Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie


Elena and her small puppet army crossed the gate of the wall encountering no resistance, the soldiers stationed on the wall, and those stationed at the gate could not react. Would they dare raise their weapons against the Valkyrie? The answer was a resounding no.

As for the gathered crowd, they all let out a long sigh filled with admiration. Each of the words proclaimed by that beautiful young woman still echoed in their minds.

'Who can deny a daughter the right to see her convalescent father?'

'May the gods judge me if I'm wrong, but if to see my father I must make my way with the sword, then that's what I'll do!'

A fair demand she herself would enforce with her own hands, a beautiful warrior maiden who brandished her sword in the name of justice under heaven's indulgence! A real Valkyrie!

Surrounded by her puppets, Elena walked down the large cobbled path that led directly to the Lutrel palace, and soon she could see several knights taking up a position outside the palace.

The Lutrels had their own order of chivalry, which they used only for their purposes, and those knights dressed in beautiful light armor were members of this order.

Since the invaders were not be stopped by the soldiers on the wall, the Lutrel knights who had been suddenly called to protect the palace exchanged puzzled glances. The approaching group comprised twenty-two knights wearing full-body armor, the armors of twenty of these were an ominous black color like the swords they wielded, were they swords and magic armor? None of the twenty-six Lutrel Knights had room to imagine an answer, as the remaining two invading knights wore mytril armor and swords, full-body armor and swords of mytril? In all of Varest, could the king afford such equipment for his personal guard? Most shocking of all was that the twenty-two knights advanced in perfect harmony, each of their steps and movements was perfectly coordinated and they formed a perfect defensive circle that seemed impenetrable, and in the center of that circle was another figure that stole the breath of each Lutrel Knight, a beautiful young woman wearing beautiful light mytril armor. Just looking at that young woman, the Lutrel Knights could imagine the reason those twenty-two knights could move as one, the conviction of all of them was the same, protect that beautiful war goddess who seemed to have descended directly from heaven.

「What are you idiots doing? Get ready! 」

Three men and a woman emerged from the palace behind the Lutrel Knights, and the one who carried out that angry order was the leader of the Lutrel Knights, Hans Eir Lutrel, the Marquis' younger brother.

Despite their energetic words, Hans was no less impressed by the discipline displayed by those twenty-two knights and by the equipment they wore. Who in the kingdom supported that girl he had not seen in three years?

「That damn bitch...!」

Standing next to Hans, an eighteen-year-old boy gritted his teeth and his fists in anger as he watched the young woman who had ruined his life, it was Richell Eis Lutrel, the eldest son of the Marquis, who was the laughs of nobles and commoners alike throughout the city.

「Calm down brother, you are a noble」

Darrel Eis Lutrel, seventeen years old, the second son of the Marquis and who was the official heir to the Lutrels after Richell's misfortune.

「How dare that little girl come here?」

Twenty-one-year-old Marla Eis Lutrel, the Marquis's eldest daughter, a young woman who could not find a husband because of her personality. Her face was angry, but her gaze reflected a bit of relief when she saw Elena, and only Marla herself knew the reason behind this feeling that turned out to be uncomfortable for herself.

Elena's group finally stopped about six meters away from the Lutrel knights, who had already drawn their swords.

「Did you lose your mind completely, Baroness? You have no authority to break into the Marquis Lutrel's palace in this way 」

Darrel exclaimed those words with complete calm. Despite being younger than Richell, Darrel had always been the smartest of his siblings, so everyone claimed that the misfortune that occurred to the temperamental Richell was actually a blessing to the Marquis.

「Who are all you to block my path and refuse me to see my father? Do you all not know your place? 」

Elena's answer stole the breath of the Lutrel knights, who had been too lost admiring her beauty to remember the Marquis' second daughter, the one who had disappeared three years ago, Elena Lutrel.

「Little bitch...!!」

Hans was furious like Richell, Elena's answer was simple, she was a Baroness while all of them were noble only because they belonged to the same family of the Marquis, none of them carried a title as she did.

「Gentlemen, I don't know what order you belong to or what noble you serve, but I suggest you think carefully about whether it's worth following my little sister in this madness」

Darrel addressed those words to Elena's puppets, he was truly amazed by Elena's drastic change, that beautiful girl who lowered her gaze in front of the insults was now bold and determined. The rumors about the Valkyrie did not seem too exaggerated. That girl who had been beautiful at thirteen, she now was already a woman of great beauty and great character.

None of the puppets showed any reaction to Darrel's words, which surprised him. Who could support Elena so that these knights were not afraid to face a Marquis?

「They won't listen to you, Darrel. These guys have probably been spellbound by that little bitch's body」

Hans declared that as he took a step forward.

「I will show them what they are facing, that way they will reconsider whether it is worth risking their lives for a few caresses of that little bitch」

Among Elena's puppets, one of the Izana Knights stepped forward.

「Let's have a showdown as Knights」

After saying that, Hans charged towards Izana Knight intending to ram him with his right shoulder.

「Greater Charge!」

Hans's body emitted a faint glow. He was using a widely used combat technique among knights but using his shoulder instead of a shield.

In response, the Izana Knight sheathed his mytril sword and also charged his right shoulder against Hans. To everyone's amazement, he showed no intention of employing even one battle technique. About this, the Lutrel knights and Elena's half-siblings showed anger, these guys were underestimating the strength of the Lutrel knights.

Hans's shoulders and the Izana Knight collided, and Hans's mocking smile disappeared entirely as he felt as if he had charged against the city wall.

The Izana Knight took another half step and Hans's body flew backward through the air, then impacted the body of some of his knights. Even Darrel was stunned to see his uncle, the strongest of the Lutrel knights, not only being defeated, but not even having been a rival to that unknown knight.

That result was as expected, the Izana Knights were at the level of an 'S' class monster thanks to the nucleus with which they had been created, and if are added that their bodies were made of mytril, Hans never had a single chance even if he had carried that load riding on his horse.

The faces of the Lutrel knights paled, their leader had been effortlessly defeated, and there was still another knight similar to that, how strong were those black-armored knights?

「Damn bitch, all you do is hide behind those knights that some high-ranking noble has given you in exchange for your body. What about those stories about the Valkyrie? Where is your bravery? 」

Richell exclaimed this full of anger, he had thought if a battle began, his side would easily crush that little bitch who ruined his life, and after capturing her, he had his plans for her.

「Bravery? It's funny to hear talk about it to someone whose manhood is non-existent」

Elena's hatred for Richell was no less than he felt for her.

Elena's mocking reply was like a spark thrown over a barrel of alcohol for Richell, hatred blinding him and charging straight at Elena as he unsheathed his sword.


Darrel could only watch as his temperamental brother charged towards certain death. However, to his surprise, Elena's knights ignored him and allowed Richell to reach Elena.

「Damn bitch, I'll bathe you in oil and throw you at the goblins! 」

Richell swung his sword at an impassive Elena who didn't even bother to unsheathe her own sword.

Soon Darrel and the others discovered the reason Elena's knights did not bother to stop Richell. Elena raised her left hand and with little effort caught the edge of Richell's sword between her fingers.

Darrel's eyes widened as he saw Elena's body surrounded by small luminous runes.

「Runic Magic!」

Darrel could not believe what he saw, runic magic had been created by the Berserkers centuries ago, and although many people could use it today, the knowledge of this magic was jealously guarded by those who used it. In Varest there were only two families that used runic magic, the royal family and the Balzan House.

「It is unfortunate to discover that in these three years, you didn’t stop being a useless piece of garbage」

After saying that in a tone of voice filled with contempt, Elena thrust her right fist towards Richell's face. It was so fast that before he knew it, Richell was flying, and then his body impact on some other Lutrel knights.

Killing Richell, grant him a slow and painful death, torture him until the pain led him to beg for death. For three years Elena had fantasized about it all and yet, now that she had the power and Richell at her fingertips, in her mind that deep hatred had taken second place. For now, to Elena the only thing that mattered was seeing her father, she didn't even have space to think about what would happen once she saw him again, all she wanted was to see with her own eyes the current state of his father's health.

Unbelief filled Marla's eyes. How was something like this possible? When the Valkyrie stories circulated, the Lutrels were interested in meeting her, and even Darrel had suggested to his father ​​trying to make her his wife. It following Darrel's brilliant idea, the Lutrels soon discovered with surprise the identity of the Valkyrie, Elena Izana, formerly Elena Lutrel. At that point, the Lutrels stopped talking about the Valkyrie.

As for Marla, who had never controlled the jealousy and envy caused by Elena's growing beauty, she thought Elena had used her beauty to incentivize soldiers to fight with greater momentum, she never imagined that that docile little girl could really be so strong.

「There is no noble supporting me and these are not knights, they are all just soldiers fighting for me」

After saying those words, Elena made a gesture with her hand and all the puppets moved in unison to form a battle line in front of her.

「I'll see my father even if I have to bathe the streets of the city with Lutrel blood to do it」

Darrel felt a strong chill shake his back when he saw Elena's gaze. She was not lying.

「That'll be unnecessary Baroness, the Marquis Lutrel will receive you」

As the Lutrel knights and Elena's half-siblings felt their blood run cold, an elderly man with white hair who emitted a powerful martial aura emerged from the palace and exclaimed those words.

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