Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 114: The Rebound

–So, what did he say? Are they okay?– Candy asked Indie after she ended the call with Panda and turned to the squad. Everyone kept quiet to listen closely, but again, Indie hesitated to respond until she saw Priscilla approaching to listen in. The princess’ anxiety prompted Indie to readopt her composed and astute demeanor, but Indie first gave a good look at all of her teammates before breaking the news to them.

–They were ambushed at the factory by the antipunks. From what I’ve heard, they are all safe, but they should be making their way to the gorge as we speak…– Indie replied with a restrained sigh, making her teammates slightly concerned for a second, hesitating to ask the infinite questions forming in their minds. But after some silent speculation, it was only Frost who stood up and asked what everyone was thinking.

–What gorge? Where are we going?– Frost asked keenly, showing some curiosity in an otherwise impatient and critical tone. His question prompted Indie to think for longer, raising more concern as she tried to think of how to explain the situation, though she didn’t bother coming up with the most elaborate answer to instead be completely honest.

Indie spent a few minutes explaining the plan of action to follow, along with a few key details that appeared to alarm the squad. Groovy and Bones stayed at the gate as the matter didn’t involve them, but everyone else remained absorbed as they took in all the information. Even Priscilla stayed quiet the entire time, despite knowing what was going on. She eventually had to step out of the circle to clear her head, but the rest were left thinking hard after Indie described the situation going on at the gorge they were supposed to go to.

However, even when there were a bunch of questions unanswered, they all appeared to accept the plan rather quickly since they couldn’t disregard the severity of the issue. They were convinced without much explanation and became determined to follow Indie’s words, though it was the fact that they believed her so much that soon brought more suspicion. They were no longer questioning the plan, just reassessing their circumstances as they took a moment to look around and realize they were stuck in the city and couldn’t make their way to Panda’s group.

–So, another war is about to break out, and we can’t get out of this city… Great. Can we even catch up to them in time?– Tricky asked in sarcastic frustration, which discouraged the others from thinking but received a reassuring response from Indie.

–There’s a shortcut, but we have to run as fast as possible… In fact, we should be heading there right now. We can’t waste more time– Indie affirmed eagerly, already gesturing for her team to get ready to leave the city. But as much as they were prepared to take on another battle tonight, half of the squad was still wearing formal dresses from the party, something that Frost, Candy, and Kiwy didn’t even notice from the rush.

–But we gotta change clothes!– Nitro exclaimed after seeing Indie already heading to the gate to presumably leave, though she was only helping clear some rubble with Groovy and Bones.

–Quickly, I need you ready in five!– Indie responded urgently as she began pushing away rocks blocking the entrance and the two towers at the gate. Candy, Nitro, Kiwy, and Frost ran to the barracks to change into their combat outfits, but since Tricky had already changed and was ready to go, she approached Indie at the gate to clear some of her doubts.

–You think they might still be here?… Spook, I mean…– Tricky asked precariously, looking back at the main road as he lit up around the commercial area, where the civilians resumed their usual nightly routine like nothing had happened. Indie seemed unsure, but after drawing the attention of the guards escorting the princess, she ordered them to block the area around the fountain to prevent civilians from interfering with Crisis.

–I’m not sure how they escaped, or how they even got here, bu-…– Indie replied bluntly, sharing Tricky’s concern earnestly, but in the middle of her sentence, Priscilla stepped in. She became greatly interested in the subject, and while she was more curious than anxious, it looked like she knew something they didn’t.

–Are you talking about the evil people that ruined my birthday?– Priscilla asked naively, prompting both Indie and Tricky to turn around skeptically and nod with questionable stares.

–And the ones that killed dozens and injured hundreds, yea…– Tricky replied with a straight face and a witty tone that Priscilla ignored, though her response, unfortunately, appeared to confirm what she was fearing.

–They probably came through the hidden tunnels below the city. I’ve been told they were used to build the road and some of the foundation of the mountain itself, but I’ve never seen them before…– Priscilla said with a casual, even optimistic tone, even though her eyes were fretting to look at both Indie and Tricky in anticipation of their reaction, which was the total opposite of her demeanor.

–AND YOU ARE JUST TELLING US THIS NOW??– Tricky yelled with rage, almost jumping at Priscilla to either curse her or hit her in the face. But before she got a chance to do either, Indie held her back, although not without letting her give the princess a good scare, even drawing the attention of the guards nearby, who ran immediately to protect her.

–I’m sorry! I didn’t think it was important…– Priscilla apologized with genuine terror and remorse, but she still sounded as clueless as always, which only infuriated Tricky more. But Indie managed to calm her down after a few seconds, and it also helped that the princess stepped away from the fountain out of embarrassment, hiding behind three guards to protect herself from Tricky’s hateful stare.

–Don’t worry, they are definitely already leaving. This city isn’t much of a priority, or at least it shouldn’t be now that they think we are trapped. They just wanted to stall for time and maybe take us out before we even got a chance to fight. They went north, so they should be heading to the gorge now…– Indie replied with certainty, which managed to convince Tricky, but at the same time, it also made Priscilla more curious as she peeked her head around one of the guards despite Tricky still staring at her intently.

–That’s where you are all going?– Priscilla asked timidly, to which Indie nodded affirmatively. She didn’t let go of Tricky to protect the princess, but after Tricky composed herself, she turned her back to both of them to take a moment for herself and try to get over what Priscilla had done.

–Yes, that’s where they are going. It should take a good while, so we are going to keep a few units here just in case…– Indie clarified in a soothing manner as the princess was starting to grow doubtful. But as she walked over to Priscilla to give her more information, Indie failed to notice that her reaction was due to the rest of the team coming out of the barracks. While they were distracted fixing their normal combat clothes, she caught their attention right as they reached the fountain, getting close enough to hear her response. However, they didn’t think much of it, at least until she continued speaking.

–These two trained soldiers and I will be staying here to defend the city in case they come back, but we’ll also wait for backup to arrive an-…– Indie revealed calmly to soothe Priscilla’s worries, though she wasn’t questioning her decision at all, unlike the squad. They instinctively froze for a second in denial to stop whatever they were doing and stare at Indie, with even Tricky turning around as her captain declared her withdrawal from the upcoming battle. But despite being the closest, Tricky had the tamest reaction compared to the others since they didn’t even get to fully process the information before their collective outrage set in.

–Wait, what? You are not coming with us?– Nitro asked in disbelief, being the first one to react since the others’ dismay lasted for a couple more seconds. They couldn’t believe her words at first, but it was clear she meant them, as even when Indie was caught off guard when they showed up, she didn’t even try to retract herself. She only turned to the team and deliberately kept quiet to hear them out, not showing any intention of arguing as she almost confirmed their doubts with a discerning look.

–We can’t leave you here. What are you talking about? We have to stay together!– Candy exclaimed with a disheartened frown, becoming emotional and already terrified of the thought of going to battle without Indie. But while the latter showed some consideration and sympathy toward her pleas, she had made her mind up and there was no point in trying to change it, which only raised more skepticism from her teammates.

–No, I have to stay, so do Groovy and Bones… Snake didn’t give us the order to leave, or at least he didn’t give it to me. But I’m saying you can go…– Indie replied calmly but firmly, displaying determination and unwavering will behind a restrained expression. She concealed her remorse by looking at no one specific, but her response wasn’t enough to convince the squad, as they were eager for more answers.

Crisis froze in deep thought as they had to think Indie’s choice through. They tried to look at each other instead of staring at Indie, who remained adamant and silent, to allow them to sort it out between them. However, Frost’s impatience urged him to do something to argue, as his teammates were only waiting for more of an explanation. He contained his resentment with a forced nod but began approaching Indie furiously to speak his mind in private.

–Hold up… Are you…? Are you serious?... What are you doing?– Frost asked with a fake passive-aggressive tone as he walked over to Indie, keeping his voice low until he dragged her a few feet away by the arm. He tried to hide their faces by turning opposite to the squad, who couldn’t help but watch them from afar in confusion. After getting up close to her, Frost’s tone turned severe as he began nagging Indie for answers. She was reluctant to have this talk at first, even turning hostile as she stared at his hand holding her arm, but she focused on his face to answer all of his questions.

–I’m trusting you to lead the team and safely get them to the battle. Panda and the Heartaches should meet you there and help you if you ne-…– Indie replied thoughtfully and politely, being just as discreet as Frost by lowering her voice and refusing to turn back to their teammates. They could barely hear them but were already figuring out what was going on as the situation became tense. Indie composed herself to prevent escalating things; however, Frost couldn't do the same, as he refused to listen and cut her off before she could fully explain herself.

–No, don’t say any of that crap… We need you in the field…– Frost demanded impatiently, turning skeptical and slightly frustrated, but he used that discontent to be assertive. But as he only managed to test Indie’s temper with his intense stare and rude tone, he had to back off to get her to calm, though she returned the gesture by placing one hand on his left shoulder and pulling him close to stare him down.

–No, you don’t… You are more than capable of doing my job. You’ll be a good leader, at least while I’m not around…– Indie responded earnestly, using an encouraging and reassuring voice mixed with a stern and scowling expression that appeared to soften him up. From the rest of the squad’s perspective, their faces were too close to each other, as if they were kissing, but they soon noticed that Frost didn’t stop doubting Indie despite her being confidential, even a bit affectionate.

–But how are we going to know what’s happening? We need you to stay with us and-...– Frost argued after dismissing her compliment with increasing anxiety and disapproval, which appeared to irritate Indie into squeezing his shoulder tightly. However, instead of turning aggressive like usual, she loosened her grip and calmly shut him up by placing her other hand on his other shoulder to hold him in place.

This approach appeared to work to some degree, as Frost immediately turned quiet but was left staring at her in a mix of confusion and indignation. The team became concerned as they got a profile view of their argument, and while it still looked like Indie was going to plant a kiss on his lips, she took a big breath now that she had Frost’s full attention. He appeared intimidated, but at least he was calm and willing to listen, so Indie tried to be as straightforward as always while she had the opportunity.

–I’ll give any orders through Panda’s radio, but you two can coordinate how you want to tackle whatever you face out there…– Indie explained in a cool, eloquent manner, which was clear enough for Frost to understand, or at least that’s what it appeared from the way he looked back at her with docile eyes.

But even though Frost paid close attention and seemed to be on board with the plan now, he remained quiet and kept staring at her with dubious eyes before completely dozing off. Indie kept quiet as well, but she was actively trying to figure out what was going on behind Frost’s blank expression. He looked disoriented, and as much as she inspected every little facial movement, she wasn’t fully certain that he was convinced, so for good measure, she leaned in closer to his ear.

–You don’t need me, the team doesn’t need me, not now at least. They just need a strong and focused leader to take them to battle, and I know you’ll be able to. But I also need you to trust me on this one, okay? That’s all I’m asking, you’ll see why later, but trust me…– Indie whispered in a compassionate, resolute, inspiring, and even comforting voice. She was so certain that she didn’t shy away from dropping her usual demeanor and turning a bit lighthearted for a brief moment. But as her words sounded almost adoring, Frost couldn’t ignore it, and he was instantly swayed by them despite being slightly embarrassed, which Candy found endearing as she saw everything.

–Yea, I do… But… Nothing, we’ll do that…– Frost replied with a bit of hesitation, but he ultimately turned just as determined as Indie, not only to assume leadership but also to trust her words. She seemed to appreciate it and almost smiled for a second, but after glancing back at the team, she couldn’t really respond. Her mind lingered on a thought for another moment, but now that she was reminded of the urgency of the matter, she kept her gratitude as short as possible since there was one last thing to discuss.

–Good. Now, one last thing…– Indie began to explain, being more secretive by lowering both her and Frost’s heads to continue whispering something into his ear. The rest of the team tried to get a closer listen, but it was clear it was something only meant for him, so they just awkwardly stayed back in silence. They cracked up as it looked like the two were having an intimate moment, but after waiting for a minute for them to come back with more information about what they were supposed to do, Frost turned to them and rejoined the group without looking back.

–Alright, let’s go people. We have to leave right now, there are more omens to kill…– Frost announced nonchalantly as he approached Crisis while Indie, Groovy, and Bones stayed behind. She began waving at them while stepping back and clearing their path to the gate, leaving the team confused, especially Candy, who was still bewildered by the whole ordeal.

–Wait, why isn’t Indie coming with us?– Candy asked worriedly, but was met by Frost’s dismissive look as he passed by her. He was already heading to the gate with his gear, and while the rest refused to follow him until they got some answers, they turned to Indie and were ignored as well. She only looked at them briefly before giving them a nod, a subtle, forced smile, and then walking back to the barracks.

–She’ll join us soon, just trust her…– Frost replied with a carefree demeanor as he walked over to one of the guard posts at the sides of the gate. He found a ladder that went straight to the top of the wall, and while Crisis was still dumbfounded, it was clear Indie was actually staying, and they had no other choice but to follow Frost. They were still worried and skeptical, but once they saw how resolute Frost was, they obeyed his orders without any objections, not even turning back to see Indie one last time.

–Bye! Good luck killing those worthless, heinous animals. Make them pay for what they did!– Priscilla shouted from afar as the squad climbed the tower to the top of the wall. Most of them couldn’t see them, but Nitro was the last one in line, so he turned around to see the princess shouting with some levels of enthusiasm never seen before, even more intense than when he cursed at him.

–Sure, we’ll kill ‘em…– Nitro replied with a nervous chuckle before turning around again and adjusting his grenade launcher and bag of explosives to climb the ladder. He took longer to reach the top with all his gear, but once he was there, he admired the view of the city and the fields outside for a second before looking down and panicking as there was only a moat full of debris and bodies waiting for him. However, it looked like Frost already had a plan to leave the city as Tricky handed him two metal plates that she used later and a long rope, setting one of the ends on the ground before handing the other one to Kiwy.

–I’m surprised Indie isn’t coming with us… Are you sure we aren’t breaking any rules here? We might become the enemy if we go into battle without prior notice…– Candy asked in distress, stammering a few times as she was distracted by what Frost, Tricky, and Kiwy were working on in front of her. She still was willing to share with the entire squad, and while they agreed with her, they were more focused on Frost as he handed one of his blades to Kiwy to tie the other end of the rope to the handle.

–Don’t worry, we will be fine. We are breaking some rules, but the difference is we have Indie’s permission now, and that’s all we need…– Frost replied nonchalantly as he helped Kiwy aim his weapon at the land on the other side of the moat, not even looking back at Candy to focus on getting the shot right.

Once the cat girl locked her shot, she stepped back, only to run at full speed to the edge of the wall and take a big leap with one metal plate in one hand and the blade in the other. Candy gasped as Kiwy cleared the gap and fired the grappling hook to connect to the other side. The hook successfully made it to the grass with next to no string left, and right after, Kiwy pulled the rope as much as she could to secure a good, stable zipline. But despite the impressive move, and the fact that her teammates were now preparing to take the zipline, Candy continued trying to clear any of her doubts.

–But, aren’t we going to get in trouble again? Is Snake okay with this?– Candy continued questioning, growing more anxious, all while Kiwy kept a steady grip on the metal plate holding down the other end of the rope, which Frost pulled down first to check if it could bear the others’ weight. While Candy continued wearing herself out with endless questions, Nitro and Tricky ziplined to safe ground, though the former almost broke the rope with the weight of his gear. It was only Candy and Frost left, and he was hurrying her up while ignoring all of her anxious questions as he placed a hook in her hand and guided her to the zipline to make sure she didn’t fall.

–I mean… We should just rescue the other team and stay behind, or just wait for backup and-...– Candy continued rambling while mindlessly following Frost’s instructions. She tried hugging him out of fear as she held both of her hands safely to make her grab the hook. But as she refused to move without getting a response first, Frost waited for the last possible moment to reply.

–It’ll be fine, I said…– Frost finally responded with a slightly mischievous smirk before pushing Candy off the wall, forcing her to zipline to save her life. She began screaming as she kept looking back at him without fully realizing she was mid-air, all while Frost laughed mockingly in the back.

After closing her eyes for a second to not look at the water, Candy screamed her way down to the other side of the moat, landing safely and standing with the rest of the team after her sister caught her. She looked around in confusion while Tricky tried to remove her hands from the hook. Once she realized she was alive, she stepped away from the rope just in time as Frost made his way over the moat. Since she had taken too long, he made sure not to land directly next to them by boosting himself on the rope and using his other blade to hook himself to the other side, as Kiwy did.

After a brief flight and almost losing control of his body in the air, Frost gracefully landed next to the squad, who didn’t even see him as he passed over them in a flash. Nitro and Kiwy cheered, to which Frost took a bow before casually untying the rope from his other blade and heading to the road that would lead them to their destination. With nothing left to do, the squad didn’t hesitate to follow him as they circled the moat and the city to head north and hopefully catch up to the other team in time.

| Yeah, didn’t have to stop me in the fire
See, I would have been happy on the side |

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