Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie

03.The End of the Battle

To deal with hunger, Elena resorted to the insipid campaign rations, regarding the cleaning of her body, she used a spell that removed any trace of dirt from her skin. As for the needs that come after the food has been processed by the body, she no longer had to worry about it, one of the most basic modifications her body suffered, was the ability to take full advantage of anything she ingested, not there was room for waste.

After placing a protection spell and a detection spell as a defense against anyone trying to sneak into her tent in the heat of the celebration, Elena prepared herself for sleep. Additionally, she also placed a spell to minimize the sound coming from outside.

Elena's first night of campaigning would have been relatively quiet had it not been for her mind choosing to process Kaname's memories.

Seeing everything through Kaname's eyes, Elena was able to experience Kaname's life, from his days in that other world where magic was a mere fantasy, to those bitter days of campaigning against the demon king during which Kaname must have seen his companions die one after another. Elena could also feel Kaname's deep love for his fiancée, prompting him to do everything in his power to return to her side, as well as the deep bitterness, frustration, and hatred that Kaname experienced when realizing that he would be unable to see his beloved again. The last thing Elena could feel was deep and suffocating guilt, that was what Kaname had felt when choosing to betray the woman he loved by fathering many children with different women for the sake of his plan, he had failed his loved and had betrayed himself only to not disappear completely from this world and have a slim chance of ever getting his revenge.

By the time Elena opened her eyes to the new day, her eyes were full of tears, not pain, sadness, or fear, but frustration. Her level of frustration was a complete joke compared to the frustration Kaname carried during his final days.

As she wiped those tears from her eyes, Elena stood up and put on her armor. Although she had been Kaname in the past, she still didn't feel that way, so her little frustrations continued to carry more weight for her.

Elena adjusted the sword to her waist, which was not originally hers but that of some Sadorian knight. At this point, she could modify both that sword and her armor using original spells created by Kaname, but doing so would be too conspicuous since she had not previously shown better weapons.

「Lady Elena」

As soon as Elena emerged from her tent, a brown-haired young man of about eighteen approached her. It was a young knight without prestige or endorsement, who had been thrown into this battle like the rest, but who from the beginning had shown interest in Elena, reaching a point where he brazenly asked her to stay close to him during battle.

「Sir Greg, I'm glad to see you unharmed」

Elena returned the greeting out of courtesy, even before getting the memories of Kaname she was not interested in Greg and hated him to some degree. It was not that Greg was a bad person, at least in what he showed he seemed attentive and friendly, but it was simply that after having suffered an attempt of rape by her own half older brother when she was only thirteen years old, Elena had developed a natural immunity to the courtship of men, something to which the constant harassment suffered for Elene by her superiors and colleagues within the order of cavalry to which she had joined did not help much.

Greg was only able to show a slightly bitter smile in response, originally he had planned to win the favor of that beautiful young woman by protecting her during the battle, however, he had quickly lost sight of her in the middle of the battle, and when he was finally able to find her, she was already sweeping the battlefield alone as a legendary Valkyrie.

「Lady Elena, it seems that the Sadorian army plans to withdraw, they have started to raise their camp」

「That's great news Sir Greg」

This was a really good thing for Elena, even though she could continue to gain achievements if the battle dragged on, what she wanted was to get away from others so she could properly test her new skills without having to worry about being careful about her surroundings.

Seeing Elena's faint smile, Greg's body tensed slightly. Perhaps Elena still lacked volume concerning her chest, but her face was beautiful, her white skin seemed made of porcelain, her blond hair shone like gold and no man could not be attracted to her slim figure. Greg was sure that if Elena wore a suitable dress, her charm and beauty would make any man lose his mind.

Catching the lust in Greg's eyes, Elena found a subtle way to say goodbye to him and walked away wishing not to meet him again for the rest of the day.

The knights camp was located around the officer's tents, each knight had his tent. Elena traveled much of the camp observing everything in detail with different eyes, with the eyes of someone who had observed the countless battles of forgotten times and who had the knowledge of various wars developed in another world.

Elena's intention when walking through the camp was to compare its structure with what she had seen in Kaname's memories. In those memories, as a general of the allied armies of this world, Kaname had organized campaign camps countless times.

It was easy for Elena to understand, this camp was poorly organized, there was no way this army could respond quickly to a surprise attack. Was this caused by the inexperience of the general in charge? Or had all the tactical knowledge brought to this world by Kaname and his companions been completely lost along with their names and the existence of that bloody war in which they had fought?

As Elena walked around the camp, several knights pointed at her explaining to their companions that it was thanks to her that one of the enemy flanks had collapsed during the battle the day before.

Admiration and lust-filled the eyes of countless men upon seeing Elena. Even though she was not the only woman present in the army, the others were women already emaciated by time and the excessive use of their bodies, women their superiors had already discarded.

「Lady Elena? 」

A middle-aged man who was escorted by several knights exclaimed that when he saw Elena walking nearby.

Hearing someone pronounce her name, Elena turned and when she saw the man, she slightly bowed her body with respect.

「Count Verit」

It was the one who had been hastily appointed as general of this army, Count Verit, a man with little military experience and mostly oriented to deal with bandits.

Seeing that he had made no mistake in identifying this young woman of great beauty, Count Verit nodded with a faint smile. Witnessing the battle from a position in the rear, the Count could see how one of the enemy flanks collapsed, when asking his officers for information about it, a name was brought to him from the battlefield, Lady Elena Lutrel. By the end of the battle, due to everything he had to organize and the reports to fill out to send to the capital, the Count had to settle for hearing about what Elena had done, as well as a description of her appearance.

「I heard the report of your exploits during the battle, you could almost say that the result is entirely due to you, Lady Elena」

「There is no way something like that is possible Count, I am just one more soldier under your command, and the outcome of the battle corresponds entirely to your grand strategy」

Hearing that answer made the Count look favorably on Elena. For the Count, this young woman whose age was less than that of his son, she showed impeccable conduct and her gaze left between seeing a maturity that was out of keeping with her beautiful somewhat childish face. Count Verit could only question how this young woman of great beauty and talent had ended up in this army destined for defeat.

「Lady Elena, to which cavalry order do you belong? 」

His army was practically made up of spoils from all over the kingdom, therefore, there was no way for the Count to know to what order of cavalry each knight in his army belonged.

「At the Order of Saint Eclestine」

The Count nodded, he was a simple field noble, so there was no way he would meet all the cavalry orders of the kingdom. Virtually any noble with sufficient resources and the desire to do so could establish his order of chivalry simply by covering the necessary cost to the crown and the church, therefore the number of chivalric orders in the kingdom was not less than thirty.

「I will make sure to send a letter to the master of your order detailing your achievements during the battle」

「I appreciate it Count」

Elena bowed slightly again with respect.

Pleased to meet such a beautiful and brave young woman, Count Verit returned to his tent lamenting that he could not do more for Elena. In a regular army, Elena's actions would have earned her a promotion and public recognition, however, this army would disintegrate at the end of this conflict, therefore, there was no room for promotion and recognition was left to the judgment of the royal court, but considering the purpose of this army to find defeat, this would not happen.

Elena returned to her tent and a couple of hours later, the withdrawal of the Sadorian army was announced to all the soldiers. Not long after a new celebration began, several Wyvern Knights arrived at the camp to convey a royal court order, the army was to be dissolved shortly, the court would take its time to analyze reports of the battle to offer the right rewards for the most outstanding soldiers.

In a situation like the present one, normally the army would have to stay on the border to make sure that the enemies had really retreated, and later, the triumphant army would be brought to the nearest city to be celebrated for victory.

At this point, even the foot soldiers understood what was happening, that the army was dissolved so abruptly, it became clear that the royal court and the crown were not very satisfied with the outcome of the battle, for nobody it was difficult to imagine that the aforementioned rewards would never come.

After Count Verit's order to break the army was passed on, Elena quickly gathered up her things and left to avoid the annoying courtship attempts of Greg and any other knights. Elena was the only member of the Order of St. Eclestine sent to this battle, so she did not have to wait for companions to leave either.

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