
Chapter 128


That's just my life.
I can't believe that everything already got so stupidly complicated!
And now I even have to deal with Chiaki!


"Hey, Iori! You didn't return from your toilet trip, so I brought all your stuff you left in class! The teacher wanted to lock the room." (C)


On the other hand, she's my friend.


"Oh, Zika is here too! Didn't see you all day!" (C)

"And another one blurts out my name for everyone to hear." (Z)

"Oh, sorry! Was just surprised. So Nanako is also here?" (C)

"H-hello?" (N)


I don't blame her for being nervous.
Chiaki's carefree attitude can be quite intimidating.
Even more so when she shows complete disregard for the apparent goddess in the room.
Which indicates that she doesn't have to pay respect.
Be it that she doesn't need to because she has my favor, which is the case, or that she's too high-spec to really have to fear anything in this world, which is also kinda the case.
I guess I should introduce her.


"I thoroughly scared her when I puked out Zika, who ended up inside me. Apparently there's a problem with the charred man. You know, that one rude guy we met last time in the cellar." (I)

"Ah, I remember. That fire guy. And what now? Are we going to pay him a visit and do something about it?" (C)

"Zika very thoroughly explained to me that this isn't applicable." (I)

"We, we have a club meeting today. This, this might be a good chance to formulate a plan" (N)


Well, why not?
It's not like I can expose myself any further than this.


"Alright, I'll be coming." (I)

"For real?!" (N)

"But no sacrifices or other weird stuff!" (I)

"Uh, yes, of course, my dark lady." (N)


Can't be cautious enough on that matter.

So we're heading once again to the club room.
On the way I text mum that it might get a bit later because I have to deal with the murderous ghosts at our school.
Her reply is only a crossed-arms emoticon and some points behind, so I think I'm fine?
Yet I suppose, also Nanako contacted her club members in advance since when I arrive there's this tense atmosphere.


"Uh, hello?" (I)


Why do they have to gasp?


"Uh, hi? I'd like to thank you again for the awesome powers you gave me." (Sora)


Right, that was the boy with the protagonist complex.


"You didn't do anything stupid like trying to fight crime with it, right?" (I)

"No? It's just so cool to have them. I even feel much fitter than before I got these powers." (S)

"And for some reason he didn't have to get a tumor to receive them." (N)


That was only because I could be rather sure with him that he wouldn't try to misuse them.
I've got a rather deep impression of both of them and, call me a soul racist, that girl's mind was concerning at best.


"You can talk this out with my dark side if you want to." (I)

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm good." (N)


Her answer doesn't come surprising.
This leaves two more.


"Does anyone else here hold any grudges?" (I)


The other two were the most concerning cases, after all.
Jonichiro, the glasses boy with the severe trauma, and Yoko, whose soul I wrecked.


"I'm quite alright. I've got a glimpse beyond the veil and am still having a hold of my mind. Even the regular seizures I got decreased astheevercollapsingstarsunravelnewmysteriesofunknownorigin!" (J)


This doesn't sound very convincing.


"Great! Then we're all fucking good friends, huh?!" (Y)

"Yoko?" (I)


Now that I look at her, she's wearing pants and a concerning big amount of chains on her body.


"Uh, let's say she stopped baking cookies." (N)

"Seems so. Is she just being grumpy or is that her new normal?" (C)

"How would I fucking know?! I can barely keep track of who I am!" (Y)


Okay, if I remember it right, Zika said that Yoko's soul, or rather her personality, is still at it to swing back into place after what I did to her.
Which makes me still feel kinda guilty.


"Uh, I wanted to say once more how sorry I am for what happened to you." (I)

"For what? That my personality switches every other day? That the things I fancied become disgusting from one moment to the other?! That I can't be sure to buy or try out anything at all since I have no idea if I'll want it after I committed?!" (Y)


If I'd be her I would refrain from settling on any lifetime decisions anytime soon.


"I-it should get better eventually. Maybe after a week? Sorry, I'm no expert on this. Just avoid any piercings or expensive purchases." (I)

"You take me for an imbecile?!" (Y)


Rather hard to talk with someone abrasive whose harshness reminds you that you caused it.
She can't be held responsible for her current character.
I turn to Nanako, who seems to be a more responsible boss than Sora.


"How is she overall?" (I)

"Hard to say. I kept tabs on her and she seems to keep switching a bit. But this is still much less violent than the last time she went in that direction. Also, it's a bit closer to the original Yoko and not as disturbing as when she's baking cake." (N)

"You know I can hear you?" (Y)

"I once again have to apologize. But that was really the only way to save you. I was told it should eventually calm down, somewhere in the middle of your personality switches." (I)

"Well, if that isn't fucking awesome! What even is the middle supposed to mean?!" (Y)


Honestly, I have no idea.
At least her aura seems fine, though, maybe a bit disturbed.
But even aside from the obvious symptoms of her condition, knowing my dark side, I can understand very well that it's hard on you if you can't be sure about your own personality.
After she realizes that I'm not going to answer her, Yoko turns away.


"Anyway, we gathered here for a reason. Our dark lady wishes for our help." (N)

"Didn't I tell you to drop that?" (I)

"How about you consider it a nickname?" (N)

"Sounds great!" (C)

"Just like Nanako is our prez!" (S)

"I thought you're the leader?" (I)

"Just in the field. Nanako does all the boring stuff." (S)


Might be better if he has no access to the club finances.
Though, I'm not sure if the cult leader in the making, albeit being more proficient, is a much better choice for this position.


"I'd know some more titles, but I fear none of them would be to her liking." (J)

"Mother of nightmares? Eternal horror? Mistress of despair?" (Y)

"Okay, okay. I'm taking the lady." (I)


Still better than the "mistress".


"Ahem, what exactly are we supposed to do?" (J)


It's quite simple.
Since I'm a failure at communication, I desperately need help if I want to spread new rumors that will stop the charred man, but also all the other wonders from being a life-threatening risk to my schoolmates.
There might've been other solutions I could've followed to solve this, but coming from the things Zika said, this seems to be the most clean solution.


"Okay, if I remember this right, I already told you that once. Yet half of you were unconscious back then and I get that you were probably not all that receptive after that.. visit inside me. So I'd like to tell you again. I'm aware that this might now sound a bit extreme, but I need your help to save the school." (I)


Let's just hope that won't cause a panic.
Hopefully, if I sell it to them in an appealing way, they'll be more inclined to help.
At least, it works for one of them.


"YES!! Finally, my great quest can start! What kind of demon lord can I slay?" (S)

"Nobody said anything about slaying. What I need from you are rumors." (I)

"Rumors?" (S)

"Let me explain." (N)


After this, Nanako explains in a very calm and collected manner the things she gathered from her meeting with Zika.
She's actually quite good at it and her memory is top-notch.
Also, if I'm not mistaken she's using some kind of silent aura magic to convey her ideas.
At least her aura moves in directed-looking patterns.


"So we need to come up with new rumors to replace the old, deadly ones? Can this work?" (J)

"Rather than replacing, I'd like you to rehabilitate them. You know, taking the murder part out of them. I guess we can all agree that murderous paranormal beings aren't good for school life, but a good scare or slight injury won't be fatal and I really don't want to end their existence." (I)


 It would feel a bit wrong.


"Can this really work? Will the wonders just accept new rumors? How do we ensure that we're not replacing them?" (J)

"Well, that's where I'll need your help. We need to spread them properly. Also, it would help if we get some insight on them before we rewrite anything so the difference won't be too grand." (I)

"Oh, sure. Because it's so easy to get the right version. It's not like rumors would change every time they're told." (Y)


Okay, Iori, you should still keep your composure.
Her behavior is not her fault.
Even if anyone else of my kind would've probably already done unspeakable things to her soul.
Which is a bad example now that I think about it.


"Uh, while Yoko could've worded this better, it's true that there's not exactly a fixed version for these rumors. Some of them are really old by now and nobody knows who told them first. At least not all of them." (J)

"Then how about we ask them?" (C)


Once again I throw a bewildered look at my best friend because I'm sure she lost it.


"You want to talk? To the evidently murderous ghost-demon creatures?" (I)


After all, if they weren't murderous we wouldn't have this council.


"You know, this might not be as bad an idea as it sounds." (N)

"What!?" (I)

"Ah, I didn't want to question you!" (N)

"Please, I was just surprised. Could you stand up again and elaborate?" (I)

I literally didn't give her in any way a reason to kneel here.

"You see, if the wonders have to follow their rumors like some programming, it should be safe to say that they know what they are about." (N)


I can follow her so far.
Yet there's still the big issue in the room.


"Yes, but what about the part where you shouldn't get ripped apart by them?" (I)

"Uh, I'd know a way. There's a ritual that should work." (J)

"Really?" (I)

"It's the following: We could observe the last time that your friend wasn't threatened by them because she was aligned to you. If you would grant us an equal kind of protection, we should be safe." (J)

"And how would I be able to facilitate that?" (I)

"I might be of assistance on that matter." (D)




"What the heck are you doing here!?!" (C)


Thank you for asking in my stead, Chiaki.
This shadowy demon in its long coat just stood from one moment to the other in the empty corner of the room.
And I'm quite sure he started talking the moment he appeared there, as at the very same moment, hundreds of my eyes focused on that guy.
So, given that this is an all-time-active inert ability of mine there was never a chance to stay hidden.
This has the disturbing implication that this creepy dude could somehow keep tabs on me from afar without me noticing it.
If there's one thing for sure with this guy, then it’s that he's ambiguous.


"It should be a given that I'm keeping tabs on my disciples." (D)

"Disciples?" (J)


I get that a demon being interested in you is the kind of thing you'd want to know more about.


"But of course! It's only natural to show interest in one's investment. For this reason, I heard by pure chance about your very intriguing plan, which not to a small degree would affect me as well. Since it is like this, I should, in my purely subjective opinion, be allowed to involve myself in this matter. Or am I wrong in that regard?" (D)


Well, technically it's gonna be difficult not to involve him.
However, that doesn't really change that I have my concerns.


"Zika was very clear about you. You're offering things you believe to be one's demise." (I)

"What?! Was that really a thing?" (S)

"Why do you believe he gave you instructions on how to summon demons without you being able to perceive them, elaborating about how to contain them, any way to defend yourself if something goes wrong, or any warning at all?" (C)


Yeah, Chiaki doesn't like bad demons that much.


"If I may defend myself, I merely provided exactly what I was asked for. There's no ill intent in just that. Aside from this, there was no ill intent one could impute to my person. I'm in no way influencing the outcome. As such, I'm by far the wonder with the most positive connotation. Well, maybe Zika's skilled advertisement beats me to it. Yet may I add that speaking out her true name might raise her ire? One should be careful with such a thing." (D)


Oh shit.
I gave that creepy know-it-all her name.
She's gonna be furious.

Well, I'll make that up to her somehow.
For now, I should concentrate on the demon in front of me.


"Just to confirm what you mean with 'getting involved'. Would you be fine with getting your rumor changed?" (I)

"It's important to note here that we're talking about a very delicate act. The balance has to be maintained. However, overall I find no fault with the idea. In my case, you may just change it to the image that I'm providing council for souls searching for knowledge." (D)


So like a better internet search machine?


"What's the catch?" (C)

"None. Well, theoretically I would still be able to act in the same way as I already do, but naturally your presence would prevent that. A more open approach would free me from the obligation to play tricks on those asking for my help. Personally, I wouldn't mind having the choice. And I might be wrong, but didn't you say yourself that free will is important?" (D)


Begrudgingly, I need to grant him that he has a point.
As long as he behaves I don't see a reason why he should be worse off than, for example, Zika.


"I get it. If you behave, I'll do what I can to make for an easy transition." (I)

"Splendid. However, I should point out that many of the others won't be as easily convinced. Which brings me back to my earlier proposal. Is anyone interested in learning how to craft magical artifacts?" (D)


Why are there suddenly so many hands up?
Even Chiaki's!?!


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