East Meet West

Chapter 262: Eat, Sleep, Cultivate/ Practice and Repeat 1

262- Eat, Sleep, Cultivate/ Practice and Repeat 1


‘The current dantian’s grade is Golden [Rank 1].’

‘Current conversion ratio of World’s spiritual qi to Host’s spiritual qi is 4:1.’

‘It can store about 34223 units of spiritual qi.’


Orochi realized that since only his Dantian’s rank has increased and his overall cultivation did not increase and is still at the High Level Demi-Human stage, so that’s why he gained a small number of stats.

Then Orochi found that next to the word ‘Golden’, the ‘Rank 1’ title is now added.

But the good news is that his Dantian’s purifying ability has now increased to 4:1. So, that means his Spiritual Qi will be more condensed, pure, and thick.

And its overall characteristics have reached the same level as those peak Demi-Human stage cultivators with mediocre Dantian Potential of Rank 4.

But of course, the storage capacity of his Dantian has only increased by a small amount. Previously it was between 27,000 to 28000. But now, it has increased to 34,223 units.

Which when compared to those mediocre peak Demi-human stage cultivators, is very low.

But anyhow, he is happy with this growth and changes. As it signifies, that at least he belongs to the group of people with good potential.

And he is now a person, who is special among 1000 other humans.

And there is still a chance of growth.

With that excitement, Orochi got up and stepped out of his room.

Why? Why not continue cultivation.

Because there is a small drawback after consuming Stalactite milk that is- it energizes his body and gives him the sense of fullness which makes it harder to drink another dose of Stalactite milk and cultivate further.

Because of this, he has to exercise to digest all the energy that his body has absorbed.

Not to mention, because of drinking Stalactite milk, his body has returned to a normal state from his skinny skeleton look.

So, Orochi is now planning to get into good shape and get some muscles and... abs.

The dream of every young man.

Not to mention, he still has to learn the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’ and other fighting techniques & martial arts.

So, when he reached the courtyard, he found that both Armelia and June were still in the courtyard.

June was sparring with Armelia.

Armelia had to give her all, while June was barely exerting any strength.

Without disturbing them, Orochi stood in a corner of the courtyard and exercised.






Maybe he won't see immediate results, but he is sure that soon he will get the physique that he always wanted in his previous life.

And then he started practicing the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’.

Since his Golden Dantian improved, the quality of the spiritual qi in his dantian, as well as the purity, degree of condensation, and amount of Spiritual qi stored, all increased greatly; hence, he was able to practice the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’ for a longer period.

Previously, if he was able to practice for 10 minutes until his dantian went empty, then he was now able to practice for 20 minutes.

So, it can be imagined how great changes did this evolved Golden Dantian bring to Orochi.

Unlike the previous time, while he was practicing on the cliff, he had to take small breaks every 10 minutes to recover the lost spiritual qi.

But now, he did not take any breaks.

Instead, he told the system to keep on supplying Spiritual Qi to his Dantian in small amounts by converting MP, and not to let the spiritual qi reserves in his dantian go below 70%.

So, when the system started executing this task, Orochi did not need to worry about emptying his dantian as it was constantly being supplied with Spiritual qi.

With this small help from the system, Orochi was able to practice the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’ for longer periods, and coupled with his over-the-top Stamina stat and Fatigue limit, he could go on for hours.

And like this, he continuously practiced for 3 hours straight, because his MP got lower than 5% and the MP recovery rate was not able to keep up with his consumption.

So, he had to stop for now and wait till his MP recovers completely, which according to his estimation will take 4 hours minimum.

But the results were not disappointing to Orochi.

Because an hour ago, his proficiency in the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’ had finally reached the Initial Stage and he was now properly able to deliver the first chop and it had the power of 400 Kilograms.

And after reaching the Initial Stage, he could start executing two machete chops continuously.

So, after all the practice in these 3 hours, his proficiency in the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’ has increased to 23%.

And in the second machete chop, the attack power reached as high as 440 kilograms. An attack power strong enough to seriously injure those in-between Mid Level Demi-Human stage to Peak Demi-Human stage. As for those below these levels, they will be simply killed.

Getting a proficiency of 23% or mastering a fighting technique to the Initial stage might sound disappointing to anyone who hears it.

But if they knew that Orochi barely practiced the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’ for 6-7 hours only to reach such a level, then they would simply call him- MONSTER.

Yep, not the same Monster race. Just a general saying for those abnormal people with abnormal abilities.

Because you have to know that if it was someone else in Orochi’s place then they would at least take 3-4 weeks to gain such mastery in the same fighting technique,

But of course, if it was someone with higher cultivation such as those above the Actualization stage, they might be able to match up to Orochi’s speed of learning.

But it also has to be noted that Orochi is still at the high level Demi-Human stage.

So, it can be understood how savvy his learning capabilities are.

But of course, there is no shortage of geniuses in this world, so of course, there should be a group of people who can match or even surpass Orochi in such fields.

But then again, Orochi still hasn’t increased his Stats... and if he does increase them, then to what extent his learning capabilities will grow...it can only be left to one’s imagination.


After he was done with his practice, he looked at his appearance which was now messy.

His clothes were fully drenched in sweat and even his hair was sticking to his clothes and skin.

Not to mention, the sweat was mixed with all the dust, that was produced during his practice.

All this made him feel uncomfortable since he has stopped practicing.

So, he decided to take a bath and once again start cultivating.

Armelia and June were done with their spar and were now taking a small break and watching Orochi’s practice.

Orochi greeted them and told; he was going to get himself washed.

But Armelia suddenly wanted to help him.

Seeing this, both June and Orochi got stunned.

June snorted and Orochi smiled with embarrassment while thinking in his heart- Wifey is getting bolder and adventurous every day.

So, with that Armelia followed Orochi into the bathroom and the spring scenery of the couple continued for almost an hour.

[Author’s note: I picked up this word ‘Spring Scener’ from some Chinese . I felt this sounded quite new... :-P :-P]


Quick Recap:

Martial arts and Fighting techniques: Proficiency stages

So, people have divided the Mastery of Fighting Techniques into

Entry stage 1-5% (barely able to execute)

Starting stage 6-20%

Initial stage 21-49%

Advanced stage 50-89%

Success stage 90-99%

Perfection 100%


Quick Recap:

(Cultivation division)

1. Mortal realm

- Awakening stage

- Beginning stage

- Refinement stage: Skin Refinement Level, Muscle Refinement Level. Tissue Refinement Level, Organs Refinement Level, Bone Refinement Level

- Evolver stage (Low, Mid, High, Peak)

- Demi-human stage/ Demi-Monster stage (Low, Mid, High, Peak)

2. Transformation Realm

- Human Stage (Monster Stage)- 1 to 12 Levels

- Super Human stage (Super Monster stage)- 1 to 12 Levels

- Transmutation stage

- Actualization stage

- Fulfillment stage

3. Royalty Realm

- Soldier stage

- Warrior stage

- General stage

- Commander stage

- Lord stage

- Baron stage

- Viscount stage

- Earl stage

- Marquis stage

- Duke stage

- Grand Duke stage

- Prince stage

- Dominator stage

- King stage


[Further changes, will be introduced as the story progresses.]

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