Eighth Crown

Chapter 13 - Limited [Agility] value increase (repair)

According to the knowledge recorded in [Common Sense], Heroic Spirits are existences that surpass human beings, and even the weakest Servant’s strength is completely beyond the scope of human beings.

Not only because the Servants possess a wide variety of skills and Noble Phantasms, but even in terms of simple basic abilities, they far surpass ordinary people.

If it is divided by numerical value, assuming that the physical function value of ordinary people is 1, then even the weakest E among the five levels has 10, which is ten times the physical function of ordinary people.

You know, generally speaking, the limit of ordinary people is 2~3 times that of ordinary people. In terms of numerical value, the maximum is about 3, which is not even less than one-third of E.

Not to mention that there are stronger D, C, B, A on top of E.

In theory, when E is 10, D is 20, C is 30, B is 40, and A is 50, and there is a [+] correction above each level. In the case of A+, The power that burst out in an instant can reach 100 times that of ordinary people, and in the case of A++, it can even reach 150 times.

Although Liu Xia is the weakest existence among the Servants, except for luck, each of the four [Basic Ability Values] is only E-, but he also has about three times the power of ordinary people.

In fact, Liu Xia’s original strength is not so strong. At the age of 11, his body has not developed. If it is expressed in numerical value, it is 0.5, which is not even half of ordinary people.

But after all, he has gone through the process of [Servant Transformation]. Although the [Anonymous Spirit Base] did not directly endow him with superhuman strength, it also raised his body functions to the limit of ordinary people, with strength, agility, and durability all reached. 3 times that of ordinary people.

And don’t forget, Liu Xia also possesses E-level magic power. When using magic power to strengthen his body functions and perform [Magic Power Reinforcement], his strength and agility can even reach about 5 times that of ordinary people in a short period of time!

The so-called “Magic Reinforcement” is the technique of manipulating the flow of magic power in the body to strengthen the muscles, bones, organs, etc. of the body.

By concentrating magic on the eyes, vision is enhanced.

Hearing can be enhanced by concentrating the magic on the ear.

By concentrating magic power on the wrist, the strength of the wrist can be enhanced.

By concentrating the magic power on the legs, the walking speed can be enhanced.

All in all, magic is such a convenient ability.

As for [Magic Reinforcement], this is not a profound skill in itself. It doesn’t even count as magic, it just uses magic to strengthen the body. Even a novice apprentice of magic can count without any guidance. Find out within days.

Not to mention the basic [Magic Reinforcement], even its advanced version [Enhanced Spell], in the magic world, is only a low-level magic that anyone can use, without much technical content.

However, Liu Xia doesn’t know [enhancing spells], and naturally he doesn’t know how the [enhancing spells] can increase the body’s effect. In fact, he is completely ignorant of all magic.

Even if he has gained a lot of knowledge from the [Anonymous Spirit Foundation], that knowledge is only in the category of [common sense] in the end, which can let him know some general situations and let him know that these magics exist, but the specific magic The formula still needs to be discovered and learned by himself.

But he had no way to learn magic at all, even the most basic method of [Magic Reinforcement], he figured out by himself in the two days he was waiting for the news of the two ceremonies.

Theoretically speaking, after using [Magic Reinforcement], the performance of the human body can be enhanced by 2~3 times, and the physical fitness of ordinary people can be raised to the human limit in one go, and the duration depends on the magical power.

In Liu Xia’s case, because his physique has already reached the limit of human beings, even if he uses the [Magic Reinforcement] technique, it can only be increased by about two times, reaching five times that of ordinary people. Because there is not much magic power, 5 times The state can only last for a maximum of 3 minutes, and after 3 minutes, it will fall into a state of depletion of mana.

This is already the limit that can be achieved with [Magic Reinforcement]. After all, this is only a technique used by magic apprentices. It is enough to increase his physical fitness by about 2 times. It is enough to surprise people, waiting for his basic ability value After reaching the true E, I am afraid that [Magic Reinforcement] will have no effect at all.

However, even so, Liu Xia could not escape the pursuit of the magician behind him.

After strengthening his legs with [Magic Reinforcement], the speed was about 5 times that of ordinary people, and the magician behind him was still hanging firmly behind him.

Even, the distance between the two is constantly narrowing.

After all, he is a real magician, and it is quite normal to know some magics such as [enhancement spells], which are even stronger than [enhancement spells].

“No way, that’s all it can do.”

While running fast, Liu Xia glanced back, and after realizing that the other party still had no intention of giving up, she had to focus on the [Mission Template] at the bottom right of her own perspective.

“Using [Basic Ability Value Enhancement Opportunity], the limited upgrade item is [Agility].”

After such an order was passed into the [Anonymous Spirit Base] within his body, Liuxia immediately sensed that a stream of heat was being released from the body, diluting into his limbs and torso.

In the [Spiritual Base Template] species at the bottom left of the viewing angle, Liu Xia’s [Agility] value also changed from E- to the real E in an instant!

Many people tend to form a misunderstanding, that is, increasing agility means increasing speed. The higher the agility value, the faster the speed.

However, this is not actually the case.

Among the five basic ability values ​​of the spiritual base template, [Agility] represents the flexibility of the Servant and the speed of neural response.

The so-called improvement of flexibility refers to improving the coordination ability of the body, improving the subtle control ability of limbs and tissues, and improving the ability of the Servant to dodge and move in a short distance, so that the Servant can play with less effort. The same or even stronger power.

Agility does not refer to speed. In fact, speed is determined by [Ten strength] and [Agility]. No matter which one of these two items is improved, the speed of the follower can be enhanced. ] The speed increase is higher.

It is natural to increase the speed of neural response. After all, the speed of a truly powerful Servant is often dozens of times faster than that of ordinary people. Without the speed of neural response far exceeding that of ordinary people, it is impossible to accept that kind of style of battle.

Originally, Liu Xia planned to increase the [Strength] value, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

It is true that increasing the [Ten Strength] value can effectively improve the strength and speed of the body, but under the current situation, Liu Xia is more inclined to increase the [Agility].

Because, even if the [Strength] value is increased, he can’t be the opponent of that magician. Even if he escapes with a surge of speed, he will definitely be caught up again later, which is meaningless.

It is better to choose to improve [Agility], after all, this is an escape in the city.

If there is no escape – then kill him.

In the process of escaping, Liu Xia quickly turned and rushed into the alley lined with high-rise buildings. She stretched her arms lightly, and with the continuous help of the air conditioner and the external stairs, she easily climbed to the high-rise building. The roof disappeared before the magician’s eyes.

His movements seemed a bit jerky, but even if he made a mistake, he could make up for it in an instant when his [Agility] was upgraded to E, and his neural response ability and physical coordination ability were greatly enhanced.

“Be smart.”

The magician who followed him just sneered when he saw this, still not going to give up, and even closed his eyes as if he still had room to spare.

PS: The setting of mushrooms is ‘the constant value is 1, E is 10’. This setting is very convenient to eat books in the future, but it is too vague for the author of the same person. Here I directly set it to ‘ordinary people’ is 1′. This is a doujinshi, which is only valid in this book, so don’t get caught up in it.

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