East Meet West

Chapter 284: EXP Rations 1

284- EXP Rations 1

After Orochi reached the Border city, he had some urge to enquire the news about the beast tide and things related to it, but the desperate need to increase his strength and quickly reach the Transformation realm suppressed that urge and he made his way towards the Dark Forest.

After reaching the Dark Forest, Orochi did not waste his time in searching for prey to hunt and increase his EXP, instead, he hurried deep into the Dark Forest because he had already found a suitable location for the hunt.

And the location was near the small mountain where Orochi practiced his magic skills. And the target for his hunting was the group of Purple Hide Crocodiles inside the river next to the small mountain.

So, when Orochi reached the location, he quietly observed the river and with both ‘Thermal Vision’ and X-Ray Vision, Orochi found 4 crocodiles floating at the surface of the river, while another 5 were hidden inside the water.

And in these 9 Purple Hide Crocodiles, only 2 had reached the Demi-Monster stage and both of them were at the Mid Level.

As for the rest, there were 5 crocodiles who had reached the Evolver stage and 2 crocodiles of Refinement stage.

After making confirm that there were no other monsters hidden nearby, Orochi pointed his finger at one of the Demi-Monster stage crocodiles and then,

‘Magic Bullet’

A small white projectile shot out from the tip of his finger and it flew rapidly, as a bullet fired from a gun.


Within a fraction of a second, it pierced the head of the crocodile. And just a small piercing sound was produced which failed to attract the attention of surrounding crocodiles.


‘Host has killed a Demi-Monster Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+5830 EXP’


‘Host has leveled up’

Previously, Orochi had killed a few Purple Crocodiles, so he is completely aware of their internal structure, especially the location of their heart and brain.

And practicing for so many days, he got good results such that Orochi has good control of his magic attacks that too with a proper aiming ability.

So, the ‘Magic Bullet’ accurately penetrated the brain of Purple Crocodile and it died very quickly.

Due to the ‘Magic Bullet’, a finger sized hold was formed on its head and the body of the Demi-Monster crocodile flinched for a second, and then it slowly sank deep into the water.

And this small situation was able to attract the attention of other crocodiles as they looked at the sinking body with some confusion and vigilance. And the hidden Purple Hide Crocodiles also appeared on the surface of the water.

But this momentary gap in their defense gave another opportunity to Orochi.

He lifted both his hands and spread all his 10 fingers, such that 8 of his fingers were aimed at the 8 remaining Crocodiles...

‘Magic Bullet’ x 8



Once again, 8 small white projectiles shot out and penetrated the bodies of 8 crocodiles.






‘Tch... this move still needs to be practiced.’

Orochi muttered in his heart because simultaneously controlling, aiming, and firing ‘8 Magic Bullets’ is not an easy task. And even with Orochi’s expertise, he still couldn’t master it.

And because of it, only 3 Purple Crocodiles died while the remaining 5 crocodiles received various degrees of injuries.


‘Host has killed a Peak Refinement Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+2150 EXP’


‘Host has killed a Low-Level Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+3200 EXP’


‘Host has killed a Low-Level Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+3300 EXP’


‘Host has leveled up’


Because of the first anomaly found in the Demi-Monster Stage crocodile, the group of Purple Hide crocodiles were already vigilant, so when Orochi attacked again, they were able to spot Orochi’s location quickly.




The remaining group of Purple Hide Crocodiles roared loudly and looked at Orochi with anger. Of course, one of the Evolver stage Crocodiles was quite severely injured, so it backed away and hid behind the group.

After the group of purple hide Crocodiles roared, they did not immediately attack, instead, they continued to roar as if they were trying to call out their remaining companions inside the nest.

But Orochi did not stop, he shot a few more ‘Magic Bullets’ towards the group of crocodiles, but this time he only used 2 fingers.



But of course, the Purple Hide Crocodiles also had survival instincts and they felt a huge threat from Orochi, so they would constantly move around or dive deep into the water to hide.

And because of this, Orochi missed a few shots and could only injure them.

Within just 5 seconds, another 2 Evolver Stage Crocodiles got converted into Orochi’s Exp ration.


‘Host has killed a Mid-Level Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+3900 EXP’


‘Host has killed a Mid-Level Evolver Stage Purple Hide Crocodile’

‘+3850 EXP’


‘Host has leveled up’


Seeing the death of their companions, the crocodiles got frightened and they dived deep into the river.

Seeing, this Orochi frowned because the size of ‘Magic Bullets’ might look small, but the power and speed behind them is not something that should be underestimated. Not to mention, to achieve such feats lots of MP is required. But now, the remaining 3 crocodiles have dived deep into the river, then he will miss more shots because of one of the Physics phenomena – Refraction.

He has fired about 25 ‘Magic Bullets’ and that has used up about 100,000 of his MP, not to mention he has to control the output, properly aim, etc.



Suddenly, a few more roars rang from the foot of the small mountain.

Orochi turned his head to see more than dozen Purple Hide Crocodiles coming out of their nest, which is located deep inside the foot of the small mountain.

This group of Purple Hide crocodiles got alarmed by the earlier calls and they immediately rushed out to meet the enemies.

And when they saw Orochi standing close to the river, they immediately locked him as their target and charged at him.

Seeing this, Orochi smiled in relief.

Actually, any attacks like ‘Magic Bullets’, are quite taxing on Orochi, but if the targets are on the land, then he can easily use the Elemental magics and they are less taxing on Orochi.

And the next thing that Orochi saw made his smile wider.

Because he saw that another 10 or 11 Purple Hide Crocodiles rushed out and joined the charge that was going after Orochi.

And the 3 crocodiles that hid inside the river heard the noise of their companions, they resurfaced and frantically swam towards the shore as if they wanted to join the small army of Purple Hide Crocodiles and charge together.

Seeing this, Orochi did not stop them and slowly backed away from the river’s shore.

He wanted to pull all the crocodiles away from the river so that they will not escape into the river once again.

And just like Orochi wanted, the small army of Purple Hide crocodiles moved along and they followed Orochi. And when they saw Orochi escaping at such a slow speed, a kind of confidence grew in their hearts and they roared loudly.






As if declaring to the world and Orochi,

‘How dare you kill our companions, now we will show you the consequences of that as we tear your body into small pieces and eat it.’





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