
Chapter 12


After some more steps, we arrive at the cafe.
Taking a place at the window, Chiaki goes to order something at the counter that I apparently shall not know about.


"A shame that my funds got depleted like this. Maybe I will have to take a part-time job." (I)

"Are you a goddess sincerely intending to go jobbing?" (Z)

"Don't know. What's with you? Are you earning any money?" (I)

"Is that a joke? As if I would need such mundane things!" (Z)

"But how do you live then? Are you a homeless person?" (I)

"Urgh, let's say I have my ways. I am not affected by this world like others are." (Z)

"You can probably just tell others to open there wallets for you." (I)

"So can you! But I am not suspecting you to do it. Let's just say I'm committed to getting my share of energy. More than this I don't need." (Z)

"But do you never want to buy something?" (I)

"Why? If it's about clothes I can easily shape them myself into existence. You as well, which makes me seriously questioning why we are even here." (Z)

"I don't want to wear things made from my body. Who does use flesh to cover oneself?" (I)

"In fact, most living things. It's called skin. And why do you believe that our kind is made of flesh?" (Z)

"It-it was a convenient thought to keep my sanity." (I)

"Then let's just keep it at this. But for someone who can create almost everything you are making a big fuss over the acquisition of common wares." (Z)

"Too late for that. And can't I just make money then?" (I)

"Since you have no idea about the concrete structure, the numbers, or the watermark, and no legal authorization it would be fake. While I can absolutely understand that this world should make sacrifices to you if it wants to exist a little longer, you shouldn't act like a petty criminal. And before you come with this, while you could with enough knowledge about the structure make gold or jewels and such, I guess there would be rather huge problems for you to exchange them, that you would ruin the established prices not taken into account." (Z)

"You are well versed with this." (I)

"I had some time to understand the structure of this world." (Z)


While the part of her being a demon is rather problematic, somehow I have the feeling that listening to her would be the right call.
Is this stupid of me?


Now Chiaki comes back and a short time later her the waitress who brings a parfait so big that it towers higher than my eyes.
I cannot even discern all the fruits on it.
And just from looking at this thing, I get the feeling that if I eat it I surely will end up emptying my stomach.
And it wasn't too long ago that someone told me I should especially this not let happen.


"Do I have to eat this alone?" (I)

"Absolutely! It just really has an impact if you get a full portion!" (C)

"Impact? What do you want to cause?" (I)

"Sugar is energy! And this will end all your tiredness for good!" (C)


I am totally sure her logic is flawed to its core.
However, she doesn't seem to leave me a choice and already placed it in front of me.
I look anxious at this thing.


"Is something wrong with it?" (C)

"N-no. It looks nice, but... I had some bodily issues the last time and my stomache acted... strange. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to eat this." (I)

"You can." (Z)

"Huh"? (I)

"Absolutely no problem. As if you ate nothing at all." (Z)

"I didn't know you had them before, Karin! See? They are really good here!" (C)


This talk on two completely different levels is weird.
But as parfait is apparently not reacting badly with this devouring nightmare inside me, there is no problem if I dig in.
It can't hurt to make a pleasant experience for once.
Especially if it's a change from my monster diet.
So I shovel this thing so mercilessly down that Chiaki gets big eyes.

Yet disturbingly I cannot feel it.
It's not that I felt particularly hungry and couldn't sate it but this really big thing had absolutely no impact.
Like Zika said it feels like I ingested nothing at all.
Kinda disappointing.


"Wow! Your stomach must be a bottomless pit! You didn't even stop to breathe!" (C)

"Maybe? It had... less impact than I thought." (I)


Right now Zika is totally shrinking back into her backrest.
Again panicked fear?
Does she fear I would turn at her to sate me?

It's not like I intend to.
Just because the parfait wasn't that well received I won't change my diet to demons.
At least not if I have a word in this.


"Well, I wanted to see your reaction. This was maybe not what I expected but interesting in its own way. So I'm still satisfied." (C)

"Wait, that was an experiment on me?" (I)

"More research on my best friend!" (C)


This smile of hers plasters her whole face.


"So, you had your fun, right? I really have to deal with some stuff and you said we would make it short." (I)

"Fine, but had you at least a little fun?" (C)

"It was interesting." (I)

"Just interesting?" (C)


Oh my, she's pouting!


"Okay, I have right now some really bothersome stuff to deal with and this all helped to distract me. Thank you for this." (I)

"Oohhh! Thank you, Iori!" (C)


And she full force embraces me, causing my whole body to shiver at this surprise.
I need to give my all to suppress any weird reactions.


"Everything alright? You're actually shaking!" (C)


God, Chiaki!
I'm just telling my body that you are not to eat!


"It's fine. You don't need to worry." (I)


It's getting better!
I can force it to settle down.
My whole body feels so foreign to me at the moment.
As if it would consist out of innumerable creatures.
All drifting in different directions when stirred up.

Yet I'm in control.
I can order what I want and they obey.
Still, this is extremely unsettling.


After Chiaki is done hugging me, I consider our little trip as concluded.
As soon as possible I take my leave and get on my way back home, yet make sure that Zika is still with me.
The moment Chiaki is out of range I can finally talk free to her.
Well, after making sure no random people can listen in.


"Phew! I thought this day would never end!" (Z)

"I-I am glad that nothing bad happened. When Chiaki did hug me suddenly I thought my body was going to swallow her whole." (I)

"You see... You probably would have done so." (Z)

"Urgh, please don't say this. If I harm her in any way I couldn't forgive myself." (I)

"Well, it's not like this would necessarily be her end." (Z)

"Excuse me? There were things absorbed which surely were much more resilient than a teenage girl." (I)

"But it's not like you would want to digest her. You can shape anything you want. As long you avoid erasing her soul everything is still under your control. Even if you accidentally destroy the body inside you." (Z)

"Please can we stop talking about me eating my friends? This really does scare me!" (I)

"Tsk! You are scared? But if we're done here, can I go then? Not that I don't enjoy the prospect to get eaten by you, but this constant feeling of impending world end is a little straining." (Z)


And she goes to leave me.
I barely can grab her arm.


"Iieehhk!" (Z)


Oh, yes.
Again forgotten!
Mortal fear!


"Sorry, but please don't leave! I need your help!" (I)

"And what is it?" (Z)

"Just, please explain everything to me. I really have so many questions." (I)

"And what? If I start now we are done in years!" (Z)

"It's just that I don't know anything and like this haven't even an idea what to ask. Could you maybe give me your phone number to contact you if something comes up?" (I)

"What makes you believe that I own a phone?" (Z)

"You don't? But every student has one!" (I)

"I'm not a normal student. And while I can change my outer appearance, create clothes and other stuff, I cannot make a phone with a working connection to the network or an accepted number and like this couldn't transport it with me." (Z)

"But how do I contact you then? What is if I need your help?" (I)

"You have my name, right?" (Z)

"What do you mean?" (I)

"I already told you that names hold power. You just need to call me with the correct image. But please no pentagrams! They are used to bind and would maybe trap me." (Z)

"Can you at least tell me what I should pay attention to?" (I)

"Hmh, right! You should be careful not to stimulate anything. It might happen that you could somehow create something unexpected." (Z)

"And how do I prevent this?" (I)

"Simple, you need to avoid stimulation. This means no drawing, no music, and no watching of internet videos. I have no wish to get killed by giant nightmare kittens! Best would be no drifting of your thoughts at all!" (Z)

"You can't be serious." (I)

"I totally am! Every little imaginative act of yours comes true and so you should abstain from things that might induce your mind to create stuff. Or do you really want to see your drawn cartoon animals crawling out of the paper? I know that sounds funny in theory but only if you can draw. And only at the start." (Z)

"But-but what can I even do then? I don't want to live that restricted!" (I)

"Then look for an empty plane where you can cause as much chaos as you want! See? Humans should really not exist like this!" (Z)

"But I do! And it wasn't my choice!" (I)

"Yes, yes, I know. Just be a little self-conscious about your actions and what could happen. Most importantly keep your emotions in check. This could cause an overflowing. And this would be bad!" (Z)

"An overflowing?" (I)

"Really no time for this. So bye!" (Z)


In an instant, a shadow down to her feet seems to become darker and she drifts through.
So is this some way of transportation?
Is it similar to my black sludge?
It looked kinda close.

Yet, I would like to go home the normal way.
It's not like I should play around with this stuff.


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