Editing the Marriage Scene of the Fan Game Was Taken Seriously

Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Regarding this, Xiao Sakura was not considered by the protagonist and the author at first. When writing the outline, he basically did not intend to accept it, nor did he write about the interaction and favor between the protagonist and Xiao Sakura. There are still many Naruto heroines. The introduction and the current chapters have already appeared in Hinata, Hana, Hong, Xiyan, Temari, Xianglin, Chibi… There are other excellent characters in the back, and the space is reserved for Hinata. Wouldn’t it be fragrant to wait for a better heroine? The harem does not mean that a woman needs it. . .

The original introduction mentioned that the protagonist had edited the video of Naruto Sakura, but in fact it was only showing a video editing technique of “taking it out of context”, [cutting the truth in half is the biggest lie], it was originally used as a satire and funny, so It was written in the original introduction, but it seems to make some readers and friends feel like sending a girl, so let’s change the introduction, although it lacks some of the original irony…

That’s about it. The new book is not easy, once again ask for all kinds of support! ! If you have any good things, please vote for it!


Chapter 24 All things are scattered, all are ashes. Flowing blade is like fire!

At this moment, Xiang Rin was terrified.

Just now, I just assured the two “companions” on the opposite side, “I will never go to take refuge with that Qingyun-kun”, and the result…

The future self will immediately post directly to that Qingyun-jun.

And the address has become more intimate, even calling him [Master Qingyun]!

And he also tried every means of seduction!


Is this really your future self?

Why are you so pitiful of your current self!

The two “companions” were quite unhappy with that [Qingyun Jun], quite jealous, and they were also extremely contemptuous of themselves, an outsider who was dependent on others. At the same time, they wanted to use her as a tool. At this moment, they learned that this tool would actually betray. They also cast into the arms of [Qingyun-kun], who made them quite unhappy…

At the moment when the video was played, Xiang Rin, who was shocked by the future, not only confessed to that Qingyun-kun, but also… sao like that, she also quickly sensed the reactions of her “companies”.

“I… I really didn’t want to take refuge with that person. I was just envious of that woman named Temari…” Xiang Rin tried to explain in panic.

She is still too weak now. She can’t do without the grassy village that took in her and her mother, and she can’t fight against them.

—Although Caoyin Village squeezed her mother alive.

“Stop lying there!”

Hearing Xiang Rin’s terrified explanation, on the opposite side, a Kusanagi ninja was even more annoyed and shouted loudly.

“You bastard, eating our meal, but wanting to leave right away!?” We’re going to take refuge with your Lord Qingyun, right? ! ”

“No wonder I asked you to come to Konoha to take the Chunin Exam this time, so you agreed so obediently!”

“Are you going to look for that [Qingyun-Jun], your [Qingyun-sama] as soon as you arrive at Konoha, take refuge in him and betray us?!”

“Are you still going to take refuge with that [Master Qingyun] and let him take revenge on us?!” Another Kusakata ninja was also annoyed.

After all, she used to despise and even bully her. At this moment, this person who should only be honestly bullied by him not only wants to “betray” him, but also seems to want to find a backer?

After she finds the backer, will she still have to settle the previous account with herself? !

As the so-called guilty conscience of being a thief, at this moment, thinking that Xiang Rin will take refuge with [Master Qingyun] in the future, the two Kusakin ninjas were annoyed and suddenly became suspicious.

Even the murderous heart faintly appeared.

After all, they don’t have a big pattern. The idea of “making friends with each other through incense sticks” almost doesn’t exist in them.

Some are just annoyed that the tool person dares to resist, and the guilty conscience and resentment of bullying others in the past and worrying about retribution in the future.

“I-I didn’t think like that…” Xiang Rin said with fear and grievance.

I really didn’t think about it like that!

“Do you still want to make excuses?”

On the opposite side, the two Kusakata ninjas were even more furious.


The next moment, one of them suddenly flew up.

Immediately, Xiang Rin was kicked directly to the ground.


Xianglin fell heavily.

However, at this time, he did not dare to fight back.

On the opposite side, the Kusanagi ninja who kicked her down with one kick quickly stepped forward, squatted down, grabbed her hair, attached her head, and pressed it heavily on the ground.

“Speak! What the **** do you think!”

“You’re an idiot! Bichi!”

Next to him, another Kusakata ninja cursed angrily.

Also kicked.

“I, I didn’t…” Xiang Rin defended weakly.

“Dare to speak. Hard!”

The Kusanagi ninja, who was holding on to his hair, couldn’t help but get even more annoyed. He grabbed his hair, pulled Xiang Rin’s head slightly off the ground, and then pressed it down again with a “bang”.

“I-I really didn’t…”

Xiang Rin murmured helplessly and aggrieved.

I really didn’t come to take the Chunin Exam with the idea of “come to Konoha to find that Qingyun-kun”.

Moreover, that Qingyun-kun, in the video a few months ago, [Hinata] and [Xiyan] have already confessed to him, both of them are still beautiful women, even if I think about it, in [Hinata] There is no chance in front of [Xi Yan]!

What’s more, I am from the outer village, how could I fall in love with that Qingyun-kun, Qingyun-sama…!

Someone must have made up that image…

“Hey, you two, it’s almost time to stop, right?”

Just thinking about it, at this moment, a man’s somewhat cold voice suddenly came over.


Hearing the man’s voice, everyone stopped for a while and quickly followed the sound.

I saw a young man wearing a Konoha forehead. At this time, he was already standing on a street wall not far away.

Although he is still relatively young, that face shape, that appearance…

Surprisingly, it has been photographed many times in the video, and has been confessed by four beauties—


Seeing the appearance of Qingyun, the two Kusakata ninjas instinctively flinched.

The main character in the video is here!

Is this here to save Xiang Rin?

They do have legs!

Moreover, this is Konoha’s territory, if there is a fight…

“She, she is now from our Kusakayin Village!” A Kusakayin ninja thought of something and quickly said loudly, “We taught ourselves a lesson, you Konoha…you Konoha have no right to interfere!”

“That’s right! We are the ones who came to participate in the joint Chunin exam! Even if you Konoha are powerful, you can’t interfere in our own affairs, right?!” Another Kusagaku ninja also reacted and quickly repeated. “Do you still want to meddle in all the affairs of the various villages?”

“This…you’re right, it seems to make sense.” Qingyun thought for a while.

There is really no reason to meddle in other village affairs!

“Then, I won’t interfere.”



Hearing Qingyun’s words, Kusakin Ninja’s face suddenly became happy.

And the incense stick lying on the ground can’t help but sink.

I originally thought that a rescuer had finally come, no matter who it was, it would be good to save myself a little, otherwise I would not know how to be treated by the two “companions”.

But I didn’t expect that it was the [Master Qingyun] who came.

And that [Master Qingyun], after listening to the two Kusanagi ninjas casually say a few words, actually…

Just decided to stand by and watch?

Kusakin Ninja’s words do make sense, Konoha does not have the right to intervene in Kusakin’s internal affairs, but…

But is he too ruthless?

In the future, will you fall in love with such a ruthless guy?


Even if you were beaten to death, if you were dragged out of this Konoha, you would never fall in love with such a guy!


Just thinking about it, at this moment, I heard Qingyun, and suddenly spoke in a leisurely manner.

“I usually like to practice anywhere, including here. It just happens that this place is empty, and I have a little [practice] one or two techniques, and there is no problem, right?”

“If there is an accidental injury, please be careful. Today’s new skill has not been practiced very much before.”

As he spoke, his eyes narrowed, and at some point in his hand, a long sword appeared out of thin air.

With the sword unsheathed.

The blade body had already roared, a flame like the wings of a phoenix.

“There are all kinds of things, they are all ashes. The blades are like fire!”


Chapter 25 Burning the city on fire! 25 seconds of flow is like fire!

“There are all kinds of things, they are all ashes. The blades are like fire!”

Qingyun sang for a while.

The next moment, he swung forward the long sword in his hand that was flying like a fiery phoenix’s wings.


A large amount of flames, like a flood, spewed out in an instant, rushing towards Xiang Rin and Cao Yin, who were on the opposite side.

Then, when they were about to arrive in front of several people, they suddenly forked and turned quickly, like a flood splitting, splitting into two, and quickly forming two huge flame semicircles one to the left and one to the right.

Then, on the other side of the opposite side, they converged.

Form a thick and large “ring of fire”!

Or a giant fire palm!

and then—


The flames that filled the sky rose from the huge “ring of fire” in an instant.

And then, in mid-air, it also quickly closed, forming a dome of flames.

In a blink of an eye, the flames were used directly to form a closed, fire city!

“Burn the city on fire.”

And at this time, outside the city, Qingyun whispered lightly.

Then, he swung the long sword in his hand, which still had flames like the wings of a phoenix, handsomely.

after all-

Strength is only temporary, handsome is a lifetime thing.

Why do you need to use this skill in particular?

Isn’t it just because it’s handsome!

after all-

At the same time that Qingyun poses handsomely, his chakra is also rapidly depleting.

Seeing the bottom in no time.

[Zanpakutō. Ryuren Ruohuo (Fake)], this is a replica he created with [Illusion Materialization] consuming a certain amount of Chakra!

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