East Meet West

Chapter 271: Orange Grade Material- Brown Thunder Crystal

271- Orange Grade Material- Brown Thunder Crystal

Soon, the next item that Orochi wanted to acquire finally appeared.

Lehri Dhun introduced the next item,

“Next item for today’s auction is the Brown Thunder Crystal.”

Hearing this, Orochi attentively looked towards the stage.

Since he has no limitations with the number of Elements he can have, Orochi has many Primary and Secondary elements in his body, such as Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Light, Ice, Wood, Metal, Thunder, Dark, and Lightning.

Unlike normal people, who can only have 5 elements. Including the 4 common Primary elements- Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind elements, that everyone has. While another single secondary element.

The reason why Orochi can have so many secondary elements is due to the ‘Creation Space’ element, which has been linked with the Sorcerer Job.

Hence, Orochi has the freedom to acquire and own as many secondary elements as possible.

But during the time while he was practicing with magic attacks; other than Fire, Water, and Wind Elements, he started to face different problems when he used magic related to other elements, including the Earth element.

Like if he wants to cast magic related to Ice or Thunder or Wood element, then he is unable to cast them.

And the system would show a message,


“Host’s Body has a low concentration of Ice Element energy. Please increase it with external materials.”



“Host’s Body has a low concentration of Thunder Element energy. Please increase it with external materials.”



“Host’s Body has a low concentration of Wood Element energy. Please increase it with external materials.”

As for the other elements such as Lightning, Metal, Light, and Dark; the magic books related to them have not yet been unlocked, so he has no way yet to know if they also have similar problems.

Hence, when he remembered that a Brown Thunder Crystal was listed in the catalog of the auction, Orochi decided to get his hands on it and see if it comes under ‘External materials’ mentioned by the system and whether it can help him.

The Brown Thunder Crystal is found in a place where the thunder concentration is high.

It is formed by a natural process in which the thunder crashes down to the earth and reacts with the stones and rocks present.

It is said that only when a rock or stone could receive the baptism of thunder at least 1000 times, then there is a chance for the formation of the brown thunder crystal.

Hence, finding a Brown Thunder Crystal is very rare and it is quite expensive to obtain it.

The Brown Thunder Crystal has crazy demand in the market as it can be used in many ways such as, in weapons, formations and arrays, artifacts and armor refining, and even in cultivation.

Actually, people who have thunder element as their 5th element, desperately need items or materials which are thunder attributed for their cultivation. And thunder element cultivators are known for their strength.


Actually, Orochi is able to cast Earth Magic, but the problem is, even the smallest Earth Magic requires a huge amount of MP.


After Lehri Dhun finished giving some information about the Brown Thunder crystal, she picked up a wooden box and opened it.

Inside the wooden box, 3 brownish crystals were stored.

The brownish crystals were about the size of an egg.

Inside the brownish crystal, a faint bluish-colored light could be observed.

The brownish crystal was the Brown Thunder crystal.

Lehri Dhun showed the brown thunder crystals to everyone, as she continued,

“As you can see, today our Golden Chamber of Commerce is auctioning 3 Brown Thunder Crystals. And all 3 Brown Thunder Crystals will be auctioned together as a set and not separately. Each of the Brown Thunder Crystal is an Orange Grade level 1 material.”

“Also please note that the Brown Thunder Crystal can be used to make weapons, formations, and arrays. Also, it is of great help to those who cultivate Thunder element.”

Hearing this, many people nodded and there were also few who expressed their desire for the Brown Thunder Crystal.

Lehri Dhun continued,

“So, the starting price of these 3 Brown Thunder Crystals is 450,000 Gold coins. And each increase in bid must be higher than ten thousand gold coins.”

“Now, please make your bids...”

As soon as her voice fell, there was a momentary silence in the auction hall because such a huge price is not something ordinary people or free cultivators can afford.

But the people sitting in the VIP room will not back down when it comes to spending money to get something as precious as Brown Thunder Crystal.

“460,000 Gold Coins”

“475,000 Gold Coins”

“4950,000 Gold Coins”

“510,000 Gold Coins”

“520,000 Gold Coins”



Within a minute, the bidding price crossed 900 thousand gold coins and was slowly approaching the 1 million gold coin mark.

“1 million Gold Coins”

Finally, someone from gold room no. 1 raised the bid to 1 million gold coins.

When this price was called out, most of the competition died down, but few people still made their bids,

“1.01 million Gold Coins”

“1.03 million Gold Coins”

“1.04 million Gold Coins”



A three-party bidding war was going on among the people sitting in Gold Room No. 1, Gold Room No. 3, and Gold Room No. 7.

Orochi knew the identities of those people sitting in Gold Room No. 3 and Gold Room No. 7.

In Gold Room No. 3, someone from the City Lord mansion is attending the auction.

And in the Gold Room No. 7, the Vice Deputy of the Garuda Mercenary Group is seated.

The identities of both parties are extraordinary, especially in the eyes of ordinary people.

People from the City Lord Mansion do not need to be introduced.

Since the City lord is appointed by the Royalty of the Windy Kingdom, the City Lord is the person with the highest authority and power in this city, and he can also be considered a small King in this city.

So, of course, the people serving the City Lord and/or are part of the City Lord’s mansion, enjoy many privileges and receive respect in this city.

As for the Garuda Mercenary group, it is also a powerful faction in the Windy Country, with their headquarters situated in this Border City.

They are a huge force that undertakes many missions like guarding, escorting goods, hunting, etc. And their main force is usually situated near the outskirts of the Dark Forest. Many members of the Garuda Mercenary group are people who bathe in the blood of monsters every day.

They are a faction that many people don’t dare to offend.

And it is also rumored that the head of the Garuda Mercenary Group has reached the Actualization Stage.

With such cultivation, nobody dares to mess him and even the Kingdom’s people will give 3 point face to such a character.

As for the identity of the person sitting in Gold Room No. 1, Orochi doesn’t know it.


Soon the price stopped at 1.2 million gold coins, and it was made by the person sitting in Gold Room No.1.

From the sound of whoever made the bid, it can be determined that the speaker is a man, not young but not so old.

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