East Meet West

Chapter 34: Still Soft.

34- Still Soft.

Although, I can increase my ‘Sense’ or ‘Intelligence’ stat again, I did not do so, because I feel that saving ‘Free stat Points’ will be better in case of emergency. Although I have more than 40 ‘Free stat Points’, but my reasoning tells me saving should be good thing for now instead of spending. Maybe the ‘Intelligence’ stat improved my thinking ability.

(*Please, no need to comment ‘Yeah you should increase more ‘Intelligence’ stat as you need it’ or something like that*)

As for increasing ‘Defense’ and ‘Resistance’ stat, that would be put on hold for now because of the poison; as now my ‘Resistance’ stat cannot be increased and the ‘Defense’ stat works better with ‘Resistance’ stat. So, I don’t want to disturb that, and for now I can only let it increase as I level up.

As for the ‘Stamina’ and ‘Charm’ stat, I feel that it will be of no use. Especially ‘Charm’ stat, as I don’t think I will be finding any females to make them fall for me, well leaving this Lolli who is healing herself. (I cannot get a little girl fall for me, right?), and I don’t want to get animals to fall for me. So, put the ‘charm’ stat on hold for now.

Done thinking about my stats, I turned my attention to the little girl/ Loli or Lolitha.

Maybe the little girl sensed me or something like a coincidence, she also looked at me. So, I said,

“Hey if you are feeling ok, then I will take my leave. Good bye”

after saying that I turned and started walking in the direction from which I came, So that I can trace back the way I entered the ‘Inner area of the Dark forest’ and reach the outer area. At least I should stay in less dangerous area.

Now, people might think that me leaving a little girl in this forest alone, is not how a human should behave and have at least some morals...and all bullshit.

But let me remind something: that this is a cultivation world, where strength is what counts but having intelligence is also a must.

Or it would be like justifying the statement

‘All Brawns and No Brain’

Having Strength is an important factor, but to back that up Intelligence is also an important thing. Because who knows, when someone close to you backstabs you because of greed.

If I stay with this girl, I am sure that it would be easier to travel. And it looks like she has a good strength too. Plus, she has that pitiful appearance of a pure kid, which makes people have an urge to protect her and stay with her.

But that doesn’t give me relief, instead it makes me vigilant towards her.

Because with the strength I have right now, I am not sure that I can win against her. Although I killed the Evolver guard, but it was a sneak attack and the guard’s attention was on the little girl.

But if i fight either the Guard or this little girl, I am not sure that I can be safe and may even get injured or die in a one on one fight.

And while travelling together, if we encounter a treasure or face a danger, then I am sure that before I could react my head and body would be separated. Plus, I will have to guard myself even in the sleep from any animal, human and my companion.

So, instead of all that it's better to separate here.


I just walked few steps, when I heard the little girl’s call.


Hearing the call, I turned around and heard her continue

“Are you going out of the forest?”

Asked the little girl.

“Yes, I want to get out of this forest. But first, I hope to exit from Inner area as soon as possible.”

I replied to the little girl.

Hearing my answer, the little girl smiled and asked again

“Can you also take me out of the forest? As you know I am also lost in this forest and want to get out of here”

Hearing her asking me to take her out of this forest, I could not find any suitable reason to decline. Because if I were to tell her directly that

‘Sorry I cannot take you along with me, as I am scared of your strength and do not trust you’ or something like that.

I don’t know how she will react and anyway I am not going to tell that because it feels like a cowardly line.

Seeing my hesitation visible on my face, the little girl once again hurriedly said

“Please take me out of here, I am scared and lost in this forest. And I don’t want to encounter a strong monster or human who will attack and kill me. You also saw that this man wanted to do bad things with me and If you had not helped me, then I would have been killed”

With that the little girl’s eyes were moist and she continued

“Please take me along with you; although I am injured, I promise I won’t be a burden”

Finally, a tear came out of her eyes and flowed along her cheeks.

Seeing her pleading and tearful eyes, I can only sigh and say inwardly

‘My heart is still soft. Ok this will be last time I am going to do something like this.’

So, wanting to stop her from crying, I quickly replied,

“Alright, don’t cry. I will take you out of this forest. But remember after exiting the forest, you and I go our own separate ways”

Hearing my reply, the little girl quickly wiped her tears and smiled happily

“Yes, thank you”

Said the little girl.

Hearing her reply I nodded and sighed inwardly.

Then we moved in the direction from which I came earlier.


The little girl who was following behind Orochi, was grinning watching his back.

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