
Chapter 10


Always a strange sensation when a demon looks at you in such a condemning way.


"To clarify, what kind of black liquid are you referring to?" (Z)

"Well, once it came when I vomited after the first kill. Also my tears. I was really going through a lot! It is some extremely dark sludge." (I)

"And this "liquid", did it do something at any time?" (Z)

"W-well, once in this nightmare world it started to spread and the monsters sunk in and got killed." (I)

"And you are seriously asking me if something is up with this stuff?" (Z)

"I just want to know if it's fine to dispose of it like this or, if not, what else should I do to get rid of it." (I)

"In this plane? Absolutely not! Do you have any idea what you brought from there into this world when you crossed the border?" (Z)

"No, not the slightest!" (I)

"Sigh! I supposed so. Fine, you accumulated an absurd quantity of extradimensional entities. At the moment your simple existence defies reality and could start to reshape this plane. There are so many souls inside you, or rather soul matter, since you thoroughly exterminated any self in it, that one wrong thought of yours could start to distort this world. And for this liquid. In the best case, it will just superficially change things up in this plane without causing a greater reaction. Yet if not, then you've let a rampaging thought roam free. Right now might a to-you-aligned demon form! Stupid, ignorant outer gods!!!" (Z)

"I am no outer god." (I)

"You came from an outer plane! You are a god! And are you really telling that me you're not ignorant?" (Z)


I want to retort, yet I don't find many flaws in her argumentation.


"You are a living nightmare. An embodiment of entropy and the sooner you realize that, the better. What you brought from there and even directly integrated into your very self is nothing that can be ignored. Against you, I am small fry! So at least get your act together! And by all the great ones, don't flush away any matter consisting of pure nightmares!" (Z)

"I simply don't know what I have to pay attention to." (I)

"Uhh, just utilize some basic caution!" (Z)

"Ehm, shouldn't we go to class now?" (I)

"Tsk, again late!" (Z)

While entering the class the teacher first looks at me as if he wants to say something but Zika shoots him a glare and weirdly he does seem to have completely forgotten what he was at.
It is a little scary how this demon just like this can control people.


Class goes by smoothly and it really helps that I'm not the slightest bit tired.
Also, despite concentrating the whole time my head doesn't hurt a bit.
What directly makes me uneasy with the question of what is now in there.
On the other side, after everything else, the existence of my brain shouldn't be my main issue.
Just something else to add to the list.


The school day continues and during the break which I out of habit spend in the class suddenly Makoto comes.


"Hi. What is it?" (I)


He looks rather uneasy yet ultimately speaks up.


"It is... I noticed you've been accompanying the exchange student." (M)

"Yes, after her escape dash I had to ask her. We came into talking and like this maybe became a little closer." (I)

"Uhum. Did she say something specific?" (M)


Why this interrogation?


"No, we just talked in general and nothing to tell boys about. Sorry!" (I)

"Y-yes, sure. But just. The exchange student is... she is no one you should come close to. It would be better not to get engaged with her." (M)

"Are you seriously going to decide for me who I can be friends with? I really wouldn't have thought you to be this kind of person!" (I)

"Ugh. Just... Just watch out." (M)


Well, that was weird.
Something's up there I don't know?
But asking Zika right now would be problematic, directly in front of him.
If I would just have an excuse to keep her close and squeeze more information out of her.


The rest goes by without further events.
Like this, it concludes and another school day ends.
Yet under significantly different conditions.
However, I remember that it isn't over yet, since Chiaki accomplished to force me into making a tour with her.


"And Iori? Ready to go?" (C)


Hey, an excuse has just arrived!


"Can I bring someone along?" (I)


I put the most innocent-looking smile that is possible for me on.


"Why is your face cramping up like that Iori? That's creepy. But sure. However, I don't think that Makoto would want to shop for underwear with us." (C)

"I wasn't talking about him. I would like to bring Zi... Ahem, Karin with us." (I)

"Karin?" (C)"

"Uh, the exchange student." (I)

"Well, I don't know her." (C)

"Wouldn't this be even more of a reason? She always sits separated from all the others. Why not try to include her?" (I)

"Something like this coming from you, Iori! Alright! Let's invite her!" (C)


Like this we both go to Zika who first tired glances up, followed by a look of deepest confusion.


"Can I help you?" (Z)

"We are going on a city tour!" (C)

"Ehm, nice for you?" (Z)

"And you are coming with us." (I)

"What!?" (Z)

"Now come! You don't have any appointments, right?" (I)

"Ehm..." (Z)

"Not "ehm"! I would really wish that you are accompanying us." (I)


Besides utter confusion, I guess I can see a spark of her previous fear.


"Pleeease!" (C)


She struggles quite hard, but in the end...


"F-fine. If you insist." (Z)


That was a meaningful glance at me.


"I do!" (I)

"T-then I'll come with you." (Z)

"Great! It will be a pleasure!" (C)


She seems truly joyous.
So it seems to be decided.
We all pack our stuff and I notice that Zika didn't even bother bringing anything with her.
This hypnosis ability is truly frightening.
Out of the room.


"Sorry, I need to go for a moment somewhere." (C)


You could just tell us you have to use the bathroom. Seriously!

Like it had to be expected, Zika turns to me.


"Why by all the great ones are you dragging me along?" (Z)

"See it like this. Would you want that I, as unstable I am right now, stroll completely unattended or rather keep an eye on me?" (I)


And again one pops up.


"Argh! I didn't mean you!" (I)

"Fine. But only because in your current state you might drag this city into an isolated plane. And I have no intention to see the stars fall!" (Z)

"The stars fall?" (I)

"Ugh, not important. Just make sure that nothing leaks out. This plane with its abundance of stability and your identity as nightmare's incarnate are a bad combination." (Z)

"I don't really get this stability part." (I)

"It's simply that nothing is more vulnerable to chaos than stability. If you would be in an empty plane your influence would be limited to the surrounding. Relativity is the keyword. You can only corrupt something if there is something to corrupt and you can only expand in accordance to your relative base." (Z)

"My head starts to swirl! What is even the problem? It is obviously okay that you are here. I might have some more otherwordly things inside me but this should be limited to some extent, right?" (I)


Her expression says no and she begins to massage her temples.


"You are the worst possible combination." (Z)


She says this flatly.


"That sounds just offensive." (I)

"Damnit, how do I describe such a thing to someone like you? You are generator and consumer at the same time and through this break the limits." (Z)

"Excuse me?" (I)

"Maybe like this: Nightmares feed on the mind. Feels, thoughts, goals and such things. Can you follow so far?" (Z)

"Barely." (I)

"You are a dreamer! You provide them sustenance! Are sustaining them in a way that isn't possible for them on their own. There is no better base for the nightmares than something that can form them into existence!" (Z)

"So the problem is that I can make nightmares somehow stronger?" (I)

"Nah, that just applies to those beings a human creates in his mind which could become reality. You are worse! You didn't bond with these creatures or got possessed. You merged! You are something that shouldn't exist. A living dream! Something that can decide what it is and what it will do with simple thoughts. And now you're unleashed on a plane prone to get its fragile balance completely battered. And to top this all, you can also cross planes at will, with your special condition, and wreak havoc everywhere you want. And you ask me why I worry for the continuance of a realm I favored?! It was nice here as long it lasted." (Z)

"You are talking in past tense." (I)

"Let's say it's prophetic. I honestly hope that it will just be this city when it starts, maybe I will still be able in this case to find my way back to this plane from wherever you might rip us all to." (Z)

"Hello girls! I'm back! Did you have fun?" (C)

"We... weren't bored." (I)


Yep, being deeply distressed is a far call from that.
Suddenly she addresses Zika.


"I am so glad that Iori found another friend! Let's be friends too! I hope we will get along well!" (C)


Oh well, that's Chiaki's full-scale extrovert attack.
With a bright grin, she casually puts her arms around each of us.
If Zika's face strains a little more she might turn into her demon form again.


"Now come, Chiaki! We agreed to make at least fast!" (I)

"Uhh, you are no fun. But fine! Let's go shopping!" (C)


I hope she holds herself back.
As far I know Chiaki's family is well-off and her pocket money represents that part.
My family might not be poor, but I wouldn't say it's noteworthy and I don't get much.
I never was concerned about this since I rarely got out and now I surely have other problems.

And another question would be if Zika even owns any money.
Probably she might just ask random people to give it to her or the clerks to hand her everything for free.
Maybe by making them believe there is a special event.
But that would be cruel regarding the aftermath.
However, something tells me that she wouldn't care that much.

At least Chiaki is clearly elated and sets a fast pace.
And I need to say that dealing with someone like this is rather tiresome.
However, her running in front of us gives me the chance to talk some more with Zika.


"I know she can be bothersome, but please play nice." (I)

"I really don't know what you find about little miss sunshine! Alone this ridiculous aura is too much to feel comfortable next to her." (Z)

"So you noticed too?" (I)

"Every being with even the weakest spiritual sense in this city should have noticed it. This much lifeforce concentrated in a single entity is just crazy!" (Z)

"But isn't this good for you? I mean isn't she something like your prime target? Not that I want you to feed on her." (I)

"I feed on "negative" emotions! This one brings so much love and happiness that I just want to throw up." (Z)


Wow! Someone really has issues here!



"You can throw up?" (I)

"Not on your apocalyptic levels. And you should really be careful with that stuff." (Z)

"Hey you two! What are you talking about? Don't exclude me!" (C)

"Just random stuff. So where do you intend to drag us?" (I)

"I already said I want to go buy some clothes you will look good in and there is this nice little cafe which has a new parfait on sale! I really want to go there too!" (C)

"Chiaki! I don't have that much money! Please be considerate." (I)

"No problem! I'm an expert in composing sets, even on a small budget." (C)


Sigh. Doesn't seems like she will let us get off.


"And for Karin, we will find something fancy as well. She has such a nice complexion." (C)


I can actually see her eyes roll.
And well, something like flames behind them.


"Shouldn't you ask her before making any decisions?" (I)

"Nah, I already have the perfect set in mind!" (C)


Mentally exhausted I decide to give up.
In a not watched moment, I whisper to Zika.


"Sorry for Chiaki. She doesn't mean bad and I will try to avoid any problems for you. But please don't mess with her mind." (I)

"I couldn't." (Z)

"Huh?" (I)

"Her aura is interfering badly. I can't push through that. It's good that she is such a simpleton, yet I'm sure she attracts countless ghosts like this." (Z)


Before I can ask more about that Chiaki is again too close.
Mercilessly she drags us along into downtown where her favorite expensive shops are located.
I start to get a bad feeling in my wallet.


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