is fooled by this.


"Strange that it isn't soft to the touch." (C)

"She's interweaving reality with her corruption. The rules bend, features can be applied, until nothing reminds of what it truly looks like. It could at any time turn back into its original, disgusting form. Like all of this world." (So)

"Thanks for explaining, Soraja! Nice to know!" (C)


Chiaki is really great at glossing over any kind of hostility.


So we enter the holy realm I just created.
Just as planned, the ground is positively shiny, reminding me of some kind of solid beach, while the blue sky makes everything look brighter.
Just the sun is missing, but the ambient lighting, which I still haven't completely figured out, is more than enough.
At least it doesn't sting to look up, which makes up for any inconsistency.


"This could be a great vacation destination! We just need some accommodation and maybe more decorations!" (C)

"I wanted to leave placing plants to Soraja. She should know best what she wants to have around here. Also, I guess the temple complex up there should be her decision." (I)


One should be able to choose one's own housing.


"Hm, it's crude, but maybe, just maybe, I can work with this." (So)

"Well, I'll bring you everything you require." (I)

"See? This is so nice that it works out!" (C)

"Your optimism in all honors, but you have no idea how difficult it is to establish oneself as a goddess. The minds and hearts of mortals don't easily open to foreign influences. Especially not if they already relented them to another." (So)


She means Aureas.
That one might be a fledging god, but it's the only one the people ever had and he kinda "saved" them from an apocalyptic demon.
Suddenly a rift in space opens in our midst and out of it a multicolored cacophony of lifeforce emerges.


"What are you doing here in my realm?!" (Au)


He takes position in front of me, in all the dignity a boy of his age could probably have.
And gets promptly tackled from the side.


"Oh my gosh! He's so cute!!!" (C)


Chiaki, the gods' menace.
Even I am probably more harmless than this antithesis of social norms.


"Hello, Aureas. Ehm, you still remember Soraja from last time, right? Turns out she really needs a place to be revered at and there I hoped you might share yours with her." (I)


There's a blank look for quite some time before he can recover.


"So to get this straight, you want me to hand over my very believers?! The foundation of my existence?!" (Au)


Oh shit, he doesn't like this idea one bit.


"Of course, not all of them. I will have you on top and Soraja is just going to support the farmers or so. You won't have to compete the slightest bit with her." (I)

"That's so easily said. I don't know you. Everything could be a lie!" (Au)

"Didn't we agree last time that I'm your creator and somewhat responsible for this world?" (I)

"As if that would make anything better!!!" (Au)

"I promise I'm telling the truth! I won't allow such a thing like you banishing due to a lack of faith. We just need a few to stabilize Soraja." (I)

"Well, you'll receive them earlier than you'd like to, because they're heading your way." (Au)


For real?
Okay, my display of power with the terraforming was maybe visible even from afar.
But still!


"Are you sure?" (I)

"My essence connects me to all those faithful to me. For this reason I know a contingent is headed here." (Au)


At this, Chiaki once again takes the centerpiece


"Well, then it's time to introduce you to the locals, Soraja!" (C)


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