Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 27 - 027 Creamy Jasmine

Chen Yuan was not in a hurry to speak out about Shen Mingyuan’s question, but put the fried melon seeds on the table, and took out an oil-paper bag from her pocket. The oil-paper bag also contained sunflower seeds and placed it on the table. .

“I’ll talk about whether this thing makes money or not. You see it’s fried by you. I just bought it from the market in this oil paper bag. Let’s taste it and see what the difference is.”

Shen Mingyuan hesitantly looked at the two kinds of melon seeds, and there seemed to be no difference on the surface. He took the melon seeds in his hands and opened the skins.

Putting it in the mouth, the taste is very obvious this time. The melon seeds bought by the second sister-in-law did not have the taste of the bottom of the pot, but the ones he fried did.

Moreover, the melon seeds bought at the market tasted more fragrant than those fried by the old man, and were much stronger than their own.

“Second sister-in-law, the one you bought is really delicious. I’m ashamed.”

Chen Yuan nodded, thinking that for sure, she chose the best taste from several kinds of melon seeds. But this melon seed still didn’t reach the top feeling, it was enough for Shen Mingyuan to be an experiment.

“Now you know why your melon seeds don’t sell well, of course there is a reason for them, and melon seeds are not a must for daily food. Customers can eat it or not. If it doesn’t taste good, people will not eat it. I won’t buy it either.”

Shen Mingyuan felt that what Chen Yuan said was very reasonable, and he immediately let him understand why his melon seeds were losing money. The melon seeds were just a trivial snack, and they were not even ranked among many foods. They wanted to become a hot-selling product. How easy is it to talk about?

“Look at your melon seeds, the black ash on the top has not been treated. This affects the taste too much. If you want to improve the taste, you must first work on the taste experience.”

“Then I’ll get those black ashes off right away.”

Shen Mingyuan said that he was about to get busy, and Chen Yuan hurriedly stopped him: “It’s too late to deal with the ripe melon seeds, and this is not enough, no matter how delicious you make it, there are melon seeds sold all over the street, and it’s not enough. Might stand out, so we’re going to use the recipe to flavor the seeds.”

Shen Mingyuan felt a little unbelievable when he heard this. Even though he knew that Chen Yuan’s cooking skills were very good, he had never heard that melon seeds could be mixed with flavors every day.

“Second sister-in-law, is what you said true? How do you prepare it? Is it really delicious?”

Chen Yuan stated her purpose: “So this is the key to my cooperation with you. I will invest the capital and you will buy it. I will give you the formula and you will be responsible for the sale. We will get 50% of the money we earn.”

Shen Mingyuan had just wanted to agree, but when he heard the last sentence about the ratio of splitting accounts, he immediately shook his head and refused: “How can this be possible? This ratio is not worth it to you at all, I just did my best, the actual core steps are all yours. Ideas, even if you want to cooperate, you have to give you more proportions.”

Chen Yuan thought for a while and said, “You’re wrong, no matter what part of the business goes wrong, it won’t be successful, even if my recipe tastes good, but if you don’t rely on you to actually operate it, then It’s also just talk on paper, so your work is also very important, giving you half of the share, this is what you should take, and if you really can’t think of it, you can also invest the principal in it, that’s all right.”

After Shen Mingyuan heard these words, he deeply felt that the second sister-in-law was really different from ordinary people. No one had ever told him that his importance was always ignored by others.

Although he was not convinced, because of some experiences, he had long been accustomed to this kind of thinking, and now he was suddenly affirmed, and his heart was very moved.

Chatting with the second sister-in-law, in her mind, she is an ordinary person, no different from other people, how difficult it is for herself.

Shen Mingyuan was very grateful to the second sister-in-law for treating him as an ordinary person, so he agreed without hesitation.

“Second sister-in-law, I listen to you.”

“Then you will buy back all the raw materials according to the formula I gave you.”

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, she handed the list she had prepared to Shen Mingyuan and gave him a sum of money.

Shen Mingyuan was really surprised when he saw the content above. Would it really taste good with these kinds of things? And this material is very expensive, can it really be earned back?

With this worry, I bought everything back. The first step is to wash the melon seeds in water and soak them in clean water.

Shen Mingyuan didn’t expect that the melon seeds had to go through the water. He fried them directly, and didn’t deal with them at all. It seems that frying melon seeds is also a no-brainer.

Chen Yuan prepared the seasoning for pickled melon seeds. She wanted to make creamy cantaloupe seeds, the kind that tasted salty and sweet and had a thick taste in the mouth.

Butter cantaloupe seeds are not actually made of cream, but are made of various aniseed powders and vanilla powder. Some of these materials are used by processing factories to make ice cream. Finding and wanting a creamy taste is mainly to highlight that the entrance is very thick and sweet, and the melon seeds are already very fragrant, which can not only play the role of icing on the cake, but also have a taste that one plus one is greater than two.

Although Shen Mingyuan has never eaten cream, it tastes delicious, but he can imagine that it is very sweet, but everything in this recipe has nothing to do with cream, and he doesn’t know how the second sister-in-law made the creamy taste.

Chen Yuan prepared the butter-flavored flooded water, put the melon seeds into the flooded water to cook, and turned off the heat after about ten minutes, and began to make a flavor, jasmine-flavored melon seeds. The boiled jasmine tea is added with sugar and other seasonings, and it is also boiled first and then soaked in the same way as before.

The taste of jasmine-flavored melon seeds is particularly fragrant. Using jasmine tea and dried jasmine flowers, the whole house seems to be sprinkled with perfume, which is particularly good.

The faint fragrance makes people want to taste it. What is the taste of melon seeds?

Shen Mingyuan felt that he had not tasted the melon seeds before he was overwhelmed by the fragrance. If the melon seeds were put on the street, they would attract everyone’s attention without shouting, and would definitely attract customers.

Chen Yuan also thinks so. After all, she just started making melon seeds, and she has to see results. She has hundreds of recipes for melon seeds, but if you want to attract people’s attention, you must not only taste good, but also have strong aroma.

Using the cheapest jasmine tea to boil melon seeds can not only control the cost of raw materials, but also achieve the taste you want. This taste is also an advantage to attract customers.

Chen Yuan cooked 20 kilograms of melon seeds not long ago, which happened to be the stock that Shen Mingyuan had not finished before, and instructed the other party to soak these melon seeds for a day before frying them, put them in a cool place, and pay attention to ventilation.

After Chen Yuan left, Shen Mingyuan stared at the two large buckets of sweet melon seeds in a daze, and asked about the fragrance of jasmine flowers that still remained in the air. He also had a little more expectation for the melon seeds business.

The second sister-in-law’s method is different from his. If it was replaced by herself, she would never have dreamed of melon seeds with creamy flavor and jasmine flowers.

But when he thought about it, he felt that he had never seen it before, and no one else should have seen such a smell. Thinking about it, he suddenly felt quite proud.

Perhaps this unique sweet melon seed, Shen Mingyuan also felt that he was a little more special than others.

The next evening, when all the melon seeds were marinated, Shen Huai also came over. He took the initiative to come over to help fry the melon seeds. He couldn’t help in terms of technology, but he had the strength. This job was the most suitable for him.

Shen Huai took off his shirt and wore only a white hurdle vest. He took a shovel and flipped the melon seeds in the pot at a constant speed. In fact, if there was a roasting machine, it would be more convenient and easier to make, but the cost would be too high. It can only be cooked slowly with a small fire, and the taste will be similar.

While he kept stirring the melon seeds, his big arm drove his forearm, and the muscles on his arms also formed perfect lines. The male hormones were bursting, he had a wild beauty, and his figure was very good.

Chen Yuan looked at Shen Huai’s whole body with admiration, and felt that his strength must be very strong, this is really a talent without frying melon seeds, give him a compliment.

And after his own guidance, Shen Huai’s posture for frying melon seeds was very standard, neither fast nor slow, unlike Shen Mingyuan who used a shovel and only stirred in the pot.

There is no benefit except that the skin of the melon seeds will become more and more dry, and the black ash will fall down and affect the taste.

Shen Mingyuan was also studying carefully next to him. He felt that he was really a headless fly before. He didn’t understand the rules at all. It’s possible that you won’t be able to sell a pound.

As for the price of melon seeds, Chen Yuan also made up her mind. It is still a dime a cup, but the weighing glass should be one size smaller. In this way, customers will not feel the price increase, let alone. How expensive, I thought I could spend the same money to try something fresh. The capacity of the small glass is just a little less, but I can’t see it if I don’t look carefully.

After hearing the price set by Chen Yuan, Shen Mingyuan simply sighed that his sister-in-law was really smart. He thought that if the taste was changed and so many raw materials were added, it would be impossible to make money if the sales price did not increase.

Now the unit price has not changed, but the quantity has changed, the cost is still the same as before, and customers will not notice the change, which is a perfect solution to killing two birds with one stone.

Shen Mingyuan got excited, took Shen Huai’s shovel and said, “Brother, take a break, I’ll do the rest.”

“Well, don’t be too fast, be careful, and pay attention to the essentials taught by your sister-in-law.”

“Okay, I’ll pay attention.”

Shen Huai watched Shen Mingyuan fry the melon seeds for a while before he felt relieved. He took a towel to wipe the sweat off his body, and turned to see that Chen Yuan seemed to be holding a pen and didn’t know what to write in the notebook.

He went over to take a look.

“Wucheng’s famous Cultural Palace, several dance halls, as well as the address and business hours of theaters, game halls, and movie theaters, as well as adult night schools, and the March 8th Fertilizer Factory.”

Shen Huai now admires Chen Yuan’s meticulousness and caring. These locations are all evening activity venues. Take the Cultural Palace as an example. Many people go here after work to enrich their spare time. There are many movie studios. Actors, who used to be ordinary working people, were only able to improve their ability to complete the counterattack by learning dance, vocal music, painting and calligraphy, and Go, even with an activity center like the Palace of Culture.

So places like the Palace of Culture, every night afterward, are full of people, and those people can be their main customer target.

As for song and dance halls and game halls, they are emerging entertainment industries, and the flow of people in them should not be underestimated. Movie theaters and theaters have works released every week, and many young couples will buy tickets to see them.

Imagine watching a movie while smashing melon seeds, not only the spirit is relieved, but the taste is also enjoyed. This is the main field of selling melon seeds.

Adult night schools also have a high frequency of activities at night. The workers in the fertilizer factory often work overtime. Anyway, although these two are not as good as the first few, you can still go to the melon seeds for trial business. Simply too important.

I don’t know how long Chen Yuan has been preparing, and some very small things have been written down, such as when the Cultural Palace will not open, the fertilizer factory will not work overtime, and the cinema will not show movies on weekdays. She must have asked them one by one. Get such precise information.

Shen Huaijue was not as careful as Chen Yuan in this regard. Even if the secret recipe was to be taught to Shen Mingyuan, he would at most give a rough outline of the process, and he would never be so careful.

He could feel that Chen Yuan was really thinking about Shen Mingyuan, and that she and her third brother were not related to each other. Even if she agreed to help her, she didn’t need to be so careful.

But now that Chen Yuan has achieved this level, Shen Huai is deceiving herself by saying that she is not moved. She is really a good person, so good that people want to keep approaching.

When Shen Huai was in a trance, Shen Mingyuan’s melon seeds had already been fried, and he invited everyone to taste the melon seeds. For this moment, he couldn’t wait to try it.

Especially the taste of jasmine, after frying, the taste is better and richer, it is estimated that the whole yard is full of flowers.

Chen Yuan took a handful and kicked it up, nodding secretly in her heart, this is the qualified melon seeds, and the ones I ate before were not very good.

Shen Huai and Shen Mingyuan tried this flavor for the first time. They were quickly conquered by the salty and sweet taste of the cream. They couldn’t stop in their mouths. After eating one, they still wanted to eat. She just stopped.

There are also jasmine-flavored melon seeds that completely amazed them, especially Shen Huai who often drink jasmine tea leaves. This taste is familiar, but this is the first time I have eaten jasmine seeds. The sweet taste is accompanied by melon seeds. The original nutty aroma is simply a wonderful perfect fusion, which is really delicious.

After eating, she wanted to catch it again, but Chen Yuan refused to eat it, saying that the two combined only weighed 20 kilograms.

Shen Huai secretly felt the urge to pay for melon seeds, but as soon as he thought of it, he couldn’t help laughing, because no matter who had tasted this melon seeds, he would definitely be willing to spend money for it.

Shen Mingyuan got the target list given by Chen Yuan. The first sales venue was an open-air cinema. He had to go to work during the day and could only come out to sell melon seeds at night. It happened that the cinema had a new movie the next night, so he found it an hour in advance. Location, ready to start selling melon seeds when there are a lot of people.

However, when Shen Mingyuan saw the old man he saw that day, he also came with his melon seeds on his back. He thought that the old man must have sold his experience. He already knew where to set up a stall. He was a layman thanks to his sister-in-law’s reminder. just found it here.

In fact, Shen Mingyuan didn’t grow up like a normal child, and he had little contact with these things. He knew that he would go to work honestly before, and he didn’t dare to have other thoughts at all, not to mention any entertainment activities. Can’t even think about it.

The cinema has already opened, and people have entered one after another. Shen Mingyuan looked at this lively threshold and didn’t know what it was like inside, whether the movie was good or not.

Thinking about it, he was also a little envious, wondering if he would have the opportunity to watch movies in it in the future.

Shen Mingyuan didn’t feel melancholy for too long, because passers-by had already smelled the fragrance of melon seeds and asked in front of him. “Is this a melon seed? Why is it so fragrant?”

“Yeah, these are the melon seeds of jasmine tea and the creamy melon seeds, which are very delicious.”

“What? There’s still jasmine and cream.”

It was very strange to passers-by when they heard it. Although they saw Shen Mingyuan’s appearance a bit weird, they couldn’t hold back their curiosity. After all, they had never heard of this smell before, and they suddenly saw it was very fresh. The fragrance is very comfortable, and I am very curious about this taste at the moment: “How much is it, please decorate it for me to taste”.

“One dime and one cup.” “Give me two cups.”

“No problem.” Shen Mingyuan happily got up and put melon seeds on the other party, thinking that this is the opening, it seems to be quite easy, his voice was almost hoarse than the last time he was in the night market, and there was no one.

Yu Guang glanced at the old man next door, the business on the other side was a little cold, and he didn’t sell one.

After that, in the first half hour of the movie, Shen Mingyuan’s melon seed stand was already full of people. After one person took a bite of the creamy melon seeds, he suddenly bought two kilograms of them. Shouting: “It’s so good, so delicious.”

The word “delicious” seems to be like turning on a switch. The moviegoers began to rush to buy melon seeds. After the movie started, the 10 kilograms of melon seeds that Shen Mingyuan brought were almost sold out. He is now counting The number of money is a little weak, and I feel that this money is too easy to earn, and it feels a little unreal.

The old man on the opposite side was stunned, and those who didn’t believe in evil also came over to buy a cup of melon seeds. He was originally very angry, because he didn’t expect a young man who came to grab business today, and he seemed too stupid and too smart.

He thought about not bothering with the disabled, so he endured this sigh, and he was always in the melon seed business, and he had regular customers every day, and the other party’s business would definitely not be able to compete with him.

But who knows that this young man has come up with some creamy and jasmine flavors. It was the first time I heard about it when I was a few decades old. It was very strange when I heard it. Can it taste delicious?

The old man felt that the strange taste would not be delicious, but they sold it quickly, and the business was so good that he was jealous.

Feeling that he was being provoked, he angrily went forward and bought a small cup. He found that the glass was much smaller than his own.

“Young man, why is your cup so small? It’s too expensive to sell it for a dime.”

Shen Mingyuan glanced at the old man, thinking that although his cup was small, he didn’t put his finger in it, and the customer also recognized that he liked his melon seeds, and the other party was really cutting corners.

“At this price, you still want to buy it or not.” Anyway, after the movie theater is over, there will be no melon seeds left.

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