Earth’s Doom Starts with… Me?

Chapter 52: New plan (4)

As soon as general Zhang locked me alone in the room, I immediately threw my handcuffs and my tracking bracelet into the painting. I was a bit unsure if they would notice me taking off the bracelet, but I was sure Elena could help, right?

"Alright. This should be fine... Now, I have to go complete a more pressing matter." I grinned.

I checked my quest window again to decide my next course of action.

[Quest: get a kill using the skill 'psychokinesis']

[Reward: 500 gold, 5 stat points]

Hmm, that seemed doable. Pretty easy, in fact. But, I wanted to try something with this quest.

"Luke, can you come out?" I whispered in a low voice.

[I said call me big brother Luke. Is your memory that bad, kid?]

My smile got wider once I saw a little white snake materialized in front of me. It slowly slithered towards me and wrapped itself around my shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah, big brother, whatever. I get it, you're old and grumpy." I ignored him and walked towards the window behind the only desk in the room.

[As I said--]

"Yup. You're almost the same age as me in human years. I know," I cut him off, "anyway, can you do some magic stuff with this?" I pointed towards the window.

[Do you seriously expect me to teleport us beyond the window or something?] He looked at me as if I just said something ridiculous. Well, I just thought I'd ask, since magic could do some funky stuff in this world, right?

"Can't be helped, then, if you can't. Watch your eyes." I ripped off one of the curtains and wrapped it a few times around the edge of a chair.

[What? My eyes?]

"I'm going to vandalize this window. Watch out for shards."


As I thought, this was a double-glazed window. Simply hitting it in the corner did the trick. Furthermore, the sound was quieter than I thought. Thank god they use curtains here, they were pretty okay as a muffler if you couldn't find a blanket or something.

[Oh, nighttime stroll~] Luke hummed as he slithered through the crack on the edge of the window.

"Sort of." I grinned and broke the rest of the window until it was big enough for me to crawl over.

[Let's go, then.] He flicked his tail, as if inviting me to cross over already.

"No, no. We can't go leave the crime scene just like this." I laughed a little before I start to mess up the desk and bookshelves, not forgetting to take a few important-looking documents and other stuff.

[What the hell? Have you finally succumbed to your monkey instinct?] He asked.

"Ugh, you're one to talk when you're a literal snake," I frowned, "this is to cover it up. I made it look like a thief broke in and stole some stuff so we won't get suspected."

[You seem awfully sharp at this, kid. Are you a wanted felon? Should I report you to your parents?] He bombarded me with questions.

"Ahh, shut up. Why is a snake talking, anyway?" I grumbled as I crawled through the window, finally leaving the room. I didn't use gloves or erase my fingerprints, but they shouldn't have the technology yet, right? ...Or?

Anyway, I need to milk the hell out of these 2 to 3 days. As much as I'd like to discover the mysteries regarding the needle marks, I ultimately chose to strengthen myself first. Those shady needle tracks were not my problem, anyway.

"C'mon, big brother Luke. Let's go outside."


After sneaking around the town, we finally reached the gate. We hid behind the bushes, watching the guards from afar. Thankfully, it was already night time, so we were pretty well-concealed. Now the problem was how to get around the guards.

"Hmm..." I contemplated for a moment. Should we just knock them out and go for it? But what if we got caught?

[Hey, kid. What are you doing? Hurry up, use that.] He nudged me with his tail.

"Huh? That?" I tilted my head in confusion.

[Your psychokinesis, silly. Hurry.]

Oh, right. I forgot about my new skill, again.

A grin crept up my face as I suddenly thought up a perfect plan.


"What was that!?" A soldier shouted

"It came from outside!"

"So, a monster? But how did it get this close unnoticed!?"

I watched happily as the soldiers scrambled around in panic. If only they knew that they were making a fuss over a fallen tree. I just used my psychokinesis to pluck out a tree outside the walls, and drop it on another tree. There weren't any monsters involved.

"Go check it out! I'll stay here!"


The soldiers split up, leaving one guy behind to guard the gate.

"Tch. That guy's annoying. He's doing a great job, though. But annoying." I pouted.

[Don't worry. I got this. Watch me.] He winked at me before slithering off to wherever he wanted.

"What is he doing...?" I wondered. Oh well, let's just see. I better watch over the guy instead.

"KYAAA! Help me!!"

The hell? I quickly looked over to my right and found a shrieking woman a bit far from where the soldier was standing.

"A snake! Help meee!!" She screamed as she flailed around, trying to avoid the little white snake that was circling her feet.

"Ah! I'm coming, Miss!" The soldier quickly ran over to help her, leaving his post unguarded.

Nice, big bro! Be careful to not get stepped on, though!

I quickly dashed past the gate and slipped away as far as possible to not get caught. As soon as I managed to reach a forest area, I felt something started to materialize on my shoulder. And yep, as I thought, it was a little, adorable white snake.

[Ugh. That woman kicked me by accident.] He said grumpily.

"Haha. I must thank her later, then." I snickered.

[Don't be rude to your big bro. Weren't you taught by your parents?] He said as he poked my head repeatedly with his tail.

"Nope. Got no parents." I answered casually while I stopped to open up my quest window.

[Oh. I didn't know that.]

"Now you know." I shrugged him off and read my quest.

[Quest: get a kill using the skill 'psychokinesis']

[Reward: 500 gold, 5 stat points]

I grinned. Sometimes these quests are so vague it was annoying, but this time I was pretty glad to have a vague quest.

I picked up two stones using my skill, and kept them hovering around me as I observed my surroundings.

[Okay, what weird shit are you up to this time?] He sighed.

I stayed quiet and kept turning around, searching for something.

"Ah! There!" I pointed towards a butterfly that was flying nearby, and crushed it with both of my stones.


[You have completed your quest]

[Acquired 500 gold, 5 stat points]

[Quest: get 30 kills using the skill 'psychokinesis']

[Reward: 2000 gold, 5 stat points]

My eyes widened upon seeing the quest window before me. It actually worked. Killing an animal was counted.

"Ahahah!" I laughed happily. Man, if only all the quests were this easy.

[Don't laugh after killing an innocent butterfly, kid. Kinda creepy.] He poked my cheek.

Ah, right. He didn't know about my quest. Ah... I must've looked like an absolute lunatic who enjoyed killing insects.

I grimaced at the thought.

"Hmm... Twenty kills, huh?" I put my hand on my chin, "that ridiculously high number is probably to prevent me from killing more insects."

I grinned.

"But too bad, I won't stop." I crouched down and inspected the ground carefully.

[...At this point, you should just narrate your thoughts, kid. Or else I'm going to tell that white-haired dude to take you to a therapist.]

"Ugh, so you're a nagging big bro type," I frowned, "help me look for an ant's nest."

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