Eavesdropping On The Voice Of The Heart, At The Beginning, Yunxiao Raised His Sword And Cut Down Dingguangxian

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Beating Huo Ling, Duobao Exploded

Seeing the three thousand fire crows rushing towards him, Li Xiao was not in a hurry. He suddenly saw him shouting loudly, his whole body shone with rune, and he rushed straight towards the fire crows.

Madonna of Fire Spirit was stunned for a moment, then sneered all over her face.

But it turned out that the fire crow of the Holy Spirit of Fire is not ordinary fire. It is a real fire made by gathering the power of the sun. Although it is not as ferocious as the real fire of the sun, it is also extremely powerful.

Li Xiao was so arrogant that he fought with his flesh. This is not courting death, but what is it?

But what happened at The next moment made the Madonna of Fire Spirit a little stunned.

I saw Li Xiao rune flying all over his body, and his fire crow rushed to Li Xiao’s body, splashing circles of divine light ripples, but Li Xiao couldn’t help it.


The Virgin of Fire Spirit stared so beautifully that she could hardly believe her own eyes.

Is that human being?

He actually carried his real fire with his flesh?

In the whole world, I am afraid that only those stunned youths from the Wu clan can do it, right?

But Li Xiao, a scumbag, did it, which made her a little unbelievable.

Just when Madonna of Fire Spirit was stunned, Li Xiao’s figure flashed to the front of Madonna of Fire Spirit.

The Lady of Fire Spirit was startled, and hurriedly patted her forehead, the golden rosy crown above her head shone with rays of light thirty to forty feet, so dazzling and compelling that it was hard to open your eyes.

But at this moment, a faint purple light appeared in Li Xiao’s eyes.

No matter how dazzling the glow of the rays of the sun, Li Xiao’s eyes could not be illuminated.

Dao Shentong can penetrate all falsehoods, and the radiance of the mere golden glow is naturally not a problem.

The next moment, Our Lady of Fire Spirit was horrified to discover that Li Xiao was charging directly at her.

“you you you……”

Madonna of Fire Spirit was stunned, her tongue bent, and she was speechless.

“What are you? You bastard, you should be beaten!”

Li Xiao’s eyes twitched and he glared at the Madonna of Fire Spirit. With an angry shout, he stretched out his big hand and slapped the Madonna of Fire Spirit’s pretty face.


The big-eared scraper was crisp and loud, and the poor Madonna of Fire Spirit was directly slapped by Li Xiao’s big-eared scraper, and fell back and forth diagonally, I don’t know how many thousands of miles it fell.

“You…you dare to hit me?”

Madonna of Fire Spirit managed to stabilize her figure, only to see her pretty face swollen into a pig’s head, blood on the corner of her mouth, and disheveled hair, in stark contrast to her previous holy appearance.

“Hmph, how come Pindao dare not hit you?”

Li Xiao walked on the waves with his hands behind his back, seemingly slow, but in fact extremely fast.

The Madonna of Fire Spirit was startled and looked intently, The next moment, Li Xiao had appeared in front of Madonna of Fire Spirit, almost touching her pretty face.


Madonna of Fire Spirit exclaimed.


Without waiting for any reaction from Madonna of Fire Spirit, Li Xiao stretched out his big hand and pulled out another big ear scraper.

On the other side of Madonna of Fire Spirit’s pretty face, she was sturdyly hit by a big ear scraping, and she was directly swept away again. It was like a stone thrown out on the sea, bouncing back and forth, about thirty or forty times, and the fire The Holy Virgin was able to stabilize her figure.

Looking at the Madonna of Fire Spirit at this time, a pretty face was swollen into a pig’s head. I am afraid that Duobao Daoist is here at the moment, and he does not dare to recognize that this is his own apprentice.

The Lady of Fire Spirit was frightened and angry, glared at Li Xiao, and gritted her teeth: “Li Xiao, you…you…”

“Hmph, how dare you commit the following crime? It’s taboo to call this seat by your name?”

Li Xiao stepped forward, and came to the front of the Madonna of Fire Spirit again, stretched out his big hand, and another big ear scraper fan out, directly flying the Madonna of Fire Spirit fan upside down again.

The poor Madonna of Fire Spirit stood up, her hair was disheveled, blood spurted from her mouth, and two of her front teeth were knocked out. She spoke out of breath, looked at Li Xiao in horror, and exclaimed, “You can’t shake the pot… …”

Saying that, Madonna of Fire Spirit turned around, turned into a streamer, and hurried to Jinao Island to escape.

“Humph, what a thing!”

Li Xiao spit in the direction where the Holy Spirit of Fire escaped, hesitated, and walked towards Jinao Island.

This time, he hit the Madonna of Fire Spirit, and the Madonna of Fire Spirit must have gone to Jinao Island to find Daoist to complain.

He can’t let the Madonna of Fire Spirit talk nonsense!


We have to strike first!

So, Li Xiao also went to Jinao Island.

On the other side, Our Lady of Fire Spirit came to Duobaobee and cried to Duobaobee: “Teacher, please be the master for your disciple, please be the master for your disciple, woo woo…”

Duobao Daoist came out and saw a Virgin of Fire Spirit with a pretty face swollen like a pig’s head.

“Reporting to the teacher, the disciple is the fire spirit, woo woo woo…”

Our Lady of Fire Spirit said aggrieved.

Duobao Daoist looked at Our Lady of Fire Spirit and exclaimed, “This… Fire Spirit, how did you become like this? This, this… What happened?”

Madonna of Fire Spirit hurriedly knelt down on the ground and cried loudly: “Teacher, this disciple left Jinao Island this time, and met Li Xiao, who grabbed the disciple’s Daluo Zhuguo, but the disciple was angry, so he went up I had a theory with him before, who would have thought that that fellow would beat up the disciple and made the disciple look like this, and asked the teacher to be the master of the disciple, to be the master of the disciple, woo woo…”

When Duobao Daoist heard this, he was instantly fried, the anger in his chest was aroused all of a sudden, his eyes were red, and he roared: “Well, Li Xiao, you dare to bully the disciple of the poor Daoist, and the poor Daoist will not agree with him. Take a break, go, Huo Ling, follow the teacher to find Li Xiao’s fellow!”

“is teacher!”

Our Lady of Fire Spirit was overjoyed, got up hurriedly, and went forward with Daoist Daoist.

When he arrived in front of Biyou Palace, Duobao Daoist saw that Li Xiao had entered Biyou Palace, gritted his teeth, cupped his hands and said, “Teacher, disciple Duobao asks to see you!”

“come in!”

From the Biyou Palace came the majestic voice of the Tongtian Sect Master.

Duobao Daoist led the Virgin of Fire Spirit, pushed the door and walked in.

After entering the Biyou Palace, the Master Tongtian saw the appearance of the Fire Spirit Virgin, and he couldn’t help shaking his eyes fiercely, and asked, “Huo Ling, you…what’s the matter with you?”

Our Lady of Fire Spirit hurriedly knelt down on the ground and cried loudly: “Master, please be the master for the disciple…”

Then, Madonna of the Fire Spirit recited what happened before.

Of course, what she said was that Li Xiao robbed her of Da Luo Zhuguo and beat her.

Duobao Daoist turned his head and glared at Li Xiao fiercely, and said angrily, “Li Xiao, as an elder, how can you give such a heavy hand to Junior? You…you can’t be bullied by being a poor man?”

Li Xiao raised his brows, looked at Duobao Daoist with a playful look, and pouted, “Eldest brother, why did you say this?”

Duobao Daoist snorted coldly and said solemnly: “Humph, fifth junior brother, why do you think the poor Daoist said this?”

With that said, Duobao Daoist looked back at the Master Tongtian, knelt down on the ground, and cried, “Please also ask the teacher to be the master of my master and apprentice, to be the master of my master and apprentice…”

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