Eighth Crown

Chapter 1 - emotionless boy

Human emotions are like a tree, intricate and luxuriant.

Every branch and leaf is an extension of the feelings of intelligent creatures, and they are tied to each other. There are no rules to speak of. No one can fully understand everything about feelings. In the heart, it is almost impossible.

As for the boy named Cangimi Ryuxia, his emotional tree was in a state of withering.

No, it should be said that his emotional phylogeny seemed to lack key soil and nutrients, and had no chance to take root from the very beginning.

He was born unable to comprehend the pleasure of evil people after doing evil deeds, nor could he understand the satisfaction that people who did good deeds would obtain after helping others, and he could not empathize with any love, affection, friendship, as well as anger and hatred.

Not to mention killing unrelated innocent people with his own hands, even if his theoretically closest family members died in front of his eyes, his heart that was like stagnant water would not have the slightest turbulence.

As if God deliberately removed his emotional system when he created him, his feelings are weak, and this is the [abnormal symptom] that the boy of Kuramime Ryuka suffers from.

“Your parents are dead.”

On the evening of September 28, Cangami Liuxia learned the news from the Guanbuzi Police Station.

Even after hearing the bad news of the death of the person closest to him in theory, Liu Xia’s heart did not fluctuate at all, as if a stone fell into the ocean, unable to produce any splashes.

Although the parents were indeed Liu Xia’s parents in terms of blood, in fact, they had severed their relationship as early as two years ago.

Addicted to fun, indebted, disregarding the family… These are the few impressions that the parents left on Liu Xia.

If parents in the world can be divided into three, six and nine, then Liu Xia’s parents must be the lowest. Come to take care of the son’ this matter, the two will also shirk and quarrel about it.

Those are men and women who live completely in their own world, and they don’t care about others, not even the closest family members, can’t make them wake up from their inferior depravity.

Therefore, when Liu Xia was 9 years old, after awakening the power of ‘Future Vision’ and having enough ability to earn money to support himself, he cut off the relationship with the parents and left the family.

Liu Xia has always believed that people cannot live alone without society, and everyone has their own obligations in the society as a whole.

People who cannot fulfill their obligations are very boring people.

This is one of the three kinds of people Liu Xia doesn’t want to contact. It’s not because he hates it. He never hates the existence of such feelings in his heart, but after calculating the benefits and losses, he thinks that there is no need to contact such people.

On the morning of the 29th, Liu Xia went to the Guanbuzi Police Station.

On the one hand, he needs to take over the inheritance left by the parents, on the other hand, Liu Xia also intends to investigate the cause of their death.

Unlike the parents who couldn’t fulfill their obligations, Liu Xia felt that as the son of the two, he should show some hatred for the prisoner and the will to take revenge.

In ordinary people’s thinking, if the parents die, the son should avenge them, right?

In fact, Liu Xia didn’t have a clear idea of ​​wanting to avenge them. He never felt anger or sadness because of his weak feelings. He just felt that he should fulfill his obligations as a son of man.

His parents were killed.

When the police found the bodies of the two men, the whole body of the bodies seemed to have been bitten by beasts, and they became scarred and unsightly. looks like.

The way to die is very curious.

“Preliminary judgment, the person who killed the couple should be the ‘serial killer’ who has been making a lot of trouble in Guanbuzi City recently. The other party has the habit of biting the corpse after killing the deceased.”

A man with black hair, wearing a formal brown-gray suit, looking about twenty years old, with a short stubble on his chin speculates.

On the cherry blossom coat of arms he placed on the table, only the low-end leaves of the cherry blossom pattern were painted yellow, the cherry blossom itself was still plain silver, and there was a yellow bar on the left and right of the cherry blossom.

Liu Xia glanced at the coat of arms without a trace, and his eyes swept past.

The police department supplement, in this kind of local police station is already a very high position, is he investigating the ‘serial murderer’ thing?

“This is the fourth and fifth crime committed by the other party in the past few months, but I don’t think it should be discussed in front of 11-year-olds, Mr. Uigura.”

While saying this, Daisuke Akimi looked at the two in front of him.

Pingcang Gongping, the younger brother of the deceased husband, is 30 years old and runs a small studio with small assets.

Pingcang Guangliu, the 11-year-old son of the deceased husband, severed ties with the deceased couple two years ago. No one knows where he lives or what he is doing now.

The uncles and nephews were the only relatives of the deceased husband, and both had the right to inherit the estate, so they were called together today.

“I’m… I’m so sorry, officer, I just didn’t expect my brother to die like this, I’m a little excited…”

Kyouping Pingkura seemed to be a little nervous. He picked up the handkerchief in his pocket and wiped the sweat from his face. While wiping the sweat from his forehead, it also blocked his face, making it difficult to see his face.

“By the way, take the liberty to ask, can the inheritance left by my brother… be inherited by Guangliu?”

Pakura Kyouhei’s voice was a little trembling, his tone was a little dry, and his lips were a little white.

Daisuke Akisi didn’t care either, just waved his hand, “Who knows? I’m not in charge of the deceased’s inheritance. I’m already having a headache just trying to find the murderer.”

“However, according to the law, when the spouse and parents are not alive, the child of the deceased is indeed the first-in-line heir to the estate, so it is probably the child who inherits it.”

As a child, he couldn’t find out much information even if he asked face to face, and he didn’t care much about the legacy left by the two people, so Liu Xia didn’t want to leave any more, and walked out of the police station with Uikura Kyouhei.

“Bareless… There’s something I don’t know if I should tell you.”

Outside the police station, Pingcang Gongping had an expression of hesitating to speak, his eyes were a little dodgy, and he seemed a little hesitant, but in the end, he gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.

“Actually, I am also responsible for your parents’ death. I told them that there are new drugs imported by the underworld in that place… I killed them!”

The moment he uttered these words, Iakura Kyouhei seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and he seemed to make up his mind again, and there was a little unnatural guilt on his face.

Liu Xia looked at the slightly noisy whistle sound not far away, without squinting, and the corner of his eye inadvertently caught the reaction of Kyouhei Pingakura in his eyes.

Daisuke Akimi and Kyouhei Aikura.

Both of them have their own value in this matter.

To avenge his parents, both of them should be able to play their respective roles.

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