
Chapter 124


- Iori -


Soraja looked really displeased to the end.
Should've been a given since she never liked me to begin with.
On the other side, she really helped me out here.
I owe her big time.
Aureas already looks much better and, what is also quite important, more cooperative. I simply don't have her charisma.


"So, can we agree on getting along now? I honestly don't plan anything. You can just continue being the god here." (I)


Truth be told, that would perfectly align with my interests.


"I... agree. It's hard to accept but your abilities are undeniable. In hindsight the only thing that makes sense is that you're the creator. I'll do as you say." (Au)


Mission accomplished!
He's going to bear all the responsibility, and more importantly the blame, if things go wrong and I... won‘t.
And this while I'm still unofficially staying in charge in my own dream world.


"Thanks. I really appreciate this. And just so you know, I don't require any subservient behavior. You can just continue the way you did before. As long as the People are content it's all good." (I)

"If that's the case then what were you doing here? I had everything under control." (Au)

"Aside from the fact that I'm intimately linked to this world, I was here to plant some special crops from another world. I hope that those will improve things a little around here. Which was also the main reason why I wanted to protect the field. Yet they might need a while to grow." (I)

"Oh." (Au)

"B-but it's still all okay now, as long as you won't try to blast them again." (I)


That was quite the impressive firepower and it would still bother me to see them ruined.
Uh, but there's another issue that should be taken care of.


"By the way, can you somehow tell everyone that everything's fine? Some godly revelation? Some are probably freaked out because of what happened here earlier." (I)

"I can. I'm linked to all my believers." (Au)


Huh, that's handy.
Guess it's a good thing that I have him in my service now.


"Thank you." (I)


When I think about it, I still barely know anything about what's important about this world and what there is to know about gods in general.
I suppose I should ask Soraja again.
Fortunately, she's just one thought away.

And there I am!


"YOU!!!" (So)


Maybe I should've waited a bit longer till she calmed down.


"What are you doing here!? Is it really too hard for you to understand that you're not welcome?!" (So)

"Uh, well, sorry. I only wanted to say thank you. And, and, that I owe you one. Also, maybe ask if there's anything else you'd know about this god business." (I)

"Get the fuck out of here!!!" (So)


Wow, never thought that her demeanor could slip like this.




Woah, or that she would go so far as to shoot at me.
And she should know at this point that this kind of attack won't do anything to me.


"What is your problem?! I came here with only the best intentions!" (I)

"Best intentions? Seriously, are you mocking me? Is this all a joke to you?!" (So)

"What do you even mean?!" (I)

"That you're killing me! Continuously!" (So)




"Worse, a human soul might be reborn after death but a god has no such luxury. We don't die, we just vanish. A thought that's gone, and forgotten. We fade away till nothing's left. And you're currently finishing me off!" (So)


I-I'm killing her?
But... how?


"S-sorry? What am I doing?" (I)


If I don't know what I'm doing wrong I can't stop it.


"Sigh, I have no believers. I'm not a sustained goddess. Every little act costs me. Takes a little more from a total that won't replenish. Without faith, I'll eventually perish. However, I was strong in my days and in this realm of mine, I could've lasted for several more centuries. But that was before someone started overwriting it with her corruption. Your mere presence is enough to disperse my presence in my very own realm. Without it, what is left of me won't make it much longer and all I can do is desperately struggle to cling everything together." (So)


Shit, I didn't know that she's so fragile.
As intensely as I can I tell myself to stop anything from flowing out of me.


"That's not going to help. You're simply too much." (So)


She's bitter and I can understand it.
I apparently took much of her remaining time without knowing.
That's not much better than murder.
While she's snappy and has a concerning interest in my far younger friend I certainly didn't want to harm her.


"I didn't want this! Can't I do anything? Maybe recharge you? I'm really sorry!" (I)

"Sorry, but no. As I just said, your essence and mine are incompatible. You can't just refill me." (So)

"Then what about Chiaki? Her energy is kinda holy, right? Couldn't she help you?" (I)


She is her patron goddess, and they get along for some reason.
I'm sure Chiaki would do everything in her vast power to help her.


"As much as I would like to receive her life and feel her deep inside me..." (So)

"Hey, wording!" (I)

"Hah! Anyway, it would only prolong the inevitable for a short time. While my intimate has vast reserves and a high limit for the lifeforce she can control she needs to regenerate this amount. The exhaustion from sustaining a deity would soon pile up. One might believe eating and a good sleep would suffice against tiring out but there are limits. Eventually, there'd be health issues. We are talking here about her life. I'd never endanger her in such an irresponsible way only to buy me some more days." (So)

"But, but there has to be something I can do! Anything!" (I)

"Sigh, I already long ago made my peace with the fact that my time is limited. In these modern times, I have no longer a place, and the few villages that would still appreciate a good harvest either have their own deities or couldn't sustain me. Not to speak of the difficulty to establish me. There is no way to gain faith for myself. So if you don't have several hundred willing believers then I'll end within the next decade. Sooner, if you choose to stay here any longer or decide to come for more frequent visits." (So)

"But... I do!" (I)


Now it's her turn to be dumbfounded.


"Come again?" (So)

"I have a whole world full of people who'd be more than willing to support any god that comes along. Why not you?" (I)


It obviously works if they could bring Aureas into existence.


"You mean the world of the boy?" (So)

"Yes, why not? If I ask him to introduce you well enough to them it should work out. And as I understood it, you two embody very different aspects. He makes people stronger and you... Well, I don't exactly know what prosperity entails but it means something like bringing good fortune right?" (I)

"Do, do you really think this is so easy?! That you could just transport me there and everything will work out? Not to speak of that this place is inside, bwah, you." (So)

"Seriously, you're not even getting over this racism when it could save your life? I'm pretty sure there are possibilities to introduce you to the People. And did I mention that they have quite a passion for their harvest? Food is pretty important over there. I'm absolutely sure that a goddess of prosperity would find her audience with them." (I)


She stares at me before smirking to herself.


"You're much more insane than I thought." (So)

"Hey! No reason for insults!" (I)

"You seriously talk about relocating a goddess to another dimension as if it's the most mundane thing ever. It's almost as if you're intent on building a pantheon by claiming gods like collectibles! Thanks for the offer but no interest." (So)

"Can't you at least think about it? You know that Chiaki would be very sad if you cease to exist. You cannot want this! At least think about it." (I)

"It wouldn't be possible in the first place. For the, I guess now, third time, your essence is killing me. How would I even make it through the transport not to speak of surviving the atmosphere?" (So)

"The other one survives just fine and maybe we can patch something together. For example, Chiaki is just fine in my world, so it's possible that we can protect you somehow from any corrupting effects." (I)


This actually seems to get her to think about it.


"With her abilities... maybe it's possible. But still completely ridiculous." (So)

"Look, I only want you to be open. I owe you one for all your help and think that this might be a good solution for everyone. You could even ask me for any custom creations you want to have over there and I will provide them as far as I'm able to." (I)


She stares long and intensely at me, fighting with herself.


"...I'll think about it." (So)

"Thank you. Please contact me or Chiaki if you come to a decision." (I)


I should now really teleport away before she's going to die quicker than she can come to a conclusion.
While I'm glad that I could provide a solution I'm not too happy.
I know that I once again messed up and caused harm to others.
This isn't too great of a feeling.

At least I can now relax at home.
And get back into my comfortable human shape.


"Iori, where were you? It's late and you didn't text me." (S)

"S-sorry mum. I only wanted to plant some rice in my world." (I)

"Rice?" (S)

"Yes. Chiaki and I got the idea to introduce some plants from here over there." (I)

"Sigh, I should start getting used to this. But if you think it will help the people over there. As long as you didn't get into trouble." (S)

"Ehm, define 'trouble'." (I)

"What happened now?" (S)

"Uh, I kinda had a small brawl with a god I accidentally caused to form last time and ended up recruiting him and another goddess for my world." (I)


Okay, today seems to be the day for people to stare at me for a long time without saying a word.


"Sigh, sure, whatever. I probably should get used to this." (S)

"That's all?" (I)

"What do you expect me to say? 'Don't go accidentally creating gods, demons, or worlds'? We're long past that. I simply can't contain you and honestly, no parental advisor is preparing you for this. As it is, I only have the option to just go with the flow." (S)


This would be nice if it wouldn't sound so much like giving up.


"But mum, you know that I still need you and will listen to what you're telling me, right? I love you." (I)

"Sure. It's just sometimes a bit much at once. I feel overwhelmed, that's all." (S)

"Could I today maybe sleep in your bed?" (I)

"As you wish. As long as you don't dream up more gods in there." (S)

"What about me?!" (K)

"Sure Kuri, you too." (S)


Come what may, I still have the best mum in the world.
What am I saying, the best mum in all worlds!


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