Eighth Crown

Chapter 16 - Take Miyamoto Musashi home

The Miyamoto Musashi in front of him is a living person, and he is just about 20 years old. He is in the period of youth. According to the records of historical biography, Musashi in this period should still be competing with various types of swordsmen, and the distance is the strongest. There is still a long way to go before Dajianhao’s middle age.

However, because she has the ability to travel back and forth in various places, or in the timeline, the place and time of her appearance are not fixed.

According to Musashi, when and where she travels every time, it is something she can’t control, and it makes no sense for her to appear in this 1995 Guanbuzi City this time.

Moreover, this is her first appearance in the modern world, and there is no such precedent at all.

After coming here, she saw Liuxia who was being chased by the magician for the first time, so she couldn’t die holding the beautiful boy… No, it was the heart of justice, so she planned to come to help Liuxia defeat the enemy.

It’s just that she didn’t expect that Liu Xia had already solved the opponent in her own way.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t get a chance to perform.”

Miyamoto Musashi sighed regretfully in his heart, while secretly looking at Liu Xia in front of him.

“What an impeccable beauty!”

She doesn’t have many hobbies, and practicing swordsmanship is one of them, but it is not so much a hobby as it is a lifelong obsession and pursuit, a kind of obsession that will not give up until the goal is achieved.

In addition, she only has the hobby of ‘beautiful boy’ and ‘beautiful girl’.

She is not taboo between men and women, as long as she is a teenager and has a good appearance, all of them are her guarding range. As long as such a beautiful boy and girl appear in front of her eyes, she will definitely become very rude, giving her usual dashing and graceful temperament. gone.

And Liu Xia’s appearance can indeed be said to be impeccable. Although he is usually a little cold because of his emotional indifference, it also makes him have a strange charm that is different from others.

“Hey, what’s your name?”

Musashi looked at Ryuka with bright eyes, and a bright smile like a spring flower bloomed on his face.

Liu Xia paused when she heard the words, looked up at her, and then said, “Liu Xia, Cangmimu Liu Xia.”

Now that all the ties from the past have been cut off, the name Uigura Guangliu has completely lost its meaning, and from now on, he will only have the name of ‘Cangmimu Liuxia’.

“Musashi, if this is your first time in this modern era, you probably don’t know a lot about this era.”

Liu Xia was keenly aware that this woman seemed to be peeking at him. He pretended not to notice and said, “In that case, if you want to come to my house, I can help and show you about this era.”

“Please don’t… No, since you said that, then I will not refuse, Liuxia-chan!”

Miyamoto Musashi almost bluntly said the words “I can’t ask for it”, and then she changed her words at the speed of light, agreeing to Liu Xia’s invitation with a bright smile.

“Nice woman.”

Liu Xia silently made such an evaluation of Miyamoto Musashi in her heart, and she was noncommittal about the nickname of ‘Liu Xia-chan’.

He would invite Miyamoto Musashi to his home, of course not on a whim.

Although the magician just now had been pressed down by the building, Liu Xia had never dealt with magicians in the past, and he did not know whether the magician would die under such circumstances.

It is necessary to carefully consider the possibility of ‘the other party may be resurrected’. It is not in vain that he has been a killer since he was nine years old and has been doing it until now.

Of course everyone would be happy if he died.

If he didn’t die, he would need a powerful bodyguard by his side.

Moreover, because of the previous grievances with the two rituals, he was still under pressure from the Liangyi family. Under such circumstances, it would be good to have an extra helper around him, let alone a strong man like Miyamoto Musashi. .

Although I don’t know how strong Miyamoto Musashi is when it’s not a heroic spirit, nor is it at his peak, Liu Xia knows that she is definitely much stronger than her current self.

“You can sacrifice hue if necessary.”

There was no embarrassing thought in Liu Xia’s heart, just like thinking about what to eat tomorrow morning, thinking about the feasibility of ‘sacrifice color’.

“Judging from this woman’s performance, she is somewhat suspected of being shotacon… But I haven’t developed my body yet, and I don’t know if I can satisfy her.”

Liu Xia was thinking about topics that would make ordinary people feel ashamed to the point of exploding.

After waiting at the edge of the ruins for two minutes, Liu Xia, who still did not wait for the magician to appear again, finally left the abandoned city with Miyamoto Musashi.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Shirai Chunri’s death was not unexpectedly on the news.

However, the traces of the two rituals and Liu Xia in this incident were all erased. It should be the work of the Liangyi family. They couldn’t just watch the two rituals leave a record with the police, not even a transcript.

It’s just that Liu Xia’s traces were all erased by them, which seemed a little intriguing.

in an apartment building.

It was not until three poles in the sun that Liu Xia woke up from her slumber.

In the past two days, because of the result of finishing all the affairs of the parents, Liu Xia finally had time to make up for the lack of sleep during this period of time, and slept for nine hours last night before getting up.

After all, he still did not hold the two ceremonies hostage.

It’s not that Liu Xia doesn’t want to do it, but it’s just that Miyamoto Musashi can’t agree.

Liu Xia judged Miyamoto Musashi with her strong observational power that she was a woman with a straightforward personality and a sense of justice although she was greedy for beauty.

If he really intends to hold the two ceremonies, Miyamoto Musashi will never agree, and will definitely stop him in turn. Liu Xia believes that she is a person who values ​​principles more than beauty.

In view of this, after weighing the benefits that the two rituals and Miyamoto Musashi could bring him, Liu Xia chose Miyamoto Musashi.

In Liu Xia’s heart, even if the two ceremonies add the entire Liangyi family, this value must completely give way in front of Miyamoto Musashi. The value of Miyamoto Musashi is undoubtedly above the entire Liangyi family.

Not only because Miyamoto Musashi is stronger than the Ryogi family, but also because Liu Xia can squeeze the most suitable value from her.

This is also the reason why he is not in a hurry to leave now. As long as he draws Miyamoto Musashi by his side, he does not need to be afraid of Liangyi’s house at all. If he leaves in a hurry now, it will cause her suspicions, which is not conducive to Liu Xia’s win over her. .

Because Liuxia intends to use the tactics to win against Musashi mainly rely on two points-beauty and miserable, one is appearance and body, and the other is deceased family members.

In this case, he must not reveal the antagonistic relationship with the Liangyi family, and the identity of the killer should not be known by anyone, otherwise it will most likely lead to the failure of his miserable tactics.

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