
Chapter 100


"What do you mean you aren't here? That's a kinda ridiculous thing to say, Iori." (C)


While Chiaki shakes my body I am standing with my other body on a big branch of an even bigger tree.
At least I hope it is one, as it's neither brown, but rather a sick grey-black color, nor do I think that those pulsing balls on it count as leaves.
But that doesn't matter right now, as Chiaki is diverting my attention back to the body I left behind.


"No Chiaki, I mean... Urgh, that's confusing. Please, stop dragging me with you." (I)


I can't stop the sensation of this new body.
I can look through its eyes, hear with its ears, feel how my nerves send signals of touch, and am aware of my own simple presence in two completely different locations.
I am at two places at once and that's confusing.
With this new body, I tense my muscles, raise my arm, and look at my black claw.
Yep, definitely deadly.
Also, did I get taller?

The next moment, Chiaki shakes me and I'm forced to concentrate on this area.
It might be a bit like when you play a video game and someone walks in front of the TV and draws your attention, which will consecutively lead to your death in the game.


"Iori, we have to go now. They want to depart." (C)


Okay, this means I have to multitask this body as well to keep up with the others.
Easier said than done.
I hoped it would be simpler to get the hang of it.
I'm pretty sure I'm just missing something but I can't seem to figure it out.

I try walking with my original body's legs, but they're moving so clumsily.
And as soon as my new one's appendages even twitch, I stumble and fall, which draws unwanted attention.

I need to find a workaround for this.
Just then I remember something I should feel guilty about remembering only now.


"Kuri, you're still there, right? Could you maybe somehow move my body? You're strong, right?" (I)


I'm not sure about this, but if she can rip apart monsters with hardened darkness then leading me back should be no issue.


"Really, mother? I'm not sure if that's okay." (K)

"I'm saying it is. Please, puppeteer me. I need your help." (I)

"It's difficult. But I can try." (K)


Promptly, I feel how tendrils wriggle around me.
They sneak beneath my clothes and spread to all the places that won't be visible for the knights, which puts me in a difficult mood.

Since I've raised some attention, have to hide Kuri's actions, and need to figure something out for when I'll eventually catch up with the group, I decide to use thought projection once again instead of audible commands for Kuri, regarding how she should handle my body.
So she successfully uses her control to make me slowly walk behind the others.

Now I can concentrate on my other body.
Well, I may have spoken too soon as it's seriously hard to do so while I get fondled all over and pulled by strings like a marionette.
It’s quite the distracting condition, to say the least.
And that I still have visual input with this body is another factor.
Nonetheless, I force my concentration toward the body that's already within the forest.
I only need to go into a trance-like state with my old one.
And this much should be possible with all these unlimited powers.

Finally, I achieve a halfway operable state.
Now I can start to really take in my surroundings.
I have a body that's close to my demon form, yet not quite the same.
For example, it's a bit more monotone in black.
If I wouldn't know that this is only a spare and my real body is still fine I'd be concerned about my looks.
The claws are naturally sharp as hell and I grew a pelt that's literally smoking darkness.
Also, I have a slightly bowed posture as if I'm inclined to run on all fours.
Overall, I think that this build is a very feral design.

Damn, that's actually disturbing.

Okay, Iori, this is only a remote body.
It's not your real one.
There's no reason to question your sense of self.
It's just similar to your eyes or the tentacles.
Wait, is this trail of thought even helping?
What even are my eyes and tentacles?
How is my body created and what can be considered as my own body and what only as using my abilities?
I don't know the answer to this question, but I also sure as hell know that I don't want to know the answer.
So for now we will postpone all mental analyzing in this direction and get back to the task at hand.
I want to make sure that no one gets killed by a monster here.

First things first, movement.

Kuri just tripped me over a root.


"Sorry, mum!" (K)


  • "No problem. Just be more careful."


"Why is she moving so clumsily?" (knight)

"Maybe she's afraid? Wouldn't be the first to lose it in this forest." (knight)


Great, now I'm the weirdo.
Fine, back to the task at hand, or rather feet.
My arms are moving fine, and the legs are working, but they are also so incredibly tense as if they want to jump very far at any moment.
Let's do them the favor.
I target another branch and let go.




Ughh, that didn't work as intended.
My trajectory was off so that I jumped over the branch and crashed into another one.
I almost slip down but can cling to it with my claws.

Also, I notice that I stumbled with my old body but Kuri managed to catch me.
However, this slip-up once again makes people look in my direction.


"Damn, that was close. Shit! What's up with my voice?" (I)


I said this with my other body but now became aware of how twisted it sounds.
Almost evil.

It's deep, dark, and overall simply like what you'd expect from a boss monster.
And I don't wanna be one.
Okay, seems like I'm lacking experience.
At least I know now that the movement works smoothly if not for my lousy control.

As soon as I have safe footing again, I jump to the next branch in the direction my instinct tells me that something lives.
It would actually not be so bad if I fall.
This body has still no real sense of pain activated, injuries heal, and I'm more than able to jump straight up again.
Aside from the embarrassment one feels when falling in a game that features a climbing passage I don't have to fear a thing.

So I'm starting to move towards the knights so I can covertly get rid of anything they might encounter before they do.
Working myself from branch to branch, I find that this forest has quite a variety to its flora if one can call it that.
There are some "trees" that almost completely consist of thorns, and this in an abundance of different colors.
Then there are mushroom-like structures with some kind of tumors on them.
I even see some which have what reminds me of leaves.
If leaves would be formed like hands and reach in your direction once you come too close.
And about the vines, I don't even want to get started.
Like this, I get somewhat used to it and get closer.

Finally, I reach the group.
Naturally, I don't approach them directly.
I have enough self-awareness to be able to anticipate that my killer cat costume won't produce the most favorable reactions.
Though, I might "subconsciously" grow some sensory organs around them for surveillance since I'm focusing my attention on them.
Yet I might have overdone it and Makoto quickly discovers the first eye.


"Wha-!? I'll never get used to this." (M)

"Don't mind them, Makoto. The forest is aware of our presence. It watches us. But as long as we stick together nothing it sends against us will be able to overcome our forces. The most important thing is that you stay calm." (A)

"Mhm." (M)


Wow, this is a fucking weird forest if this is a common occurrence here.
I make sure to always stay a bit in front of them so I can block whatever might choose to approach them.
This is unfortunately the case, as my mental radar pings that something is moving quickly in our direction.
The best solution to this seems to be to prevent a clash.

So I move further in the direction of the presence while leaving the knights behind me.
Something tells me they wouldn't make it easier for me to deal with whatever is there.

I jump from branch to branch and am like this soon at the being's position.
Likewise, it stopped moving toward the knights.
However, I'm not able to spot what should be directly in front of me.

Yet then it jumps out of its cover.
It looks like a cat.
Well, a rabid one, with not so much of a pelt but protruding sickles and spikes.
Also, its claws are slightly too large for my test.


"Ehm, hello. You know, this is kinda my private world. So, do I have any say here?" (I)


The creature's wild eyes still focus on me but it looks apprehensive.
As if it doesn't know what it's dealing with and because of this is afraid.
Yet I don't know why it's not recognizing me.
If I remember the nightmare realm, the demons there were all worshipping my person.
Is it because this body is only a spare?
Maybe this is obfuscating my identity.
Or at least it dampens the impression.

Yet for now, it's kinda confirmed that it doesn't see me as its goddess.
Which isn't too bad for my taste.

What is bad would be the fact that this thing finally made its decision that I'm not to be tolerated here and jumps at me.
I can already imagine how its abundance of sharp parts will dig into my body.


"Waah! Stop!" (I)


I shout in my panic and try to get away.
But for some reason, the creature suddenly grows totally stiff and misses me.
Instead, it crashes headfirst into the branch I'm standing on.
Its head twists at a weird angle but apart from this, it doesn't move.
It's not even making a sound.
But because it still won't move it's also not climbing on the branch, but falls like a stiff log to the ground.




This... This doesn't look good.
It's... It's certainly dead.
I think it was my command to stop that caused this.
Apparently, even if I'm not recognized I'm still in charge here.
And as always everything takes my orders far too literally.
I mean, freezing in mid-air?!

God, that means I killed it!
Until now I never caused harm by my own actions.
Okay, my automatic self-defense system frequently went havoc and devoured quite a number of creatures, but that's not a conscious action.
Well, then there would be my dark twin.
It might be questionable in how far her actions can be perceived as mine.
But this time I was the one responsible for this outcome. I caused this creature to fall to its death.

I, I don't feel too well.
The bile rises in my throat and only with incredible willpower I can keep it at bay.
Using all my training on this matter I manage to keep it inside while still having the disturbing impression that it tries to crawl upward by itself.
It tastes disgusting but I'm kinda glad that I managed to stay in control.

Yet the dead cat still weighs on my conscience.
Even if, according to Zika, they're not totally the same as actual living beings.
However, it's the same as accidentally killing an animal.
I don't feel great about this.

Is it going to respawn?
I kinda hope so.
Would help me with getting over my guilty conscience.
Still, I stare for a bit.


"There! Something's in the trees! Shoot it!" (A)


Ehm, why am I hearing things twice?


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