East Meet West

Chapter 297: Discussion With The Bandits

297- Discussion with the Bandits

Gold Powder is used in different arrays and formations, as it has a good ability to react and conduct Spiritual Qi smoothly, which helps the formation or an array to run continuously without any interruptions.

So, according to the steps mentioned in the book, Orochi put some portion of Gold Powder in a bowl and poured some ‘Coral Spring water’ into it, and mixed them thoroughly. His mode of operation was similar to how people used to grind and make ink when modern pens were not available and things like feathers were used to write.

After confirming that the ‘ink’ made from ‘Gold Powder’ and ‘Coral Spring Water’ blended properly into a perfect state, Orochi took out a thin brush and dipped it in the bowl.

The thin brush was made of special materials and was quite expensive when he bought it from the Golden Chamber of Commerce, especially its nib which was made from the fur of a Silver Fox, that had reached the Super Human stage.

Then according to the instructions written in the book, Orochi started to draw various symbols and inscriptions on the ground.

Orochi had some practice in his free time, so his efficiency and accuracy all are quite good.

Not to mention, the system has already given him a message regarding his proficiency in drawing the Red Grade Level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array- which has reached as high as 72%.

Meanwhile, the other 4 Spiritual Qi gathering arrays have already reached a higher level and are close to perfection.

In simple words, the lower the grade of an array, the easier it gets to master and perfect the array.

And the same goes for Orochi and other cultivators who want to step into the path of becoming an Array and Formation Guru. But with the advantage provided by the system, he can easily master these formations and arrays at a quicker pace when compared to others.

It took Orochi almost 4 hours to draw the Red Grade Level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array and fortunately, he did not make any kind of mistake.

Actually, even with the proficiency of 72%, it took him so long to draw the array is because formations are quite simple and easy when compared to arrays that are formed after many formations are combined together.

If it is said that a talented person, who wants to walk on the path of Array and Formation Guru, wants to learn a Red Grade Level 1 Formation and a Red Grade Level 1 Array, then that person will take at least 5-10 days to learn the Formation properly and nearly 1-2 months to learn the Array of the same grade and level.

It is said that if one wants to draw a Red Grade Level 1 Array, then they need to be able to draw at least a perfect Red Grade Level 2 formation or have the ability to draw Red Grade Level 3 formation, and needs to have a strong foundation in the field of Formations and Arrays with strong mental fortitude, because while drawing Array or Formations one needs to be completely focused and efficient, as any small distraction or mistake might lead to different kinds of consequences.

And as Orochi’s accomplishments have reached such a level and he is able to draw a Red Grade Level 5 Array with such proficiency and efficiency, it can easily be concluded that when he embarks on the path of Formation and Array Guru, he will easily reach higher levels.

And just after he finished drawing the Red Grade level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array, the system notification rang,


‘Congratulations to host. The proficiency of Red Grade Level 5 Spiritual Qi gathering array has increased to 73%.’


Orochi then placed about 100 Low grade energy stones in various places which are also called the nodes of the array. And just after he placed the last low grade energy stone in its respective node, the whole array got activated instantly and suction power was formed in the surroundings.

Orochi could feel air gathering around the array, which was mixed with Spiritual Qi present in the atmosphere.

After the array got activated, he let it accumulate Spiritual Qi to its limit as that will be the moment when he will make his breakthrough, so Orochi got back to the place where everyone was at.

By the time Orochi got back and met up with June and Armelia, most of the bandits had already woken up but as they were tied up, they couldn’t make any struggles, other than making sounds with their closed mouths.




Orochi attracted everyone’s attention.

“Well, you guys might be wondering who am I? Why did I capture you guys? What is my purpose? And all such questions will be answered soon if you guys cooperate with me.”

Hearing this, the struggling group bandit stopped and looked at Orochi.

But of course, some bandits were not willing to cooperate and still tried to struggle.




So, for such people, Orochi decided to make them an example and show what happens to those who disobey him.

Looking at the struggling bandits, Orochi’s eyes turned cold and he walked to them with a knife in his hands. And without any warning or wasting any words, Orochi simply killed them.



After killing a total of 5 bandits, Orochi stopped and coldly looked at the remaining bandits.

The whole area was covered in silence and every bandit looked at Orochi with fear, anger, shock, and various such emotions.

The killed bandits were their companions; they ate together, laughed together, drank together, stole together, even ra*ed together, but now they turned into corpses. But no one made any kind of noise, because they knew that the person who killed their companions is a very ruthless guy and will surely kill them if they struggle again.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him and no one disturbed the scene, Orochi smiled and spoke,

“Well, I don’t like it when people don’t listen to my words and act as if they were deaf.”

“I clearly told everyone that I want full cooperation, but some of your companions turned a deaf ear to my words. So, this is the result.”

“So, let this be the first and last warning to everyone present here.”

“Coming back to the reason why I captured your bandit group is that I was looking for a group of ruthless people who could do almost anything for money.”

“And I know that you bandits are the people who meet my requirements.”

“So, here is the deal, I want you guys to do a small work for me.”

“Don’t worry, the work is very simple and you guys will surely love it. And of course, after the work is completed, I will spare your lives and may even return your treasury and storage rings.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the leader of the bandit’s group shrank and he looked at Orochi with anger and resentment.

“And if you do the work given by me properly, I will even award you guys 1000 low grade energy stones.”

With that said, Orochi started to take off the clothes that were blocking their mouths and then continued speaking,

“So, what’s your answer?”

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